Journey Planet 73: Hugo Nominee Gifts 

Australian fan Alan Stewart has been tracking down all the little mementoes that Worldcons give to Hugo Nominees. In doing so he was helped by many fans, seeking images and information.   

Alan joined Chris Garcia and James Bacon on Journey Planet 73 – Hugo Nominee Gifts, as they sought to share the research and photos, of the wondrous things that have been gifted. And who knew that such a list existed?

Gifts for Hugo Nominees were generally given to nominees at the Hugo Losers party by the subsequent Worldcon, often seen as a promotional activity as well as welcome to those the community have celebrated to come to the following year’s Worldcon. 

A variety of fans have contributed the images, and a number have written for the issue including Evelyn Leeper, Steven H Silver, Guy Lillian III, Michael A Burstein, Deb Geisler, Rose Mitchell, Helen Montgomery, Sarah Gulde, Alison Scott, Craig Miller, Ian McDonald and Henry Balen who all share insight

It’s a list you might not know existed, and one that’s kind of fun.

Letters of Comment from Rob Hansen and Kerry Kyle also feature, as they both respond to issue 71, the Hugo Base issue.  

James Bacon adds, “We are currently working on an issue with Jean Martin about futuristic, mythical, fictional and imagined musical instruments with an end of June deadline and would love to hear from interested contributors.”

Letters of comment welcome at [email protected] on this or any issue.  

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2 thoughts on “Journey Planet 73: Hugo Nominee Gifts 

  1. I’ve got all sorts of tchotchkes—shot glasses, a pint mug, a glass in the shape of a boot, coffee mugs, etc.—and other bits and bobs collected over the years. The little silver Hugo pins are cute. Mike Resnick used to wear them all each convention, like a little spaceship fleet.

    On the other hand, having lost the Hugo multiple times, always to the same nominee, has driven me stark, raving mad. Maybe.

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