2014 Tiptree Award

The winners of the 2014 Tiptree Award are Monica Byrne for The Girl In the Road, and Jo Walton for My Real Children. Each winner will receive $1000 in prize money, a specially commissioned piece of original artwork, and chocolate.

The James Tiptree, Jr. Literary Award Council will celebrate Byrne at WisCon over the Memorial Day weekend (May 23-26). Jo Walton, who won’t be at WisCon, will be feted in San Francisco in August.

Honor List: In addition to selecting the winner, the jury chose a Tiptree Award Honor List.

  • Jennifer Marie Brissett. Elysium (Aqueduct Press 2014)
  • Seth Chambers, “In Her Eyes” (Fantasy & Science Fiction, January/February 2014)
  • Kim Curran, “A Woman Out of Time” (Irregularity, edited by Jared Shurin, Jurassic London 2014)
  • Emmi Itäranta, Memory of Water (Harper Voyager 2014) (published in Finnish as Teemestarin kirja, Teos 2012)
  • Jacqueline Koyanagi, Ascension (Masque Books 2013)
  • Alisa Krasnostein and Julia Rios, editors, Kaleidoscope (Twelfth Planet Press 2014)
  • Pat MacEwen, “The Lightness of the Movement” (Fantasy & Science Fiction, April/May 2014)
  • Nnedi Okorafor, Lagoon (Hodder & Stoughton, 2014)
  • Nghi Vo, “Neither Witch nor Fairy” (Long Hidden: Speculative Fiction from the Margins of History, edited by Rose Fox and Daniel José Older, Crossed Genres, 2014)
  • Aliya Whiteley, The Beauty (Unsung Stories 2014)

In addition to the honor list, this year’s jury also compiled the following long list of other works they found worthy of attention:

  • Corinne Duyvis, Otherbound (Amulet 2014)
  • Meg Elison, The Book of the Unnamed Midwife (Sybaritic Press 2014) At the same time that the Tiptree winners were announced, this book won the Philip K. Dick Award.
  • L.S. Johnson, “Marigolds” (Long Hidden: Speculative Fiction from the Margins of History, edited by Rose Fox and Daniel José Older, Crossed Genres 2014)
  • Laura Lam, Shadowplay (Angry Robot/Strange Chemistry 2014)
  • Ken Liu, “Knotting Grass, Holding Ring” (Long Hidden: Speculative Fiction from the Margins of History, edited by Rose Fox and Daniel José Older, Crossed Genres 2014)
  • Sarah Pinsker, “No Lonely Seafarer” (Lightspeed Magazine, September 2014)
  • Michael J. Sullivan, Hollow World (Tachyon 2014)
  • Deborah Wheeler, Collaborators (Dragon Moon Press 2013)
  • Cat Winters, The Cure for Dreaming (Amulet 2014)

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5 thoughts on “2014 Tiptree Award

  1. What is in San Francisco in August that Walton will be feted at? There’s nothing relevant on her website’s list of appearances.

  2. Yeah, I don’t know. That’s as much info as they gave on the Tiptree site.

  3. Nothing is set up as yet. Jo said she could go to San Francisco sometime after MythCon, and suggested we arrange some sort of ceremony then. (Several of the Tiptree Award administrators live in the area.) We said we will. That’s all I have for you so far.

    It’s actually kind of nice to see all these posts about other awards having business as usual these last few days.

  4. It’s going to be in Borderlands, but we haven’t finalised the details of exactly when. I will put it on my website when it’s fixed, and on my LJ and probably bleat on about it at teduious length. It’ll be a Tiptree award ceremony and fannish hanging out event. In San Francisco. The week after Mythcon, which is in Colorado Springs, which is near Denver, which is on a train line which goes to San Francisco…

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