Premios Ignotus 2021 Finalists

The finalists for the Premio Ignotus 2021 (2021 Ignotus Awards) have been announced by Spain’s Asociación Española de Fantasía, Ciencia Ficción y Terror.

They include works in Spanish translation by Ken Greenhall, Gwendoylyn Kiste, Brian Evenson, Joe Abercrombie, Becky Chambers, Ted Chiang, Stephen King, and Brooke Bolander.

Novela / Best Novel

  • Agujeros de sol, by Nieves Mories (Dilatando mentes)
  • Hambrientos y cobardes, by Ángel Vallecillo (Pez de Plata)
  • Inmóviles: Noche, by Juan José Díaz Téllez (self-published)
  • Se vende alma (por no poder atender), by Sergio S. Morán (self-published)
  • Tras esa montaña está la orilla, by Eva Cid (Amor de Madre)

Novela Corta / Best Novella

  • Astrales, by Eleazar Herrera (Cerbero)
  • El bosque de los cristales rotos, by Rain Cross (Suseya)
  • La última luz de Tralia, by Isa J. González (Crononauta)
  • Ojalá tú nunca, by Javier Miró (Insólita)
  • R?ha|Alma, by Caryanna Reuven (Cerbero)
  • Un mundo para el olvido, by Dioni Arroyo Merino (Nowevolution)

Cuento / Best Short Story

Antologia / Best Anthology / Collection

  • Cuentos para Algernon: Año VIII, by VVAA (Marcheto)
  • Fandom of Our Own: There Was Only One Bed, by VVAA (self-published)
  • Monstruos extintos, by Joan Márquez Franch (Ediciones Arcanas)
  • Mundos sutiles, by VVAA (Cerbero)
  • Renacer, by VVAA (self-published)

Libro de ensayo / Best related Book

  • El idioma de la noche, by Ursula K. Le Guin (translated into Spanish by Ana Quijada and Irene Vidal, Gigamesh)
  • El resplandor. El libro del 40 aniversario, by VVAA (Notorious)
  • Magnífico día para un exorcismo: La saga completa de “El Exorcista”, by Raúl Toral (Applehead Team Creaciones)
  • Utopía no es una isla, by Layla Martínez (Episkaia)
  • Vudú, by VVAA (Dilatando mentes)

Articulo / Best related work

Ilustración / Best Cover

  • Cover of Igualtat de ritus, de Marina Vidal (Mai Més)
  • Cover of La única criatura enorme e inofensiva, by Sara H. Randt (Crononauta)
  • Cover of No matarás, by Héctor Rodríguez Asperilla (Titanium)
  • Cover of Renacer, by Laura María Rodríguez Sanz (self-published)
  • Cover of Vomitando mariposas muertas, by Samuel Pérez Arquellada (Matraca)

Producción audiovisual / Audiovisual production

  • Café librería, pódcast by VVAA
  • La cuarentena, programa de la editorial Cerbero
  • La TerMa, semblanza de una época, documental by Sergio Mullor
  • Las escritoras de Urras, pódcast by Maielis González y Sofía Barker
  • Lumak, pódcast by Ander Mombiela y Eleazar Herrera

Tebeo / Comics

  • Descanso Corto, by Laurielle (self-published)
  • La cólera, by Javier Olivares y Santiago García (Astiberri)
  • Matadero Cinco, by Albert Monteys y Ryan North (Astiberri)
  • No te serviré, by Irra (Spaceman Project)
  • Orlando y el juego, by Luis Durán (Diábolo)

Revista / Magazine

  • Círculo de Lovecraft, by Amparo Montejano y José R. Montejano
  • Historias Pulp, by María Larralde
  • La cabina de Nemo, by Pako Mulero Arenillas
  • Tentacle Pulp, by Francisco Javier Giménez Carrero
  • Windumanoth, by Álex Sebastián, David Tourón y Víctor Blanco

Novela extranjera / Foreign Novel

  • Baxter, by Ken GreenHall [Baxter] (translated into Spanish by Blanca Rodríguez, La biblioteca de Carfax)
  • Las doncellas de óxido [The Rust Maidens], by Gwendolyn Kiste (translated into Spanish by José Ángel de Dios, Dilatando mentes)
  • Los últimos días [Last Days], by Brian Evenson (translated into Spanish by José Ángel de Dios, Dilatando mentes)
  • Un poco de odio [A Little Hatred], by Joe Abercrombie (translated into Spanish by Manu Viciano, Alianza)
  • Una órbita cerrada y compartida [A Closed and Common Orbit], by Becky Chambers (translated into Spanish by Alexander Páex y Antonio Rivas, Insólita)

Cuento extranjera / Foreign story

  • “Exhalación” / “Exhalació” [“Exhalation”], by Ted Chiang (translated into Spanish by Rubén Martín Giráldez and by Ferran Ràfols Gesa, respectively. (Sexto Piso / Mai Més)
  • “El teléfono del señor Harrigan” [“Mr. Harrigan’s Phone”], by Stephen King (translated into Spanish by Carlos Milla Soler, en La sangre manda [If It Bleeds], Plaza & Janés)
  • “La rata” [“Rat”], by Stephen King (translated into Spanish by Carlos Milla Soler, en La sangre manda [If It Bleeds], Plaza & Janés)
  • La única criatura enorme e inofensiva [The Only Harmless Great Thing], by Brooke Bolander (translated into Spanish by Carla Bataller Estruch, Crononauta)
  • “Las ocho personas que me asesinaron” [“The Eight People Who Murdered Me (Excerpt from Lucy Westenra’s Diary”)], by Gwendolyn Kiste (translated into Spanish by Carla Bataller Estruch, Crononauta)

Sitio web / Web

Libro Infantil-Juvenil / Children’s-Youth Book

  • El inquilino fantasma, by Pedro Mañas (SM)
  • Lionheart, by Ana Roux (Nocturna)
  • Magia en cabyna, by Nahikari Diosdado (Cerbero)
  • Nazaryann Escuela de vampiros: Primer año, by Laura Mars (Niña Loba)
  • No escuches a la Luna, by Marina Tena Tena (Literup)

Juego by Rol / Role Playing Game

  • Dancú, las crónicas de Lissandria, by Iván González Guerra (with illustrations by Virginia Berrocal y Tomás Aira; Suseya)
  • Bystino infinito, by Enrique Castro (with illustrations by Daniel Puerta; HT Publishers)
  • El alucinante arsenal de Argentum el afable, by Alberto Seijo (with illustrations by Ikan; autoeditado)
  • El sueño by Cthulhu, by Ricard Ibáñez (with illustrations by Jose Antonio “Josan”; HT Publishers)
  • Los secretos del mundo mágico, by Laura Guerrero (with illustrations by Loremi Arts & Craft; autoeditado)

[Via Locus Online.]

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One thought on “Premios Ignotus 2021 Finalists

  1. Amused to note that because this was the first post at the top of the page, Google tried to offer to translate the site into English for me…

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