Pixel Scroll 12/7/17 Pixel, It’s Scrolled Outside

(1) SOCIETY PAGE. Cat Valente and Heath Miller shared their news on Twitter. Jump onto the thread about the romantic proposal here —

Part of the announcement:

(2) A GOOD COUNTRY FOR OLD MAN. Deadline started with an Exclusive story, but now we all know — “Netflix Grabs Hold Of John Scalzi’s Sci-Fi Novel ‘Old Man’s War’ For Jon Shestack, Madhouse”.

Netflix has acquired John Scalzi’s modern sci-fi classic Old Man’s War to develop as an original film. The novel is the first in a bestselling six-book series and is considered to be one of the best of the genre over the past two decades, nominated for a Hugo Award. Jon Shestack Productions and Madhouse Entertainment will produce.

John Scalzi goes into a little more detail in his FAQ about the news: “Old Man’s War in Development at Netflix”.

Are you excited?

Hell, yes. One, because I would love to see an OMW movie. But also, two, Netflix is a place where a lot of fantastic entertainment is happening these days. It’s trying a lot of things and taking a lot of chances, and most people I know who are working with Netflix are thrilled about being there right now. It really seems like it could be a great place for the OMW universe.

So is this a movie or TV series?

It’s a movie. On your television!

(Or computer or phone or monitor or wherever you choose to watch Netflix, I don’t judge.)

(3) GODSTALKER. James Davis Nicoll brings you his list of “Twenty Core Works of Religious Speculative Fiction Every True SF Fan Should Have on Their Shelves”. Here are four examples –

  • High Deryni by Katherine Kurtz
  • A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeleine L’Engle
  • The Brothers Lionheart by Astrid Lindgren
  • A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller

(4) ROWLING CHALLENGED ON SUPPORT OF DEPP. Amy Zimmerman of The Daily Beast calls it “J.K. Rowling’s Cowardly Defense of Alleged Abuser Johnny Depp in ‘Fantastic Beasts’”.

… In May 2016, actress Amber Heard filed for divorce from Johnny Depp, declaring at the time, “During the entirety of our relationship, Johnny has been verbally and physically abusive to me…I endured excessive emotional, verbal, and physical abuse from Johnny, which has included angry, hostile, humiliating, and threatening assaults to me whenever I questioned his authority or disagreed with him.” In the wake of these explosive allegations, The Daily Beast’s Kevin Fallon wrote a piece titled “Amber Heard Says Johnny Depp Beat Her. It Will Ruin His Career. Just Kidding!”, in which he argued that Depp, like so many accused A-listers before him, was destined to emerge from this scandal professionally unscathed.

…On the one hand, Rowling has inarguably found herself in a difficult position, and it’s hard to watch as female creators are asked to answer for the alleged misconduct and immorality of their male collaborators. In her statement, Rowling acknowledges the seriousness of the allegations against Depp, and appears to have taken the pressure to potentially recast seriously. But, make no mistake: she is supporting and defending Johnny Depp. And, in doing so, she is calling his accuser’s testimony into question.

The most damning sentence here is when Rowling cites “our understanding of the circumstances” to justify the fact that she is “genuinely happy” with Depp’s starring role; it sounds like she’s implying that, if we knew what she knew, we would feel comfortable dismissing Heard’s story too. Rowling is, finally, saying “I believe you”—but the person she’s acknowledging in this scenario is Johnny Depp, not Amber Heard

Here is J.K. Rowling’s complete statement on “Grindelwald casting”:

When Johnny Depp was cast as Grindelwald, I thought he’d be wonderful in the role. However, around the time of filming his cameo in the first movie, stories had appeared in the press that deeply concerned me and everyone most closely involved in the franchise.

Harry Potter fans had legitimate questions and concerns about our choice to continue with Johnny Depp in the role. As David Yates, long-time Potter director, has already said, we naturally considered the possibility of recasting. I understand why some have been confused and angry about why that didn’t happen.

The huge, mutually supportive community that has grown up around Harry Potter is one of the greatest joys of my life. For me personally, the inability to speak openly to fans about this issue has been difficult, frustrating and at times painful. However, the agreements that have been put in place to protect the privacy of two people, both of whom have expressed a desire to get on with their lives, must be respected.  Based on our understanding of the circumstances, the filmmakers and I are not only comfortable sticking with our original casting, but genuinely happy to have Johnny playing a major character in the movies.

I’ve loved writing the first two screenplays and I can’t wait for fans to see ‘The Crimes of Grindelwald’. I accept that there will be those who are not satisfied with our choice of actor in the title role. However, conscience isn’t governable by committee. Within the fictional world and outside it, we all have to do what we believe to be the right thing.

(5) QUICK SIP SHORT FIC RECS. I think I missed Charles Payseur’s “Quick Sip Reviews 2017 Recommended Reading List”, posted last month.

This comes courtesy of my monthly recommendation column, The Monthly Round. The rules are fairly easy, in that the stories must come from publications I regularly read. It’s the single greatest limiting factor for the list, because I do not read everything, but this prevents me from essentially cherry-picking stories from other publications. So there are my favorite stories published at the places I read regularly and have reviewed. There’s a whole wide world of other stories out there, but I did dearly love these. So I hope that, even with that limitation in mind, the list is helpful for finding some truly awesome short SFF. If you want more info on any of the stories, there are links to each or you can do a search of this blog to find my more in-depth reviews.

(6) BLACK SF HONORED. The Root has named “The 16 Best Books of the Year by Black Authors”. Three of these books are of genre interest.

  • #1 — Sing, Unburied, Sing: A Novel by Jesmyn Ward, which Amazon currently lists as the top-selling book in Magical Realism.
  • #4 — Akata Warrior by World Fantasy/Hugo/Nebula Award winner Nnedi Okorafor.
  • #9 — What It Means When a Man Falls From the Sky, by Lesley Nneka Arimah, a debut short-story collection from an award-winning Nigerian-American writer whose short stories hit fantasy, magical realism, science fiction, and horror.

(7) THERE ARE NO OLD, BOLD EQUATIONS. RedWombat mashes up a classic poem with a Hall of Fame story. The first tweet in response by Tim Chase is brilliant, too,

(8) JOIN THE VAMPIRE LODGE. An io9 exclusive! “Vampire Veronica Descends on Riverdale in a New Archie Horror Series”.

Between Afterlife with Archie, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, and the recent addition of Jughead: The Hunger, Archie Comics’ horror imprint is flying higher than Sabrina’s broomstick ever thought possible. But there’s already another series coming to Archie Horror, and it’s got a bit of a bite to it….

Veronica Lodge, Riverdale’s socialite encounters a centuries-old creature of the night, who transforms her into a bloodthirsty vampire. Now she must descend on her unsuspecting hometown to quench her newfound hunger. Veronica now has to contend with this new transformation However, she is still the Veronica we all know and love.

(9) GULP FICTION. Fainting cloths have been in much demand since news broke that “Quentin Tarantino Might Direct a Star Trek Movie”io9 has the story.

Apparently Tarantino recently pitched an idea for a Trek movie to producer J.J. Abrams, who loved it, and they’ll soon begin to assembling a writer’s room to flesh it out. If everything falls into place, Tarantino could be interested in directing with Abrams producing.

This isn’t something that’ll be happening soon, though. Next up for the iconic director is his still-untitled 1969-set movie, which Sony Pictures just picked up. That already has a release date of August 9, 2019, so there’s no doubt that’s next for him. That leaves almost two years of time for a script to get written that could woo Tarantino into doing several things he’s never done before.

He’s never directed a feature he didn’t write. He’s never done a scifi film. He’s never done a major franchise film.

(10) EARLY BIRDS. Worldcon 76 and Dublin 2019 announced their Retro Hugo plans a few days ago and the Hugo Awards Book Club wasted no time coming up with the first set of recommendations: “Retro Hugos 1943: Novels”

It was with no small degree of excitement that we greeted the news that there would be Retro Hugo awards presented at next summer’s Worldcon. Just on principle, we love Retro Hugos, and will take any opportunity to do a deep dive into the science fiction published in a particular year. The Hugo year of 1943 (which would cover works published in 1942) has some excellent novels to choose from. We will explore other fiction categories for these awards in later posts.

Legendary science fiction pioneer Olaf Stapledon has never been nominated for a Hugo

Award in any category. The author of Last and First Men, Star Maker, and Odd John had published most of his major works prior to the first Worldcon, so even with Retro Hugos, there hasn’t been much opportunity to honour his works with the genre’s top award. Although Darkness And The Light is not one of his most well-remembered works, and although it has some flaws, it is still one that should be considered for the award.

(11) CRIDER IN HOSPICE. Crime fiction writer Bill Crider, who also won a 2015 Sidewise Award for his story “It Doesn’t Matter Anymore,” has entered hospice care. He signed off from his blog saying –

Things could change, but I suspect this will be my final post on the blog. I met with some doctors at M. D. Anderson today, and they suggested that I enter hospice care. A few weeks, a few months is about all I have left. The blog has been a tremendous source of pleasure to me over the years, and I’ve made a lot of friends here. My only regret is that I have several unreviewed books, including Lawrence Block’ fine new anthology, Alive in Shape and Color, and Max Allan Collins’ latest collaboration with Mickey Spillane, The Last Stand, which is a collection of two novellas, “A Bullet for Satisfaction,” an early Spillane manuscript with an interesting history, and “The Last Stand,” the last thing that Spillane completed. It saddens me to think of all the great books by many writers that I’ll never read. But I’ve had a great life, and my readers have been a big part of it. Much love to you all.*


  • December 7, 1972 — The crew of Apollo 17, while on their way to the Moon, took a photo of Earth from about 28,000 miles.


  • Born December 7, 1915 — Leigh Brackett, well-known sf author and screenwriter. George Lucas hired Brackett to write the first draft of The Empire Strikes Back, which she completed shortly before she died in March of 1978.

(14) ALL BRADBURY. Courtesy of Cora Buhlert, here’s a brief clip from a German cultural TV program  presenting a new illustrated German edition of Ray Bradbury’s “Something Wicked This Way Comes”. (Video.)

(15) THE GOLD RUSH IS OVER. In “Business Musings: Sustainability”, Kristine Katherine Rusch argues that the market for independently published books has “matured” and that authors should expect much slower growth and lower incomes from here on.

I’m talking about the changes in income to writers who were not rushing to every new way of doing something, writers who were not gaming algorithms, writers who were producing a lot, interacting professionally with their fans, and doing everything right.

Those writers received major rewards, both in sales and in income, in the early years of indie publishing. Those rewards have diminished, because we are entering into a mature market.

What does that mean, exactly?

In business, markets respond to things in similar ways, whether we’re talking markets for shoes or markets for books.

When something is new, everyone wants it. When something is new, the growth is usually exponential. We see that in all kinds of new markets over the years, from desktop computers twenty-five years ago to smart phones ten years ago. There’s always something cool, and consumers flock to it, sometimes in very large numbers.

In publishing, we went through a shift, from traditional only to anyone-can-do-it indie, because of the rise of the neat-o ereader, the Kindle, from Amazon, which gave that ereader a platform and an ecosystem.

Year to year, the number of people who joined the new ecosystem was huge. Other players created viable ereaders and ebook ecosystems. You didn’t just have to use Amazon to publish a book. You could do it on other platforms.

(16) SEVENTIES SF RARITY. The British Film Institute tells “How lost British TV sci-fi Thwum was rediscovered”.

On 16 December 2017, BFI Southbank is offering the first opportunity for over 40 years to see Thwum, a sci-fi-themed 1970s rarity that had long been thought lost forever – and Pete Postlethwaite’s first TV appearance with it.

At the time of Thwum’s broadcast in 1975, it was still common practice for TV companies to wipe much of their output, meaning that many television programmes from the era are now sadly missing. Since 1993, it’s been the mission of the BFI’s Missing Believed Wiped initiative to track down and screen material long AWOL from the official TV archives. Finds over the years have included material from television programmes such as The Avengers, Till Death Us Do Part, Dad’s Army, Armchair Theatre and Top of the Pops.

The case of Thwum provides an interesting example of how missing UK TV material can be recovered….

(17) THE KING IS DEAD. Google’s general-purpose AI beats chess specialist: “Google’s ‘superhuman’ DeepMind AI claims chess crown”. It won or drew 100 games 4 hours after being given the rules of chess.

Even so, one human chess grandmaster was still hugely impressed by DeepMind’s victory.

“I always wondered how it would be if a superior species landed on earth and showed us how they played chess,” Peter Heine Nielsen told the BBC.

“Now I know.”

(18) WHERE YOUR PIZZA DELIVERS ITSELF. There are limits: “San Francisco to restrict goods delivery robots”.

Opponents are concerned about the safety of pedestrians, particularly elderly people and children.

Walk San Francisco, a group that campaigns for pedestrian safety, wanted a complete ban.

A range of companies have begun trialling small robots that can deliver food and other goods.

They use sensors and lasers in a similar way to self-driving cars in order to navigate their routes.

(19) ON A HOLE FAR AWAY. BBC tells where “Farthest monster black hole found”.

The matter-munching sinkhole is a whopping 13 billion light-years away, so far that we see it as it was a mere 690 million years after the Big Bang.

But at about 800 million times the mass of our Sun, it managed to grow to a surprisingly large size in just a short time after the origin of the Universe.

The find is described in the journal Nature.

The newly discovered black hole is busily devouring material at the centre of a galaxy – marking it out as a so-called quasar.

(20) PETRIFEYED. They say it may not be possible to find one any earlier: “Researchers find ‘oldest ever eye’ in fossil”.

An “exceptional” 530-million-year-old fossil contains what could be the oldest eye ever discovered, according to scientists.

The remains of the extinct sea creature include an early form of the eye seen in many of today’s animals, including crabs, bees and dragonflies.

Scientists made the find while looking at the well-preserved trilobite fossil.

These ancestors of spiders and crabs lived in seas during the Palaeozoic era, between 541-251 million years ago.

(21) FTFY. They’re not riotously funny, though some are clever or wonderfully bitter: “These Parody Book Covers Of Famous Classics Will Make Any True Literary Nerd Laugh Out Loud”. Here’s a sample:

(22) SHOULD THAT BE PETREON? Another Patreon critic heard from.

[Thanks to Mark Hepworth, Paul Weimer, JJ, Carl Slaughter, Cora Buhlert, Cat Eldridge, rcade, Greg Hullender, Andrew Porter, Martin Morse Wooster, Allan Maurer, Chip Hitchccock, Darrah Chavey, and John King Tarpinian for some of these stories, Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Chris S.]

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88 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 12/7/17 Pixel, It’s Scrolled Outside

  1. (9) Am I the only one who thinks Wes Anderson would be a better director for Star Trek?

    Frankly, I’d get a kick out of seeing what both of them would do.

  2. I have a suspicion that Mr Nicholl’s got an end game in mind for his core lists where he comes up with a list entirely populated by Battlefield Earth and its sequels, or something equally twisted.

  3. @AndrewM: I liked Under the Pendulum Sun – now, it plays to my biases, because it’s a book that thinks hard about religious topics, but it’s also something a bit outside my preferred range, in that it’s positively seething with doomy nineteenth-century Gothic Romance. (Seriously, you won’t see a height in it that isn’t wuthering.)

    On balance, I would recommend it – it’s certainly one heck of a debut novel (and Jeannette Ng is getting one of my Campbell nomination slots, on that basis); it’s inventive, it catches the tone of its preferred period very well, and it’s got an intriguing plot and an interesting protagonist. Well worth anyone’s time, IMHO.

  4. Possibly my best score for one of Nicoll’s lists: 6.

    I bought a copy of Under the Pendulum Sun the other day myself, because the premise described in the jacket copy seemed intriguing.

  5. Chris S.: I have a suspicion that Mr Nicholl’s got an end game in mind for his core lists where he comes up with a list entirely populated by Battlefield Earth and its sequels, or something equally twisted.


    That would certainly be in line with what I’ve observed of Nicoll’s particular brand of humor.

  6. Battlefield Earth and all 10 volumes of that whatever-it-was other series he did in the 1980s.

  7. Steve Wright: Thanks, I may check it out, then.

    Also, is anyone else annoyed by the colours of the alleged classic Penguins? Fiction should always be orange, except Crime, which is green.

  8. Andrew M on December 8, 2017 at 1:34 pm said:

    Steve Wright: Thanks, I may check it out, then.

    Also, is anyone else annoyed by the colours of the alleged classic Penguins?

    Yes, I am also oddly annoyed.

  9. Nobody cares I know, but I said above that I bought a copy of Under the Pendulum Sun because I found the premise described in the jacket copy intriguing, and that’s not completely true. I’d seen a review or two and noted the title. There, that’s clarified, I feel better. My apologies to all for the several seconds they may have wasted reading this comment.

  10. I have a suspicion that Mr Nicholl’s got an end game in mind for his core lists where he comes up with a list entirely populated by Battlefield Earth and its sequels, or something equally twisted.

    20 Science Fiction Novels No One Should Have on Their Shelves?

  11. Larry Todd’s Vampironica was way better. It also was never reprinted . . .
    (“Orgy and Junkhead” in Larry Welch’s Cherry Poptart #1. Succeediing nymbers were titled only Cherry, and later printings of #1 substituted something else for Todd’s pages. Though iirc, Vampironica still had the back cover.)

  12. Welz, not Welch. I used to see his work in the 60s in the black and white hot rod humor comics (e.g., CARToons and the like). Then he did Captain Guts, a violent, reactionary superhero, and a one-off about Wyatt Winghead that was promising and interesting. He did another underground that I recall, Bakersfield Comix, that had a kind of proto-Cherry strip, with DeCarloesque teens having sex and taking drugs a lot, before finding his shtick and sticking to it for years, the aforementioned Cherry.

    I have a couple of paperback collections of 8-page Tijuana Bibles, put out by (I presume) the same guys who published regular porn in the 60s and 70s. Some of them have Archie stories that are pretty much filler* for the 8-pagers. The art goes from being an acceptable copy of the Archie gang (traced, I’ve supposed) to some really awful drawing when the artist couldn’t find the right poses to swipe from in the originals and went off on his own. I still wonder if these might be the first published work of the young Larry Welz. Some small details in them make me curious.

    * Thereby hangs a phenomenon. Why pad out a collection of anonymous comics whose creators presumably aren’t getting a penny? It almost seems like something even more basic than cheapness is at work here. A friend once answered a magazine ad for some reprints of old 8-pagers, and he showed me what he got: They were small reprints of several titles, and each one only had half the pages of the strip. Why? Why would they do this when it was just about as easy to print the whole thing? This was the genesis of my theory (which is mine) that the small-time crooks who printed these things had some sort of ethical stricture against actually giving a customer what they thought they were getting: The Compulsive Need To Defraud, as I call it, let them get through their day of nickel-and-dime rackets while still feeling superior to the suckers who sent their money. The Compulsive Need To Defraud, I’ve since found, actually explains some otherwise baffling behavior in various ventures over the years.

  13. Contrarius: by contrast, I loved the Sparrow despite its flaws ( which I found more the sort of flaws you notice AFTER you put the book down) but somewhat regret reading Children of God and don’t recommend it.

  14. @Lenora Rose: seconding Joe H’s Cherryh nominations. There’s other relevant Cherryh, such as the 2nd Foreigner trilogy, but it’s harder for a novice to get into; possibly Heavy Time and Hellburner, which are early in the Company Wars and involve space fighter development, would answer; I’m also fond of Tripoint, which is a standalone about interstellar commerce. How important is a spaceship? IIRC Gini Koch’s work is mostly (all?) Earthbound; if it’s not critical, John M. Ford’s Growing Up Weightless is a fine modern example of fairly hard SF. Karen Traviss’s Wess’har Wars set might do for space-operatic adventure if plausibility is less necessary. (The first is groundbound; later books get aloft more.)

  15. @Lenora —

    Contrarius: by contrast, I loved the Sparrow despite its flaws ( which I found more the sort of flaws you notice AFTER you put the book down) but somewhat regret reading Children of God and don’t recommend it.

    One of the things I love about the duology as a duology is that in whole it is so meticulously planned out as one huge illustration of the “God works in mysterious ways” concept. The (in context of the book) hugely laudable endpoint was reached through seemingly meaningless suffering that actually had, in the Big Picture, purpose all along.

    I’m not Christian, but I enjoyed how all the pieces fit together, and all the thought Russell put into it.

    If you only read The Sparrow, you only get the depressing part of the story. You don’t get the payoff unless you also read Children of God.

  16. @Chip —

    There’s other relevant Cherryh, such as the 2nd Foreigner trilogy, but it’s harder for a novice to get into;

    Interesting to see you mention this — I don’t often see the second trilogy mentioned.

    I’ve read the first Foreigner trilogy; I enjoyed it, but I thought quality dropped off after book 1. Is it worth reading the second set of three?

  17. Amazingly (to me) a search on “The Scrolled Equations” only brings up one match, when Will R. suggested it in 2015.


  18. @Contrarius: I may not be the best judge, as I am (as aforementioned) a fan of Cherryh generally. But my recollection is that the second story was worthwhile for anyone who can read Cherryh; there’s at least one interesting character foregrounded, plus a quiet thread of “this is what smallmindedness and paranoia cost”, all of it in a decent story. There’s a little less slam-bang action than in the other four stories (I haven’t read #’s 15-18 yet), but a lot of thought going on.

  19. (3) GODSTALKER. I’m surprised how many I’ve read.

    If you’re into this sort of thing, I highly, highly recommend Victoria Strauss’s “The Way of Ârata” duology: The Burning Land and The Awakened City. They’re a favorite of mine when it comes to religion as a central theme of a book. I need to create extra time in my life, so I can re-read books like these; I haven’t read them since they came out, sadly. (I know, this is really ridiculous that I’m praising them so highly but have only read them once!)

    Strauss is a wonderful person and I had a delightful e-mail exchange with her after I finished the second book. It’s one of the few times I felt articulate about why I liked a book, what I got from the book, etc. Her reply was very interesting and she talked about writing the books (especially the second one). I was grateful when she confirmed I really did “get it” (I was terribly afraid of having totally misread things, for some reason. Reader Imposter Syndrome or something.)

    Whew, /ramble, sorry.

  20. @Chip —

    I may not be the best judge, as I am (as aforementioned) a fan of Cherryh generally. But my recollection is that the second story was worthwhile for anyone who can read Cherryh

    Thanks. I’m also a Cherryh fan, so that would not be a struggle. 🙂

  21. (9) GULP FICTION. Fainting cloths have been in much demand since news broke that “Quentin Tarantino Might Direct a Star Trek Movie”

    I have leftover forehead cloths from the Dreaded [Brackets] I’m willing to sell at a price so low it’s cutting me own throat.

  22. Attention “May Cull Alien” — if you want your comments out of moderation, answer my email.

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