Pixel Scroll 8/23/20 Scrolling In The Pixel Rain

(1) COLUMBUS 2020 NASFIC. The latest North American Science Fiction Convention ended today. NASFiC Newsletter is a place where you’ll find preserved such vital information as —

NASFiC by the Numbers

As of 11:30 pm on Saturday there were 1092 people registered through the convention website and 716 people on Discord.

Souvenir Book

We all know no one reads the souvenir book until they’re home, long after the con has ended. But since you’re ALREADY home, you can read it now! Read about our awesome Guests of Honor! Check out the convenient lists of artists and dealers, in case you want to follow up on something you saw at the con. Click to download your copy!

Out of context quotes

“Our asses are full of miracles”

“The attendees… or my minions. Whichever is more convenient”

“I just want to give all of you a big hug with my sand snork”

I can also recommend the NASFiC History section because some of it is written by yours truly. It begins with the site selection vote held in 1973 for the original NASFiC of 1975:

…Each bid was led by a co-chair of L.A.Con I, the just-completed Worldcon, Charles Crayne or Bruce Pelz.

…Crayne and Pelz reacted to TorCon 2’s [decision] simply by running their own site selection process at the con. I got my first bidding experience while helping Bruce Pelz and Milt Stevens haul cases of beer from a package store to their bid party in Toronto’s Royal York Hotel. “Strong backs, weak minds,” I think Bruce said. When the ballots were counted, we (Bruce and Milt may be thinking, “What do you mean, we?”) lost to Chuck Crayne’s bid.

(2) OKORAFOR Q&A. NPR’s Weekend Edition spoke with Nnedi Okorafor about her new book: “A Boy Avenges His Murdered Father, With The Help Of A Magical ‘Ikenga'”.

On whether the themes in the book were inspired by present-day corruption

I started writing this in 2009. … What we’re dealing with now in the United States, it’s not something that just happened. It’s been been going, and going, and going, and if we’re talking about Nigeria, Nigeria has been battling corruption for a very long time as well. … I couldn’t say that it was inspired by current events, but its connection to current events is certainly no accident.

On having a more global perspective

It was like I grew up hybrid — this hybrid culture where … I’m learning about two different histories and blending them together. And so when I sat down to write, that’s what naturally came forth. … When it comes to looking at things historically, I look at it in a very broad, global way. Everything that happens, you know, I’m making connections not just from one country, but from two countries.

(3) CLARION WEST. The Clarion West Write-a-Thon reached new heights:

…We set a new record as 542 individual writers participated, with nearly 250 active regulars bonding and sharing writing on our Slack channel. We are so proud and grateful!

In all, we raised over $26,000, surpassing our goal and ensuring we can continue to bring the Clarion West resources and experience to the world. Going online with so many classes, most of them free, was a huge investment. We can say without doubt that this investment has paid off!

(4) BUG NIGHT. Clarion West will be hosting a free online event with Seanan McGuire and an entomologist. Register at the link.

Saturday, Sept 12, 6:00 PM Pacific

Insects, Arachnids, and Fellow Travelers, a.k.a “Bug Night”

Join us for a conversation with award-winning author Seanan McGuire and entomologist Kristie Reddick to discuss how science fiction and fantasy use bugs as proxies for aliens, societies, fears, and hopes. From Alien to Ant Man, Starship Troopers to James and the Giant Peach, what do all these stories have to tell us about being human?

Register here. This event is free to view online. Purchase a ticket to join the live Q&A after the event. Limited higher-tier tickets also get you books and other goodies for supporting Clarion West!

(5) RECONVENE AFTER ACTION REPORT. Mlex tells what it was like to virtually attend “reCONvene 2020”, and has quotes from some of the panels.

…reCONvene has now assembled and accomplished a hybrid version of the other cons I attended. And they did it really well!

The format of reCONvene was to set up a series of simultaneous program items, so that you could only attend one out of several that were happening during any given hour. This is the typical parallel programming style of most cons, so it had a natural feel to it. Since the con was a one-day event, this meant that between the hours of 11am to 5pm, you could attend six full panels sessions, at most. Or, if you are the sort to go in and out of rooms during a con, you could pop around and get a flavor for the multiple things going on.

Glimpsing Climate Recovery

Vincent Dougherty (moderator)
Vandhana Singh

Vandhana Singh started off the session by noting that the looming threat of climate change is not being met with the serious measures it requires. On the contrary, the collective juggernaut of humankind is colliding with it head on.

VandhanaIt’s a so called ‘normal’ way of behavior that brought us here. People are so invested in what feels normal for them, their denial kicks in, and they want to do the same things they have always done in the same way. I really didn’t realize the depth to which the current paradigm has a hold on our imaginations. And you can also see the predicted rise of right-wing groups actually taking place before our very eyes.

VinceIn any complex system you not only get the linear effect, but you get all sorts of unexpected outcomes that radiate out in different directions. There’s an established body of climate fiction that deals with these actually. There were archetypes of them even before the 20th century. And each of these stories attempts to deal with the inexplicable change that suddenly occurs. These could be brought on by wars, pandemics, or even the use of agriculture. Historically all of these, and many other factors, have been proven to be causes of total systemic changes. So, what do you think you are going to change in your fiction writing due to this situation that we find ourselves in?

(6) JUDGE EAST OF THE PECOS. Adam Roberts tells The Guardian’s readers about a book that pleased him: “Mordew by Alex Pheby review – an extravagant, unnerving fantasy”.

…I’m one of the judges for the 2020 World Fantasy award and over the last few months I’ve read literally hundreds of fantasy titles, some good, some bad, most mediocre. I might easily have groaned at yet another entry into this overcrowded mode. But Mordew is a darkly brilliant novel, extraordinary, absorbing and dream-haunting. That it succeeds as well as it does speaks to Pheby’s determination not to passively inhabit his Gormenghastly idiom but instead to lead it to its most extreme iteration, to force inventiveness and grotesqueness into every crevice of his work. It seems that one way to take an apparently exhausted idiom and make it new is just to push through, with enough imaginative energy to refresh the tired old tropes. Mordew is so crammed with grotesque inventiveness that it overwhelms the reader’s resistance.


  • August 23, 1965 Dr. Who And The Daleks starring Peter Cushing premiered in the U.K. Note that  it was not Who canon as, though it used The Daleks serial script by Terry Nation from the series as its basis, The Doctor here is not part of the regenerations accepted by the BBC. Roberta Tovey as Susan and Jennie Linden as Barbara are the other principal cast. It was directed by Gordon Flemyng, and produced by Milton Subotsky and Max J. Rosenberg from a screenplay by Subotsky. Neither Clute nor anyone else who’s reviewed cared for it or its sequel. A Guardian reviewer several years back said that, “people don’t talk about Dr Who and the Daleks any more.” Audience reviewers at Rotten Tomatoes currently have the film at a 41% rating. (CE)


[Compiled by Cat Eldridge and John Hertz.]

  • Born August 23, 1863 – Amélie Rives, Princess Troubetzkoy.  A score of novels (we may claim The Ghost Garden), shorter stories, paintings, plays; three poems in Fantasy & Terror 13 (ed. J.A. Salmonson; published posthumously).  Introduced to Prince Pierre Troubetzkoy (1864-1936) by Oscar Wilde.  Matter by and about her and the Prince in U. Virginia Lib’y Special Collections.  (Died 1945) [JH]
  • Born August 23, 1898 – George Papashvily.  Author, sculptor, inventor.  Fought in Georgian Menshevik Army against Soviet Russians, immigrated here.  Memoir Anything Can Happen (with wife Helen) sold 1.5 million copies, made a motion picture (G. Seaton dir. 1952); five more books.  We may claim “Davit” and “The Khevsouri and the Eshmakie”.  (Died 1978) [JH]
  • Born August 23, 1924 – Lloyd Birmingham.  A score of covers, thirty interiors.  Here is the Nov 61 Fantastic.  Here is the Feb 62 Analog.  Here is the Apr 62 Amazing and here is the Oct 63.  Here is Great SF 9.  Also comics, freelance illustration.  (Died 2010) [JH]
  • Born August 23, 1927 Peter Wyngarde. Not one who was a lead actor in any genre series save Department S where he was Jason King but interesting none-the-less. For instance, he shows up in the two Sherlock Holmes series, one with Peter Cushing and one with Jeremy Brett. He’s in a series of Doctor Who with the Fifth Doctor and he faces off against the classic Avengers pairing of Steed and Peel. He shows up as Number Two in The Prisoner as well. (Died 2018.) (CE) 
  • Born August 23, 1929 Vera Miles, 90. Lila Crane in Psycho which she reprised in Psycho II. On a much more family friendly note, she’s Silly Hardy in Tarzan’s Hidden Jungle, the very last of the twelve Tarzan pictures released by RKO. She has done one-offs on Buck Rogers in Twentieth CenturyFantasy IslandThe Twilight ZoneAlfred Hitchcock PresentsI Spy and The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (CE)
  • Born August 23, 1931 Barbara Eden, 89. Jeannie on I Dream of Jeannie. Her first genre role however was on Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea as Lt. Cathy Connors, though she’d show up a few years later as Greta Heinrich on The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm. Some thirty-five years after I Dream of Jeannie went off the air, she had a recurring role as Aunt Irma on Sabrina, the Teenage Witch. (CE) 
  • Born August 23, 1944 Karl Alexander. Author of Time after Time which when filmed was directed and written by Nicholas Meyer. Cast includes Malcolm McDowell, Mary Steenburgen and David Warner. (A thirteen-episode series would happen in 2017.) His sequel of Jaclyn the Ripper is not as well known, nor is his Time-Crossed Lovers novel. (Died 2015.) (CE) 
  • Born August 23, 1947 – Marva Dasef, 73.  Technical writer who turned to fiction.  Three novels, twenty shorter stories for us; various others.  Ranked The Martian above Dhalgren.  Website here.  [JH]
  • Born August 23, 1961 Alexandre Desplat, 59. French film composer who won an Academy Award for The Shape of Water. He also composed the music for genre films including The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Golden CompassFantastic Mr. FoxHarry Potter and the Deathly HallowsRise of the Guardians, and Isle of Dogs. (CE)
  • Born August 23, 1969 – Benjamin Rosenbaum, 51.  One novel, five dozen shorter stories, some with co-authors.  Translated into Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Urdu.  Software developer for Nat’l Science Foundation, for Washington, D.C., city government; built on-line game Sanctum.  Website here.  [JH]
  • Born August 23, 1983 – Winston Blake Wheeler Ward, 37.  Founded Infinite Worlds magazine with a Kickstarter raising $3,500 from a hundred people (target $1,500) in Apr 19; five issues so far.  Founder & curator of on-line monthly flash-fiction challenge the Five Hundred.  Loves woodworking and dogs.  [JH]
  • Born August 23, 1990 Jessica Lee Keller, 30. Lauren, Elise’s Best Friend, in The Adjustment Bureau from Philip K. Dick’s “Adjustment Team” story. She also shows up in LuciferTerror Birds and 12-24 where IMDB describes her as the One Tit Zombie. (CE) 


(10) NOW AT BAT. Warner Bros. dropped a trailer during the DC Fandome for The Batman with Robert Pattinson.

(11) FANTASTICON ONLINE IN SEPTEMBER. Denmark’s “Fantasticon 2020 becomes virtual”.

This year’s Fantasticon will not be “The Weird Fantasticon” at our usual venue, but will be a virtual convention, like most other conventions during the Covid-19 pandemic. The dates will be 5-6 September 2020.

This post has more specifics: “The virtual Fantasticon 2020 – update”

Our plans for Fantasticon 2020 now include the following:

A virtual onetrack program on Zoom Saturday and Sunday 5-6 September from 10 Am to 4 PM.

A Discord server where you can meet the other fans and get information about the convention. Opens 9:30 AM on September 5th and closes 4:30 PM on September 6th.

Please sign up by buying a (free) ticket on Billetfix, https://billetfix.dk/da/e/virtual-fantasticon-2020/ You will get links to Zoom and the Discord server via the email you give us there.

The theme of Fantasticon will be disasters, but not a word about the covid-19 pandemic (we get plenty of info on that particular disaster from other sources). But as usual, not everthing will be about the theme.

Some of the program will be in English, some of it in Danish.

(12) FOUNDATION AND EMPIRE. Texas Monthly caught up with the founder of Romance Writers of America: “Vivian Stephens Helped Turn Romance Writing Into a Billion-Dollar Industry. Then She Got Pushed Out.”

…Stephens is 87 now, under self-imposed lockdown in one of those amenity-rich mid-rise apartment complexes that have sprouted all over Houston, this one just north of Hermann Park, in the Binz area. Her one-bedroom unit is cluttered with papers and stacks of books on nearly every surface. There are many romance novels, yes, as well as more-cerebral tomes such as A Nervous Splendor, a history of Vienna in the late 1880s. Family photographs, some dating back almost to that time, populate a small table in a living room corner….

…  It has long been an open secret—certainly among women of color—that romance publishing has a race problem. A 2014 survey of four thousand romance writers conducted by Larson revealed that authors of color earned about 60 percent less than white writers. In 2019, research conducted by the Ripped Bodice, in Los Angeles, one of the few bookstores in America to sell romance exclusively, revealed that only 8 percent of leading romance publishers had released novels by women of color. And, not incidentally or coincidentally, the membership of the RWA is 86 percent white, according to the latest data. No Black writer had won a RITA—formerly the RWA’s highest honor—until 2019, and not for want of trying….

(13) SAFETY FIRST. Ron Fein delivers the “Arkham Board Of Health Feedback On Miskatonic University’s Draft Plan For A Safe Campus Reopening” at McSweeneys.

Food services

We agree that students need not wear masks during meals. However, please revise the final plan to say “while eating,” rather than “while slobbering and ravening with delight.”

(14) ANOTHER PSA. Even CNN’s headline writer is exasperated: “Oh, great: NASA says an asteroid is headed our way right before Election Day”.

Well, 2020 keeps getting better all the time.

Amid a pandemiccivil unrest and a divisive US election season, we now have an asteroid zooming toward us.

On the day before the presidential vote, no less.

Yep. The celestial object known as 2018VP1 is projected to come close to Earth on November 2, according to the Center for Near Earth Objects Studies at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. It was first identified at Palomar Observatory in California in 2018.

“Asteroid 2018VP1 is very small, approximately 6.5 feet, and poses no threat to Earth. If it were to enter our planet’s atmosphere, it would disintegrate due to its extremely small size,” NASA said in a statement. “NASA has been directed by Congress to discover 90% of the near-Earth asteroids larger than 140 meters (459 feet) in size and reports on asteroids of any size.”

(15) SHOOTS AND LEAVES. CNN issues an invitation to “Meet the ‘SlothBot,’ the robot taking its sweet time to monitor our climate”.

…”I could not understand how these slow, tasty animals that are just sitting there waiting to be eaten by a jaguar could survive,” Egerstedt said. “So I started reading about sloths and I got really excited about embracing slowness in robotics. And when you’re measuring things that are evolving over weeks and months, you don’t have to be fast — it’s OK to be slow, as long as you’re out there and getting the job done.”

With this in mind, Egerstedt and several students in his lab came up with the idea to design a robot that could do just that — reach places that humans and most high-powered robots can’t, like a tree canopy, and stay there to monitor environmental changes over time.

To do this, the SlothBot needed to be extremely energy efficient — sloth-like, if you will — to conserve power and continue sampling the air, without having to be lowered down from the trees and recharged….

(16) VIDEO OF THE DAY. In 2016, the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum made it possible to “Explore the Museum in Klingon”. Here’s a video based on the outtakes.

The Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum is one of the galaxy’s most popular tourist destinations, and celebrates infinite diversity in infinite combinations among its visitors. Although we are fairly certain there are no longer undercover Klingon agents on staff, we welcome citizens of the planet Kronos to explore the history of flight on Earth alongside our terrestrial visitors.

To help increase Klingon visitorship, we turned to Earth’s premier extraterrestrial linguist and former Smithsonian post-doctoral fellow, Marc Okrand. Okrand developed the Klingon and Vulcan languages for the Star Trek franchise, and was kind enough to translate and record a highlights tour of the Museum, discussing your favorite artifacts in Klingon.

The tour, which can be enjoyed from anywhere on or off the planet, includes six of the Museum’s most iconic artifacts, some of which required creative interpretation for our interstellar audiences. The Spirit of St. Louis became St. Louis toDuj (Mettle of St. Louis), while John Glenn’s Mercury spacecraft Friendship 7 became “Mercury jup ghom Soch” (“Group of Friends 7”), because there is no Klingonese word for “friendship.”… 

[Thanks to John Hertz, Cat Eldridge, JJ, Michael J. Walsh, John King Tarpinian, Mlex, Martin Morse Wooster, Mike Kennedy, Michael Toman, and Andrew Porter for some of these stories. Title cedit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Kurt Busiek.]

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31 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 8/23/20 Scrolling In The Pixel Rain

  1. (16) More recently the planet name is transliterated as Qonos, I think, but a museum might reasonably stick with the old fashioned Kronos.

  2. 8) Barbara Eden also starred in The Brass Bottle (not as a genie)–a movie that was an inspiration for I Dream of Jeannie.

  3. (12) I was charmed to see that someone besides me has heard of George and Helen Papashvily. It isn’t right to single out “Davit” and “The Khevsouri and the Eshmakie”, though. This looks like a shortcoming in isfdb’s indexing. All of the stories in “Yes and No Stories, A Book of Georgian Folk Tales” should share in this honor. My own favorite is “Ajam Boglay”.

  4. Dan B. I was charmed to see that someone besides me has heard of George and Helen Papashvily.

    That sure brings to a rapid conclusion a side discussion I was having with John about some of these birthday picks. I should just trust him and let him work!

  5. 8) Peter Wyngarde more importantly appeared in Night of the Eagle – based on Fritz Leiber’s Conjure Wife – plus Flash Gordon.

  6. (8) Barbara Eden also had a major role in The 7 Faces of Dr. Lao, a film that I think improves on Finney’s novel.

  7. I thought the profile of Vivian Stephens was very interesting, so thanks to the person who recommended it to Mike.

  8. John Hertz replies by carrier pigeon:

    @Dan B.

    Thanks. I’m glad you brought this up.

    For me it’s a kind of compromise, or if you prefer, balancing.

    In this case I deliberately mentioned “Davit” and “The Khevsouri and the Eshmakie” (tales from Georgia, i.e. the one in Europe, retold by Helen & George Papashvily) just because I saw ISFDB had them. I thought that might make things a little easier, or more encouraging, or welcoming, or something, for people who otherwise even if well-intentioned might turn away with “I can never manage this.”

    If you follow my birthday notes I trust you’ll see I don’t carelessly include or omit. As I said the other day, they’re hard. But OGH asked me to help Cat Eldridge with them, so I am.

    As to what ISFDB includes or doesn’t, I’m no expert. In fact (as you and others may be well aware) I’m no citizen of Electronicland and don’t even like it much. I don’t own the equipment and I’m not sure I’d take it as a gift. But Right tool for right task, and we all have to manage things. I hear ISFDB is open to contributions. Maybe you’ll look into that. We each have to (i) do our part and (ii) try to perceive what it is – not necessarily in that order.

  9. 14) What amazes me is that Cicada Brood X, the largest of the 17-year broods, is emerging in 2021 instead of 2020. For those of you who aren’t familiar with them, who don’t live in an area of the eastern half of the US that gets these critters, it sounds like the ant sound from Them! from the time they wake up in the morning to the time they go to sleep in the evening. They are also very inexperienced flyers (since they’re only above ground a few months every 13 or 17 years, they don’t get much practice) and are as liable to fly right into you as maneuver around you. They’re harmless, though — but the dead ones can make quite a carpet on the ground. I’ve come to enjoy the sound, actually.

    There are still some of the annual ones singing these days, though there didn’t seem to be too many this year, at least in my area. The more trees around for them to hang out in, the louder the sound. We lost one of the trees on our street a year or two ago — a strong wind blew it into three houses, including mine (minimal damage, as the small branches near the top cushioned the bulk of the tree), so it won’t be as loud outside my window next year.

  10. Jeff Smith: the dead ones can make quite a carpet on the ground. I’ve come to enjoy the sound, actually.

    I presume that you’re referring to the sound of the live ones singing, not to the sound of the dead ones on the ground crunching as you walk on them. 😛

  11. §crunch§crunch§crunch§

    Yeah, I got a little sloppy in moving sentences around.

    (As far as crunching them, they’re supposed to be quite edible, and recipes are published in the newspaper every 17 years. Never have, never will…)

  12. @Kit Harding: What do you expect with a scaremongering headline headline of “Asteroid Headed for Earth”.

  13. (1) NASFiC history: It’s certainly not true that all NorthAmeriCon committee members went on the Belle cruise and left the con unattended. As vice-chair, I was one who stayed behind along with numerous others. True, there were no big program items scheduled by that afternoon, as the con was nearly over, but dealers, art show, con suite, and registration still continued. So that’s why I missed the greatest NASFiC event of all time.

  14. I registered but never got in. I usually don’t have problems with computer stuff but I could not figure out when and how to do anything. I completely forgot about it after my first try. I hope the wasted money I sent in to a full membership was passed to Worldcon or some other fannish thing. Their hotel should be sued.

  15. From out of space will come a runaway planet, hurtling between the Earth and the Moon, unleashing cosmic destruction.

    [rest of article is hidden behind a paywall]

  16. Joe H. : Smiling at the modified opening narration from “Thundarr The Barbarian”.

  17. (14) I wonder if the Space Force will take over asteroid defense duties. SPACEGUARD, as envisioned by ACC, can’t come too soon.

  18. There’s a very nice look at this asteroid here. Let’s keep in mind that it’s only sixty five feet in diameter…

  19. Hi, @John Hertz-

    That wasn’t meant as criticism. ISFDB does an extremely good job. The situation with Papashvily is interesting. His own book wasn’t marketed as genre, so ISFDB only listed the two stories from it that were collected in genre anthologies. Having read the original book, I know that all the stories in it were comparable.

  20. (8) The X-Men antagonist Mastermind used the illusionary disguise of Peter Wyngarde as Jason King, muttonchop whiskers and all, during the initial Hellfire Club story line, leading up to the Dark Phoenix story. In addition, Mastermind’s true name was Jason Wyngarde.

  21. HoosierDragon says The X-Men antagonist Mastermind used the illusionary disguise of Peter Wyngarde as Jason King, muttonchop whiskers and all, during the initial Hellfire Club story line, leading up to the Dark Phoenix story. In addition, Mastermind’s true name was Jason Wyngarde.

    Oh nice, very nice to know. Thanks! He did have a reputation for his fashion sense as at least equal to acting one.

    Now playing: Billy Bragg & Wilco’s “Way Over in the Minor Key” off Mermaid Avenue.

  22. cicadas “are as liable to fly right into you as maneuver around you”
    I had one of the bigger ones hit me in west Texas – it was at least two inches long – and it was a surprise. No damage to either of us – that size has a broad head – and it went elsewhere. (We had two species: the big ones, which were mostly in beiges, and smaller ones that were black and yellow with red eyes. Made for a lot of noise in season. They were much less noticeable in town.)

  23. The X-Men antagonist Mastermind used the illusionary disguise of Peter Wyngarde as Jason King, muttonchop whiskers and all, during the initial Hellfire Club story line, leading up to the Dark Phoenix story. In addition, Mastermind’s true name was Jason Wyngarde.

    And Jean Grey borrowed Emma Peel’s outfit from the Hellfire Club episode of The Avengers (Steed and Peel, not Iron Man, Captain America and friends) for the Hellfire Club X-Men storyline. The Avengers episode also starred Jason Wyngarde as the head of the Hellfire Club.

  24. I rode a motorcycle during the last 17 year cicada emergence in 2007. Let me tell you, those suckers HURT when you ride into them at 35 MPH. (Never mind highway speeds!) And the carpet of cicadas on the street gets as slippery as wet autumn leaves….

    I sold my bike and no longer ride (my reflexes aren’t what they were) so it won’t be so much of an issue for me in 2024.

  25. @ Cassy B.

    And the carpet of cicadas on the street gets as slippery as wet autumn leaves….

    During the mayfly hatch around here, they congregate so much under street lights at night that a layer of them builds up on the street below. I once momentarily lost control of a car sliding around on them .

  26. John Hertz replies by carrier pigeon:

    @Dan B.

    Thanks. It may have happened as you say.

    Might you get in touch with ISFDB [Internet Speculative Fiction Data Base] and amend the Papashvili entry?

    I don’t have the equipment.

    Maybe you’ll let me know how it goes. My address is public: 236 S. Coronado St., No. 409, Los Angeles, CA 90057, U.S.A.

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