Pixel Scroll 3/24/20 A Robot Shall Not Stand Less Than Six Feet From A Human, Nor, Through Inaction, Let One Get That Close

(1) MAKE IT SO. Entertainment Weekly brings word that “All episodes of Star Trek: Picard are now free to non-subscribers”.  

More entertainment fodder for your shelter-in-place: Star Trek: Picard is now free to non-subscribers to CBS All Access.

Or, put more accurately: Non-paid subscribers. You’ll still have to sign up for the CBS streaming service to watch the show, but now there’s a coupon code that unlocks Picard: “GIFT.”

There are nine episodes from the show’s first season available now, and the season finale drops on Thursday.

(2) SIT LIKE A CAPTAIN. While you’re binge-watching, you might think about refurnishing your living room with an assortment of the “Commercially Available Chairs in Star Trek”.

Countless off-the-shelf office chairs, lounge chairs or car seats appeared in Star Trek productions. Here is a list of the models that we identified, among them many design classics.

See also a list of unidentified chairs and help us track their origin.

(3) WISCON. Today this year’s WisCon was cancelled:

We are currently working on an online event to replace it — a WisCOnline, if you will. More details will be coming in a second blog post by next Monday (March 30).

WisCon 45, in May 2021, will be a banger, with all the elements of WisCon 44 that we are unable to carry off online, as well as all of the normal elements of WisCon 45! More details will be coming soon on W45 as we confirm them; watch this space!

(4) TOLKIEN READING DAY IS MARCH 25. Actors, scholars and fans will participate in the livestreamed Tolkien Reading Day tomorrow. The Tolkien Collector’s Guide tells where to link up and who’ll be reading. The participants’ schedule is at the link (scroll down).

The live streaming event will take place on Discord, a wonderful service for audio and text chatting – a free account will be needed to participate. The link you will need for the event is https://discord.gg/ZJfh7xD if you want to participate in the live text chat or want to be a reader. If you just want to listen, the live stream should be available on YouTube, thanks to the excellent support of the German Tolkien Society (Deutsche Tolkien Gessellshaft e.V.) – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCerbg8qXXeiQEvxq7u6Kz6w

You are welcome to join in at any time, though there will not be any scheduled readings until March 25th. If you would like to schedule a time to read something, please contact me through private message and we will work it out. Open mic readings will take place all day long as well if you just want to drop in.

Some of the guest readers will be: Marcel Aubron-Bülles, Dr. Luke Shelton, John Garth, Carl Hostetter, Dr. Andrew Higgins, Jason Fisher, Brian Sibley, Chica Chubb (Japan), Dr. Sara Brown, Stephen Hunter (“Bombur” in The Hobbit movies), Bruce Hopkins (“Gamling” in The Lord of the Rings movies), Ted Nasmith, Verlyn Flieger, and Dr. Una McCormack

(5) KAYMAR. Fan artist Jose Sanchez is the winner of the 2020 Kaymar Award, given by the National Fantasy Fan Federation.

Jose’s artistic contributions have added brilliance to the covers of the N3F’s magazines, including N’APA, Tightbeam, and Eldritch Science. Three cheers for Jose’s contributions! And may they long continue!

(6) POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE INFLUENCES. In “How N.K. Jemisin’s The City We Became came to be”, Entertainment Weekly interviews he author about influences on the work.  

Jemisin cites the recent debates over the World Fantasy Award (which has traditionally been shaped as a bust of H.P. Lovecraft despite the “Call of Cthulhu” author’s public record of vile racism) as one of the main inspirations for The City We Became. That aforementioned “otherworldly threat” facing New York resembles both Lovecraft’s work and his life. The Enemy, as the characters refer to their many-headed foe, sometimes appears in the form of strange tentacled monsters (very reminiscent of Lovecraft’s signature Great Old Ones), but other times disguise themselves in human form as white gentrifiers and alt-right racists. Lovecraft himself lived in New York for a time, and documented in letters how repellent he found the city’s signature mix of people from all ethnicities and walks of life.

“It’s basically me mentally and spiritually engaging with the whole idea of how so much fantasy owes itself to Lovecraft, while overlooking his glaring flaws,” Jemisin says. “I also read some of his letters where you can see him just being horrifically racist, using the same language to refer to people in New York City the same way he refers to the Great Old Ones and Nyarlathotep and all the other creations of his. It’s kind of a deep dive into how pathological racists think. You cannot read Lovecraft without understanding that this is what’s in Stephen Miller’s head. There are all these people out there who sadly and horrifyingly now have positions of power, and they think of their fellow human beings this way.”

(7) UDERZO OBIT. Albert Uderzo (co-creator of Asterix) has died at 92 according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Astérix, which has a cult following, particularly in Europe, has also become a major film franchise, both in animated and live-action form. The property has spawned a number of cinematic adaptations, most notably 1999’s Asterix & Obelix Take on Caesar, starring Gerard Depardieu and Roberto Benigni.

Asterix debuted in October 1959 in the French magazine Pilote, created by René Goscinny and Uderzo. Two years later, the first stand-alone effort, Astérix the Gaul, was released. Since then, the series has gone on to sell more than 380 million copies, translated into more than 100 languages internationally. The duo collaborated on the comic until the death of Goscinny in 1977. Uderzo then took over the writing until 2009.

The Guardian accompanied its main obituary (“Asterix creator Albert Uderzo dies at 92”) with two sidebar articles about the comic and its creators:


  • March 24, 1946 The Shadow’s “The Walking Corpse” first aired. Like most of The Shadow stories aired after the brief glorious run of Orson Welles as The Shadow in the Thirties, little is known about who was involved it in though it is known that Eric Walker was the writer. We were unable to pin down who were the actors involved, nor who the sponsors were. If you listen to the episode, do tell us what you find out! 


[Compiled by Cat Eldridge.]

  • Born March 24, 1834 William Morris. Credited with creating the modern fantasy literature genre, he certainly wrote some of its earlier works, to note his epic poem The Earthly ParadiseThe Wood Beyond the World and The Well at the World’s End, plus his entire artistic motif fits nearly within a fantasy literature and artistic design that looks as if it was created by the Fey Themselves. All of his works can be found at the usual digital suspects, often at no cost. (Died 1896.)
  • Born March 24, 1874 Harry Houdini. His literary career intersects the genre world in interesting ways. Though it’s not known which, many of his works were written by his close friend Walter B. Gibson who as you know is the creator of The Shadow. And one famous story of his, “Imprisoned with the Pharaohs”, was actually ghost-written by Lovecraft! ISFDB lists another piece of genre fiction for him, “The Spirit Fakers of Hermannstad.” (Died 1926.)
  • Born March 24, 1897 Theodora Kroeber. Mother of Ursula K. Le Guin. Anthropologist. Ishi in Two Worlds is the work she’s most remembered for. ISFDB lists her as having but one genre work, a children book titled Carrousel with illustrations by Douglas Tait. (Died 1979.)
  • Born March 24, 1924 Peter George. Welsh author, most remembered for the late Fifties Red Alert novel, published first as Two Hours To Doom and written under the name of Peter Bryant. The book was the basis of Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. (Died 1966.)
  • Born March 24, 1930 Steve McQueen. He got his big break by being the lead, Steve Andrews, in The Blob. Setting aside the two different roles on Alfred Hitchcock Presents he had which are at least genre adjacent, The Blob is his only genre appearance in his brief life. (Died 1980.)
  • Born March 24, 1941 Henry Glassie, 79. Folklorist who’s the author of one of my all-time fav Christmas books, All Silver and No Brass: An Irish Christmas Mumming. I was delighted to see that ISFDB say he has two works of genre fiction, “Coals on the Devil’s Hearth“ and “John Brodison and the Policeman”. Both are to be found in the Jane Yolen anthology, Favorite Folktales from Around the World which is available at all the usual digital suspects.
  • Born March 24, 1946 Gary K. Wolfe, 74. Monthly reviewer for Locus for twenty-seven years now and yes, I enjoy his column a lot. His brief marriage to Ellen R. Weil which ended with her tragic early death resulted in them co-writing Harlan Ellison: The Edge of Forever.  Old Earth Books has reprinted many of his reviews done between 1992 and 2006 in  Soundings: Reviews 1992-1996. He’s also written several critical looks at the genre, Critical Terms for Science Fiction and Fantasy and The Known and the Unknown: The Iconography of Science Fiction.
  • Born March 24, 1946 Andrew I. Porter, 74. Editor, publisher, fan.  Major member of NYC regional fandom starting in the early Sixties. APA publisher and edition in mind boggling numbers with Algol: The Magazine About Science Fiction which became Starship. He won a Hugo for Best Fanzine in 1974, in a tie with Richard E. Geis. who was doing SFR. He sold Science Fiction Chronicle which he founded in May 1980 to DNA Publications in May 2000 and was fired in 2002. Algol/Starship lasted less than five years despite the exceedingly superb reading it was. He has won myriad awards, including the Big Heart Award at a recent Worldcon. He has attended hundreds of science fiction conventions and nearly forty Worldcons since his first in ‘63. He was Fan Guest of Honor at several conventions, including the 1990 Worldcon.
  • Born March 24, 1949 Tabitha King, 71. Wife of Stephen, mother of that writing brood. I met her but once on the lot of the original Pet Sematary a very long time ago. ISFDB to my surprise lists only two novels she’s written solely by herself, Small World and Wolves at the Door, and one with Michael McDowell, Candles Burning. None of her books are with her husband which surprised me. 


  • Lio explains to us why some aliens might wish to visit our planet: 
  • Half Full, using a Batman reference, proves again that English is a funny language.
  • The Argyle Sweater has a horror, and horrible, pun.
  • Grant Snider’s cartoon is not genre, but is apropos to the times.

(11) CALLING SHORT ORDER COOKS. The editorial team of Journey Planet is looking for articles, artwork, creative writing, or anything printable for their upcoming issue dedicated to DC’s Swamp Thing.  Anything related to that character in comics, film, and television — live action or animated — is all good.  They’ve received great submissions already. They’d like yours as well.  Send entries to Chuck Serface at [email protected] by April 1, 2020. The issue will appear shortly thereafter.

(12) FREE BOOK OFFER. To encourage folks to STAY AT HOME, Black Coat Press is now offering one free book to anyone who will write to them and request one! You have a choice between four titles:

Send them an email at [email protected] telling (1) which title you desire, and (2) if you want to receive it as a PDF or an EPUB file. That’s all! No strings! No archiving of email addresses! Please stay home!

(13) THE ROOTS OF HORROR. The Horror Writers Association is rolling out a “Haunted Library of Horror Classics”.

The Horror Writers Association (HWA) and Poisoned Pen Press, an imprint of SourceBooks, present the Haunted Library of Horror Classics, a line of reissued classic horror literature books from over the past 250 years. These books are recognized as literary masterpieces of their era and are either remembered today only through distorted theatrical or movie versions, have been relegated to academic study, or have otherwise been nearly forgotten entirely.

Series editors Eric J. Guignard and Leslie S. Klinger now bring back these seminal titles of the genre, making them easily available to modern readers!

(14) IT’S A LONG WAY FROM AMPHIOXUS. Earlier than even the earliest bird — “Fossil worm shows us our evolutionary beginnings”.

A worm-like creature that burrowed on the seafloor more than 500 million years ago may be key to the evolution of much of the animal kingdom.

The organism, about the size of a grain of rice, is described as the earliest example yet found in the fossil record of a bilaterian

These are animals that have a front and back, two symmetrical sides, and openings at either end joined by a gut.

The discovery is described in the journal PNAS.

The scientists behind it say the development of bilateral symmetry was a critical step in the evolution of animal life.

It gave organisms the ability to move purposefully and a common, yet successful way to organize their bodies.

A multitude of animals, from worms to insects to dinosaurs to humans, are organised around this same basic bilaterian body plan.

Scott Evans, of the University of California at Riverside, and colleagues have called the organism Ikaria wariootia.

(15) NOT JUST HAMBURGERS. “Could synthetic fish be a better catch of the day?” It’s not impossible…

…”Simply put, we are running out of fish,” says Daniel Pauly, a professor of fisheries at the Institute of Oceans and Fisheries at the University of British Columbia. “And the situation, the trend line, is getting worse every year.”

“Maybe centuries ago we could live off hunting for our food but we can’t live off hunting today and fishing is hunting. The notion of hunting in the 21st century to feed 10 billion people is absurd.”

A handful of start-up firms think they might have the answer. They are experimenting with growing fish “meat” in the lab.

Mainly based in Silicon Valley with a couple in Europe and Asia, they have developed techniques to extract fish stem cells and grow them into commercial quantities of edible flesh.

Stem cells are a type of cell, found in embryos or adult creatures – which can grow into a number of different specialised cells. They can grow into the muscle cells which make up most the parts of fish people like to eat.

(16) SORRY, WRONG NUMBER. Here’s how NASA dresses up its 404 error messages.

(17) COUNTRY AND MANDALORIAN WESTERN MUSIC. Funk Turkey’s “El Mando” is the sequel to “Big Mandalorian Iron”.

They’ve also released “The Jedi Went Down to Tattooine” –

What happens when you mix The Phantom Menace with Charlie Daniels? An outer rim ho-down, ya’ll. Strap in and enjoy this before the mouse yeets it.

(18) JIM BUTCHER DOUBLE PLAY. A new trailer for Peace Talks (the next Dresden) just came out — and at about the 1:49 mark of the trailer comes the announcement that another new Dresden, called Battle Ground, will be coming out in September of this year.

PEACE TALKS by Jim Butcher, Book 16 of the five-time #1 NYT Bestselling Dresden Files book series. Coming July 14th in hardcover, ebook, and audio formats from Penguin Random House.

And if that’s not enough for you, Andrew Liptak has rounded up “More Details From Jim Butcher and Priscilla Spencer on The Dresden Files Short Film and Surprise Book Announcement” at Tor.com.

[Thanks to Cora Buhlert, JJ, Cat Eldridge, Chip Hitchcock, Dann, Martin Morse Wooster, Mike Kennedy, Michael Toman, John King Tarpinian, Olav Rokne, Chuck Serface, Nina Shepardson, Darrah Chavey, Daniel Dern, Danny Sichel, Paul Di Filippo, Contrarius, and birthday boy Andrew Porter for some of these stories. Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Daniel Dern.]

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36 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 3/24/20 A Robot Shall Not Stand Less Than Six Feet From A Human, Nor, Through Inaction, Let One Get That Close

  1. Love the title

    (9) I’ve listened to Gary K. Wolfe’s Great Course “How Great Science Fiction Works” – recommended.

    Don’t let the Hand of Zei touch the Doors of his Face or the Lamps of His Mouth

  2. Ahem. Andrew Porter’s ultimately excellent Algol/Starship ran from 1963 to 1984, which is rather more than five years. Starship alone ran roughly five years after the title change.

  3. (1) Trying to decide if revealing myself as a potential customer to CBS (and their marketing team) is worth free episodes of Picard. Maybe I should hold out for more like some episodes of Discovery.

    (9) Also Alyson Hannigan’s birthday. Best known as Willow in Buffy and Lily Aldrin in HIMYM. Presently the host of Penn & Teller: Fool Us. Fun fact: In My Stepmother is an Alien, Hannigan’s young character’s crush is played by Seth Green who would later play her boyfriend in Buffy.

    And Kelly LeBrock who was the virtual dream girl in Weird Science and Jim Parsons who was Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory. Parsons also had a role in Hidden Figures.

    The lost Pixel Scroll edit of Cats.

  4. If Picard is “free” then why does CBS All access need my credit card? It’s a method of marketing that I find sleazy.

  5. The essay on the birth of Asterix has a … vigorous … description of the Roman Empire; I’m not sure I believe all of the LRB review summary as not-at-all-bad either, but there’s quite a contrast.

    @Jack Lint: boyfriend? I don’t remember Willow being bi — but it has been a while since the series.

  6. “The Jedi Went Down To Tatooine”–oh, that’s hilarious. 🤣

    (6) Good interview. My copy arrived today, and I’m getting ready to dive into it.

  7. Judge Magney: My father was born in your town, just a few years after you were mayor. You probably met.


    Listen closely, because I’m only gonna say this once:


    That is all.

    (A few of you may remember that both my username and avatar originated from my time on the old Butcher boards….)

  9. Funk Turkey are a group of really talented pickers. Their PHANTOM MENACE song is 10,000 times more entertaining than anything IN THE PHANTOM MENACE. I rate them and the group that did “The Child Is This” as first-rate musicians.,

  10. @Bonnie —

    Before Willow dated Tara, she was involved with a werewolf teen named Oz. I don’t remember which season? Second or third.

    Oz was on for a while — three years, in fact (1997-2000). Yes, I had to look that up. I loved that actor, Seth Green.

  11. Houdini also starred in the silent serial The Master Mystery, which had one of the first appearances of a robot/mechanical man on film.

  12. [9] William Morris, like Oscar Wilde, was also a socialist (unlike Wilde, both active and prominent in the movement), and like many a SCAdian I’ve known [myself included] saw no contradiction between that and his antiquarian and fantastic interests.

  13. According to a brief (of course) segment I saw on MinuteEarth, part of the problem with the fisheries is the size limits for catches, which are (predictably, in hindsight) breeding smaller fish! And smaller fish tend to lay fewer eggs. The show suggested that we’d be better off doing away with the size restrictions entirely, and, instead, maintain the same total volume of fishy harvest. But the existing rules are so firmly entrenched in maritime law that the chances seem slight at this point.

    So bring on the vatfish! I’m not much of a meat-eater at all these days, but I’m definitely willing to give it a try.

    While my pixel gently scrolls….

  14. Patrick Morris Miller on March 24, 2020 at 11:49 pm said:

    CoNZealand announces the con will take place online.

    Well this should be interesting.
    It will be hard to do but people from many places can help.

  15. Well this should be interesting.

    Only one of many new experiences for many of us.
    For those wondering about NZ’s internet infrastructure, fibre is available in all but rural areas. Significant work was done on the backbone to support the Rugby World Cup being primarily available online last year. With a massive increase in working from home this week, we have only just exceeded that peak.

  16. It will be an interesting challenge how they can set up to do the business meeting online. I wonder if software for that sort of thing exists already? I don’t think you can practically run a serpentine vote count on Skype.

  17. David Shallcross: It will be an interesting challenge how they can set up to do the business meeting online.

    According to Robert’s Rules of Order, which governs anything not otherwise specified in the WSFS Constitution, remote-participation or teleconference meetings are prohibited unless the organization’s rules explicitly permit it. That’s why there is a WSFS committee (Remote But Real) which was appointed to study how the rules for such would be implemented. So no virtual WSFS meeting this year (or any year, until such a provision is passed and ratified into the WSFS Constitution).

  18. Section 5.14 says “such other rules as may be published in advance by the current Committee” take precedence after the WSFS Constitution, but before Robert’s Rules.

    So it looks to me like ConZealand could allow for telepresence, as long as they don’t violate section 5.15, “The quorum for the Business Meeting shall be twelve members of the Society physically present.”

    If New Zealand prohibits gatherings of 12 people, definitely no business meeting.

  19. David Shallcross: Section 5.14 says “such other rules as may be published in advance by the current Committee” take precedence after the WSFS Constitution, but before Robert’s Rules.

    However, existing WSFS Resolutions and Rulings of Continuing Effect would take precedence over rules published by the current Committee.

    CH-2009-03: In response to a question asking if members could vote in advance or by proxy on an issue, the Chair explained that no proxies or other forms of remote voting are permitted at the Business Meeting. Members must be present in person at the Meeting at the time a motion’s vote is called in order to vote on that issue.

  20. The order I see is:
    1) Constitution
    2) Standing Rules
    3) Other rules published by current committee
    4) Customs & Usages of WSFS, including resolutions and rulings of continuing effect
    5) Robert’s Rules

    The only time I’ve seen the current committee put forth their own rules was an outside-the-US Worldcon, where they substituted their own national parliamentary procedure rules for Robert’s Rules. In that case, a ruling that comes down to an interpretation of *Robert’s * wouldn’t necessarily apply.

  21. David Shallcross: The order I see is

    I can see the current Worldcon ruling that the WSFS Business Meeting would be video/audiocast live to anyone who wished to tune in.

    I can’t see them making rules about permitting remote participation, especially voting, and here’s why:

    1) when several hundred people are watching and dozens are trying to “raise their hand” and be recognized for speech, there is no way to triage those requests in a fair way — and any Business Meeting chair who agreed to do so would be putting themselves in the position of being massively criticized and piled-on because no matter how they did it, dozens of people would be unhappy, and

    2) unless an absolutely fool-proof method of voting was set up such that everyone could be assured that their vote was counted, members could have no confidence that the vote would be accurate (in-person, everyone there can see the raised hands or the serpentine, and know that the count is accurate).

    I would be very surprised if any Worldcon committee was willing to take on that kind of responsibility based on ad hoc rulings, because the potential for them to be massively criticized and/or have things go very wrong would be so huge.

    This is why the Remote But Real committee was appointed: because the solution is not a trivial one, and there is very much potential for things to go wrong.

  22. Question: could the (mostly if not entirely virtual) Business Meeting vote to pass all business on to the following year’s Worldcon? Under these circumstances, that might be seen to be fair, and not require significant argument and speakers for and against the motion.

    Conversely, what happens if it’s not possible to hold an in-person business meeting that satisfies the quorum rules? Yes we’re science fiction fans, but I hope that doesn’t mean we would try to enforce a rule that implied needing to break either local law or the laws of physics.

    (The Hugo voting and counting can be done entirely remotely, and have been mostly remote for decades.)

  23. Vicki Rosenzweig on March 25, 2020 at 5:41 am said:

    Could the (mostly if not entirely virtual) Business Meeting vote to pass all business on to the following year’s Worldcon?

    In my opinion, yes. It would require a motion to Suspend the Rules, then:

    = Reject all items pending ratification;
    = Adopt those just-rejected items as new business (thus passing them on to the next Worldcon);
    = Continue all existing committees as currently constituted for another year;
    = Re-elect the incumbent members of the WSFS MPC whose terms were ending (assuming those three people want to serve again).

    Because WSFS rules require that you hold both a Preliminary and Main Business Meeting and that the two meetings must be at least 18 hours apart, you’d have to first hold the PBM and deal with the business normally conducted there (lots of report receiving that doesn’t require votes could be done relatively easily), and probably foreshadowing the motion to Postpone Everything. The following day, the Main Business Meeting could meet and deal with the Motion to Postpone Everything. Of course, this assumes that the necessary two-thirds vote was there along with a general consensus that it’s the right thing to do.

    Please note that I am not in charge of the WSFS Business Meeting this year. I am merely an underling who is likely to have relatively little to do other than make sure that any recording of a WSFS Business Meeting gets online. This post is my opinion and does not reflect any official function of WSFS, including the current Worldcon or the WSFS Mark Protection Committee or the Hugo Awards Marketing Committee.

  24. A plain reading of the Constitution says that if there is a Worldcon, any pending amendments that aren’t ratified at its Business Meeting are dropped. No indication of a power to postpone amendments to a later year. I suppose if a Business Meeting wanted to, it could fail to ratify, but re-pass, all pending amendments. You’d have to get 12 members physically present to be able to do that.

    This all seems very difficult.

    Edit: OK, now Kevin was weighed in. He certainly is more familiar with the Rules than I am.

  25. @Kevin Standlee: that seems tangled — but also seems like it would undercut any rules lawyers hoping to see the failure of passed-on amendments.

    @JJ: in your view, to what extent is a chair’s ruling-of-continuous-effect not subject to overruling by a subsequent chair? ISTM that WSFS has rather less reverence for precedent than (e.g.) SCOTUS (which has just used its own precedent to overrule a longer-standing precedent from the larger legal world, in the view of some of its members), possibly because being a member for a long time doesn’t prevent anyone else from becoming one; OTOH, there might have to be a formal meeting under the no-remotes rule in order for the chair to overrule. Possibly there would have to be two PBMs, a carefully-spread minimum-size in-person one to overrule and then an online to actually do the preliminaries?

    I’ve been watching NESFA debate this issue online for at least a week, since we have monthly meetings (including an election meeting in May), and not seeing absolute conclusions — although IIRC there isn’t a distinct ruling-against such as WSFS has. I’ve also seen discussion on what software to use; Zoom has proponents and opponents.

  26. @Bonnie McDaniel: TFTI — I had remembered the character, but as a musician in their standard hangout rather than Willow’s first interest.

    “The Jedi Went Down to Tattooine” is indeed something; I wonder how long it will be up.

  27. Andrew said “(9) I’ve listened to Gary K. Wolfe’s Great Course “How Great Science Fiction Works” – recommended”

    Comcast has the Great Courses (and other stuff) free until April 19. I watched part of “How Great Science Fiction Works” last night. Planning to watch it all when I get the chance. Thanks for mentioning it, I would have never found it on my own.

  28. A niggle on Gary Wolfe’s Locus run: He started in late 1991, so he’s in his 29th year of reviewing for the magazine. Also worth checking out: The Coode Street Podcast that he and Locus reviews editor Jonathan Strahan produce–lots of conversations with writers.

  29. Meredith Moment: Robert Jackson Bennett’s Mr. Shivers is $2.99.

    As is The Silmarillion, if you’re so inclined.

  30. 8) The Shadow was played by Bret Morrison that year (he was the longest running Shadow), and his sidekick/friend The Lovely Margot Lane (hey, that’s how she was almost always introduced) would have been Grace Matthews. The sponsor would have been Blue Coal, America’s Finest Anthracite, died a harmless blue to show its authenticity.

  31. @Chip Hitchcock: Oz is a background character for a while before he starts dating Willow and learns about vampires.

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