Prix Utopiales 2023 Winners Revealed

The 2023 winners of the Prix Utopiales, Prix Utopiales Jeunesse, Prix Utopiales BD, and the Prix Julia Verlanger were announced at Utopiales, the International Science Fiction Festival of Nantes, on November 1.


The Prix Utopiales recognizes a novel, or a collection, published in French during the eligibility period by a European author. The prize has a cash value of 2000 euros.

  • Rossignol by Audrey Pleynet (Le Bélial)


The Prix Utopiales Jeunesse recognizes a novel or a collection of short stories published or translated into French during the eligibility period preceding the festival belonging to the genre of imaginary literature and intended for an adolescent readership. It is awarded by a jury of readers aged 13 to 16 and endowed with 2000 euros.

  • Clones de la nation: Marie #3 by Maiwenn Alix (France), (Mnémos)


The Prix Utopiales BD, in partnership with the Nantes Municipal Library, awards a comic strip published during the literary season preceding the festival. The prize, worth 2,000 euros, is awarded by the science fiction comic book readers’ club of the Nantes Municipal Library.

  • Astra Nova by Lisa Blumen (France), (L’employé du moi)


  • Chantal Montellier


The Prix Julia Verlanger, run by the Fondation de France, is awarded annually to a science fiction work of adventure, fantasy or fantastique. It is named for Julia Verlanger (1929-1985), author of many science fiction novels under the pseudonym Gilles Thomas.

  • Paideia by Claire Garand (France), (La Volte)

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