Top 10 Posts for January 2020

Author Isabel Fall asked Clarkesworld to take down her short story “I Sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter” when it became the subject of intense discussion on Twitter, including complaints that it was transphobic or hurtful. That led to questions about the tolerance of controversial art.  Editor Neil Clarke addressed these and many more issues in a statement. Two related news posts were among the most read last month.

January also saw the continuing fallout from the Romance Writers of America’s handling of ethics complaints against Courtney Milan, covered here in a series of roundups, gain a wide audience,

Here are the ten most-read posts from the past month according to Google Analytics.

  1. Clarkesworld Removes Isabel Fall’s Story
  2. Mike Resnick (1942-2020)
  3. Kathryn Davis Says RWA Encouraged Her To File Ethics Complaint Against Courtney Milan
  4. An Auspicious Date in Comics History
  5. Pixel Scroll 1/13/20 Hey Airbender, Bend A Little Space-Time For Me
  6. Pixel Scroll 1/23/20 No-One Expects The Scrollish Pixelation!
  7. As More Issues Raised, RWA President Resigns, RITA Awards Postponed, and Many Publishers Withdraw Sponsorship of RWA Conference
  8. Clarkesworld’s Statement About Fall Story
  9. Pixel Scroll 1/14/20 Who Is Pixel Scroll? You Are File 770
  10. Steve Stiles (1943-2020)

(No need for a Scroll-free list this time around.)

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