Prix Utopiales 2024 Shortlist

Five finalists have been announced for the 2024 Prix Utopiales and Prix Utopiales Jeunesse. The awards will be presented at Utopiales, the International Science Fiction Festival of Nantes planned for October 30-November 3.)


The Prix Utopiales recognizes a novel, or a collection, published in French during the eligibility period by a European author. The prize has a cash value of 2000 euros.

  • Sweet Harmony by Claire North, (Le Belial’)
  • La Maison des Soleils by Alastair Reynolds, (Le Bélial’)
  • Aux ordres by Louise Carey, (l’Atalante)
  • Code Ardant by Marge Nantel, (Mnémos)
  • L’Ost Céleste by Olivier Paquet, (l’Atalante)


The Prix Utopiales Jeunesse recognizes a novel or a collection of short stories published or translated into French during the eligibility period preceding the festival belonging to the genre of imaginary literature and intended for an adolescent readership. It is awarded by a jury of readers aged 13 to 16 and endowed with 2000 euros.

  • Regne Animal by Adrien Tomas (Rageot)
  • Astréa by Alexis Brocas (Sarbacane)
  • Sol by Antonio Da Silva (Rouergue)
  • Battlestar Botanica by H. Lenoir (Sarbacane)
  • Oxcean by Nicolas Michel (Talents Hauts)

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