Retro-Hugo Voters Can See Original 1942/1943 Fan Category Material

By Joe Siclari: As a major site for preserving and providing free access to our science fiction fan history, is supporting the Retro-Hugo Fan Awards Programs of Worldcon 76 in San Jose and Dublin 2019.

We are putting online facsimiles of fanzines from 1942 (eligible for Worldcon 76) and from 1943 (eligible for 2019) to enable more fans to knowledgeably nominate and vote on the Fan Retro Hugo awards. currently has over 120 individual issues from 1942 online with more being scanned every week.

You can easily navigate to these zines by clicking on As more zines are scanned and put online, the page will be expanded with the new links, so it will remain current.

We don’t have every issue of every fanzine published in 1942/43. If readers and collectors have 1942 or 1943 fan material which they would be willing to scan to help in this effort,  please write to me at [email protected].  Our goal is to get as much up before nominations close as possible.

For all kinds of fanhistorical material visit our websites:

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5 thoughts on “Retro-Hugo Voters Can See Original 1942/1943 Fan Category Material

  1. Awesome that they’re providing the material…but in all seriousness, does anyone really care about the Retro Hugos? To me, it seems like an attempt at celebrating works that have had their time in the sun ages past.

  2. I would not cry salt tears should there never again be a retro Hugo, but they’re fun enough. And pleasantly devoid of incontinent canines.

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