Delort Wins 2019 Gaughan Award

Nicolas Delort

Nicolas Delort is the 2019 winner of The Jack Gaughan Award for Best Emerging Artist. The award was announced at Boskone 56 on February 16.

Nicolas Delort is an award-winning illustrator currently living in the grey suburbs of Paris. Gathering inspiration in the daily and mundane as well as books and any kind of narrative medium, Nicolas endeavors to tell stories, big and small, by working on strong, evocative and intricate black and white compositions. His work has received the Gold Medal from The Society of Illustrators, and has been recognized by American Illustration, 3×3, Juxtapoz, Supersonic Electronic and This Is Colossal. Some of his clients include Blizzard Entertainment, Games Workshop/The Black Library, Quirk Books, and Solaris Books.

The Gaughan Award honors the memory of Jack Gaughan, a long-time friend of fandom and one of the finest SF artists of the 20th century. Because Jack felt it was important to encourage and recognize new blood in the field, The New England Science Fiction Association, Inc., presents the Gaughan Award annually to an emerging artist (an artist who has become a professional within the past five years) chosen by a panel of judges. The judges for this year’s award were Stephen Hickman, Marianne Plumridge, and Patrick Wilshire.

[Thanks to Gay Ellen Dennett for the story.]

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