Pixel Scroll 7/26/17 Fifth File At Scrollory Towers

(1) CAPTAIN’S LOG. Actor John Barrowman had his appendix out the other day.


(2) MARCH. After a Saturday panel about the March comics, fans followed the history-making co-author in a re-enactment: io9 has the story — “Rep. John Lewis Leads March for Civil Rights Through Comic-Con”.

Congressman John Lewis (D-Ga.) was at San Diego Comic-Con on Saturday discussing his award-winning graphic novel, March, which resulted in a real march for civil rights awareness.

After Lewis’ panel ended, he led a group of over 1,000 people through the San Diego Convention Center, with some shouting “No justice, no peace” as they marched past cosplayers and attendees. According to the Associated Press, Lewis made sure to stop and shake hands with people who recognized him as he passed.

(3) HELSINKI DINING TIPS. Worldcon 75 has posted its Restaurant Guide [PDF file].

Helsinki is currently undergoing a “fun dining” wave. It seems not a day goes by without a new street food restaurant being opened on one corner or another, from Mexican burrito shops to a boom of high-quality burger joints. At the same time, many Helsinki restaurateurs are opening casual fine dining restaurants, where the food is top-notch but the atmosphere is laid-back. Helsinki also has many restaurants with long histories and traditions…

(4) 2017 NASFiC REPORT. Evelyn Leeper’s NorthAmeriCon ’17 / NASFIC 2017 con report is online at Fanac.org.

This is a convention report for NorthAmeriCon ’17 (NASFIC 2017, and henceforth referred to as just NASFIC), held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, July 6-9, 2017, with a little bit of sightseeing thrown in (because a separate report would not be worthwhile).

It is with some trepidation I start this report. We had never attended a NASFIC before. For a long time we always went to Worldcon, and for the recent years where we skipped the overseas Worldcon, the NASFIC seemed like a misguided attempt to be a substitute. But a NASFIC in Puerto Rico was very appealing for a couple of reasons: I am half Puerto Rican, and we could take a tour of the Arecibo Telescope. And of course, I figured it was a chance to connect with authors and old friends and all that….

(5) THE GOOD, THE WEIRD, AND THE SCROLLY: Over at Featured Futures, Jason comments on the month in webzine fiction with a list of links to remarkable tales — “Summation of Online Fiction: July 2017”.

Aside from a two-part novella from Beneath Ceaseless Skies (which was just a flash away from counting as a novel), July was a relatively light month in the webzine world. The number of noteworthy stories is also light, but Clarkesworld continued its resurgence with a July issue that was probably even better overall than the June (though each had a standout story), Ellen Datlow picked another for Tor.com, and some other zines also contributed particularly good work.

(6) HITTING THE TARGET. Having seen some make the wrong choice, Sarah A. Hoyt advises indie authors to find “The Right Slot” – to be sure they’re marketing their work in its proper genre. In her latest column for Mad Genius Club she takes a cut at defining several genres, beginning with fantasy.

The SUBJECT determines genre.  A non exhaustive list of genres and subgenres and subjects (this is off the top of my head and I’ll miss some.  If you guys want an exhaustive list it will take a long time.)

Fantasy – Anything that is technically impossible in our reality, by our physical rules, including but not limited to supernatural beings, all the creatures of Tolkien, etc.  Often draws on the myths and legends of mankind.

Has subgenres: High Fantasy – Tolkien-like.  Also often known as heroic fantasy.

Alternate history – usually where magic works, but still related to our world.

Urban fantasy, which might of might not be a subgenre of alternate history.  It’s not just “fantasy in a city.”  Although both F. Paul Wilson’s Repairman Jack and Larry Correia’s monster hunters are technically urban fantasy, as is my Shifter series, it would be more honest to call it “contemporary fantasy.”

Urban fantasy has a structure added to the theme and location, and that often involves a young woman with powers, a love interest on the dark side, etc.  Think Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Paranormal Romance – Like Urban Fantasy but way more in the romance and sex side.  In fact, it’s more a subgenre of romance, really.

(7) SF WORTH WAITING FOR. T.W. O’Brien declares “The Future Library Is a Vote of Confidence Humanity Will Make It to 2114” at B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog.

The work of Scottish artist Katie Paterson is nothing as mundane as oil on canvas or carved marble. Her works includes  Timepieces—nine clocks showing the time on the planets of our solar system, plus the Earth’s moon (Pluto still loses out); Fossil Necklace—170 beads carved from fossils, each representing a major event in the 3 billion year history of life on Earth; and Campo del Cielo, Field of Sky—a 4.5 billion year old meteorite, melted then recast into a replica of its original form, and finally returned to space by the European Space Agency.

In May 2014, Paterson planted 1000 Norwegian spruce trees in a forest north of Oslo, Norway. The plan is to harvest them in 2114 for paper to print a limited edition anthology of books. Each year, starting in 2014, an author was to be invited to write a book for Paterson’s project, Future Library; he or she will have one year to complete the work, which then won’t be read  until well after the turn of the next century. 

The completed manuscripts will be kept in a specially designed room on the fifth floor of the New Deichmanske Library in Oslo. The authors’ names and the book titles will be on display, but the manuscripts themselves will be unread until the anthology is published in 2114.


Key: First row vertical: Hugo Weaving, Lee Pace, Cate Blanchett from The Hobbit as Elrond, Thranduil, and Galadriel. Second row vertical: Marvel: Red Skull (Captain America: The First Avenger), Ronan the Accuser (Guardians of the Galaxy), Hela (Thor: Ragnarok)

(9) JORDIN KARE. Paul Gilster mourns the astrophysicist and filker in two excellent posts at Centauri Dreams, “Remembering Jordin Kare (1956-2017)”, and “SailBeam: A Conversation with Jordin Kare”.

Looking around on the Net for background information about Jordin Kare, who died last week at age 60 (see yesterday’s post), I realized how little is available on his SailBeam concept, described yesterday. SailBeam accelerates myriads of micro-sails and turns them into a plasma when they reach a departing starship, giving it the propulsion to reach one-tenth of lightspeed. Think of it as a cross between the ‘pellet propulsion’ ideas of Cliff Singer and the MagOrion concept explored by Dana Andrews.


  • Born July 26, 1894 – Aldous Huxley
  • Born July 26, 1928 – Stanley Kubrick

(11) A LIST TOP DC MOVIES. Io9 gives you “All 28 DC Animated Original Movies, Ranked”. Why isn’t the new Wonder Woman movie #1? Because, like the title says, this is a list of their animated movies. Cancel the heart attacks…

This list contains the 28 DC Animated Original movies released so far, ranked from worst to best on the quality of their story, characters, and adaptation of the source material….

(12) STEAL LIKE AN ARTIST. Wil Wheaton heartily endorses


Steal Like an Artist, by Austin Kleon, is essential reading for all artists.

It’s a quick read that you can finish in one sitting, but the ideas and advice it contains will stay with you long after you’ve put it down. Some of Austin’s suggestions will validate what you’re already doing, some will challenge you to fundamentally change a creative practice, others will inspire you to grab a notebook and get to work immediately.

Because it’s such a small and accessible book, you’ll want to go back to it from time to time. Just like Stephen King’s On Writing, as you change and grow as an artist, it reveals new ideas and inspirations to you that you may have missed on a previous read.

This is a fantastic addition to your library, and a wonderful gift for any creative person in your life.

(13) WIELD THE POWER. I can’t possibly resist reading an item headlined “Wow, the Iron Throne Makes an Excellent Phone Charger!” – at Tor.com.

YouTube crafters Natural Nerd have a new video up showing viewers how to make their own custom Iron Throne phone charger. It’s marvelously simple, and could make for a good starter project if you’re interested in exploring nerd crafts. Basically, make a throne out of blocks of wood, glue on a ton of cocktail swords, coat in metallic paint, and thread in the charger cord, and you’re there!

(14) SUPERMAN WITH A ‘STACHE. Henry Cavill’s upper lip is a story: “Justice League’s telling reshoots involve Joss Whedon, more banter, absolutely no mustaches”.

Superman can do anything, it seems, but have a mustache. Or to be more accurate, it’s Henry Cavill’s mustache that’s reportedly causing some problems for Warner Bros.’ upcoming Justice League movie, which is due to be released on November 17 but is nonetheless currently undergoing extensive reshoots (which are generally filmed to fix or replace scenes that aren’t working). After initial filming on Justice League was complete, it seems that Cavill reasonably assumed he was done playing the smooth-jawed Man of Steel for a minute and grew out his facial hair for a part in the next Mission: Impossible movie. According to a new Variety report, however, Justice League is being retooled so much — with an assist from The Avengers’ Joss Whedon, no less, now that director Zack Snyder has stepped away from the project to cope with his daughter’s recent death — that Warner Bros. has agreed to just digitally remove Cavill’s mustache from any reshot Justice League scenes rather than lose any more time.

But Jon Bogdanove thinks it would make a great addition.

(15) MARVEL VALUE STAMPS. The publisher is bringing them back:

Who saved them? Who clipped them? Who collected them? This fall, the Marvel Universe returns to an untapped corner of its expansive history for MARVEL LEGACY with the return of the Marvel Value Stamps. Just as Marvel Legacy is bridging the past and the future of Marvel’s iconic universe, this nostalgia-based program is designed to excite new readers. Comic fans may remember these fondly, while new fans and the uninitiated will be able to enjoy them without destroying their prized possessions!

Inspired by the classic 1970’s program where different stamps could be clipped from the letters page of Marvel books, fans will be able to collect stamps featuring all their favorite Marvel characters. These stamps will be on inserts within the regular cover editions for all first issue Marvel Legacy titles, beginning with titles debuting in October. And a proper homage to these collectible stamps wouldn’t be complete without a collectible stamp album – to be revealed!

(16) THE OLDS. At Galactic Journey, Victoria Silverwolf leads into her review of the latest (August 1962) issue of Fantastic with a survey of the news — “[July 26, 1962] The Long and Short of It (August 1962 Fantastic)”.

…AT&T launched Telstar, the first commercial communications satellite (which we’ll be covering in the next article!)

The world of literature suffered a major loss with the death of Nobel Prize winning author William Faulkner.

In Los Angeles, young artist Andy Warhol exhibited a work consisting of thirty-two paintings of cans of Campbell’s Soup….

(17) GAZE INTO THE FUTURE. And don’t forget to sign up for Galactic Journey Tele-Conference #2, happening Saturday, July 29, where they’ll present their predictions for the 1962 Hugo Science Fiction Awards.

(18) THE PLAY’S THE THING. A local community theater in Urbana, IL is staging Jordan Harrison’s 2014 play Marjorie Prime, recently produced as a movie. It runs July 27-August 12. An interview with the director is here. Get tickets here.

Marjorie Prime, written by Jordan Harrison and directed for the Station by Mathew Green, is a near-future play where technology has gone just a little farther than today. In the show, Tess is caring for her elderly mother, and Tess’ husband Jon advocates for the use of an artificial intelligence companion called a “Prime”. Primes are designed to help a particular person, in this case Marjorie, record and retain their memories, often taking the form of someone close to the subject.

(19) LIFE UNPLUGGED. Gareth D. Jones discusses “The Real Town Murders by Adam Roberts (book review)” at SF Crowsnest.

….One of the consequences of Alma’s divorce from the on-line Real Town is that she can no longer check references and definitions and she quickly realises that everyone’s speech is littered with literary and historical references. This makes an interesting game for the reader, too, attempting to parse and divine all of the little jokes and quotes that Adam Roberts has thrown in along the way. To add to the interest, characters who spend much of their time on-line find real-life speech difficult so that several conversations consist of stammering and stuttering and the breaking of words into individual syllables replaced with homophonous single-syllable words. It’s quite fun to follow the convoluted and sometimes rambling speech.

The basic plot of the book follows Alma’s investigations into the miraculously-appearing dead body, with a secondary investigation into a mysteriously skinny man…..

(20) A BOY CALLED PERCY. At Black Gate, Derek Kunsken tells when he learned the true theme of a famous YA series: “Crappy Parents All Around: A Look At Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson Series”

…Eventually, I recommended it to a friend for his kids, who were complaining about their road-tripping. When my friend got back, he thanked me for the rec and said “It’s all about shitty parents.”

For some reason, I hadn’t clued into this as the theme. Perhaps I’d taken it as straight-on adventure. Maybe I hadn’t considered how lucky I am to have the parents and extended family I did. Then it occurred to me what a giant strategic advantage it was to Riordan to have linked crappy parents to the Greek myths.

Percy is of course pretty miffed at times about having Poseidon essentially be a dead-beat dad whom he doesn’t meet until he’s twelve and who really doesn’t meaningfully interact with him even after that. He has a crappy step-dad to boot, but he’s not the only one with parental issues….

(21) IN VINO. Martin Morse Wooster has sent File 770 lots of beer label stories. Now he tries to even the score by reporting that Australian wine lovers can enjoy Some Young Punks‘ vintage “Monsters Monsters Attack!”

A full 750ml of Monster Mayhem bottled up for far too long breaks and takes over the unsuspecting city. Trixie and Tessa’s middle names are danger and adventure but is the maelstrom released by the raging beast too fierce to be calmed by their charms? Will they arrive in time or will a deadly rage be realised.

Variety / Vintage     2015 Clare Valley Riesling

Vineyards     We sourced fruit from two sites in the Clare Valley; Mocundunda and Milburn. All the fruit was whole bunch pressed before fermentation in a mixture of stainless and neutral oak by a mixture of cultured and indigenous yeast. Post ferment the wine is merely stabbed and filtered prior to bottling.

(22) ONCE TOO OFTEN. Adam-Troy Castro files a grievance: “’What if I Told You’ There Was Another Way to Impart Exposition?”

Thing that I am getting awfully sick of, in dramatic presentations of sf/fantasy works.

Honestly, if I ever see this again, it will be too soon.

The exposition-sentence that begins with, “What if I told you–”

Usually followed by something that sounds batshit insane to the person who’s been living a normal life until that moment.

I first became aware of this with Laurence Fishburne in THE MATRIX, but it has become the go-to form, and I just saw it with the trailer for the new TV series, THE INHUMANS. I think but cannot be sure that it was in DOCTOR STRANGE too. But it’s certainly all over the place….

(23) YOU COULD ALWAYS TRY THE AUTOGRAPH LINE. Here are the places George R.R. Martin will not be signing at Worldcon 75:

For those of you who want books signed, please, bring them to one of my two listed autograph sessions. I will NOT be signing before or after panels, at parties, during lunch or breakfast or dinner, at the urinal, in the elevator, on the street, in the hall. ONLY at the autograph table. If the lines are as long as they usually are, I’ll only be signing one book per person.

You can also find his programming schedule at the link.

(24) LAUGH WARS. Martin Morse Wooster says Star Wars Supercuts:  Parodies of The Trench Run is “a really funny four-minute mashup from IMDB of lots of parodies of the Death Star Trench Run. I particularly liked the Family Guy bit where Red Leader is followed by Redd Foxx, Red Buttons, and Big Red chewing gum…”

[Thanks to John King Tarpinian, Jason, Evelyn Leeper, Cat Eldridge, JJ, Jim Meadows, and Martin Morse Wooster for some of these stories. Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Nigel.]

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115 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 7/26/17 Fifth File At Scrollory Towers

  1. My comics used to be sorted sorta like @Kurt Busiek’s, but the ever-expanding collection coupled with moves has rendered it pretty unorganized. I was impressed I quickly found my (mostly Pérez and onward) Wonder Woman comics to loan to a friend recently. I had the graphic novel/trade/hardback format ones neatly in a tall bookcase and a short one next to it, but I left too little room, so more recent acquisitions are a little scattered.

    Books are simpler. All fiction goes together, however it’s in four main sets (all in the basement). First are shelves with mass market sized books and the occasional close-but-not-quite sized. Next is a bookcase of mass markets (etc.) that are unread (not that there aren’t some unread scattered in the first bookcases) and at one point were “recent acquisitions I will read Real Soon Now.” Next is hardbacks and trade paperbacks, mostly read. Then several shelves of hardbacks and trades of various recency that I haven’t read. Then on the main floor, there’s a small shelf of super-aspirational “I want to read these Super soon!” books [ETA: …which got superseded and I haven’t read yet!]. But then there are some more recent acquisitions that are in a few random little stacks or sets here and there throughout the house [ETA: I’m more likely to pick up one of these to read]. Yup, it’s all a mess. Books on shelves are always alpha-by-author, though (collections at the end of the author’s run; anthologies at the end of the entire set of shelves of a particular type; the few RPG and similar types of fiction are after that).

    I really need to clean up the fiction section, bring down some of those stacks, and make a new “aspirational (to read ULTRA SOON)” bookcase. Or probably just give up on that and have mass market, mass market unread, trade/hardback, and trade/hardback unread. And only allow a few books to wander around the house.

    Non-fiction is its own set of bookcases and does have several groupings, though only a few main sections. RPG stuff (sorted by RPG and edition, of course) are on top of some shorter fiction shelves and also in one short shelf of their own. Cookbooks are on the landing between main and second floor, but I don’t know how they’re sorted – I don’t cook, so that’s my other half’s problem. 😉

    @Heather Rose Jones: The more important question is how you sort the historic costumes in that closet in the guest bedroom. 😉 BTW I love IKEA Billy. And I’m amused that your computer reference and heraldic reference books go in the same bookcase. Cool!

  2. Pingback: AMAZING NEWS FROM FANDOM: 7/30/17 - Amazing Stories

  3. @ Kendall

    The computer + heraldry combination was somewhat accidental. My original plan was to turn the built-in closet in that room into a computer center, with the assumption that I’d continue doing onomastic commentary for the SCA, and the heraldry books go naturally with the onomastics books as a set. However I’ve essentially dropped out of the SCA, and I realized that my computer interaction patters simply wouldn’t work if I set it up there so the computer desk ended up in the living room.

    As to the organization of the costumes: the built-in closet contains 1st century through 15th century clothing, the freestanding wardrobe has the 16th century and later, plus the seriously early things (bronze age Denmark, pharaonic Egypt…not that I’ve had occasion to wear either of those outfits, but that’s no bar to making them).

  4. I’ve always shelved my books for structural integrity first, and then grouping them together by author as much as possible within that. It is not super fun to come home from work to find one of your shelves has collapsed because it was too top-heavy from other methods of shelving.

    On the other hand, there is what I might describe as a “feel” to works which makes me tend to broadly classify them as fantastic or sfnal, which is different from the nitty details which might cause me to classify them as fantasy or SF. Spaceships feel sfnal, even if they’re powered by pentagrams and crewed by elves.[1] Making something which feels like fantasy when it’s really SF is harder, because of the aforementioned colonies, but it can be done. Lord of Light was close, as was Poul Anderson’s “The Queen of Air and Darkness”.

    There is a “narrative strategy” theory of genre that I quite like. I haven’t found that it always applies, but it applies often enough that I think you can sometimes get more mileage out of it than listing the contents. Zoo City, by Lauren Beukes is clearly some kind of fantasy, but it feels like science fiction because of how Beukes builds her narrative and her world. When I first read a synopsis of that book, I imagined a kind of grownup Golden Compass; when I actually read it, the names for comparison that came immidiately to mind were William Gibson, Madeline Ashby, Ian MacDonald, or even Ballard. Her approach to character, the things her narrative emphasized both in its structure and its world-building, were much more in line with those authors than with other contemporary fantasy writers, imo. It was a fantasy book with an SFnal narrative strategy, and it still sticks primarily in my mind as a science fiction book, not as a fantasy book.

  5. For all you who sort your fiction shelves by types: how do you know where to find something? The above points this up — I can’t imagine remembering this decision a few years later — but several threads recently have talked about how much of SF does not lend itself to neat categorization. Do you remember subclassifications, or just look in all the sections until you find something?

    I separate hardcover SF from paper-and-most-trade, but that’s at least partly a concession to the house, which has enough windows and radiators that the living space has room only for the few nice-and-adjustable shelves my father made almost a century ago; paper goes in the basement, on fixed shelves (originally sized for videocassettes IIRC) from the local unfinished-wooden-furniture store.

  6. @Chip Hitchcock: “I separate hardcover SF from paper-and-most-trade […]”

    Interesting. I have mass-market PB separate from HC+Trade because of the size difference. (I have a bunch of shelving too small for HC or Trade PB.) I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone keep all the PB separate from the HC. Your explanation almost makes sense, but I think I’d have to see it to really understand.

  7. @Chip Hitchcock: I’m very lucky in that as long as I’m the one who put the book on the shelf, I’m able to find again with no problems, even years later, even if it wasn’t filed according to any system more complicated than “this is where there’s space for it right now”. I have really good spatial memory in that way.

  8. @Xtifr: I had to buy a batch of shelves at once (a happy event: merging collections) and went with an existing design that turned out to fit well over half of trade paperbacks (mostly — the shelf spacing is not quite constant) rather than try to get the curmudgeon-in-charge to make something PB-specific (which would have taken spoons I didn’t have, since I was ADH of a Worldcon starting less than two weeks after the move). It has worked out so far (including for those obnoxious high-aspect-ratio pseudo-mass PB), but I’ll have to do something drastic for HB if I ever manage to seriously erode Mt. Tsundoku.

  9. @ Chip Hitchcock

    I keep track of shelf location in my spreadsheets. If the book is in the fiction spreadsheet then its…well, it’s somewhere in the guest bedroom. In theory, in alphabetical order (but see also “books purchased in the last six years”). For the non-fiction, the spreadsheet lists the location by case and shelf number. Which is useful for reshelving the table piled with go-backs that gets dealt with a couple times a year. About every five years I do a complete shelf-check to make sure everything’s in its proper place, and if a topic has outgrown its shelf, that’s when relocating gets dealt with.

  10. You are massively more organized than I could manage to be; I have a semipro’s database, which I used to update frequently but haven’t touched for almost a year — and I’ve never done inventory. My hat’s off to you.

  11. I record all fiction, cooking-related, and RPG books (never did the non-fiction stuff – it’s not a lot, I just got lazy), but I don’t track shelf location. Wow, my original suspicion’s confirmed: @Heather Rose Jones lives in a library! 😀 My hat’s off to you, too, Heather. But in fairness, your collection has a lot more varieties of non-fiction and (it sounds like) needs that level of organization, where mine doesn’t. Still, I’m impressed. 😉

  12. My library is the product of an eclectic interest in various historical pursuits, PhD research in linguistics combined with a charter membership in the Dead Indo-European Language of the Month Club, and my current ongoing project into lesbian themes in history and literature. I suspect I’m unusual in this crowd in having my non-fiction outnumber my fiction.

    One aspect of it is that while I’m willing to get rid of a book that I’ve read but have no interest in re-reading, the act of getting rid of a non-fiction book means acknowledging the death of the branch of the future in which I delve deeper into that topic. I mean, I don’t have to die until I’ve finished all the research projects, right?

  13. Wow. I’ve been going to science fiction conventions since I was three, joined the SCA’s College of Heralds when I was 10, got a job programming in Forth before I was 20, and have been running Linux as my primary OS for a few months short of 20 years. I have strong opinions on Campbellian SF vs the “New Wave”, vi vs Emacs, Gnome vs KDE, and when it’s appropriate to use the term “sci-fi”. It’s very rare for me to feel totally out-geeked by someone.

    Heather, congratulations! 😀

  14. I follow a rather idiosyncratic system. I have more fantasy than all other genres combined — well, except that a lot of fantasy is sold as YA/children’s. And authors cross over all the time. I tend to group by authors I feel have something in common. When shelving a single book by a new author, I tend to look at the shelves until I see another author I feel is similar, them plonk them there. Grouping by series, as chronologically as is possible, though I favour putting hardcovers at the edges and paperbacks in the middle as it decreases shelf bowing (though this is not a problem in most of my surviving shelves) and just looks nicer.

    THe top row across my study: First segment: SF in general (And some anthologies which tend more SF than F),second segment: SF by female authors (the Macdonald/Doyle Mageworlds books landed here despite the fact that James D. Macdonald is very masculine), third segment, Lois McMaster Bujold segueing into Naomi Novik. But. Ursula K. LeGuin, Nalo Hopkinson, Connie WIllis, whom some would think cornerstones of female SF, are all in another room entirely, and scattered SF books by mostly-fantasy authors are peppered in with their relevant authors. One shelving unit in the bedroom, which makes perfect sense to me, is Tolkien, Guy Gavriel Kay, Sherwood Smith, Megan Whelan Turner, Terry Pratchett, Diana Wynne Jones.

    Except: There is one stack which is separate from all the others which I would call my desert island books, which includes one book, or story (trilogies count as one) per author that i think I would be saddest without.

    It works for me. I can always find stuff.

    And every shelf is a wee bit overfull.

    The TBR bookcase is in no order at all, though I separated out one stack (when I thought I’d be packing up all my books for some renovations sooner than I am) that was meant to stay available to nose through when I need another book.

  15. SF by female authors (the Macdonald/Doyle Mageworlds books landed here despite the fact that James D. Macdonald is very masculine)
    But they’re actually by Doyle & Macdonald (not the other way around), so you have a leg to stand on.

    I used to think I was flexible enough to deal with all sorts of interesting things, but a lot of the systems described here would drive me crazy. Somewhere there’s a PhD thesis on attempting to match idiosyncratic book shelving with personality — although I bet they wouldn’t find anything that would convince an alert thesis committee of a correlation.

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