Dublin 2019 Photos by Rich Lynch — Saturday

Mike Walsh explains how he got Marooned in Chicago

More pictures by Rich Lynch after the jump.

Busy last day at the site selection table

Saving fan history, one page at a time

Joe Siclari, Edie Stern, Mark Olson

The fanac.org table is a fanning nexus!

Pascal J. Thomas and Joe Siclari

Panel: History of Eastercons

Some mighty fine fan history being described: Bill Burns, Mary Burns, Steve Davies, Caroline Mullan, Mike Scott

I had a pleasant dinner last evening with my friend Robin Johnson

The Fan Funds auction

Chairman James Bacon makes a surprise appearance.

There was a last-minute contribution from Joe Haldeman.

Still at the Fan Funds auction

Finally, a Janice Gelb sighting!

Saturday night full circles…

… seem more like traditional music jams.  No singing, and the music is as good as what we heard in some pubs in city center.

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