Skylark Award Goes To Walton

SF/fantasy author Jo Walton was presented with the E.E. Smith Memorial Award for Imaginative Fiction (the Skylark) during the NESFA Awards ceremony at Boskone on February 19.

The award is given annually by vote of the Regular members of the New England Science Fiction Association to a person, who “has contributed significantly to science fiction, both through work in the field and by exemplifying the personal qualities which made the late ‘Doc’ Smith well-loved by those who knew him.”

The Boskone Blog outlined Walton’s career for a recent interview —

Jo Walton has published thirteen novels, three poetry collections and an essay collection. She won the John W. Campbell Award in 2002, the World Fantasy Award for Tooth and Claw in 2004, the Hugo and Nebula awards for Among Others in 2012, the Tiptree Award for My Real Children and the Locus Non Fiction award for What Makes This Book So Great in 2014. She comes from Wales but lives in Montreal. She reads a lot, enjoys travel, talking about books, and eating great food. She plans to live to be ninety-nine and write a book every year.


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8 thoughts on “Skylark Award Goes To Walton

  1. Along with the Skylark, she also received, in the interest of safety, the canonical Jane Yolen warning about proper placement of the Skylark.

  2. Pingback: AMAZING NEWS FROM FANDOM 2-19-2017 - Amazing Stories

  3. @Nancy Lebovitz– That is the slightly cleaned up version, suitable for real adults rather than fans. The version that Jane, or in a pinch Bruce Colville, tells involves Jane calling Bruce immediately after the incident, telling him what happened, finishing with the statement that she would have to “put it where the sun doesn’t shine.”

    Followed by the dead silence on both ends of the line.

    Further followed by Jane announcing that she didn’t say that.

  4. Jo assured the audience that this wouldn’t be an issue, because her tchotchke shelf doesn’t get direct sunlight.

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