Pixel Scroll 8/11/19 Where Are We Going? Pixel 10!

MONDAY. My mother is having her pacemaker battery replaced tomorrow and I’ll be going along with her to the hospital. I don’t know how that will affect my plans for the Scroll. A day off? A relief to come home and work on it? If you don’t see one, that’ll be why.

(1) UNEXPECTED PARTY. If there had been op-eds in Lord of the Rings… David Howard tells “We Need a Wizard Who Can Appeal to the Moderate Orc Voter” at McSweeney’s.

I may be just an ordinary orc, but I wasn’t at all surprised when the Dark Lord Sauron became the leader of Mordor. A lot of my smart, liberal friends, though, reacted as if Middle-earth was coming to an end. Dwarves in the barroom of the Prancing Pony said it was the pride of the High Elves. Ravens twittering under the eaves of Mirkwood blamed the cunning of dragons. The Steward of Gondor, posting on FacePalantir, said it was because of Sauron’s hatred for the heirs of Isildur.

I’m here to tell you: it’s the economy, stupid.

It’s all very well for those of you who dwell in the Shire, the haven of Rivendell, or the quiet forests of Lothlórien. You live in a bubble. You don’t know what life is like for the average orc, in depressed areas like the Trollshaws, the Misty Mountains, or the Dead Marshes. Let me tell you, it’s hard out here for an orc….

(2) THE YA AUDIENCE. Q&A with YA author Kate Marshall, “Interview: Graduate Kate Marshall (Part 1 of 2)”, at Odyssey Writing Workshops.

Congratulations on the upcoming September release of Rules for Vanishing, a YA novel about local ghost legend Lucy Gallows! What are some of the unique challenges of writing for a YA audience?

One of the tricky things about the YA audience is that it’s not very young adult! Most YA readers aren’t teenagers, but not by a huge margin—which means that you’re writing both for actual teens and for adult fans of the category. There’s a lot of crossover in expectations and preferences between the two sets of readers, but there are differences you have to navigate. What teens find unrealistic in a teenage character and what adults find unrealistic in a teen character are often quite different. And the online conversation and community is dominated by that older set of readers, which makes it important to seek out teens’ reactions and opinions, whether that’s through school visits or teen reader programs at libraries. And of course, it helps to actually know some teens. And to like them! There’s a lot of disdain out there for young adults, and it’s absolutely antithetical to the pursuit of writing YA. I started writing YA when I was a teenager, but when I picked it up again as an adult I made sure I was interacting with my target audience—in this case, through a mentorship program at a local high school, where I hung out twice a week one-on-one just to chat about my mentees’ lives.

(3) ONE FAN’S VIEW. Europa SF hosts an analysis of two bids for Eurocon in 2021: “COUNTERCLOCK SF: EUROCON 2021 BID EVALUATION – Wolf von Witting”. The site will be chosen during Titancon in Belfast, this year’s Eurocon.

Let’s compare the upcoming bids for 2021.

The Italian Eurocon in Fiuggi 2009 was a disappointment. A thin program, good food, but low attendance. Not the best publicity for Italian fandom.

At the time, I decided to oppose another Italian Eurocon.

In particular, if they were pitched against a Polish, Croatian or Romanian bid, since these fandoms participate to a wider extent in building bridges across their borders in Europe. Perhaps you recall Tricon 2010, which was a Polish-Czech and Slovakian collaboration?

Romanians are making more efforts to be part of the
European sf-community. I was inclined to throw myself into the blend with long smoffing experience, helping the Romanians to make their event a success. What I found was they don’t need me!

More Italians have to realize, that Europe is no longer an archipelago of isolated language islands. …

(4) SCHULMAN OBIT. Author and part of the early Libertarian movement, J. Neil Schulman (1953-2019) died August 11 of a pulmonary embolism reports John DeChancie.

Schulman’s The Rainbow Cadenza won the Prometheus Award for Best Novel (1984). His book Alongside Night was voted a Prometheus Hall of Fame Award (1989) and produced as a movie (2014).

His third novel, Escape from Heaven, was also a finalist for the 2002 Prometheus Award. His fourth and latest novel, The Fractal Man, is a finalist for the 2019 Prometheus Award.

He wrote the “Profile in Silver” segment for a 1986 episode of the revived Twilight Zone, about a future historian who creates a disastrous alternate timeline when he time travels back to November 22, 1963 and prevents JFK’s assassination.

Neil’s other projects included writing, producing and directing the suspense comedy, Lady Magdalene’s, starring Nichelle Nichols, which won two film-festival awards.

I think I first met Neil at the same time as Sam Konkin III, aboard the riverboat cruise organized by the Louisville NASFiC (1979), all part of a group of New York fans relocating to Southern California.

Schulman had already made his mark in fandom by getting a long interview with Robert A. Heinlein (1973), the most revealing ever, on assignment from the New York Daily News. (The interview would reappear as a serial in New Libertarian magazine, and as a book.)

He became part of Konkin’s Seventies sf club the Science Fiction Association of Long Beach, along with Victor Koman and others.

On his website Rational Review Schulman mixed political commentary — he styled himself a libertarian anarchist — with good anecdotes, such as the one about the time he was a witness to a practical joke played on Leonard Nimoy was speaking to an NYU audience in 1974.

(5) COLÓN OBIT. Prolific comic book artist Ernie Colón has passed away at the age of 88 after a battle with cancer reports SYFY Wire.

…Colón began his career in the 1960s as a letterer for Harvey Comics, where he worked as an uncredited penciler on Richie Rich and Casper the Friendly Ghost. While at Harvey, Colón met Sid Jacobson, who became his longtime friend and creative partner. In 2006, the pair teamed up on the graphic adaptation of the 9/11 Commission Report. The two would continue to release additional historical graphic works, like their 2010 graphic biography about Anne Frank.

.. Many, however, know him best from his work with the late Dwayne McDuffie on Marvel’s Damage Control. He’s equally well known for co-creating DC’s Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld and Arak, Son of Thunder. Colón’s distinctive style lent itself well to DC’s 1980s science fiction mainstays.


[Compiled by Cat Eldridge.]

  • Born August 11, 1923 Ben P. Indick. A member of First Fandom and prolific fanzine publisher. He wrote a handful of short genre fiction but is better remembered for his two non-fiction works, The Drama of Ray Bradbury and George Alec Effinger: From Entropy to Budayeen. (Died 2009.)
  • Born August 11, 1928 Alan E. Nourse. His connections to other SF writers are fascinating. Heinlein dedicated Farnham’s Freehold to Nourse, and  in part dedicated Friday to Nourse’s wife Ann.  His novel The Bladerunner lent its name to the movie but nothing else from it was used in that story. However Blade Runner (a movie) written by, and I kid you not, William S. Burroughs, is based on his novel. Here the term “blade runner” refers to a smuggler of medical supplies, e.g. scalpels. (Died 1992.)
  • Born August 11, 1932 Chester  Anderson. His The Butterfly Kid is the first part of what is called the Greenwich Village Trilogy, with Michael Kurland writing the middle book, The Unicorn Girl, and the third volume, The Probability Pad, written by T.A. Waters. I can practically taste the acid from here… (Died 1991.)
  • Born August 11, 1936 Bruce Pelz. He was highly active in the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society (LASFS) co-chairing the 30th World Science Fiction Convention. He also wrote filksongs and was a master costumer. Mike has a remembrance of him here. (Died 2002.)
  • Born August 11, 1942 Laurel Goodwin, 77. She starred as Yeoman J. M. Colt in the Trek pilot, and after the series was picked up, the episode became the first season two-part episode entitled “The Menagerie”.  She also played Phoebe on the “Anatomy of a Lover” episode of Get Smart! 
  • Born August 11, 1949 Nate Bucklin, 70. Musician who has co-written songs with Stephen Brust and others. He’s a founding member of the Scribblies, the Minneapolis writer’s group, and is also one of the founding members of the Minnesota Science Fiction Society, better known as Minn-stf. He spent four years as a member of the National Fantasy Fan Federation or N3F, and his correspondents included Greg Shaw, Walter Breen, and Piers Anthony. He’s been a filk guest of honor at five cons.
  • Born August 11, 1959 Alan Rodgers. Author of Bone Music, a truly great take off the Robert Johnson myth. His “The Boy Who Came Back From the Dead” novelette won the Bram Stoker Award for Best Long Fiction, and he was editor of Night Cry in the mid-Eighties. Kindle has Bone Music and a number of his other novels, iBooks has nothing available. (Died 2014.)
  • Born August 11, 1961 Susan M. Garrett. She was a well-known and much liked genre writer, editor and publisher in many fandoms, but especially the Forever Knight community. (She also was active in Doctor Who and The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne fandoms.) She is perhaps best known for being invited to write a Forever Knight tie-in novel, Intimations of Mortality. It, like the rest of the Forever Knight novels, is not available in digital form. (Died 2010.)
  • Born August 11, 1983 Chris Hemsworth, 36. Thor in the MCU film franchise and George Kirk in the most recent Trek film franchise. Other genre performances include Eric the Huntsman in the exemplary Snow White and the Huntsman and The Huntsman: Winter’s War, Curt Vaughan in Cabin in the Woods and Agent H in Men in Black: International. Ok who’s seen the latter? 


(8) FULL LID. In Alasdair Stuart’s last Full Lid before Worldcon (“The Full Lid 9th August 2019”), “we take a look at Vera Greentea and Yana Bogatch’s superb magical noir graphic novel Grimoire Noir. We also dive deep into the strange and wonderful world of Middle: Below from TinCan Audio and examine how She-Ra Season 3 may have cracked (one) of the problems many Netflix shows face. Oh and in ‘My Event Horizon Fever Dream’ I have ENTIRELY too much fun thinking about where I’d take the upcoming Amazon show.”

…Netflix have two terrible habits; cancelling a show two seasons in (Tuca and Bertie and The OA most recently) and chopping a 13 episode production order into two six episode ones and claiming they’re whole seasons. This really hurt the middle seasons of Voltron but it’s something She-Ra turns not just into a feature but a driving force….

(9) THIS OLD HOLE. “NASA discovers “cloaked” black hole from earliest days of the universe”The Indian Express has the story.

Astronomers from American space agency NASA have discovered evidence for the farthest “cloaked” black hole found so far. The discovery was made by the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The astronomers have claimed the clocked black hole at only 6 per cent of the current age of the universe.

NASA says that this is the first indication of a black hole hidden by gas at such an early time in the history of the cosmos. Supermassive black holes are often millions to billions of times more massive than our Sun and typically grow by pulling in material from a disk of surrounding matter.

(10) BACKWARDS TO THE FUTURE. In “H. G. Wells and the Uncertainties of Progress” on the Public Domain Review, Peter J. Bowler, an emeritus professor at Northern Ireland’s Queen’s University, looks at how H.G. Wells’s sf novels were grounded in a critique of the Victorian “inevitability of progress.”

…The Darwinian viewpoint is more clearly visible in Wells’ hugely successful non-fiction work The Outline of History, originally published in fortnightly parts in 1920. The survey starts from the development of life on earth and the evolution of the human species. Progress had certainly happened both in evolution and in human history from the Stone Age onward, but Wells shows that there was no predetermined upward trend. His exposure to the Darwinian vision of biological evolution (which continued in his collaboration with Julian Huxley to produce The Science of Life some years later) showed him that there were multiple ways of achieving a more complex biological structure — or a more complex society. Truly progressive steps in both areas were sporadic, unpredictable, and open-ended. When progress did occur in human society, Wells was certain that the driving force was rational thinking, science, and technological innovation. Yet history showed how all too often the benefits of creativity had been undermined by conservatism and social tensions, culminating in the disaster of the Great War….

[Thanks to Francis Hamit, Mike Kennedy, Martin Morse Wooster, Carl Slaughter, Andrew Porter, JJ, John King Tarpinian, Cat Eldridge, and Chip Hitchcock for some of these stories. Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Andrew.]

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50 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 8/11/19 Where Are We Going? Pixel 10!

  1. Thanks for the Title Credit. Best wishes for your mother’s pacemaker battery replacement.

    (4) Didn’t realize that Schulman wrote “Profile in Silver” – I remember that episode quite well (Andrew Robinson, aka Garak, plays Kennedy in this episode). I think Schulman showed up on James Nicoll’s blog once to thwart a false Schulman who had been posting there.

    (6) I loved Nourse’s “The Universe Between” and “Psi High and Others” when I was at the golden age for SF.

  2. @OGH: that sounds like a mixed blessing — procedures are never fun, but lasting long enough that a device needs replacement is a sort of achievement; here’s hoping all goes well. Speaking of which, do you know when you’re due for a refit?

    @1: aauugghh!

    @4: I never knew Alongside Night had been made into a movie. I wonder if it’s any good — the book struck me as less doctrinaire (and hence more plausible) than (e.g.) L. Neil Smith’s work. I remember him at the 1982 Loscon, telling about pulling a Wowbagger on some mundane who’d produced a particularly wedged essay on SF.

    @6: Nourse (semi-appropriately pronounced “nurse”) was IIRC the first MD to write SF; IMO, Bladerunner was a bit too pat and hurried, but Star Surgeon and The Mercy Men were excellent when I read them — I don’t remember them having the sort of breakage that a 12-year-old male couldn’t see in Raiders from the Rings.

    also @6: I saw MIBI just before it went away (had to go to an 11am show, which wasn’t a bad idea considering the dreadful heat and broken home AC). Not as bad as MIB2, but a lot of credulity-stretching, an early giveaway, and rather too much plot simply in service of spectacle rather than the other way around.

    typo on @6 — I think Bucklin has co-written songs with Brust

    @7: I have deep sympathy for that book, and hope it finds someone more deserving.

  3. P.S. During Hugo reading I noticed that in an early scene in “Black Panther: Long Live the King,” the Black Panther is reading “Man Plus” (presumably the Pohl novel) – a good choice.

  4. Best wishes for your mother’s procedure.

    @6/Chip Hitchcock — Until just this very moment I had NO IDEA how to pronounce “Nourse” — I always thought it was something closer to, well, Norse.

    The only book of his that I’m SURE I’ve read is Scavengers in Space, but I have fond memories of it, and it held up reasonably well when I revisited it a few years back.

  5. Nourse also wrote a monthly column for Good Housekeeping which I would read in the hopes that science fiction would be referenced in some way – no such luck, though.

  6. @Mike Glyer

    Best wishes to your mother. I hope the procedure goes smoothly and that her recovery is as swift and easy as could be hoped.

  7. Cat: I saw MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL. It’s OK if you want a Men in Black movie. It was filmed in a lot of pretty places such as Italy and Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson and Dame Emma Thompson are OK. I’d rate it average–not good, not bad.

    With Neil Schulman–his Heinlein interview is quite significant and deepens our understanding of Heinlein.

  8. Mike, I hope your mom’s procedure goes well and recovery is swift.

    Alan E. Nourse’s “Star Surgeon” was the first science fiction story I can remember reading, borrowed from a classroom library in seventh grade or thereabouts. I had read fantasy before – L. Frank Baum and C. S. Lewis, among others. And “Journey to the Mushroom Planet”. Or was that SF? Anyway, I have always remembered the Nourse. I went looking just now, and you can buy an ebook of it very cheaply, but it’s also included in the “Alan E. Nourse Super Pack”, available for $1.99 from B&N and Amazon at least.

  9. Scavengers in Space was the first book I read that said it was science fiction (as opposed to fantasies and books like Burroughs’ Barsoom series), checking it out from my grade school library in around 1962.

    Nourse said he felt very old when I told him that, some time in the late 70s or early 80s.

  10. I mentioned this once before, but since it popped up in the birthday list: according to Michael Kurland, the entire Greenwich Trilogy is being reprinted later this year (after having been out of print for decades). Will likely be an interesting flashback for some, and a nice dose of history for others. 🙂

    I consumed large quantities of Alan E. Nourse when I was a sprout. Haven’t read any in a long time, but I see that Project Gutenberg has a few of his books. (Including Star Surgeon.) I wonder how much I should fear the Suck Fairy?

  11. Yes, Mike, best of luck to your mom, from a fellow member of the pacemaker club (who survived someone running a red light and plowing into my car last night; Ann and I were shaken up but both pronounced okay at the hospital).

  12. Best of luck to your mom, Mike.

    Nourse… The local library, when I was a kid, had a number of his books; the only one I’ve re-read more recently, though, is Star Surgeon,which… actually, it went down smoothly enough – but dated, maybe, and short on female characters, but the plot moves along just fine, and I rather like the way it’s about intellectual challenges (medical, and interpersonal) and not slam-bang space opera action all the way.

  13. @Chip Hitchcock: An earlier MD doing sf was David Keller, best remembered by me for “Revolt of the Pedestrians” (Amazing Stories, 1928). Wikipedia says his writing was sufficiently creaky to kill several small presses that began with one of his books. Don’t ask about his politics…

  14. @Xtifr: I’ve only read one by Nourse, The Universe Between, which isn’t on that list. I liked it a lot as a kid, and on revisiting it recently I thought the Suck Fairy had mostly left it alone—although it’s unfortunate that after making kind of a point of bringing in a strong female character who’s a young rebel with mental resilience no one else has, he shuffles her off stage rather abruptly and the rest of the book is 99% dudes. The style seems to me like kind of a throwback, it’s from 1965 but reads like it’s 10 years earlier except for a little bit of interesting psychedelic imagery. But it’s a fun science mystery with some nicely paced suspense.

  15. @Jeff Smith
    Glad you and Ann are okay.

    I’m flying out to Dublin very early tomorrow morning, so today will be mainly packing. And if you want to see my contributions to the Raksura Colony Tree community art project before they go into the suitcase, you can see a mini Raksura landscape living in a corner of my sofa on Twitter.

    I also have another article up at Galactic Journey, a review of The Secret of Sinharat and People of the Talisman by Leigh Brackett. There is also a companion post up at my own blog, which goes into a couple of things I couldn’t mention at Galactic Journey, because they happened after 1964. Basically, I wonder why the puppies were so eager to embrace Leigh Brackett when Eric John Stark and a lot of the protagonists of her 1940s and 1950s stories were literally social justice warriors

  16. Best wishes to your mother, Mike – may it be a smooth process with a swift recovery.

    Cora, those crafts are AMAZING. I’m especially in love with the loopy on with the brain coral style base on the right!

    I still have two days of work to get through before my Worldcon adventures begin but I’m so excited (and nervous) to get there on Wednesday – safe travels everyone and look forward to seeing some of you over the weekend!

  17. 4) Per Schulman’s commentary, the setting of The Rainbow Cadenza was deliberately repellent. It certainly repelled me from reading any more Schulman.

    Also, the human visual system does not work that way.

  18. 1) I thought that was funny and still wondered whether I liked seeing political differences reduced like that. I keep thinking of the father in Fritz Leiber’s “America the Beautiful” talking about whether there wasn’t some difference, at the molecular or even the sub-atomic level, between Americans and Russians.

  19. Hope everything with your Mom works out okay. Mine’s 87, and although physically in pretty good shape, the dementia is slowly taking her memory.

  20. Alan Nourse wrote a mass market bestseller as “Doctor X”: Intern .

    “Universe Between”, a book I loved as a kid, was a fixup in the sixties of earlier work – don’t read the last two pages, you’ll groan – but now I wonder how someone as cool as Gail raised someone as Middle American straight as Robert. 🙂

  21. @6 If you’ve read Chester Anderson’s other stuff, and things written about him, you realize how much of a loss to the field his early death was (and Tom Waters, alias Sir Thomas Leseaux in the Lord D’Arcy series, was no slouch either). Would that we had all three of the Unicorn Girl’s authors with us, rather than just the one (no offense, Mike K.)!

  22. @Cora Buhlert, I’d like to request that some Filer or Filers take many pictures of the Raksura piece in situ, from many angles, for those of us who, alas, cannot make it to Dublin.

  23. @Lenore Jones: I’d certainly call the Mushroom Planet books SF — or at least SF-at-the-time; if Heinlein could have a bunch of teens build a moon rocket, why couldn’t Cameron have a pair of ?tweens? build a low-orbit rocket? I reread one recently and found it had been visited by the Slurp Fairy*: no real breakage, just written so badly I couldn’t see the magic that I remembered from age ~9.

    *My coinage — “Suck Fairy” seems largely used for something terribly wrong that the younger version of the reader didn’t notice, so there needs to be something that means “this just wasn’t very well done.”

    @Xtifr: Star Surgeon has IIRC no women at all in it, so the most-common cause of Suck-Fairydom isn’t there. (see Raiders from the Rings for a bitter comparison.)

    I also have fond memories of Scavengers in Space; it was a good adventure story (like The Universe Between, which 13-year-old me tried to write a sequel to!), but without the ?moral? edge of his medical novels.

    @Steve Johnson: thanks for the correction — I should have remembered that because I’ve seen the name with “MD” attached, but blanked. None of the blurbs I read encouraged me to actually read any of his work, but I’m amused to hear he was bad enough to drag down publishers.

    @Cora Buhlert: I don’t remember reading any Stark besides the two you reviewed (and hadn’t remembered enough of Sinharat to recall him as an SJW), but the part of Ciaran’s speech that you didn’t quote — something about “with these two hands, and with what I am — not what I can trick, wheedle, and whore out of men by the ancient usages of the bedchamber” would be enough to choke the average Puppy. As noted recently, they seem to cite past authors based on fragmentary evidence (e.g., Brackett scripting The Empire Strikes Back) rather than any real knowledge of what was being written before they started reading. (Now I’m imagining a Puppy-snarking pastiche of “Miniver Cheevy” — I’d try to write it if I had any skill in verse.)

    @James Davis Nicoll: that’s definitely a class act Schulman pulled. I followed to the review itself, which IMO understates Schulman’s attitude towards Rand — there’s mention of a 7-hour opera ending with a 50-minute aria by the unseen John Galt.
    And I just unblanked on Schulman’s dates — he was my age, too !@#$%^&*()!!! young to be kicking off.

    @Eli: IIRC the strong woman becomes the mother of the main lead — a regrettably typical “shuffle-off” for the time, although IIRC her training is the main reason he has teh skillz.

    @Jon Meltzer: IIRC, Gail married the scientist who was the project lead (bit of not-quite-@JDN-revolting macking there?); he was a pretty straight arrow, so being raised by that pair would have been an interesting experience.

  24. @Chip Hitchcock:

    “Honey, I’m taking Robbie over to the Threshold to play.”
    “That’s fine, dear. Just remember when the tesseracts start tasting green, it’s time to bring him home.”
    “Oh, you worry about everything.”

    (and Gail was of age when they married. I think. 🙂 )

  25. For something lighter, this video of an aqueous SJWC: “Dolphin spotted juggling with jellyfish

    @Jon Meltzer: of age, maybe (that’s why I said not-quite), and certainly vigorously independent — but not having a lot of options, and the whole scientist-marrying-their-substantially-younger-subject line might trouble some.

  26. As for Star Surgeon:

    The “Hmm, this is dated” fairy has hit it. A late fifties book about school integration showing white kids then how bad racism is by making the protagonist a sympathetic alien with a cuddly pet – yeah, okay. But are any of the human characters black, or noticeably so? I can’t remember.

  27. @Jon Meltzer: Ah, that makes sense that The Universe Between was a fix-up. When I first read it, I didn’t know that concept and I thought it was a pretty unusual structure to have two generations of protagonists, I just wished that the mom would’ve had more to do in the second part (and I didn’t buy that she would marry the scientist). But if those were two separate stories then I get it – and, looking it up now, the style makes sense too since it was basically from the ’50s.

  28. Also, I don’t know about the rest of Nourse, but in TUB I think the basic squareness of the style and characterizations (using the latter word very generously) is slightly offset at the very end by the revelation that the other universe, even though it’s perceived by the protagonists as a weird non-Euclidean space, vf nyzbfg pregnvayl BHE havirefr.

  29. Jeff Smith, I’m glad you and Ann are okay. That must have been quite a shock.

  30. @Cora Buhlert Basically, I wonder why the puppies were so eager to embrace Leigh Brackett when Eric John Stark and a lot of the protagonists of her 1940s and 1950s stories were literally social justice warriors.

    Brackett does also have a kind of libertarian streak – it goes with the romanticism and individualism – and I can imagine the puppies reading her anti-imperialism distrust of Big Government. Which is perhaps how she intended it – the Skaith trilogy features a very thinly-veiled attack on hippies and the New Deal.

  31. Ah, Alan Nourse. The “Well I’ve finished the Andre Nortons, let’s see what’s next on the shelf” guy. Its only in retrospect that I see what an incredible SF&F section my junior high school library had.

    Anyway, Star Surgeon was OK, and I really liked The Universe Between, though I haven’t read it in decades to see how it holds up. Raiders From the Rings though…I loved it as a 14 year-old, but OMG, without even rereading it, DAMN it’s problematic. Our Hero on a raid to kidnap women to be mothers. Um.

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