New SFF Magazine “Small Wonders” Launches Kickstarter

Cislyn Smith and Stephen Granade have launched a Kickstarter to fund the first year of Small Wonders, a new monthly online SFF magazine for flash fiction and poetry.

Small Wonders magazine will be publishing original and reprint flash fiction and narrative poetry, all tinged with the wonder of other worlds both science fictional and fantastic. Subscribers will be able to receive their wonders in the medium they prefer: web, ebook, or delivered straight to their inbox on a regular schedule. Read examples of what the magazine will publish for free right now in Issue 0.

Issue 0 includes stories and poems by Beth Cato, Saswati Chatterjee, Mary Soon Lee, Preemee Mohamed, Wendy Nikel, Charles Payseur, Ali Trotta, Moses Ose Utomi, and John Wiswell. The Kickstarter will fund issues 1 through 12: three original flash pieces, three new poems, and three reprinted flash pieces every month, all taken from an open submission slush pile. Issues will be delivered to subscribers at the first of the month and made free to read on the web as the month progresses, though only subscribers will receive extras – author interviews, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, editorial notes, and commentaries.

Kickstarter backers can get discounted subscriptions, swag including ribbon bookmarks, the one-time-only printed copy of Issue 0, and (in limited quantities) a thirty-minute chat with authors Premee Mohamed or Alex White.

The Kickstarter will run for one month (until March 28), with new stories and poems from Issue 0 being released throughout.

[Based on a press release.]

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