Pixel Scroll 5/7/18 The File And The Pixel-Scroll Went To Space In A Runcible Manxome File

(1) LUKE CAGE CONTINUES. From Netflix, “Marvel’s Luke Cage – Season 2 Official Trailer.”

After clearing his name, Luke Cage has become a celebrity on the streets of Harlem with a reputation as bulletproof as his skin. But being so visible has only increased his need to protect the community and find the limits of who he can and can’t save. With the rise of a formidable new foe, Luke is forced to confront the fine line that separates a hero from a villain.


(2) NICHELLE NICHOLS’ HEALTH. “’Star Trek’ Star Nichelle Nichols Is Living With Dementia”Madamenoir has the story,

Nichelle Nichols, who is known for her iconic role as Uhura in “Star Trek” is living with severe dementia.

Nichols’ son Kyle Johnson says that his 85-year-old mother needs protection to prevent people from taking advantage of her.

According to TMZ, Johnson filed documents nominating 4 fiduciaries to become his mother’s conservators—giving them control of her finances and authority to make decisions regarding her health.

(3) FANTASTIC FICTION AT KGB. At the next Fantastic Fiction at KGB reading hosts Ellen Datlow and Matthew Kressel present Tina Connolly & Caroline M. Yoachim. Date and time: Wednesday, May 16, 2018, 7 p.m. at the KGB Bar.

  • Tina Connolly

Tina Connolly’s books include the Ironskin trilogy (Tor), the Seriously Wicked series (Tor Teen), and the collection On the Eyeball Floor and Other Stories (Fairwood Press). Her books have been finalists for the Nebula, Norton, and World Fantasy awards. She is one of the co-hosts of Escape Pod, and runs the flash fiction podcast Toasted Cake. Find her at tinaconnolly.com.

  • Caroline M. Yoachim

Caroline M. Yoachim is the author of over a hundred short stories. Her fiction has been translated into several languages, reprinted in best-of anthologies, and is available in her debut collection Seven Wonders of a Once and Future World & Other Stories. Her 2017 short story “Carnival Nine” is a Nebula and Hugo finalist. For more about Caroline, check out her website at carolineyoachim.com

The KGB Bar id st 85 East 4th Street (just off 2nd Ave, upstairs.), New York, NY.

(4) NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER. David Grinspoon, an astrobiologist who studies climate evolution and habitability of other worlds, and Alan Stern, the principal investigator of the New Horizons mission to Pluto and the Kuiper belt, say “Yes, Pluto is a planet” in  Washington Post op-ed.

Three years ago, NASA’s New Horizons, the fastest spaceship ever launched, raced past Pluto, spectacularly revealing the wonders of that newly seen world. This coming New Year’s Eve — if all goes well on board this small robot operating extremely far from home — it will treat us to images of the most distant body ever explored, provisionally named Ultima Thule. We know very little about it, but we do know it’s not a planet. Pluto, by contrast — despite what you’ve heard — is.

Why do we say this? We are planetary scientists, meaning we’ve spent our careers exploring and studying objects that orbit stars. We use “planet” to describe worlds with certain qualities. When we see one like Pluto, with its many familiar features — mountains of ice, glaciers of nitrogen, a blue sky with layers of smog — we and our colleagues quite naturally find ourselves using the word “planet” to describe it and compare it to other planets that we know and love.

In 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) announced an attempted redefinition of the word “planet” that excluded many objects, including Pluto. We think that decision was flawed, and that a logical and useful definition of planet will include many more worlds….


(5) TRIVIAL TRIVIA. Because the International Space Station does not have a way to wash dirty clothes, astronauts shoot their laundry into the Earth’s atmosphere to be incinerated. Consequently, a crew of six can go through 900 pounds of clothing per year. (Source: Smithsonian.com)


  • May 7, 1950 Ray Bradbury’s The Martian Chronicles became the first new work of science fiction ever noted in the New York Times Book Review, breaking that glass ceiling via Rex Lardner’s “Fiction in Brief” column. As John King Tarpinian tells it, “Ray was not happy with Martian being described as Science Fiction but heck, who cares now…”


  • Lise Andreasen says the lesson learned from Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal’s “Soulmate” is never build a dating website.

(8) AFROFUTURISM. A BBC profile: “Afrofuturism: Why black science fiction ‘can’t be ignored'”.

Afrofuturism is perhaps best summed up by the queen of contemporary afrofuturism herself — Janelle Monae.

Her futuristic music videos and radical aesthetic (she even calls her fans “fAndroids”) are seen by some as a key force for pushing afrofuturism into the mainstream.

“Afrofuturism is me, us… is black people seeing ourselves in the future,” she explains in a 30-second video clip for Spotify.

It is no surprise then that Janelle cites the movement as the inspiration for her new narrative film, Dirty Computer: Emotion Picture, a visual accompaniment to her latest album (which is currently trending on YouTube).

(9) CATCHING UP. Here are “Some Pragmatic Picks by Foz Meadows” a 2018 Shadow Clarke juror.

In compiling my personal Shadow Clarke shortlist, I’ve opted to forego the pressures of dutiful or adventurous reading, and have stuck to a selection of books which, for various reasons, I’d already planned to read. Partially, I’ve done so out of pragmatism: it’s hard enough at the best of times to force myself to read something in which I have little to no existing interest and whose premise doesn’t appeal to me, and if I can’t actually bring myself to read my selected works, there’s little point in being a shadow judge at all. At the same time, I’d argue that the parameters of the Clarke Award are such that the final selection of any judge or judges, whether shadow or otherwise, is always going to hinge on personal taste. The submissions list, as the name suggests, does not come pre-curated: in order to be in contention for the award, eligible works need only be submitted for consideration by their publishers. While there’s invariably a fascinating conversation to be had about which of their titles particular houses either forget, neglect or actively decline to submit in the first place, the impact of those choices is at best a process of curation by collective omission. That being so, the contents of the submissions list as is become something of a crapshoot, running the gamut from obvious, big-name contenders to self-published indies to midlist titles flung at the wall to see what sticks. But then, science fiction, when not broken down into subgenres, is a spectacularly broad mandate – how else can it be honestly navigated except through personal preference?

(10) WHERE DO THEY ALL COME FROM. “Cat Rambo’s Ideas For The Asking: A Guest Post!” at Sue Bursztynski’s blog.

Where do you get your ideas, my youngest brother asked as we were driving to dinner. I shrugged and said, Everywhere. He eyed me sideways, as though to say, it has to be harder than that.

But the truth is that I’ve always tried to look at the world in different ways. As a child, a favorite activity was looking at the ceiling and imagining what it would be like to live from that angle — not so different from our own life, but with much more inconvenient doors, for one. Or later, looking at public spaces to imagine what a superhero battle would be like staged there — where was cover, where the blind spots or perches? …

(11) RAMBO TRIVIA. Time to cram for the quiz:

(12) FAAN STATS. Click on the link to download Nic Farey’s FAAn Awards voting statistics and analysis publication.

(13) MINIATURE WORLDCON BID. Kate Secor (bid chair) and Michael Lee (bid treasurer) have announced a bid for “Worldcon 84: The Minimal Viable Worldcon” to be held in Charlottesville, VA in 2026. This is probably supposed to be funny.

W84 is targeting lovely Charlottesville, Virginia as a site. We will be capping attending memberships at 125 (not including staff) in order to fit in our chosen venue, the Charlottesville CitySpace. …

We are currently looking at dates in early October, so as to take advantage of Virginia’s long fall season and lovely natural scenery. We expect there to be sufficient hotel rooms to accommodate all our members at various price points. There will be no official con hotel, although W84 may be able to work with Charlottesville’s Visitor Bureau to change this.

…W84 will be administering the Hugos entirely online and via postal mail, and announcing the results via press release. Trophies will be mailed to the winners. W84 will be administering Site Selection largely via mail, but will accept hand-carried ballots and also allow on-site voting for all members even if they do not have attending memberships.

(14) MODERN WARRIOR. James Breakwell reporting:

(15) READY PLAYER THREE. And right after —

(16) GOOD DOG. At Middle-Earth Reflections, Olga Polomoshnova a series of posts finishes with “Reading Roverandom /// Chapter 5”.

The closing chapter of Roverandom is a good example of a happy turn of events when you least expect it. Moreover, it is where we can see the results of Rover’s moral journey and how he has changed over the course of the story.

Once out of the sea depths, Rover again addresses Artaxerxes with his request: to change him into his proper size and shape. He does not hesitate to use the word “please” abundantly. The wizard is happy to help the dog as he has become wiser and kinder, too, following his failure as PAM and the anger of mer-people.  But, alas, all his spells were destroyed at the bottom of the ocean. Artaxerxes is truly miserable, and he really means it being eager to change Rover back into his normal self. Things would have been pretty bad had it not been for the wizard’s shrewd wife. She kept some spells and now has exactly the one he needs to grant Rover’s request.

(17) DECODING HEINLEIN. Does the BBC know this was the source of the ship name in Citizen of the Galaxy? — “Sisu: the Finnish art of inner strength”.

“Sisu will get you even through granite,” my Finnish mother-in-law used to say. If you look at the enormous grey outcrops of granite scattered since the ice age through the Finnish countryside and forests, you’ll realise that getting through them is not just difficult, it is pretty well impossible.

‘Sisu’ in Finnish means strength, perseverance in a task that for some may seem crazy to undertake, almost hopeless. My mother-in-law experienced the bombings of the Winter War (1939-1940) when Finland was attacked by the much superior Soviet army but managed to mount a resistance to remain independent. The New York Times ran an article in 1940 with the headline “Sisu: A Word that Explains Finland”.

So, what is this almost mythical quality that appears to be so Finnish? “It is a special thing that is reserved for especially challenging moments. When we feel that we came to the end point of our preconceived capacities. You could say that sisu is energy, determination in the face of adversities that are more demanding than usual,” says Emilia Lahti, a researcher of sisu from Aalto University in Helsinki.

(18) CELEBRATING HEINLEIN’S BIRTHDAY.  A Barcelona club plans to celebrate Heinlein’s birthday on July 7. Juan Miguel de la Torre Quesada, Vice-President of Barcelona’s Otium Club sent out an English translation of their press release with the schedule. Here are a few highlights.

H-Day – Heinlein’s Day

Saturday, July 7nth, 2018 – from 10: 00 to 14:00.

Civic Center Joan Oliver “Pere Quart”

C/ Comandante Benítez, 6 – Barcelona (Spain)

About the event:

On the day of his 111nth birthday, this July, the seventh, we’re gathering to celebrate the life and work of Robert Anson Heinlein in a event we have baptised as “Dia H – Heinlein’s Day”. With this activity we wish to present to the greater audience, beyond the limits of fandom, this seminal autor and his influence within the genere of SF as well as in the cultural fabric of our times.

Robert Heinlein is considered one of the greatest and most essential writers in the SF cannon, not only because of his excellent narrative and literary qualities, but as a pioneer in the field, a paladin of critical thinking and of rational pragmatism, owing perhaps to his formation as an engineer, whose ideas and reflections, poured into a hundred Works, remain relevant today and are worth debating.

10:00 Introduction.

Ángel.F. Bueno, founder and President of the Otium Club will welcome the attendees with a brief exposition about the activities, presneting the author and his work, and then introducing the main guest speaker, Salvador Bayarri.

10: 20 – 11:40 Conference : “Robert Heinlein: a libertarian in science fiction”.

Salvador Bayarri, Doctor in Physics and Master Degree in Philosophy, as well as an SF writer, will expound on a complete exploration and biographical analysis on the thought, themes and work of the autor, in a light and humorous manner.

11:40 – 11:45 “The attendees will be invited to blow the candles on a birthday cake customised for the occasion”.

11:45 – 13:13 Screening of “Predestination” (2014) , The Spierig Brothers.

Salvador Bayarri and Ángel F. Bueno will introduce this excellent movie based on the short story “All you zombies!” (1958) by Robert A. Heinlein….

(19) TAGGING ALONG. The latest Mars mission has company: “WALL-E and EVE on their way to Mars with InSight”.

NASA’s InSight lander is on its way to Mars, after a successful launch on Saturday morning.

The lander was launched by an Atlas V rocket taking off from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California shortly after 4 a.m. local time. It successfully separated from the upper stage more than an hour later.

Because InSight is a lander — not a rover — it will stay put on Mars as it carries out “an $813.8 million mission to study the interior of the Red Planet.”

Two CubeSats, or miniature satellites about the size of a briefcase, were launched by the same rocket, basically hitching a ride with the Insight. Named after the characters in the 2008 animated movie, WALL-E and EVE are each about the size of a briefcase or large cereal box. They popped out from the rocket’s upper stage after liftoff and are hightailing it to Mars, right behind InSight. This is the first time CubeSats have set sail for deep space.

[Thanks to Keith G. Kato, JJ, Cat Eldridge, ULTRAGOTHA, John King Tarpinian, Mark Hepworth, Chip Hitchcock, Andrew Porter, Martin Morse Wooster, Lise Andreasen, and Carl Slaughter for some of these stories. Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Kip W.]

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46 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 5/7/18 The File And The Pixel-Scroll Went To Space In A Runcible Manxome File

  1. 5) That’s not going to work for Mars trip. Wonder if anyone has any cleaning ideas?

    14) Kid remembered the food. Attention to logistics wins wars.

  2. Micro SFF:
    “My monster. They’ve destroyed my lovely monster,” sighed the scientist as he reached for a backup file.

  3. @9: that’s certainly a wide range of picks; Meadows’s reactions will be interesting.

    Edit: sacrificial pre-fifth!

  4. @Kip W: Annnnnd cue the debate on whether Kip’s Lovely Monster is the same monster as Kip’s Lovely Monster’s Backup…


    That kid will continue to cause trouble as they grow up. Hopefully, they’ll use their power for good.

  6. (13) Hoax bids are a fine tradition, but this one just seems like a miss?

    (14) Yes, an impressive early start for a future war leader.

  7. (2) NICHELLE NICHOLS’ HEALTH. I’m so sorry! I am sad for Nichols (& family).

    (4) NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER. Interesting op-ed and the comments range from interesting to goofy to eye-rolling (I didn’t read them all; who has that kind of time?!).

    (5) TRIVIAL TRIVIA. Thanks, @Mike Glyer; I never wondered how laundry worked (or didn’t work) in space, and now I’m half-sorry I know! 😉

    @Oneiros: “Annnnnd cue the debate on whether Kip’s Lovely Monster is the same monster as Kip’s Lovely Monster’s Backup…”


  8. (14, 15) Someday these kids will rule us all. We can but hope they are benevolent overlords. Overladies.

  9. (8) I saw the Emotion Picture at least 3X all the way through and maybe twice that partly (different parts) over the past week, thanks to the wonders of cable satellite TV. Enjoyed it every time.

    (I have a button from a con in the 80s that reads “Thanks to cable TV, I’ve seen the last 15 minutes of every movie ever made.”)

  10. Oneiros on May 7, 2018 at 10:13 pm said:
    @Kip W: Annnnnd cue the debate on whether Kip’s Lovely Monster is the same monster as Kip’s Lovely Monster’s Backup…

    Kip’s Lovely Monster’s Backup is the scientist, the monster is called Kip’s Lovely Monster’s Backup‘s monster

  11. 13: Alterna-Bid. “Worldcon84 can be so much more!” in NYC. 2026 will be the 100th anniversary of the launch of Amazing Stories and the unofficial birth of Fandom.
    Anyone crazy enough to be interested, please get in touch.

  12. 11) Cat is a rather interesting person. I am sad I am not going to Worldcon, it would have been good to talk to her.

    13) Well, there is the joking Minneapolis Worldcon bid…I guess there is room for another.
    (in all seriousness, I would love it if Minneapolis did have a Worldcon, but I recognize that it’s never going to happen)

  13. Paul Weimer: I would love it if Minneapolis did have a Worldcon, but I recognize that it’s never going to happen

    It doesn’t have appropriate facilities for one? That surprises me.

  14. @JJ Oh facilities wouldn’t be the problem. Minneapolis convention center, plenty of hotels…light rail from the airport to downtown…Minneapolis could handle a Worldcon rather well. It’s the fractured nature of Minneapolitan fandom that would be the barrier.

  15. Oh, YOU GUYS! (Camestros, I’m speechless.) By a great coincidence, I tweeted another one this morning that goes a little like this:

    Micro SFF:

    The monster stirred and faced the scientist.

    “God! It’s ALIVE… and it’s horrible! weak, ungainly, evil…”

    “Hey!” the scientist said. “I can hear you, you know!”


    By the time I get to Phoenix Prime, she’ll be scrollin’…

  16. By the time I get to Triskelion, she’ll be gaming.
    By the time I get to Lankhmar, he’ll be plund’ring.
    By the time I get to Darmok, he’ll be standing with his arms open.
    By the time I get to Tralfamadore, she’ll be atemporal.
    By the time I get to Dantooine, she’ll be cloning.
    By the time I get to Narnia, he’ll be questing.

  17. @Paul Weimer: It’s the fractured nature of Minneapolitan fandom that would be the barrier. Local fandom being fractured didn’t stop Boston from running the 2004 Worldcon; every Worldcon has to draw on resources outside its home area. (What stopped the recent Boston bid was (very roughly) a lack of facilities in Worldcon price range at Worldcon dates.) Old-line MSP fandom has had a ~50-year running joke of not bidding for a real Worldcon; it’s unclear that the more energetic group that split off when Minicon deliberately tightened focus has any interest in Worldcons, possibly thinking that Worldcons are for oldpharts like the ones they left behind. (“Oldpharts” being a complex term; IIRC, Brust’s son chaired a Minicon some time in the oughts.)

  18. And the new Murderbot story – “Artificial Condition” – it’s interesting, watching Murderbot interacting with others, both AIs and humans.

  19. jayn on May 8, 2018 at 10:45 am said:
    The Scroll and the Pixel-Cat went to space…

    … in a beautiful, sea-green file
    They had many books for their Kindles and Nooks
    And hardcovers kept in a pile.

    Pixel said to the Scroll, “How the nebulae roll,
    As we slowly pass planets and rings.”
    “No hurry,” said Scroll (who did think himself droll)
    We’ll need time to read Way of Kings.”

  20. @Chip:In early 2017, there were some meetings organized by Emily Stewart to look into a Mpls in ’23 campaign, and nobody seemed interested enough to take charge. Certainly, there are a number of people in the Twin Cities who have been involved in Worldcons lately, including department heads at Chicon, MidAmericon, and I think Helsinki, including people involved in both Minicon and Convergence, so I don’t think it’s just a Worldcon is for OldPharts issue. Of course some of it could be that people who have their hands full with a yearly 6K+ regional convention just don’t want to take on the additional joys of a Worldcon a month or so later.

  21. @Joe H: Bravo!

    Fury said to a mouse
    That he met in the house
    “Let us both go to scroll,
    I will pixelate YOU.
    Come, I’ll take no
    denial, we must
    have a file, for
    really this
    morning I’ve
    to do.”

    (Sorry, tried and failed to get the squiggly mouse-tail effect.)

  22. @Jayn: Also very nice! (and I’ll just imagine the squiggly mouse-tail effect)

  23. @jayn, let me try to squiggle that for you….

    Fury said to a mouse
          That he met in the house
               “Let us both go to scroll,
          I will pixelate YOU.
    Come, I’ll take no
          denial, we must
                have a file, for
                        really this
               morning I’ve
    to do.”

  24. @ P J Evans: Wells will be signing at Houston’s Murder By the Book on May 12th at 4:30. Anyone who’d like to purchase a signed copy can contact the bookstore prior to that. I’m thinking of this as a slightly-delayed birthday present to myself!

    @ Joe H: Bravo!

  25. Lenora Rose: Are you insinuating that it’s somehow… I dunno… nonsensical? I Lear in your general direction!

    jayn & Cassy B: Well done.

  26. @JoeH, jayn, Cassy B: good poetizing. Joe’s might be too long for a title but it’s great and topical.

    @KipW: But when you make X, will she be Y-ing?

    Loved the new Murderbot story — character growth for all, with all the deadpan remarks and entertainment binges you expect from Murderbot.

    Didn’t we informally decide that Mpls HAS to have the 2073 Worldcon after 100 years of bidding for it? Y’all got ~50 years to get it together.

    I still have fond memories of the Mpls. in 73/Minnesota State Fair party thrown at Chicon 2000. Butter carving, all food on a stick, a small (toy) livestock exhibit. It did have to be explained to Europeans; us ‘Mericans just enjoyed the uncanny re-enactment in miniature.

  27. Alas, dear Scrollick. I knew him, Horatio. A fileow of tsundoku unadressed.

  28. /MurderbotStalk!

    (It’s tough to put aside one audiobook for another, so I’m continuing with A Civil Campaign; an out-of-town trip will see, er, hear, me through a lot of audiobook, though!)

  29. @Bruce A: I can see Diversicon being more of an issue than Arisia (which is in January), although balancing, partial disengagement, etc. are possible (without shutting down entirely, which Readercon (also a July convention) did in 2004 but which would be more of a problem). OTOH, I wonder how many people would care about running a Worldcon when they have something bigger and designed by them.

  30. Diversicon is such a small convention, I don’t think it would be impacted much by a Worldcon. It’s much more likely that a Twin Cities Worldcon would need to recruit conrunners from Marscon, Minicon and Convergence. Most of the people still involved with keeping Mpls in ’73 alive are affiliated with Minicon, and that in itself might be making it harder to get people involved with Marscon and Convergence on board with a bid, since over 20 years later, there’s still hard feelings in the community about the decisions made by the Minicon organizers in the late 90s even though the current Minicon team basically had nothing to do with it.

  31. People are like that. I still hold it against Marscon—the one up north—that they yoinked the name of an existing (and still running) convention without so much as a by-your-leave.

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