Pixel Scroll 4/18/19 Before The Pixels Return To Capiscrollo

(1) A BIT MORE ON AO3. Polygon’s article “For AO3, the fanfiction haven, a Hugo nomination is a long time coming” includes quotes from Nicholas Whyte, Kevin Standlee, and Naomi Novik that may be of interest.

“The shortlisting of AO3 does not mean that every work published on the site is a Hugo Award finalist,” clarified Kevin Standlee, a member of the Hugo Awards Marketing Committee, to Polygon. “By analogy, if a magazine is nominated for Best Semiprozine, it does not mean that every work and every author published during that year’s run of the magazine is a Hugo Award finalist.”

Whyte also emphasized that Archive of Our Own as a project met all the requirements of the Best Related Work category as far as the Hugo administrators were concerned.

“Archive of our Own as a project is on the Hugo final ballot,” Whyte wrote in an email. “A substantial number of voters supported it, and it is not really the role of the Hugo administrators to second-guess or interpret their intentions. Our job is to determine whether it qualifies under the rules. We considered the precedents in this and other categories very carefully, and found no good reason to disqualify it.”

Archive of Our Own is a platform for fanfiction, yes, but it is also an intricate system of archiving and hosting said fanfiction, as well as a space built up by fandom members for their very own. No “one part” of AO3 qualifies the site for the prize. The entirety — past, present, and promise to the future — makes it uniquely primed for the honor.

“So if the question is, which of that work is the nomination recognizing?” penned Naomi Novik on her Tumblr. “It’s recognizing all of it. You can’t separate one part of it from the other. The garden wouldn’t exist without all of it. And I am grateful for it all.”

(2) BEWARE SPOILER. Well, maybe not… Yahoo! Entertainment says the filmmakers deny everything: “Paul Rudd, ‘Avengers: Endgame’ directors respond to ‘Thanus,’ the most insane Marvel theory ever”.

As far as the most bonkers fan theories go in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, one clear-cut winner has emerged recently in predicting the climax (back end?) of the highly anticipated Avengers: Endgame.

That would be the premise coined “Thanus,” which posits that the Avengers will finally triumph over intergalactic, snapping super-baddie Thanos (Josh Brolin) when Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) uses his size-altering abilities to shrink down, enter the villain’s butthole and then expand, killing his target in what would essentially be the most volatile hemorrhoid ever.

(3) SNACK TIME. Ursula Vernon is served a Tibetan delicacy. Thread starts here.

Followed by more culinary adventures. Thread starts here.

(4) KGB. Here are Ellen Datlow’s photos from the April 17 KGB readings by Dale Bailey and Arkady Martine.

Arkady Martine. Photo by Ellen Datlow.

(5) ABOUT VAMPIRES. Methinks Electric Literature doth protest too much: “A Perfectly Normal Interview with Carmen Maria Machado Where Everything Is Fine” .

Theodore McCombs: What about Carmilla first attracted you to this project? What do you hope 2019’s readers will find in this 1872 vampire tale?

Carmen Maria Machado: The connection between narratives of vampires and narratives of women—especially queer women—are almost laughably obvious. Even without Carmilla, they would be linked. The hunger for blood, the presence of monthly blood, the influence and effects of the moon, the moon as a feminine celestial body, the moon as a source of madness, the mad woman, the mad lesbian—it goes on and on. It is somewhat surprising to me that we have ever imagined male vampires at all. But of course, that’s because we think of Dracula as the ur-text, the progenitor of the vampire in literature. Carmilla simply isn’t as well-known; I was as surprised as anyone to learn about it. But despite the fact that it’s a somewhat obscure text, its influence can be keenly felt. So I wanted modern readers to understand both Carmilla and Carmilla’s importance.

(6) GOT LEGACY? Tad Williams explains how Game of Thrones has affected epic fantasy in an article for Vulture: “What Is Game of Thrones’ Legacy in Epic Fantasy?”

The novelist Don DeLillo wrote shortly after the attacks that 9/11 would change “the way we think and act, moment to moment, week to week, for unknown weeks and months to come, and steely years.” It’s hard to deny that he was right. Several pop-culture phenomena sprang up in the years after 9/11, HBO’s Game of Thrones being one of the most important, but by no means operating in a vacuum. The runaway popularity of The Walking Dead and The Hunger Games in the 2000s also signaled a different sort of sensibility from Tolkien’s postwar years. The enemies were closer, and sometimes they were even friends — or had been. Nothing was entirely trustworthy, not family, not community, and certainly not the government. The anti-establishment cynicism of the ’60s and ’70s had been replaced by a cynicism about virtually everything, and certainly about all institutions. Priests and teachers were now seen as potential molesters. Presidents were no longer just wrong as far as their opponents were concerned — they were actual criminal enemies. George W. Bush was labeled a murderer and Barack Obama was called a fascist. Political and cultural media were weaponized.

(7) TYPECASTING. Is it really that controversial? The Boston Globe thinks so: “Loved and loathed, iconic Helvetica font enters a new era”.

It’s the typeface that greets you on your tax forms. It announces MBTA station stops. Its sans-serif letters glow in the night outside Target and CVS.

In the world of typography, Helvetica is as common as vanilla ice cream. The 62-year-old font is celebrated and loathed for its ubiquity. Now, it’s getting a face lift for the digital age.

The reboot — by Monotype, a Woburn [MA]-based firm that owns Helvetica and thousands of other fonts — has set off a new round of debate over a typeface that has not only divided font fanatics but also transcended the field of design.

Indeed, not many fonts are controversial enough to show up on Twitter’s trending topics. So when Mitch Goldstein saw the word “Helvetica” among the social network’s hottest discussions, he joked that it must be there for the same macabre reason that sees celebrity names suddenly pop up.

(8) WOLFE APPRECIATION. Paul DiFilippo has written one of the best Wolfe tributes for the Barnes & Noble Review: “Master of Mazes: Remembering Gene Wolfe (1931-2019)”.

With the passing of Science Fiction Writers of America Grandmaster Gene Wolfe (1931-2019), literature has lost a unique writer who embraced fruitful paradox. He was at once traditionalist and rebel, metaphysician and realist, trickster and pontiff, experimentalist and conservative, the consummate professional and the most endearingly heart-on-his-sleeve fan. He married the pulp tropes of science fiction and fantasy and horror to the stringent esthetics and techniques and multivalent worldview of echt modernism to produce works which both camps felt did honor to their respective lineages. Readers of “The Death of Doctor Island” or The Fifth Head of Cerebrus could discover all the thematic density and narrative complexity they might seek in a work by Pynchon or Nabokov in tales fully alive as visionary works in SF. In 2014, writer Michael Swanwick, himself a master craftsman, dubbed Wolfe “the single greatest writer in the English language alive today.”…

(9) KATO OBIT. “Monkey Punch, creator of megahit Japan comic Lupin III, dies” — the AP service has the story.

Cartoonist Monkey Punch, best known as the creator of the Japanese megahit comic series Lupin III, has died at age of 81.

His office, MP Pictures, said Wednesday that Monkey Punch, whose real name is Kazuhiko Kato, died of pneumonia on April 11.

The story of master thief Lupin’s adventures with his gang — gunman Daisuke Jigen, sword master Goemon Ishikawa and sexy beauty Fujiko Mine, as well as a detective, Zenigata — started in 1967.

The cartoon also was adapted for TV animation and movies, some directed by renowned animators including Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata.


In 2014, Always Look on the Bright Side of Life, from the 1979 Monty Python film Life of Brian, was the most popular song played at British funerals.

Source: The Telegraph


[Compiled by Cat Eldridge.]

  • Born April 18, 1884 Frank R. Paul. Illustrator who graced the covers of Amazing Stories from May 1926 to June 1939, Science Wonder Stories and Air Wonder Stories from June 1929 to October 1940 and a number of others well past his death date.  He also illustrated the cover of Gernsback’s Ralph 124C 41+: A Romance of the Year 2660 (Stratford Company, 1925), published first as a 1911–1912 serial in Modern Electrics. He was inducted into Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame in 2009. Stephen D. Korshak and Frank R. Paul’s From the Pen of Paul: The Fantastic Images of Frank R. Paul published in 2010 is the only work I found that looks at him. (Died 1963.)
  • Born April 18, 1938 Superman. Age: damn if I know. Created by writer Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster, the character first appeared in Action Comics #1 on April 18, 1938. Yes, it was cover-dated as June, 1938. This is generally thought of as the beginning of the Golden Age of Comics. (Died 1992. But he got better.)
  • Born April 18, 1945 Karen Wynn Fonstad. She was a cartographer and academic who designed several atlases of literary worlds. Among her work are The Atlas of Middle-earth which is simply wonderful, and The Atlas of Pern which I’ve not seen. (Died 2005.)
  • Born April 18, 1946 Janet Kagan. She wrote but three novels in her lifetime, Uhura’s Song, set in Trek universe, Hellspark and Mirabile which is a stitch-up of her Mirabile short stories. The Collected Kagan collects all of her short fiction not set in the Mirabile setting. Her story “The Nutcracker Coup” was nominated for both the Hugo Award for Best Novelette and the Nebula Award for Best Novelette, winning the Hugo. (Died 2008.)
  • Born April 18, 1953 Rick Moranis, 66. Though now retired from acting, he was  active genre-wise once upon a time in such properties as GhostbustersLittle Shop of Horrors (the remake obviously), Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (which isn’t bad compared to the stinkers that followed in this franchise), The Flintstones and of course Spaceballs. For you next Christmas viewing delight, may I recommend Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys in which he voices The Toy Maker? 
  • Born April 18 Cheryl Morgan, born, as she put it to me today when I dared to ask her age, so long ago no one can remember. She is a Hugo award-winning critic and publisher now living in Britain. She is the owner of Wizard’s Tower Press and was running the Wizard’s Tower Books ebook store before she closed it due to changes in EU regulation.  She was previously the editor of the Hugo award-winning Emerald City fanzine which I confess I read avidly.  And she shares joint wins with the rest of the Clarkesworld team for Best Semiprozine in 2010 and 2011. Superb magazine that. Oh, and her personal blog which is great reading won a Hugo In 2009. Read it for the reviews, read it for the occasional snarky commentary. She is on the advisory board of Fafnir – Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research.
  • Born April 18, 1965 Stephen Player, 54. Some birthday honor folks are elusive. He came up via one of the sites JJ gave me but there is little about him on the web. What I did find is awesome as he’s deep in the Pratchett’s Discworld and the fandom that sprung up around it. He illustrated the first two Discworld Maps, and quite a number of the books including the 25th Anniversary Edition of The Light Fantastic and The Illustrated Wee Free Men. Oh, but that’s just a mere wee taste of all he’s done as he did the production design for the Sky One production of Hogfather and The Colour of Magic. He did box art and card illustrations for Guards! Guards! A Discworld Boardgame. Finally, he contributed to some Discworld Calendars, games books, money for the Discworld convention. I want that money. 
  • Born April 18, 1969 Keith DeCandido, 50. Another writer whose makes his living writing largely works based on series. He’s done works set within the universes of Sleepy Hollow, Star Trek, Buffy, Spider-Man, X-Men, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Andromeda, Farscape,  Spider-Man, X-Men, and Stargate SG-1.  He has a fantasy series, Dragon Precinct, ongoing.
  • Born April 19, 1971 David Tennant, 48. Eleventh Doctor and my favourite of the modern Doctors along with Thirteen whom I’m also very fond of. There are some episodes such as the “The Unicorn and The Wasp” that I’ve watched repeatedly.  He’s also done other spectacular genre work such as the downright creepy Kilgrave in Jessica Jones, and and Barty Crouch, Jr. in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. He’s also in the Beeb’s remake of the The Quatermass Experiment as Dr. Gordon Briscoe.

(12) PET DETECTIVE. A GOAT writer says “This Is What Happened When I Tried To Find Out Where Julian Assange’s Cat Went”:

We now know that Julian Assange’s cat, who lived with him in the Ecuadorian embassy for a time, is safe and being looked after, but we didn’t know this when I asked about it late last month. And I didn’t know that asking about it would result in the ‘Defend Assange Campaign’ getting in touch….

(13) CREDENTIAL MOVIE MUSICAL. The Hollywood Reporter gives a download: “’Cats’: Everything to Know About the Film Adaptation”.

The highly anticipated film adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical Cats is making its way to theaters. The story is based on T.S. Eliot’s book of poems titled Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats.

The live production-turned-movie follows a tribe of felines, known as the Jellicle Cats, as they attend the annual Jellicle Ball. During the ball, the tribe’s leader Old Deuteronomy chooses one cat to be reborn and return to a new life.

The Universal film features a star-studded cast that includes Jennifer Hudson, Idris Elba, Taylor Swift, Ian McKellen, Judi Dench, Rebel Wilson, James Corden, Jason Derulo and Steven McRae.

(14) OUT OF TUNA. Timothy the Talking Cat…talks, of course. And writes, as explained in the latest chapter of his autobiography: “Beyond the Bounds of Genius: Chapter 4”.

Chapter 4: That Tricky First Novel

After considering a number of career choices I decided that ‘novelist’ was the best match to my temperament and experience. With both my schooling and military service behind me, I had a wealth of life experience to draw from and the natural wit of England’s upper classes running through my veins.

(15) THE WORKS. Delish says another exotic variety of Oreos is on its way to market: “Oreo’s Firework-Inspired Cookies Are Back And They Actually Pop In Your Mouth”.

Here’s the deal: The Fourth of July-inspired sweets are the classic chocolate and creme combo we all know and love but with a twist. They’re filled with red and blue popping candies, so they will quite literally explode in your mouth—in a totally safe Pop Rocks kind of way, you know?

(16) DAY FOR NIGHT. Futurism foresees the future of light pollution:“Pepsi Plans to Project a Giant Ad in the Night Sky Using Cubesats”.

A Russian company called StartRocket says it’s going to launch a cluster of cubesats into space that will act as an “orbital billboard,” projecting enormous advertisements into the night sky like artificial constellations. And its first client, it says, will be PepsiCo — which will use the system to promote a “campaign against stereotypes and unjustified prejudices against gamers” on behalf of an energy drink called Adrenaline Rush.

Yeah, the project sounds like an elaborate prank. But Russian PepsiCo spokesperson Olga Mangova confirmed to Futurism that the collaboration is real.

“We believe in StartRocket potential,” she wrote in an email. “Orbital billboards are the revolution on the market of communications. That’s why on behalf of Adrenaline Rush — PepsiCo Russia energy non-alcoholic drink, which is brand innovator, and supports everything new, and non-standard — we agreed on this partnership.”

(17) RONDO. Steve Vertlieb would be thrilled if you’d consider voting for his article:

It’s “Rondo Award” time again, and my work on “Dracula In The Seventies: Prints of Darkness” has been nominated by the “Rondo Award” committee for “Best Article of the Year.” Anyone can vote once for their favorites in this category, and voting continues through April 20th, 2019. I’ll go “bats” if you care to vote for my work. Winning a competitive “Rondo” would mean a great deal to me, and sublimely reward these sometimes fragile seventy three years. Simply send your selection (along with your name and e-mail address) to David Colton at [email protected], and please accept my sincere thanks for your most gracious kindness.

(18) GENE THERAPY IS ANSWER TO RARE DISEASE. NPR gives background: “Gene Therapy Advances To Better Treat ‘Bubble Boy’ Disease”.

Sometimes rare diseases can let scientists pioneer bold new ideas. That has been the case with a condition that strikes fewer than 100 babies a year in the United States. These infants are born without a functioning immune system.

The disease is called severe combined immunodeficiency, or SCID. “It was made famous in the mid ’70s when the ‘Bubble Boy’ was described in a documentary, and I think it captured the imagination of a lot of people,” says Matthew Porteus, a pediatrician at Stanford University.

David Vetter was the boy who spent most of his short life inside a plastic bubble to protect him from infection. He died at age 12 in 1984.

All babies born in the United States are now screened for this condition, and the best treatment today — a bone marrow transplant — succeeds more than 90 percent of the time. The disease remains a source of great interest to researchers.

“This is one of those diseases in which there’s probably more doctors and scientists studying the disease than patients who have the disease,” Porteus says.

In the 1990s, European scientists actually cured SCID in some patients, using a technique called gene therapy. This process involves removing defective blood cells from a patient, inserting a new gene with the help of a virus and then putting the cells back into the body. Those cells then build up the patient’s immune system.

At first, this treatment in the 1990s and early 2000s looked really promising.

“Of the 20 patients, they all had immune recovery,” says Donald Kohn, an immunologist at UCLA’s Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research. “But, over time, five of them went on to develop a leukemia.”

(19) CHOOSING SCIENCE. They chose an important animal rather than a pretty one: “Snot Otter Emerges Victorious In Vote For Pennsylvania’s Official Amphibian”.

Pennsylvania’s soon-to-be official amphibian has more than its fair share of nicknames: snot otter, mud devil, Allegheny alligator, devil dog, lasagna lizard.

In short, it’s not exactly a looker.

But the Eastern hellbender salamander was the overwhelming choice of lawmakers for amphibian representation in the state. On Tuesday, the state’s House of Representatives voted 191-6 on a bill that would name the aquatic creature its state amphibian. The Senate passed the bill in February.

The hellbender is a nocturnal salamander that can grow more than 2 feet long. The mud-colored creature, covered in a layer of mucus, breathes primarily through loose flaps of thick, wrinkled skin that look a little bit like lasagna noodles.

The hellbender is also a canary for environmental degradation.

(20) CAT IN THE LAT(ERAL FILING CABINET). “‘Giant lion’ fossil found in Kenya museum drawer”.

A new species of giant mammal has been identified after researchers investigated bones that had been kept for decades in a Kenyan museum drawer.

The species, dubbed “Simbakubwa kutokaafrika” meaning “big African lion” in Swahili, roamed east Africa about 20 millions years ago.

But the huge creature was part of a now extinct group of mammals called hyaenodonts.

The discovery could help explain what happened to the group.

…”Based on its massive teeth, Simbakubwa was a specialised hyper-carnivore that was significantly larger than the modern lion and possibly larger than a polar bear,” researcher Matthew Borths is quoted by AFP news agency as saying.

(21) READY, AIM, MEOW. Here’s a piece of technology some of you will want – the Catzooka – Cat Launcher!

(22) THEY PUT THINGS IN THEIR EARS TO CONTROL OUR MINDS. Buzzfeed claims that “People Wearing AirPods Are Making Things Awkward For Everyone Else”.

Unlike traditional headphones, AirPods are the kind of things you can keep in your ears at all times, and many people do. Their sleek design and lack of wires make it easy to forget they’re resting in your head. And their status symbol shine doesn’t exactly scream “take me out.” This may be great for Apple and its bottom line, but it’s making life weird for people interacting with those wearing them. Are they listening to me? Are they listening to music? A podcast? Just hanging? It’s tough to know.

(23) VIDEO OF THE DAY. In “Cabin Pressure” on Vimeo, Matthew Lee explains how to behave badly on airplanes!

[Thanks to Martin Morse Wooster, Ellen Datlow, Mike Kennedy, JJ, Mark Hepworth, Chip Hitchcock, John King Tarpinian, Daniel Dern, Cat Eldridge, Carl Slaughter, Rob Thornton, and Andrew Porter for some of these stories. Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Kip Williams.]

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44 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 4/18/19 Before The Pixels Return To Capiscrollo

  1. (12) PET DETECTIVE.

    The GOAT website refuses to let me see the article, and insists that I must download its mobile app. Onto my tablet. Which does not have mobile app functionality. Morons. 😡

  2. @JJ

    On my PC, I was able to scroll down in the little phone on the page and read the entire article.

  3. Fifth?

    On an unrelated note, it looks like in the US you can now stream the BBC production of China Mieville’s City and the City via Amazon Prime without also having to subscribe to Britbox. I haven’t watched it yet, but it might be part of my Easter weekend.

    (Also now available streaming on Prime: The Bride with White Hair, one of my all-time favorite Hong Kong fantasy wuxia films.)

  4. Bonnie McDaniel: On my PC, I was able to scroll down in the little phone on the page and read the entire article.

    GOAT’s website developer is apparently an incompetent who is not a member of the Universal Browser school. I was able to get to it using a different browser, thanks.

    What a sleazy technique for sucking people into giving you access to all sorts of personal information via a mobile app, by refusing to let them see your content except in a tiny square. 🙁

  5. JJ says (12) PET DETECTIVE.The GOAT website refuses to let me see the article, and insists that I must download its mobile app. Onto my tablet. Which does not have mobile app functionality. Morons. ?

    On the iPad, it just shows the article without such need to load anything. What OS are you using?

  6. Medical update: I’ll be out of the hospital on Tuesday morning having having had the staphylococcus infection successfully eradicated from the infected bone. Il be here a total of forty three days at that point , quite enough time in-hospital thank you!

    I’ll need to be tested regularly to ,make sure it hasn’t come back as it can linger even post-treatment in the bone. And I’m now very prone to such infections occurring.

  7. (6) Williams’s historical overview of fantasy is interesting, but I find his political analysis much less so. You can’t simply say in effect “People accused Bush of terrible things, and also Obama, so that must just be the tone of the times” without even considering whether one side might actually have more of a point than the other; it’s also incredibly ahistorical to pretend that Presidents had not been called murderers for similar reasons before. It’s even odder to claim that a fear of priests and teachers being molesters is a new thing. And I’ve heard enough “9/11 changed everything” claims for one lifetime already; it doesn’t matter that DeLillo said it too.

    (16) I already expressed my extreme skepticism about this company when the story was posted here earlier. All I’ll add is that I did an angular diameter calculation to see what the apparent size of one of their “pixels” would be at closest approach, given that it’s a 30-foot-wide reflector that is 580 miles away. If I’m right, it would look about as big as a 0.007-inch-wide reflector that is 30 feet away, i.e. virtually imperceptible. I can’t see how a Pepsi logo or whatever could be made out of those without an absurdly large fleet of pixels, which would have to travel in perfect sync despite having large moving parts. So, again, I think they’re full of it.

  8. 16) If Charlie Stross were writing that story, the first war in space would begin when the interplanetary equivalent of Earth First! monkeywrenched those bastards.

    19) That snot an otter.

  9. Bonnie McDaniel says to me Congratulations on your escape discharge!

    Thanks. I came via the ER so I ended needing my clothes laundered as they’d been sitting here the whole time. One of the RNs did that today. I really wasn’t expecting to be here anywhere near this long as I had no idea that I’d be operated on to have infected bone removed and end having to need the forty two days of antibiotics.

  10. Congrats on your discharge from the hospital, Cat, and fingers crossed that the infection is gone for good.

    11) Two more April 18 birthdays of genre interest are David Tennant (born 1971) and Eric Roberts (born 1956). Two my knowledge, this is the only example of a Doctor and a Master born on the same day.

  11. [16] I would contribute to a kickstarter for a big-ass laser to vaporize these things..


    The Man Who Sold The Moon, Heinlein 1950
    Watch This Space, Clarke 1958

  12. 16) According to SpaceNews Pepsi has cancelled the ad plans.
    Also it seems in the USA there is a law against launching satellites for the purpose of space advertising. Not in Russia though.

    Yay Cat!

  13. I had a pack of those Oreos last year–the explody bits are much smaller than in your classic Pop Rocks.

  14. 3) I have really been enjoying Ursula’s adventures.The Great Thangka, in particular, has been a “Wow!” moment

    @Cat Best thoughts you get out on schedule.

  15. I’m not anticipating the film version of CATS. I had the LP of it. It was worth a listen or three, but I gave it away.

    Rick Moranis essentially stopped working in acting to raise his kids. He’s shown no inclination to make a comeback.

  16. @Cat Eldridge: I join the Aeslyn mice in saying “Hooray for getting out of the hospital!”.

  17. 10) Last year or so there was a brief theatrical re-release of Life of Brian. Of course I went. Of course I whistled along.

    11) All of Fonstad’s atlases are amazing. Even the one I’ve never seen.

    12) Can’t see the article on my iPad. There is a very special hell awaiting web developers who try to be Clever.

  18. (15) I bought a pack of these last year without realizing they were different from regular Oreos, so I had quite the surprise. But I like them. The popping sensation was mild and didn’t change the taste at all. I’d buy them again.

  19. (3) I guessed what it was just from those two tweets, before going off to read the thread. I think the nearest Western food would be “Rocky Mountain oysters”.

    @Cat – Hurray for you! (I do hope that you never have to do it again.)

  20. Re the GOAT article, I simply narrowed my browser window until the article appeared. Hope that helps someone.

  21. Re: Janet Kagan – before she went pro, Janet, with Eli Cohen, published a very good fanzine called Akos, which featured material by many a Greater New York fan and artwork by Judy Mitchell. (She was also a great delight to know, sharp and funny.)

  22. People Wearing AirPods …

    Are Returning Awkward To Sender.
    – Signed, Every Woman Who Just Wants To Ride The Bus In Peace, No I’m Not Lonely Here, Go Away.

  23. @Jamoche: In Bujold Vorkosigan books, the highly civilized planet of Beta has a highly evolved system that allows people to signal their status (“Romantically attached, not looking,” etc.). Surely on Earth, we can have a signal that means “I’m reading here, and have no interest in conversation at the moment” – a simple signal that might work is having a book open and looking at the pages…

  24. Andrew says In Bujold Vorkosigan books, the highly civilized planet of Beta has a highly evolved system that allows people to signal their status (“Romantically attached, not looking,” etc.). Surely on Earth, we can have a signal that means “I’m reading here, and have no interest in conversation at the moment” – a simple signal that might work is having a book open and looking at the pages…

    When not in-hospital, I go on my long walk downtown with airbuds in listening to audiobooks, the current one being book five of Joel Shepherd’s Spiral Wars series and it’s amazing how many folks try to talk to me. Even folks who should know better.

  25. @Andrew: One of the funnier bits in Delany’s Trouble on Triton is when the protagonist goes into a bar that’s been set up to account for every possible variation in one’s degree of desired social interaction: you can sit over here if you want to meet people, or over there if you don’t, or over there if you want to act indifferent but still have people hit on you, and like three or four more levels like that. And the protagonist still manages to be dissatisfied with those options.

  26. @Eli: I should read more Delany – I’ll put Trouble on Triton on the List… Thanks.

  27. Our overlords of course have made sure that we are quite aware of this truth.


    Currently reading ‘The Spirit of Science Fiction’, by Roberto Bolano. Strangely flat but fascinating. Was underwhelmed by Steven Erikson’s ‘Willful Child’, a C grade Star Trek parody, but relieved that ‘Revelation Space’ has stood the test of time, and that Bren Cameron still rocks it in ‘Peacemaker’

    Off next week for a trip to Europe, where with luck I can reduce the number of unread bargains on the kindle.

  28. If anyone is watching the Doom Patrol on the DC Universe service and they’ve not gotten to the Danny Patrol episode, they’re in for a treat as it’s easily one of the best ones done to date. There’s two storylines and both work perfectly without an once of wasted dialogue. I’ve thought in the past that the episodes had a tendency to wander a bit so this was a very pleasant surprise!

  29. Patrick Morris Miller: 12) There is a very special hell awaiting web developers who try to be Clever.

    Yes, there is, and I contributed to the Kickstarter for it. 👿

  30. Cat, I’m so glad that you’re going to be allowed to go home, finally. I am sure that your credentials are sorely missing you. Best wishes for a full recovery. 💐

  31. Cat Eldridge on April 19, 2019 at 5:18 pm said:

    If anyone is watching the Doom Patrol on the DC Universe service and they’ve not gotten to the Danny Patrol episode, they’re in for a treat as it’s easily one of the best ones done to date. There’s two storylines and both work perfectly without an once of wasted dialogue. I’ve thought in the past that the episodes had a tendency to wander a bit so this was a very pleasant surprise!

    I like Doom Patrol much more than the incredibly bland Titans. Titans has not one singing horse head!

  32. @ Andrew

    In Bujold Vorkosigan books, the highly civilized planet of Beta has a highly evolved system that allows people to signal their status

    Now I’m imagining “dude-bro on Beta”, the comedy of errors about the clueless Betan guy who simply refuses to take clear signals at face value.

  33. @Heather Rose James: That would be delightful. Beta probably has comedies of manners – something in this case titled “Our Barrayaran Cousin” perhaps.

  34. Computer is still verruckt, but I’m popping in on my tablet with my bluetooth keyboard that decides which letters I really meant and which ones are optional.

    I went to the 40th anniversary LIFE OF BRIAN on Thursday, with a largely younger audience who enjoyed the show AND DIDN’T HAVE IT MEMORIZED so it was a great time for me. I applauded George Harrison twice, when his name came on for a producing credit and when his face was briefly on screen. I manfully refrained from shouting punchlines, but I did make so bold as to whistle along.

    Thanks for the title cred! Is Tad Williams someone else, or a typo for me? I ask because I thought I had introduced the Pepsi In Space topic (but of course I do not have access to your private correspondence). (Considering how much work this has turned out to be–typing, going back, putting in ‘optional’ letters the keyboard didn’t consider important–I might not get back to check for an answer very soon. Hoping to have a real computer before too long. In fact, my clients are showing up all of a sudden to offer me work, which makes me wish I’d thought of destroying my computer sooner.)

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