2018 Utopiales Awards Shortlists

Finalists have been announced for two of the awards that will be presented at Utopiales, the International Science Fiction Festival of Nantes.

The nominees for the Prix Utopiales 2018 are:

  • L’Or du diable, Andreas Eschbach (L’Atalante)
  • Espace Lointain, Jaroslav Melnik (Agullo)
  • L’âme des horloges, David Mitchell (de l’Olivier)
  • Station: La chute, Al Robertson (Denoël)
  • Amatka, Karin Tidbeck (La Volte)

The award recognizes a novel, or a collection, published in French during the eligibility period by a European author. The prize has a cash value of 3000 euros.

The nominees for the Prix Utopiales Jeunesse 2018 (Utopiales Youth Award) are:

  • The Rain, Virginia Bergin (Bayard)
  • Les Puissants, tome 1: Esclaves, Vic James (Nathan)
  • Nouvelle Sparte, Erik L’Homme (Gallimard Jeunesse)
  • Star Trip, Éric Senabre (Didier jeunesse)
  • Le Mort du Temps, Aurélie Wellenstein (Scrineo)

The award ceremony will take place during the  Utopiales International Science Fiction Festival of Nantes, October 31-November 5.

[Via Locus Online.]

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6 thoughts on “2018 Utopiales Awards Shortlists

  1. A very interesting award, indeed. I only recently noticed it but last year winner is on the TBR pile and I plan to come back to it regularly. Last three winners were from Portugal, Russia, and the Czech Republic.

    Here are the original titles of the books which were initially published in English language.

    Prix Utopiales :
    The bone clocks, David Mitchell
    Crashing Heaven, Al Robertson
    + books initially published in swedish (Amatka…), lithuanian, and german, super!

    And a bit less diversity for the other award
    Prix Utopiales jeunesse (YA) :
    The rain Virginia Bergin
    Gilded cage Vic James (I think…)

    The three others being original french titles.

  2. Thank you for those conversions; I was trying to figure out whether I’d missed “The Soul of Clocks” or the title had … shifted. Does anyone who has read those in the original have comments about them?

  3. There’s a review of Crashing Heaven on tor.com here:


    Even though it’s a glowing review, it doesn’t actually make the book sound good to me at all.

    I read The Bone Clocks and liked it very well. It’s a bit more of a typical SF novel than Cloud Atlas was, but similar, with a set of connected long stories that share characters but each has its own plot and viewpoint. Secret-society-horror elements are very present (you know secret society horror tropes, right? like Illuminati and so on, very common stuff in a certain type of fantasy, sf and horror).

  4. Amatka is absolutely phenomenal and was published in English last year as well (though it was originally Swedish a few years back). Much recommended.

  5. The Andreas Eschbach novel is called “Teufelsgold” (devil’s gold) in German and doesn’t seem to have been translated into English yet.

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