We Are Sad Puppies If You Please; We Are Sad Puppies If You Don’t Please 5/23

aka One Hundred Days of Being Stuck in a Crate Just Because You Ate the Goddamn Plum Pudding Again, if you Didn’t Want Me To Eat It You Shouldn’t Have Put it on the Table, Signed, Maggie, Your DOG

There are familiar and new bylines in today’s roundup: Bradley Armstrong, David Gerrold, John C. Wright, Michael Senft, John Ohno, Andrew Hickey, Vox Day, Amanda S. Green, Lis Carey, Elisa Bergslien, Patrick May, Rebekah Golden, Joseph Tomaras, and Spacefaring Kitten. (Credit for the alternate title goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Greg.)

Bradley Armstrong on Screen Burn

“Solitair vs. The Hugos: Introduction” – May 22

I’ve seen Correia and company get a lot of bad press for this latest battle in the American culture war, but after a few arguments online I’m going to cool my jets. At least Sad Puppies is not as disgusting as this other movement from last year I won’t dignify with a name. Correia has been acerbic in arguing his case, but he hasn’t crossed any lines of decency unless you see the slate voting as an immoral-in-spirit rigging of democracy via statistical loophole. He was even harassed and slandered online, which I can’t approve of no matter the cause. I flipped my lid about the epidemic of that same thing springing from that-which-must-not-be-named, and I’m not going to go back on that because it’s happening to someone I disagree with.

Correia has my condolences, but I do still disagree with him on this matter. Matthew David Surridge, in declining his Puppy-backed nomination, wrote the most clear-headed and sensible summary of this whole affair I’ve seen on the internet by a wide margin, and my position mostly reflects his. In short, I see no evidence that there is a conspiracy to culturally control the Hugos, at least not one that is in any way recent, and I like stuff with literary aspirations just as much as modest pulp fare, if not more. I thought that high-brow art was what awards were for, since bestseller lists aren’t going to give the good ones the recognition they deserve. As far as the preachy sermonizing goes, I and everyone else who saw James Cameron’s Avatar knows that pain, but I don’t know what the Puppies’ threshold is for that. Are they objecting more strongly to badly-written garbage, or the presence of progressive stances in fiction?


David Gerrold on Facebook – May 23

[A long post that explains what Gerrold told the Wall Street Journal reporter during a 45-minute call, of which he says only three out-of-context sentences were used. The following is a short sample.]

When you get that many nominees dropping out and when you get so many major voices in the field condemning the slate-mongering, this is not just a casual disagreement. It is evidence that there is a widespread perception that the slate-mongering was a miscalculation on the part of Torgersen and Correia — and a deliberate attack on the field by Vox Day. (Vox Day has publicly declared his intentions to destroy the Hugos.)

That’s the situation. And that’s pretty much the gist of what I told the reporter from the Wall Street Journal — okay, in the interests of journalistic integrity, I also let the reporter know that I too share the views of Martin, Willis, Castro, Flint, Scalzi, Kowal, and others — that the slates were a bad idea and that this is the year of the asterisk.

And that brings me, finally (yes, I know you’re exhausted, me too) to the most important point I want to make. I know some of the people who ended up on the slates. They’re good people. They’re the real victims of this mess.

I’ve known Kevin Anderson for a long time and have a lot of affection for him. He’s had an enviable career. He’s a good man. I can’t imagine that Kevin would have been a knowledgeable part of any attempt to rig the Hugo awards. Likewise, I’m pretty sure that Tony Weiskopf and Sheila Gilbert would not have been either. They’ve all been around long enough to know better. They have great reputations, fairly earned by a lifetime of hard work.

Unfortunately, despite the integrity of the nominees, there’s still an asterisk on this year’s awards. It’s not their fault, but there it is.


John C. Wright

“No One Cares About Your Hooey” – May 23

….Anyone clicking through the link there will come to this:

  • I believe, profess, and unambiguously support the view that homosexuals must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity.
  • I believe, profess, and unambiguously support the view that every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided.
  • I believe, profess, and unambiguously support the view that These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.
  • I believe everything the one, true, holy, catholic and apostolic Church teaches.

So, from your reaction, I take it you did not click through the link….


Michael Senft interviews Ann Leckie for The Arizona Republic

“Ann Leckie on ‘Ancillary Justice’ acclaim and breaking the pronoun barrier” – May 21

Q: One common comment about the Imperial Radch books is that you are writing a “genderless” society. That doesn’t seem an accurate interpretation.

A: Yeah, it’s been very interesting to me to see some of the discussion surrounding Radchaai and gender. The assumption, for instance, that the Radchaai must have “eradicated” gender in that society, when that’s really nowhere in the text. Or that, as you say, gender doesn’t exist, or that Breq “doesn’t understand” the concept of gender. Not infrequently someone will comment that it’s really stupid to think that a being as smart as Breq couldn’t get her head around the idea of gender, which is probably true, and that’s not really the problem Breq has, is it.


Michael Senft on Relentless Reading

“Ann Leckie on Hugos, pronouns and Genitalia Festivals” – May 23

And in an outtake from the story, she weighed in on the Hugo Awards, offering some advice to readers and members and why we she doesn’t worry about them too much:

“I probably shouldn’t comment on the Hugos this year. Though I will say what I would say any year, and that is that if the Hugos matter to you, you should nominate and vote. Sometimes I hear people comment that they don’t think they’re qualified because they don’t read enough, but I think the Hugos have always been about what the voters love, and if you love something and think it’s worthy of an award, you should be able to nominate it.

Beyond that—well, honestly, I figure I could spend my time worrying about awards, or even more pointlessly worrying about people’s opinions of awards, or even more pointlessly worrying about people’s opinions about who does or doesn’t “deserve” those awards — or I could spend my time writing. And I didn’t get into writing for awards. There are no guaranteed outcomes from anything, much less writing, and if I wanted a sure track to acclaim and fame and fortune I sure as heck wouldn’t have chosen writing to get that. I write because I want to tell stories, anything after that is extra. And fortunately I’ve got plenty of writing to do, and plenty of readers waiting for me to do it.”


John Ohno on The First Church of Space Jesus

“Utopianism and sci-fi as machine-lit” – May 13

There are several popular ways to look at science fiction as a genre. I have my own preferences. That said, the major opposing perspective — what I’d term the ‘machine-lit’ school of thought — has its merits, insomuch as it highlights a set of common tendencies in science fiction. I’d like to take this space to highlight the basic premise of machine-lit, the tendencies it breeds, and why I find most machine-lit to be relatively uninteresting.

(The third major perspective, what I call the spaceship-on-the-cover style, I find wholly uninteresting and is the subject of other essays; however, this perspective is becoming historically important lately because of some drama surrounding the Hugo awards being gamed by groups who prefer this style, so it’s worth mentioning in passing.)


Andrew Hickey on Sci-Ence! Justice Leak!

“Hugo Blogging: ‘Best’ Short Story” – May 23

….As a result, I do not believe a single story on the ballot is on there legitimately, and so I will be ranking No Award at the top of the list.

I would perhaps have some ethical qualms about this, were any of the nominated stories any good. However, happily, they range from merely not-very-good to outright abysmal. I shall rank the stories below No Award as follows:

Totaled by Kary English. This story is not in any way bad. It’s also, however, not in any way *good*, either. Were it in an anthology I read, I’d read through the story and forget it immediately, maybe remembering “the brain-in-a-jar one” if prodded enough. Perfectly competently put together, but with no new ideas, no interesting characters, and no real reason for existing. Certainly not Hugo-worthy…..


Vox Day on Vox Popoli

“Hugo Awards 2015: Best Novel” – May 23

This is how I am voting in the Best Novel category. Of course, I merely offer this information regarding my individual ballot for no particular reason at all, and the fact that I have done so should not be confused in any way, shape, or form with a slate or a bloc vote, much less a direct order by the Supreme Dark Lord of the Evil Legion of Evil to his 367 Vile Faceless Minions or anyone else.

  1. The Three-Body Problem
  2. Skin Game
  3. The Goblin Emperor
  4. The Dark Between the Stars
  5. No Award


Amanda S. Green on Nocturnal Lives

“A few thoughts” – May 23

I’m busy making my way through the Hugo packet. My goal is to read everything included in it. Once I have, I will vote for those works I feel best deserve the Hugo. So far, only a few things have thrown me out from the beginning because the author forgot that you can get your message across without beating your reader over the head. And, no, not all of them are anti-Puppy supported works. Will I post my ballot? Probably, but only after I vote.


Lis Carey on Lis Carey’s Library

“Cedar Sanderson Hugo Nomination Fanwriting Samples” – May 23

The distinctive feature here is that she congratulates herself on being feminine and a lady, as well as, of course, strong–unlike, we are given to understand, those silly and obnoxious feminists. She demands equality, and likes it when men put her on a pedestal, and doesn’t seem to notice the contradiction. Feminists are women seeking notoriety based solely on their femaleness, and want to grind men under their heels. There’s a long rant about lazy, wish-fulfillment fantasy, which does in fact say some useful and interesting things….


Elisa Bergslien on Leopards and Dragons

“My Three Body Problem problem”  – May 22

When I started this book, I was really looking forward to it.  I actually had it in my wish list at Amazon months ago because it sounded so cool. Now that I have finished it, I am really disappointed.  With all the hype about how deep, insightful, and exciting the book is, I have been left wondering if I read the same book. It wasn’t all bad I guess, but for me it definitely didn’t even remotely live up to the hype and I honestly don’t know if I will ever bother to pick up the next book to see what happens with the human race. As it is presented in the book, you kind of have to wonder if anyone is worth saving.


RogerBW’s Blog

“The Three Body Problem Liu Cixin” – May 23

This is a perversely fascinating book that gains far more interest from the problems it sets up than from the way it resolves them….


Patrick May

“2015 Hugo Award Novelette Category” – May 23

[Ranking is preceded by comments on all of the novelettes.)

My Hugo ballot for this category is:

  1. The Journeyman: In the Stone House
  2. The Triple Sun: A Golden Age Tale
  3. Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust, Earth to Alluvium
  4. Championship B’Tok

I am not including “The Day the World Turned Upside Down” on my ballot.


Rebekah Golden

“2015 Hugo Awards Best Professional Artist: Reviewing A Pollack” – May 23

His imagery is clear, epic, sweeping and fun….


Rebekah Golden

“2015 Hugo Awards Best TV Show: Reviewing Doctor Who” – May 22

I knew a guy who was a virgin and didn’t know what the big deal about sex was. Then he had sex. Then he wanted to have sex all the time. I’ve watched a few episodes of Doctor Who but I admit while I liked it I didn’t know what the big deal was. Now I know what the big deal is.


Joseph Tomaras on A Skinseller’s Workshop

“Novelettes, Novellas and Fan Writers” – May 23

Of the Analog stories, that leaves Rajnar Vajra’s story with the deceptively stupid title “The Triple Sun: A Golden Age Tale”. The title is clearly meant to pander to nostalgia for this-boy’s-life-in-space military SF stories of the so-called “Golden Age,” and insofar as it was selected by both sets of puppies for their slates, it succeeded. The title, however, bears little resemblance to the story itself, which can be read as subverting the tropes in which it superficially seems to glory. There is a valid argument to be had about whether subversion-of-tropes has not itself become a trope in contemporary SF, and a redundant one. I sympathize with that argument, but Vajra’s story is at least a better-than-average exemplar of the type, which held by interest start to finish and left me with a smile on my face. I encourage Hugo voters to read it with an open mind, and those who are not WorldCon members to seek it out.



John Scalzi on Whatever

“A Brief Note About Me Reviewing the Hugo Nominees” – May 23

I’ve been asked a few times if I plan to write any reviews of the Hugo nominees this year after I’ve read them. The answer: No, I don’t. One, if you look at my general modus operandi around Hugos, I don’t ever really comment on what I think of the merits of the individual nominees* until after the voting window has closed. Two, this year, this policy seems even more advisable as there are excitable people who would point out any reviews on my part as scale-tipping, regardless of what the review said. Three, as a general rule, in public, I try not to say negative things about the work of other writers. I will make exceptions from time to time. But generally, I avoid it….




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567 thoughts on “We Are Sad Puppies If You Please; We Are Sad Puppies If You Don’t Please 5/23

  1. @Eric – “Probably about as much as it occurred to those readers parsing everything Correia, Torgerson, and other SP supporters have been saying since the beginning.”

    Nice attempt at deflection and clouding the issue, but did you have an answer to the actual question?

  2. Could be a lucrative deal for Mr. Scalzi, assuming there’s nothing underhanded like basket accounting going on

    It’d take a little more than basket accounting to turn $340,000 per year into a non-lucrative deal.

  3. @Jim Henley – “Remember, Scalzi writes jumped-up fanfiction whose awards prove that the Hugos have become too literary.

    Shut up!”

    The best part about that is that Scalzi says that he writes commercial fiction to put food on the table, and he does not consider himself to be writing ‘litrachoor’.

  4. NelC,

    Impressive backpedalling there,

    So what do you want?

    I misspoke. I don’t seriously attribute any motivation to Walton. I apologize for saying Walton was being tactful. I trying to be a little sarcastic and failed miserably. I wanted to point out how painful might be to write honest reviews of the last five year. I’m interested in talking about the Hugos and if they went downhill or not.

    Does any want to talk about the Hugos?

  5. Also:

    “Kubla Pup”

    In Xastalia did Kubla Pup
    A slate of puppy-tomes decree;
    Where Alf, the smiling Neumann, ran
    Through ballots measureless to man

  6. Nicole J. LeBoeuf-Little

    “I’m just not happy to see false witness borne against one of my most cherished online communities.”

    So you now think that a semantic disagreement is “bearing false witness”? That strikes me as an approach that Brian Z would have been proud to come up with.

    Since you delight in a degree of verbal precision, I will also point out that neither I nor JJ described BZ as being “permabanned”. I’d hate to think you were, in your terms, “bearing false witness” against us.

    More to the point, neither I nor JJ have said anything against Making Light or implied that its policies were wrong or anything other than its own business. I personally think that their commenters spend an awful lot of time spinning their wheels rather than cutting to the chase, but that’s their prerogative.

  7. Morris Keesan: “Where Alf, the smiling Neumann, ran”

    I’m liking this one!

  8. Brian Z.: from what I know of Jo, I guess she’d say that this century’s crop of nominees was (by and large) on about the same level as those of the last. And if you think she’d have the slightest sympathy for the Puppies’ tactics…well, I’d bet good money against it.

  9. Hi JJ,

    As far as I remember the only comment I made on this subject is the one you have quoted, and to the best of my knowledge it was/is accurate based on my observations at ML (with the possible exception of Brian’s reason for no longer making an appearance there). If this is not the case, I will be happy to apologize for saying something that is untrue.

    LIke I said, that second paragraph that characterized the moderator response to Brian Z at ML as indicating some sort of extremity of vile behavior on Brian Z’s part (I no longer have the paragraph in front of me; it was the one about “what it takes” to elicit that response, and “what it says about you) rubbed me really, really wrong, for reasons that can be summarized thus:

    1. He was at worst disingenous and discourteous in a space that has seen truly vile posts from commenters who, accordingly, were treated a lot more harshly by the moderators.

    2. He wasn’t the first to be asked to bow out of a particular discussion and only return when he could maintain certain standards of courtesy. Certain valued community members have received almost the exact same treatment. So if you think Brian Z’s treatment at the hands of a moderator says something awful about him, you must think that same awful something holds true for the above mentioned valued community members. And if you do, WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY FRIENDS?! COME OVER HERE AND SAY THAT!!! But I don’t think you really do.

    Beyond that, and what I said in my previous post(s) about the “run out of town” meme, we’re cool.

  10. Nicole J. LeBoeuf-Little, the moderator’s treatment of me at ML was fine. I was going off topic and it was reined in, which was fine. They can be crisp there but that’s their style; good on them.

  11. Brian Z – Robert Reynolds et al, I’ve agreed that Jo Walton has clearly explained her reasons for stopping where she did. Her reasons make perfect sense to me.

    I won’t repeat that again.

    I’ve also clarified that what I meant was to observe, good thing she stopped when she did, she is such an honest reviewer that it might have become a train wreck.

    Actually you said that she couldn’t find a way to tactfully explain such. You haven’t clarified what you meant by that at all.

    If anyone wants to talk about whether and when the quality of Hugo nominees went down, raise your hand, but I’d rather not get pulled back into discussion about how badly I expressed an off the cuff remark about it. Thanks.

    I did, even though that’s a deflection. You expressed an off the cuff remark, double downed it by inferring her reasons why, and still haven’t explained why and instead of admitting you were incorrect said it was expressed badly. If you just expressed what you meant to say poorly, please clarify.

    And to go down the deflection path, what works in the last 5 years do you feel are unworthy and have been not up to par? Was it Jo Walton’s Among Others? Looking at the last couple of years I see some strong works in just the Novel category like 2312 which you’ve mentioned you enjoyed. As someone who just read The Wind Up Girl I loved the hell out of it.

    But please, if you feel that it has declined, explain instead of insinuating someone who won a Hugo award in the last five years would agree with their decline. Because claiming what someone has said when it’s easily disproved otherwise is what led us here.

  12. @Maximillian: “cats and dogs living together!”

    Aww, dammit. Now I want a Twinkie.

  13. Upon reflection, that last line above should obviously be “Through ballots measureless to fan”.

  14. Brian Z: speaking concerning my personal fan favorites, I have to say that I agree with both the Bujold nominees not winning. Although I think if the drabbles from the end of Cryoburn could have been nominated as a separate work, they would have deserved to win in their categories (If anyone replies to this, please do not bring up spoilers, I know most people in here will have read it already, but I think everyone deserves a chance to read all of the Vorkosigan saga without spoilers)

    Morris: can I suggest “through ballots merit-less to fan”?

  15. Eric – Probably about as much as it occurred to those readers parsing everything Correia, Torgerson, and other SP supporters have been saying since the beginning.

    That’s an adorable false equivalency you got there, you’ll have to tell me where you got it.

    There’s a difference in saying “I’m going to look into this from these years for these reasons.” and then have someone state the contrary and someone saying “A secret cabal has taken over the Hugos because affirmative action and we’re going to take it back.” The latter is an accusation, and they’ve been asked many times to show their work. They refuse to or can’t and their words often conflict with previous statements or their actions. Since they wont state their reasons plainly, like Walton clearly did, it leaves those accused as wondering WTF their problem is.

    Hope that helps!

  16. When I read the views of hard right religious folk on what constitutes appropriate sexual expression, I am moved once again to give thanks to the G-d, who, in her infinite wisdom, made me queer. I am in no danger of commiting suicide due to my lifestyle, but if I had been living a JCW-approved lifestyle all these years, I would surely have died of boredom long ago.

  17. Rev Bob- how was Timegate? I was tempted to go but time and money were both too scarce.

  18. @cmm: Yeah, Wright won’t grasp that homophobia did neither his stepmother nor her former husband any favors. In fact, appears to insist the opposite. Which, no.

  19. SocialInjusticeWorrier:

    Well, I suppose I can accept that you don’t intend phrases like “run out of town” or “booted” to convey the connotation of “permanently banned.” Accepting that, I withdraw any accusation of intentional dishonesty.

    I apologize for accusing you of intentional dishonesty. I accept that your misrepresentation was inadvertent. I maintain that the phrases you chose resulted in a misrepresentation.

    It sounds like you’re dismissing the distinction as petty semantics; I obviously disagree. I think using a phrase like “run out of town” as a shorthand for “told to desist with the current discussion but made welcome to return elsethread dependent on meeting certain standards of civility” is about as valid as using a phrase like “too tactful” to mean… whatever Brian Z next decides to say Jo Walton really meant when she clearly put forth her reasoning for ending the Hugo recaps where she did. Pfeh.

    Since we’re probably not to going to see eye-to-eye here, and I’ve said all I had to say (and repeated it more times than is useful, which is to say, at all), I will let this be my last post on the subject. I’m sure we’ll meet again as the topic drifts.

  20. Cmm: And remind me why people on the religious right are supposed to happily accept your gratuitous sexual insults?

  21. @MickeyFinn “Although I think if the drabbles from the end of Cryoburn could have been nominated as a separate work, they would have deserved to win in their categories”

    The his may be betraying my status as an extreme Bujold fanboy, but I would argue that the last *sentence* of Cryoburn deserves a Hugo, regardless of the rest.

    One of the most obvious examples of Hugo Failure and Conspiracy that I’m aware of is from the year that Curse of Chalion did not win. I have doubted the Hugo voters ever since then.

  22. Nicole J. LeBoeuf-Little: “So if you think Brian Z’s treatment at the hands of a moderator says something awful about him, you must think that same awful something holds true for the above mentioned valued community members.”

    What I said was: “You do not seem to quite understand just how incredibly bad someone’s behavior at Making Light has to be before they will take that sort of step — or what it says about you that they did.”

    By “what it says about you that they did” I meant “it says that you were deliberately, repeatedly, violating their previous instructions not to do what you kept doing anyway”. I apologize that I did not communicate this clearly. I was certainly not meaning that the mods at ML were saying that he was a terrible person. From what I’ve seen, they are very scrupulous about not passing those sorts of judgments.

    I personally think that the owners/moderators at Making Light are eminently fair and even-handed, and that abi’s post here to Brian Z. saying that he was welcome at ML as long as he followed the guidelines and the moderators’ instructions was merely one more in a long line of demonstrations of that.

    I am pleased to hear you say that we’re cool. Posts by you, along with several others, are a benchmark in courtesy and rationality that I attempt to emulate.

  23. I will stand by an defenses of Making Light. I don’t go there often but on memorable occasion when I vented there, not only was I not condemned, but one of the regulars got the point I was trying to make, and made it himself both more coherently and diplomatically.

  24. Maximillian: but paladin of souls did win its year, and its the best book from that series.

    And The Curse of Chalion was up against American Gods. Actually, that was a hell of a year.

  25. In a Kennel on the Metro

    The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
    CHORFs! I mean SJWs! No — CHORF-JWs! That’s it! CHORF-JWs!

  26. Latest direct responses to me by JJ and Brian Z. on the matter of ML : noted, appreciated. Hat tip. A certain amount of blushing in one case. A persistent nudge about “Canine Days” in the other (o the potential).

    (I’m being brief because I do want to let the (sub)discussion close. But it seemed rude to ignore. So! [shaking of hands all around])

  27. Brian Z — “So what do you want?”

    I think I’d like you to put as much care into writing prose as you do filk. Your first thoughts, that is, rather than the convoluted excuses you come up with when called out on something iffy; you’re clearly taking great care with those, a little late and a collar, sorry, dollar short.

  28. After reading the Hugo Fan Writer packet, I feel like I need a bath. 3 obnoxious message screeds (one of which had a specific preface with Even MOAR Message!), 1 less obnoxious one but still incredibly message driven piece, and 1 where, while well written, just makes my skin crawl as I went through most of last year blissfully unaware of this BS/ RH character.

    Much as I’d love to NA the whole category, the Mixon is well done, if flawed, piece of work.

    Also, what’s a GHH? One of the screeds used it repeatedly, but much like Alinskyite and 3rd wave feminism, it just seems to be a culture war phrase meaning “thing I don’t like”.

  29. So, has anyone suggested The Puppy Who Cried ‘Scalzi’ for a title or subtitle yet? Given the other news from today, it seems appropriate.

  30. @snowcrash: I’m pretty sure “GHH” is “Glittery Hoo-Hah”. So, among other things a fancy way of calling someone a c*nt.

  31. Maximillian,

    It lost to AMERICAN GODS. Even I, an ultimate Bujold Fan, would have a hard time deciding between those two (and Passage and Perdito Street Station are no slouches either)

    I’ll see your last line of Cryoburn, and raise you “Ivan, you idiot, what are you doing here?” from Memory.

    *There’s* a line years and tomes in the making!

  32. Morris: “…through ballots meritless to fen
    down to an ink-dark sea…”

  33. >> Kurt, if you think my saying that Vox Day is guilty of the same dishonesty that he accuses SJWs of irrelevant, then I’m really done here.>>

    Then be done.

    Because yeah, it’s absolutely irrelevant to you lying about stuff, it’s irrelevant to you trying to get people to go have dialogues with the Puppies, or to get them to define what they think the Puppies mean by silly acronyms. You seem to be under the impression that as long as you can point to something that says “I criticized those guys here and there” it means the other stuff didn’t happen, or somehow doesn’t count, because sealioning is commutative or something.

    But I never said you didn’t say that stuff, and it wasn’t relevant to what I was responding to. So bringing it up as if it’s a Get Out of Jail Free card is nonsensical.

    >> Here, let me help: I scuttled off and asked my puppy overlords what special pleading I should do today and they told me to come back and say that SJWs are liars like Kurt Busiek who lie while pretending that the other person’s lying. There. Are we done? >>

    Beats me. You haven’t stopped yet, and whining about how people are mean to you when they criticize you for the crap you try has never indicated that you’ll stop trying it. So I dunno. Will you stop lying about people to try to promote the Puppy worldview? Will you stop trying to talk people — anybody but yourself — into building bridges between the non-Puppies and Puppies by just learning to understand what’s behind their lies and accusations and attacks?

    I know how I’d guess, but as with Kate Paulk, I’m willing to wait and see.

    And I’m not an SJW. I don’t own any cats at all.

  34. @MickeyFinn – “Maximillian: but paladin of souls did win its year, and its the best book from that series.

    And The Curse of Chalion was up against American Gods. Actually, that was a hell of a year.”

    AG was a very good book, I was impressed with it.

    But PoS being better and whether there are was any question of CoC being the best of the year? You, sir, (or Madame) will meet me for this! Give me the name of your second! *searches for a gauntlet to throw*

    Also, after calming down, I just noticed that A Civil Campaign didn’t win either. Deepness was okay, but it was no Fire Upon the Deep, let alone being better than Bujold. The Hugos are broken! The puppies are right!

  35. snowcrash: GHH = Glittery Hoo-Hah. The term goes back almost a decade, and seems to mean something a bit different when folks like The Mad Genius Club use it — see Kate Paulk employ it as an antifeminist term in her post Storm in a B-cup.

  36. For those of you still criticizing my Walton comment, if I could do it over again, I’d shine my snark elsewhere and say “Do you think hordes of outraged fans would descend on her comment thread when she starts critiquing Scalzi, Mira Grant and Larry Correia?” But its too late. So I’m sorry that I screwed up.

  37. @Ultragotha- “I’ll see your last line of Cryoburn, and raise you “Ivan, you idiot, what are you doing here?” from Memory.

    *There’s* a line years and tomes in the making!”

    🙂 I don’t remember that specifically, but is the answer to that question something along the lines of ‘saving your ass’? Good old Ivan.

  38. Maximillian: Even if some of her best works didn’t pick up their rightful hugos (for my money, Memory, A Civil Campaign and arguably Curse of Chalion), I’m not sure Bujold Needs More Hugos is a banner that anyone needs to die under.

  39. The origin of the “Glittery Hoo-ha” was as a designation for a woman who for whatever reason (being gorgeous, being great in bed, being able to hypnotize a man and control him) is able to lie, cheat, do stupid things, engage in any sort of vile behavior, and still hang on to the devotion of her man (i.e., the female equivalent of the “attraction to bad boys”).

    But of late, it has been co-opted by MRAs, PUAs, GamerGaters, and Puppies to mean “something something horrible feminist something”. It’s a derogatory word for women (as someone said above, akin to “c*nt”).

    Needless to say, its use reflects far more badly on the person using it than it does on the person at whom it’s directed.

  40. @BrianZ “Do you think hordes of outraged fans would descend on her comment thread when she starts critiquing Scalzi, Mira Grant and Larry Correia?”

    Well… Personally, I like the books from Scalzi and LC about equally and I can’t remember off the top of my head what Grant has written. So, I wouldn’t have been outraged.

  41. I have a special fondness for “Money, power, sex … and elephants”, when it comes for quotes.

  42. Brian Z – Do you think hordes of outraged fans would descend on her comment thread when she starts critiquing Scalzi, Mira Grant and Larry Correia?”

    Some probably would, I’ve seen video game fans tear a review apart for even suggesting it wasn’t perfect to there’s some folks who identify a little too closely with what they’re fans of and take it personal. For the most part though all of those authors have been reviewed and critiqued many times before, I’m sure the majority of fans would be able to handle that.

    Talking about past Hugo winners, why do you think there has been a decline in the last five years? If so what do you think has caused the decline, was it just bad years for the genre or something else? You changed the subject from Walton to that so I’d imagine it’s something you’d like to talk about.

  43. Brian Z on May 24, 2015 at 2:54 pm said:
    Jon @12:05

    https://naomikritzer.wordpress.com/2015/04/13/vox-days-involvement-in-the-sad-puppies-slate/ – has never been convincingly refuted.

    All those comments demonstrate is that Larry Correia thinks Vox Day lives rent free in your head. Which he is obviously correct about. Or is your gotcha that John Wright refuses to denounce his own editor? Use some common sense, man.

    So, to sum up, you skipped over the part where Correia is quoted saying the SP3 slate was formulated by the members of the ELOE, of which VD is a long acknowledged member, presumably because that part contradicts your position and is therefore invisible to your eyes, to seize on the living rent free in our heads part. We can always count on you to boldly explore new frontiers in reading incomprehension, can’t we?

    Perhaps the Jo Walton kerfuffle will have convinced you that is isn’t the rest of us here who are lacking in common sense but I have my doubts.

  44. David Goldfarb:

    this century’s crop of nominees was (by and large) on about the same level as those of the last.


    have to say that I agree with both the Bujold nominees not winning.

    In my personal opinion, in 2011, the only book I really felt deserved to be there was the phenomenal The Dervish House, which was so beautifully written and engaging that I practically read it in one sitting. However I have to admit that I think I looked at The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms briefly but wasn’t really pulled into it and didn’t get around to finish it, so others might have to tell me whether it deserved to be there.

    In 2012, Among Others was of course a gem, but I feel it should have competed against a richer field. I found Embassytown a hard slog and I like that kind of stuff. I’m curious what others think.

    In 2013, Saladin Ahmed had a nice novel but it was rough in places and I didn’t feel it belonged on the shortlist along with 2312, which I think was the only thing that deserved to be there.

    In 2014, Neptunes Brood is certainly worth reading, not the sort of thing I’d give a Hugo to, but I suppose I shouldn’t object too strenuously to it getting on the ballot. Nothing else deserved to be there at all. I put down Ancillary Justice after reading the Hugo packet excerpt and didn’t pick it up until recently – when I did, I discovered it got better, but it is still an uneven first novel and I’d rather reward fully realized novels by people at the peaks of their craft.

    In 2015, Three Body Problem is the only thing that I think deserves to be on there at all.

    Has the passage of time given me a rosy view of earlier years? Is it bad luck? Is the system broken?

  45. on GHH=Glittery Hoo-Hah:

    WtF? I remember that from the MightBigTV/ TwoP days. That makes *no sense* in the context of those screeds. Ugh.

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