Heroes and Villains

DCposter COMPBy John King Tarpinian: Among the things I obsessively collect are fountain pens, some in my collection are over 75 years old.  It all started when I was trying to improve my handwriting…and it worked.  Collecting fountain pens, I said to myself, is smart because they are something I can use and they do not take up much room.  Yes, they are something that I use daily, but you of course have to buy the pen and keep the box. What is an obsession unless one also collects all the ephemera related to pens?  What does that have to do with a topic related to File770 and that is not related to Ray Bradbury?

Instead of attending the Doctor Who convention last weekend I was at the Los Angeles International Pen Show.  I assisted the 87-year-old, third generation, owner of the oldest fountain pen store in America, The Fountain Pen Shop, established in 1922. While setting up our booth the DC display caught my eye.

Now what pen do I want, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Joker, Catwoman, Penguin or Riddler? Starting at only $295 for a ballpoint and topping out at $475 retail for a fountain pen.  Holy checkbook, Batman!


3bOh yes, there is also a limited edition Batman that includes a watch and cufflinks plus either a ballpoint or ballpoint and fountain pen.  All this for only $4,945 to $8,995 retail.

Luckily for me there were other craftsmen vendors there with custom costume or vintage jewelry so I was able to pick something up to bring home on Saturday the 14th, Valentine’s Day.  Disaster averted.

box COMP

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2 thoughts on “Heroes and Villains

  1. So do you feel like putting up a picture of the pen you *did* get? Inquiring minds want to know.

    I used a fountain pen for a few years but eventually gave it up when it kept leaking on things. But I agree they are cool.

  2. The only pen I am still looking for is so rare that I have not seen one in over ten years. The only stuff I bought was jewelry for She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed.

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