Chip in for Journey Planet

Yay me! I was the first backer of Journey Planet’s Kickstarter initiative asking fans to contribute to pay the cost of printing their next issue:

Journey Planet is doing a tripartide issue, using an editor in the US, one in the UK and our special guest editor in Australia! We’re going to put the issue out in August at the WorldCon in Reno and have decided to try and print more than any other time in our history. In the past, we’ve had writers such as Niall Harrison, Alastair Reynolds, John Scalzi, Chris Garcia, James Bacon, Claire Brialey, Paul McCauley, Peter Sagel (of Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me) and many, many more! 

We’ll be printing at least 200 copies of Journey Planet, whcih will be far more than we’ve done before. We’re expecting a hefty issue, and we’ve got material from around the world already!

We’ll be using 100% of the funds to get the issue printed.

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