Day Out of SFWA

Vox Day (Theodore Beale) reports he has been expelled from SFWA. He posted to his blog the text of the notification sent by SFWA President Steven Gould:

After careful consideration of the evidence gathered by the Board-appointed investigator and your response, and in compliance with the existing Massachusetts By-Laws, the approved operations and procedures, and legal counsel, the SFWA Board has unanimously voted for your expulsion from the organization, effective immediately. This has been a difficult decision, but thorough examination of the evidence and the situation makes it clear that this action is necessary to best serve the interests of the organization and its members.

According to our records, you paid for your Lifetime Membership in October of 2002. As this period of time exceeds 10 years, you are not eligible for any pro-rata refund of your dues.

Beale’s initial comment was, “I shall attempt to find the wherewithal to soldier on, somehow.”

The “SFWA Board communication on member expulsion”, while coyly (or is that bizarrely) failing to name the member expelled, adds:

This has not been an easy decision. It was very important from the outset that the Board should follow a careful process of examining the evidence, reviewing our internal rules and guidance, and weighing the damage done to the organization regardless of how we chose to proceed. We hope that all members of SFWA understand that this decision has not been made without careful and thorough examination of the situation.

Our bylaws and procedures make expelling a member a prolonged and arduous process, but we believe this is entirely appropriate for so drastic a remedy, and oppose any changes to our bylaws and procedures that would make it any easier.

Amal El-Mohtar, who made public her official motion to expel Beale, has not yet commented at this writing. There may have been several dozen similar motions registered privately through SFWA Board members, judging by excerpts of SFWA’s investigative report published weeks ago on Vox Populi.

Update 08/14/2013: Edited post to include SFWA subsequent statement. Later, updated to add Steven H Silver’s observation that the SFWA statement doesn’t name the member.

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