Prix Utopiales 2020 Shortlists

Finalists have been announced for two of the awards that will be presented by Utopiales, the International Science Fiction Festival of Nantes, celebrating its 20th year. (The event is still planned for October 29-November 1.)


The Prix Utopiales recognizes a novel, or a collection, published in French during the eligibility period by a European author. The prize has a cash value of 2000 euros. This year, five books are in competition:

• Chiens de guerre [Dogs of War] by Adrian Tchaikovsky (Grande-Bretagne), Denoël.
 Inkarmations by Pierre Bordage (France), Leha.
• Les Furtifs by Alain Damasio (France), La Volte.
• Les machines fantômes by Olivier Paquet (France), L’Atalante.
 Rosewater by Tade Thompson (Grande-Bretagne), J’ai lu.


The Prix Utopiales Jeunesse (Utopiales Youth Award) recognizes a novel or a collection of short stories by a European author, published or translated into French during the eligibility period. The winner is chosen by a jury of readers aged 13-16. The prize has a value of 2000 euros. These five books are the finalists:

• Boxap 13-07 by Amalia Anastasio (France), ScriNéo.
• Et le désert disparaîtra by Marie Pavlenko (France), Flammarion Jeunesse.
• Lou, après tout. Tome 1 : Le Grand Effondrement by Jérôme Leroy (France), Syros.
• Sortie 32.b by Antonio Da Silva (Portugal), du Rouergue.
• Survival Game by Nicky Singer (Grande-Bretagne), PKJ.

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