Top 10 Stories for March 2023

File 770’s report of the district court decision in Hachette v. Internet Archive went viral and is now one of the most-read posts in the history of this site. The Internet Archive wanted to exercise a right to scan books and “lend”/distribute copies to users as would a library. The court’s conclusion was that no case or legal principle supports the IA’s position. “Every authority points the other direction.”

The next two posts to gain the most attention were SFWA’s announcement of the Nebula Awards finalists, and how a Baen editor’s effort to discredit the result was shown to have no basis because a proffered screencap did not come from voting information.

Here are File 770’s 10 most-read posts of March 2023 according to the mercurial Jetpack plugin.

  1. Judge Decides Against Internet Archive
  2. SFWA Announces the 58th Nebula Awards Finalists
  3. Baen Nebula Kerfuffle Resolved
  4. Celebrating The 90th Anniversary of the Classic Fantasy Film Masterpiece “King Kong”
  5. Pixel Scroll 3/15/23 Scroll’s Howling Pixel
  6. Pixel Scroll 3/24/23 First Fandom: The Next Generation
  7. Pixel Scroll 3/13/23 I’m Gonna Send You Back To Wherever The Hell It Was You Came, And Then I’m Gonna Get This Pixel Scrolled To Another File’s Name
  8. Pixel Scroll 3/7/23 Some People Call Me Morlock, ’Cause I Speak Of The Pixeltus Of Love
  9. 2023 Hugo Nominations Open
  10. Pixel Scroll 3/10/23 Those Who Scroll Away From Pixelas


  1. Judge Decides Against Internet Archive
  2. SFWA Announces the 58th Nebula Awards Finalists
  3. Baen Nebula Kerfuffle Resolved
  4. Celebrating The 90th Anniversary of the Classic Fantasy Film Masterpiece “King Kong”
  5. 2023 Hugo Nominations Open
  6. Walt Disney’s “Zorro”
  7. Returning To “Space Patrol,” “Buzz Corry,” and “Those Thrilling Days Of Yesteryear”
  8. An Appreciation of “Everything Everywhere All at Once”
  9. Fur the ‘More Bans Unnamed Individual
  10. Famed MITSFS SFF Library Suffers Flood Damage

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