Who’s Coming to Anticipation?

Anticipation lists the names of program participants in a new press release that follows the jump.

A prestigious addition is 2008 Nobel Laureate in Economics Professor Paul Krugman of the Economics and International Affairs at Princeton University and centenary professor at the London School of Economics:

He has credited Isaac Asimov’s “Foundation” novels with inspiring him to choose his field, and will be speaking about his experiences in a program item entitled “From SF Reader to Economist.” He will also have a conversation with Charles Stross, author of the Hugo nominated novel Saturn’s Children.

Anticipation: Press Release #28, July 27, 2009

Anticipation is pleased to announce that a preliminary programme schedule is now online. Any changes to the final printed programming schedule will be noted in programming updates both online and distributed at Anticipation. Our program participants include scientists, writers, artists, musicians, professors, editors, fans, and convention organizers, many of whom have agreed to speak with the press. A partial list of those who have agreed to speak with the press is included in this release; please contact [email protected] for details if you wish to interview any of them.

A page with the full list of programme participants (including our Guests of Honour, Neil Gaiman, Élisabeth Vonarburg, David Hartwell, Tom Doherty and Master of Ceremonies, Julie Czerneda) has been published and is available online.

Many individuals included were previously mentioned in our Also Attending list, available since earlier this year, but a number of new names are present, among them 2008 Nobel Laureate in Economics Professor Paul Krugman of the Economics and International Affairs at Princeton University and centenary professor at the London School of Economics. He has credited Isaac Asimov’s “Foundation” novels with inspiring him to choose his field, and will be speaking about his experiences in a program item entitled “From SF Reader to Economist”. He will also have a conversation with Charles Stross, author of the Hugo nominated novel “Saturn’s Children”.

Another notable attendee from outside the science fiction field is Melissa Auf der Maur. She will present her new project, “Out of Our Minds”, a multimedia concept album featuring a CD, a fantasy film, and a comic. The film, “OOOM”, was an Official Selection of the 2009 Sundance Film Festival.

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This first list includes nominees for awards which will be presented at Anticipation:

Peter Atwood – Aurora Nominee
Paolo Bacigalupi – Hugo Nominee
Elizabeth Bear – Hugo Nominee (2 categories)
Alan Beck – Hugo Nominee
Aliette de Bodard -Campbell nominee
Tobias Buckell – Sidewise Nominee, Hugo Nominee
Lillian Stewart Carl – Hugo Nominee
Joël Champetier – Aurora Nominee
Neil Clarke – Hugo Nominee
Robbie Bourget – Co-chair
Ellen Datlow – Hugo Nominee
Cory Doctorow – Prometheus Award Winner, Hugo Nominee
Alain Ducharme – Aurora Nominee
David Anthony Durham – Campbell nominee
Susan J Forest – Aurora Nominee
Chris Garcia – Hugo Nominee (2 categories)
James Alan Gardner- Hugo Nominee
Éric Gauthier – Aurora Nominee
Pia Guerra – Hugo Nominee
Patrick Nielsen Hayden – Hugo Nominee
Judith Hayman – Aurora Nominee
Kij Johnson – Hugo Nominee
John Kessel – Hugo Nominee
Mary Robinette Kowal – Hugo nominee
Michele Laframboise – Aurora Nominee (3 categories, four works)
Claude Lalumière – Aurora Nominee
Guy Lillian- Hugo Nominee
Beth Meacham – Hugo Nominee
Farah Mendlesohn – Hugo Nominee
Cheryl Morgan – Hugo Nominee
David Palumbo – Chesley Nominee
Ursula Pflug – Aurora Nominee
Tony Pi – Campbell Nominee
John Picacio – Chesley Award Nominee
Mike Resnick – Hugo nominee (2 categories)
Robert J. Sawyer – Aurora Nominee
John Scalzi – Hugo Nominee (3 categories)
Karl Schroeder – Hugo Nominee
Gord Sellar- Campbell Nominee
Steven Silver – Hugo Nominee
Douglas Smith – Aurora Nominee (2 categories 3 works)
Jonathan Strahan – Hugo Nominee
Charles Stross – Hugo Nominee
Howard Tayler – Hugo Nominee
Hayden Trenholm – Aurora Nominee
Liza Groen Trombi – Hugo Nominee
Jean-Louis Trudel – Aurora Nominee
Ann VanderMeer- Hugo Nominee
Diane Walton – Aurora Nominee
Jo Walton – Sidewise Award Nominee
Edward Willett – Aurora Nominee
Sheila Williams – Hugo Nominee

Other participants who have agreed to be interviewed include:

Paul A Abell
Andrew A. Adams
John Joseph Adams
Camille Alexa
Alma Alexander
Jim Anderson
Lou Anders
Robert Anstett
Lisa Ashton
Alison Baird
Kate Baker
DD Barant
Chris M. Barkley
Alan Beatts
Natasha Beaulieu
René Beaulieu
Chris Becker
Stephanie Bedwell-Grime
Dominique Benoit
Alain Bergeron
Mark Bernstein
Lauren Beukes
Jenny Blackford
Russell Blackford
Georges Bormand
Jason Bourget
Steve Boyett
Kristen Britain
Guillaume Houle / Les Six Brumes
James. M. Bryant
Erik R. Buchanan
Warren Buff
Karen Burnham
Alain le Bussy
S.C. Butler
Pat Cadigan
Trudi Canavan
Jane Carnall
Grant C. Carrington
Christopher D. Carson
Kyle Cassidy
Jeanne Cavelos
Eric Choi
Suzanne Church
Rich Chwedyk
Tom Clegg
David Clements
David Clink
Gary A Condor
Byron P. Connell
Brenda Cooper
Christine Cornell
Paul Cornell
Héloïse Côté
Ann Crimmins
Richard L. Crownover
Heather Dale
Todd Dashoff
James Stanley Daugherty
Pablo Defendini
Linda N. Deneroff
Ellen Denham
Eugene Dere
Daniel Dern
Nick DiCharlo
Oliver Dombret
Gardner Dozois
Daniel Duguay
Jean-Claude Dunyach
Tom Easton
Bill Fawcett
Moshe Feder
Steve Feldberg
Susan Fichtelberg
jan howard finder
Jan Florjanczyk
Stefania Forlini
Richard Foss
Regina Franchi
Doug Fratz
BJ Galler-Smith
Jason Gehlert
Greer Gilman
Laura Ann Gilman
Lynn Gold
Dominick Grace
Rani Graff
Preston Grassman
Jon Courtenay Grimwood
Peadar Ó Guilín
Eileen Gunn
Gabrielle Harbowy
Anne Harris
Lee Harris
Geoff Hart
Teresa Nielsen Hayden
John Helfers
Janet Hetherington
Bill Higgins
Laurel Anne Hill
Hirohide Hiriai
P.C. Hodgell
Stefan Högberg
Tore Audun Høie
Veronica Hollinger
Heidi Hooper
Kerrie Hughes
William Humphries
Elaine Isaak
Victoria Janssen
Ben Jeapes
Sue (Posteraro) Jeffers
Tom Jeffers
Nora K. Jemisin
Alain Jetté
Nick Kanas
Guy Kay
Diane Kelly
James Patrick Kelly
John Kenny
LeAmber Kensley
Liana Kerzner
Dan Kimmel
Ellen Klages
Mindy Klasky
Scott Klebe
Michael J. Klein
Derek Kunsken
Ellen Kushner
Samuel “Fullmetal” Lachance
Mur Lafferty
Ken Lalonde
Heidi Lampietti
Jagi Lamplighter
Rob Latham
Stephan Laurent-Faesi
sylvie laurin
Sharon Lee
Fred Lerner
Jean Levasseur
Michael J. Lévesque
David D. Levine
Judith Lewis
Shariann Lewitt
Jean Lorrah
Karin Lowachee
Jill Snider Lum
Nicki Lynch
Lisa Macklem
June Madeley
Joe Mahoney
Violette Malan
Elissa Malcohn
Laurie Mann
Thibaud Sallé Phelippes de La Marnierre
Darlene Marshall
George R. R. Martin
Joseph P. Martno
Patricia McCracken
John McDaid
Jane Ann McLachlan
Janet McNaughton
Jeanne Mealy
Sarah Micklem
Steve Miller
James Minz
Lee Modesitt
Aliza Ben Moha
Jeanjac Monde
John Moore
Josianne Morel
Lucas Moreno
Nina Munteanu
Mark L. Van Name
James Nelson-Lucas
David Nickle
Larry Niven
Jody Lynn Nye
Christian Olivier
Joshua Palmatier
Ada G. Palmer
Bill Parker
Wendy G Pearson
Francine Pelletier
Jean Pettigrew
Pierre Pevel
John Pitts
Joel Polowin
Andrew Porter
Curtis Potterveld
Sumitra Rajagopalan
Pascale Raud
Eric T. Reynolds
Pat Reynolds
Faye Ringel
Bruce Lindsley Rockwood
Frank Roger
Steve Rogerson
Margaret Ronald
Howard Rosenblatt
Geoff Ryman
Kathy Sands
Christian Sauve
Howard Scrimgeour
Mark Sebanc
Delia Sherman
Joe Siclari
Amy Sisson
Michael Skeet
Jack Skillingstead
Graham Sleight
Sarah Smith
Bob Sojka
Kari Sperring
Kevin Standlee
Joe Steiff
David Stephenson
Milt Stevens
Thomas Stidman
Alamo St-Jean
Sylvain St-Pierre
Samantha Stratton
James Strauss
Amy H. Sturgis
Cecilia Tan
Brad Templeton
Mario Tessier
Lorna Toolis
Ian Tregillis
Gregg T. Trend
Mary Turzillo
Heather Urbanski
Catherynne Valente
Kim Vandervort
Michael Ventrella
Edd Vick
Jetse de Vries
John Wardale
Jeff Warner
Kaaron Warren
Allan Weiss
Ruth Wejksnora
Dan Wells
Robert Wiersema
Walter Jon Williams
Connie Willis
Gregory A. Wilson
John Wilson
Lewis Wolkoff
Malcolm Wood
Delphyne Woods
Trisha Wooldridge
Phoebe Wray
John C Wright
Brianna Spacekat Wu
Nir Yaniv
Alvaro Zinos-Amaro
Eric Zuckerman

The 67th World Science Fiction Convention, known as Anticipation, will take place in Montréal, Québec, Canada from Thursday, August 6th through Monday, August 10th, 2009.

More information about Anticipation, including current membership rates, is available on our web site (http://www.anticipationsf.ca/); you can also write to us for more information. To be removed from the Anticipation press release mailing list, please write to [email protected]

Anticipation The 67th World Science Fiction Convention P.O. Box 105,
Station NDG Montréal, QC H4A 3P4

email: [email protected]

“WSFS”, “Worldcon”, “World Science Fiction Convention”, “Hugo Award” and “NASFiC” and the distinctive design of the Hugo Award Rocket are registered service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society.

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