Dublin 2019 Photos by Rich Lynch — Sunday

This is the guy who kept me in fandom 33 years ago

… but that’s another story. (Kees Van Toorn)

More pictures by Rich Lynch after the jump.

“Meet the Guests of Honour” hour

Held at the convention’s pub, of course… (Mary and Bill Burns)

The “Origins of Irish Fandom” panel

No Irish fans on the panel, but…. (Geri Sullivan, John D. Berry, Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Sandra Bond, Jerry Kaufman)

Nicki Lynch and Perry Middlemiss

Doesn’t seem like it’s been 20 years since Aussiecon 3.

Generic Green Room photo

Not so busy on a Sunday morning.

All hail DisCon III !

The DisCon III membership conversion table on Sunday morning.

The most different experience of the convention

The full immersion Langa Belta Workshop. “Oye!  Welcome to The Expanse…”

In Martin’s, watching the Hugo simulcast

Photos by Nicki Lynch

From the Green Room.  This is actually somebody’s handbag.

Panel on “How science and ordinary people can change the future”.

Bo Balder, Klaus Mogensen, Rich Lynch, Gerald M. Kilby

The “Hurling Throne”

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3 thoughts on “Dublin 2019 Photos by Rich Lynch — Sunday

  1. (Perry Middleton in the picture title should be Perry Middlemiss.)

    I saw that throne captioned elsewhere as Throne of Games. Clever!

  2. Lenore Jones: Thanks for the correction about Middlemiss. I hope I caught it before he sees it! Er…

  3. My friends and I retitled it the Ash throne. Given what material hurleys are made from…

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