They Made a Little Mistake

Something not quite right in the San Diego Comic-Con International souvenir book caught Scott Edelman’s eye: “In the midst of getting verklempt reading the In Memoriam section, I spotted a major error on the page honoring the late Ron Goulart — they’ve mistakenly used a photo of the very much living Joe Haldeman.”

Goulart, of course, actually looked like this:

Edelman understands these things can happen. Because it’s happened to him.

“My photo appeared on Robert Reed’s Wikipedia page for awhile, after I accepted his Hugo award in Yokohama.”

Robert Reed Wikipedia entry with photo of Scott Edelman

When Scott wrote about the Goulart mistake on Facebook, people chimed in with other examples they’d seen.

Mine was remembering that Torcon 2 used the wrong photo for fan guest of honor Bill Rotsler in the 1973 Worldcon program book. At the time someone said it was really a picture of Philip K Dick. Since I didn’t yet know what PKD looked like I always assumed that was the identity. And therefore, the following year when PKD no-showed for his guest of honor stint at the 1974 Westercon, I thought it was an especially funny inside joke that they brought on Bill Rotsler to give the guest of honor speech instead.

The post I planned to write was going to end there. I knew I could find that old 1973 program book on and copy the photo to run with it. Which I have. There is just one problem. I know what Philip K. Dick looks like now, and that photo doesn’t look like PKD to me. I have never seen a photo of PKD with a long scraggly beard. So who is it really?

I asked Andrew Porter, who turned to others in the Fictionmags discussion group for help. Not only did they come up with the name, they found a copy of the original photo online. It’s artist John Schoenherr. The photo was taken by Jay Kay Klein at the 1971 Worldcon.

Porter sent a copy of the photo to John’s son Ian Schoenherr who confirmed the identity. He also commented, “Still have that corduroy safari jacket somewhere – and the ceramic tiki bowl.”

John Schoenherr at Noreascon (1971). Photo by Jay Kay Klein.

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7 thoughts on “They Made a Little Mistake

  1. The mistake takes its source from Jackie Estrada’s “Comic Book People 2” book (Exhibit A Press, 2015), a collection of photographs taken at Comic Con in the 1990s. See page 110.

  2. A 2003 reprint of The Space Merchants by Frederik Pohl and C.M. Kornbluth for the SFBC 50th Anniversary Collection used a J.K. Klein photo of Poul Anderson on the jacket. Pohl/Poul, what’s the difference?

  3. @Roehm: When I started reading Frederik Pohl’s IF at age 11, in 1962, I was a mite mixed up about Pohl & Poul myself. After a few issues (and reading stories by both authors), the difference became clear.

  4. Apparently Scott got to this before I did. I posted the offending image on FictionMags, and sent it to a bunch of comics people, including “The Comics Journal,” Maggie Thompson, and others.

    I also reached out to Comic-Con about this. Haven’t heard back from them yet.

  5. Andrew Porter: Surely we don’t think of a photo of Joe Haldeman as “offending”?

  6. As long as Joe (and Gay) are still with us, it’s not all bad.

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