Winnipeg Will Host 2023 NASFiC

Winnipeg has been voted the right to host the 2023 NASFiC. The con will be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada from July 20-23, 2023, and be named Pemmi-con 2023.

There were 343 site selection ballots cast, with 312 in favor of Winnipeg, as reported by Chicon 8. The Winnipeg bid was running unopposed after another bid for Orlando folded last month.

Winnipeg’s Guests of Honor will be Dr. Philip J. Currie, Julie Czerneda, John Mansfield, Waubgeshig Rice, Nisi Shawl and Katherina Vermette. The Ghost of Honor will be Lorna Toolis and the Toastmaster will be Tanya Huff. The convention will be chaired by Robbie Bourget and Linda Ross-Mansfield.

As provided by the WSFS Constitution, the same rules that govern the Worldcon, the NASFiC (North American Science Fiction Convention) is held in North America in years when the Worldcon is held overseas. In this case, the 2023 Worldcon will be held in Chendgu, China from August 16-20, 2023.

Winnipeg in 23’s website can be found at; they can also be found on Twitter at @WinnipegIn23.

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4 thoughts on “Winnipeg Will Host 2023 NASFiC

  1. Yay! Mosquitoes! Clouds and clouds of them! (I think July is mosquito season in Winnipeg, it might be at the end of the season, though.)

  2. I attended the Worldcon in Winnipeg and I don’t remember mosquitoes but it was later in the year

  3. Iain: it is, but if you’re downtown, you won’t see much of them. Maybe at the Forks. They need green space to really pick up numbers.

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