And Now For Something Completely Distempered 6/9

aka A Can-On-Tail For Puppy Wits

Today’s roundup contains these multitudes: Kameron Hurley, Chuck Wendig, Vox Day, J. Lassen, Carolyn Cox, Tobias Buckell, Jim C. Hines, Lou Antonelli, Tom Knighton, Jay Hathaway, Gavia Baker-Whitelaw, Paul Cornell, N.K. Jemisin, Kate Elliott, K. Tempest Bradford, John Scalzi, Jessica Price, Amanda S. Green, Martin Wisse, Mur Lafferty, Andrea Phillips, Harry Connolly, Steven Brust, Mary Robinette Kowal, John C. Wright, Sigrid Ellis, J.C. Salomon, Mark Pitcavage, Joe Vasicek, Katrina A. Templeton, L. Rhodes, Eric Flint, Lis Carey, Spacefaring Kitten, Russell Blackford, Cirsova and Laura “Tegan” Gjovaag.  (Title credit belongs to File 770 contributing editors of the day ULTRAGOTHA and Pip R. Lagenta.)

Kameron Hurley

“The Revolution of Self-Righteous Dickery will Not Be Moderated” – June

Here’s what fucking pisses me off: it’s that this fucking pissing contest between a bunch of dudes – none of whom will actually have careers harmed in this fucking circle jerk, let’s be real – is hurting the exact people it’s meant to hurt, because they’re the most vulnerable, the ones most likely to get thrown under the bus, and those guys and their mobs fucking know it.

You can’t even say “the sky is fucking blue” on the internet, as a woman, without public shaming. Where was the public employer outcry during RaceFail, or FrenkelFail?

I’d like to tell you there’s no solution to it, and corporations are corporations, and this is how it is, but one can write a politic letter reminding people that a company’s employees are not speaking for the company on their personal social media pages (which the Neilsen-Haydens have been doing for YEARS without public reproach) without calling out one particular person who simply explained on her personal page in simple terms the politics of a handful of people who hijacked an award ballot, the politics of which have been well documented in pretty much every major news piece (including one I wrote!). Funny, isn’t it, that nobody was publicly castigated by their employer for comments related to RaceFail or FrenkelFail but my god a woman said some dudes are sexist bigots because they have said sexist bigoted things and pushed a slate that resulted in fewer female nominees for the Hugos than in recent years past and OMG:


If you’re an employer faced with a mob of bigots because a female employee said a true thing in public, maybe take a step back and ask how you’d have responded (if at all) if they came after one of your top dudes for saying the exact same thing. You may not even have to think very long because they probably already have.

Then ask yourself how awesome you really are now that you’ve publicly named and shamed her and basically threw her out to the Gamergate/Puppy wolves to be harassed online and in the comment sections of your own post. Ask yourself how awesome and fair-handed you are to do that.


Chuck Wendig on terribleminds

“I Stand By Irene Gallo” – June 9

I stand by Irene Gallo because she is a person who has the right to air her personal sentiments, regardless of whether or not we find them disagreeable. She has that right without being smacked across the nose by her employer in a sanctioned public shaming. I do not agree with Tor’s posturing on this point because it represents a double-standard of sexism and favoritism. I do not agree with Tor because they are opening the tent flap to the worst among us. The publisher is cultivating an invasive species with a letter like that. They are lending them space on the debate floor, turning this whole affair into a clownish, brutal, and bullying mosh pit.


Vox Day on Vox Popoli

“The rules of the game” – June 9

Those priorities, of course, are their prerogative. Unlike Tor Books, everyone at Castalia House, from our volunteers to our Publisher, respects and values our authors. We value every single one of them, even those with whom we inevitably disagree on one issue or another. We value our customers as well, and as those who have had the occasional problem with getting their books delivered know, we go out of our way to take care of them even if the problem is on their end. The idea of actually attacking them is the polar opposite of our attitude towards our customers. Without our customers, we not only don’t exist, we have no reason to exist. Tor Books appears to have forgotten that. Stephen Ashby is nevertheless dubious:

You expect a resignation? I can see why you want one, but I don’t see what would lead you to expect it. Personally I expect Tor will simply pretend the matter is dealt with, and if you don’t accept that then they will claim you’re the one being unreasonable.

Absolutely. I expect one because I don’t believe Tom Doherty or Patrick Nielsen Hayden are entirely stupid. If they don’t accept her resignation soon, then I expect Macmillan, who I don’t believe to be stupid in any way, shape, or form, to not only fire Gallo but also remove those executives who have been derelict in their management duties. The further away one is from the cultural battle in SF/F, the more totally inexcusable Gallo’s behavior appears. Especially from the purely corporate perspective. Not only was Ms Gallo’s attitude and statement in direct conflict with the Macmillan Code of Conduct, it is is direct conflict with one of the most basic rules of business: cherish your customers and treat them with care and respect.



Carolyn Cox on The Mary Sue

“Tor Condemns Creative Director Irene Gallo for Posting About the Rabid/Sick Puppies on Her Personal Facebook” – June 9

Many of the authors nominated by the Sad Puppies slate write books with positive representation; many of those same authors have also spoken out against the group in the same way that Gallo did. I’ve no doubt that some Puppies have honestly good intentions, but considering the group’s loudest messages condemn me for my sexuality and gender, I side with Irene Gallo, too.

And no, feeling persecuted for being a Puppy isn’t the same as the persecution faced by members of marginalized groups. It’s one thing to throw a woman to Gamergaters in an official post, and something very different to use a personal social media account to critique people for aligning themselves with a dubious online group.


Tobias Buckell

“What the ever loving fuck? I stand by Irene Gallo as well” – June 9

The first thing I thought was, “where was the public post for Jim Frenkel serially harassing women all throughout many cons for how long with public apology or note regarding how editors should behave?”

Chuck calls this is a triple standard, and I have to say, I believe much the same thing.


Jim C. Hines

“Why Didn’t You Blog About ________?” – June 9

My post about the Sad Puppies is up to 100+ comments at this point, and several of those comments have expressed frustration that I didn’t write about something different, generally things like, “Why didn’t you do a similar post on things said about the Sad Puppies” or “You should be talking about the Rabid Puppies instead of the Sads.”

I didn’t write about the Rabid Puppies in part because there doesn’t seem to be much confusion or ambiguity about Theodore Beale’s beliefs and motives, and I’m not all that interested in giving him attention. As for things said about the puppies…said by whom? I was blogging about the official pupmasters of the Sad Puppies movement, and despite claims of conspiracies and wars, there is no equivalent Anti-Puppy group.


Lou Antonelli on Facebook – June 9

I suspect, the “reviews” being as biased and bitter as they are, that most reasonable people are now being repelled by these screeds. The other comments are not helping, either. David Gerrold has become a tedious scold. Attacks, such as the one by Irene Gallo of Tor books which came to light recently, only create sympathy for Sad Puppies.

Neither side has covered itself in glory, but from what I see, when Sad Puppies have behaved badly, it is because they have been viciously and unfairly attacked. It’s a defensive reaction. I am the first to admit that, if you insult and attack me, it’s quite possible I’ll lose my temper. I’m Italian, remember?

On the other hand, I get the impression most of the viciousness from the Puppy Kickers has been cold-blooded and heartless. Given the choice between wearing my heart on my sleeve, and not having a heart at all, I’ll take my chances with losing my temper – and being hurt – by keeping my heart.


Tom Knighton

“Much Ado about Puppies, Hugos, and other critters” – June 9

Eric Flint gave a master class in how to put principle over ideology, and he has my deepest respect for that.  I’ve seen him blow up during this mess like everyone, but anyone can lose their temper.  What I’ve consistently seen from him during all of this was what I hope to see from all my opponents on a given issue.

So, as an died-in-the-wool capitalist gun-toting libertarian, I am going to try and emulate Eric’s approach going forward.  As a passionate, mercurial kind of guy who seems to do his best work when he’s pissed off, however, I won’t hold my breath on succeeding.

Recently on Twitter, and apparently it was shared on File770, I made the comment that I didn’t think compromise was possible between the two sides.  I’m not sure that there is, but I’m far more hopeful that I’m wrong than I was when I made that statement.

I maintain that I think the other side is wrong, but people like Flint believe that I’m just wrong, not evil.  If that attitude is what comes to the table, then we can talk.


Jay Hathaway on Gawker Review of Books

“America’s Largest Sci-Fi Publisher Gives in to Reactionary ‘Sad Puppies’” – June 9

sad puppy on gawker

Puppy supporters have been talking shit about Tor from the beginning of their campaign, largely because Tor editors Patrick and Teresa Nielsen Hayden have been openly critical, and were among the first to note that Gamergate and the Puppies were making common cause. In April, Larry Correia, who started and named the original Sad Puppies campaign two years ago, had to tell Puppies supporters to chill out with their attacks on the publisher, because—as Tom Doherty also pointed out—Tor has published Puppy favorites like John C. Wright. Wright rode the Puppies slates to a record-breaking six Hugo nominations this year.

The frenzy started again last week, though, when Vox Day reignited it with a screencap of Irene Gallo’s Facebook comments, calling them “libel.” (He calls a lot of things libel.)

“I’ve held onto this since I had the screencap, which as you correctly note was made several weeks ago … I have long been in the habit of never using all of my ammunition at once, or pointing-and-shrieking for its own sake,” Day told File770, a sci-fi fansite that’s been keeping meticulous records of this year’s Hugo drama.

Apparently, the reaction was loud enough to move Tom Doherty to publicly chastise Gallo and put forth a soft defense of the Puppies and their motives. I contacted him to ask how he made that decision and what his personal feelings about the Puppies are—because he’s made clear they don’t align with Gallo’s. I haven’t yet heard back.


Gavia Baker-Whitelaw on The Daily Dot

“Why sci-fi authors are angry with Tor Books”  – June 9

Doherty’s response attempted to characterize Tor as a neutral entity in the ongoing culture war within sci-fi fandom. But to some, it felt more like throwing an employee to the wolves.

Others pointed to what they saw as a double standard. While Gallo received a public dressing-down, Tor has been mum on star author John Scalzi calling the Sad Puppies bigots and feuding with Vox Day, and editor Patrick Nielsen Hayden describing the Sad Puppies as “downright evil.”



Jessica Price on Bedside Notepad

“I Stand With Irene Gallo” – June 9

And Tom Doherty, founder of Tor, felt the need to post a piece on Tor’s site. In it, he talks about how the Puppies aren’t really that bad, and how Irene Gallo’s views don’t represent Tor’s, and how she’s been reprimanded for her post.

Just to be clear:

  1. A woman speaks up against a racist and misogynist hate movement.
  2. Her male boss shuts her up.
  3. Her male boss then goes public, reassuring everyone he’s shut her up and that he has no issues with the hate movement.
  4. He also makes sure to call her out by name.

I don’t know if you’ve been on the internet lately, but in the current Gamergate climate, a man calling out a woman for talking about misogyny is a fucking bat signal to the worst elements of the internet. It’s basically painting a giant target on her back for harassment, threats, doxxing, and all the other methods misogynist mobs use to attempt to shut up women they don’t like.

I didn’t expect that the publishing industry would have any more spine than the videogame industry did in standing up to this crap, but I didn’t expect to see them cheerfully throw a female employee to the wolves. (The ass-covering could have been done without naming her.)


You don’t get to pretend, Tom Doherty, that you don’t know what the potential consequences are for her. None of you men in games, tech, SFF do.


Amanda S. Green on Mad Genius Club

“Oh the noes” – June 9

Oh my, the last few days have been interesting if you are a fan of science fiction or fantasy and if you have been following the controversy surrounding the Hugo nominations. I have thought long and hard about what, if anything (more), I want to say about the situation surrounding the comments Tor artistic editor Irene Gallo made and the subsequent statement by Tor’s elder statesman Tom Doherty. At this point, I think I will stick with saying just two things. Firs, Ms. Gallo’s comments were beyond over the top and her apology did not go nearly far enough for the simple reason that she did not apologize for anything except possibly hurting people’s feelings and painting with an overly broad brush. Second, I appreciate the fact that Mr. Doherty took the time to not only say that Ms. Gallo’s opinions were not the opinions of Tor and he put the lie to at least one of the accusations against SP3, that it was only trying to advance the work of white men.


Eldritch on Observation Deck

“Tor Throws Female Creative Director to the Wolves”  – June 9

The other comments are outraged that Doherty could do this to Gallo. The implications that he bended his knee to the Puppies is awful and it’s worse that he decided to take the heat off by throwing a woman under the bus for them. People are disgusted he wrote that letter and found it disheartening that it looks like Tor has thrown its lot in with the Puppies. Voices of disappointed reason are Mary Robinette Kowal and Chuck Wendig.


Martin Wisse on Wis[s]e Words

“Two faced Tor” – June 9

As you know Bob, I’ve been saying for a long time that the whole Sad/Rabid Puppies operation is just another extention of the American rightwing’s Culture Wars, the blueprint established in the cockpit of partisan politics imported into the arts and now science fiction fandom. This was again confirmed for me over the weekend, as Vox Day and his fellow fascists ginned up controversy over a month old Facebook comment by Irene Gallo, a Tor Books employee, in which she called them rightwingers and neonazis. That’s a move straight out of the Breitbart playbook, where being accused of racism is always a much greater offence than actually being racist and you lie and manipulate your enemies into doing your dirty work for you.


Mur Lafferty on The Murverse Annex

“Standing With Irene” – June 9

I’m not an eloquent debate enthusiast. My words dry up when struggling to defend myself or my positions. Fiction is easy. Arguing is not. It’s just the way I am. And as it’s the end of the day, more eloquent people than me have written about this. So I will link to them, and just say I stand with Irene. I definitely would want someone to stand with me.


Andrea Phillips

“Get Thee to HR, to Be Hanged” – June 9

This weekend, Tor creative director Irene Gallo got some heat for expressing some opinions on Facebook about the Sad Puppies, and was thrown under the bus by her employer. And a lot of people are calling for her to be fired, too.

This is our nuclear option on the internet, and we go straight there whenever our dander is up. Someone should get fired over this. Salt the earth. Wreck their Google results. Make it so they never work in this town again, or any other town for that matter.


Didact’s Reach

“The Reclamation has already begun” – June 9

Let me state for the record that I commend Mr. Doherty for graciously and clearly noting that neither Sad Puppies nor Rabid Puppies are about promoting racism, misogyny, or homophobia. The personal opinions of the creators and supporters of these slates on the subjects of race, feminism, and homogamy are NOT reflected in the nominees put forward in the two slates, as anyone with an even halfway-open mind would readily be able to see. Mr. Doherty is to be applauded for acknowledging what so many of his colleagues at Tor Books and have so much difficulty in seeing: Sad/Rabid Puppies are about giving recognition to works of sci-fi and fantasy that actually deserve them. Period f***ing dot.

Now, let us come to the business of Ms. Gallo’s rather intemperate comments and her non-apology….

Ms. Gallo’s words were published on her personal Facebook page. She has every right to say whatever she wants under the protections of a document that, as far as I can tell, she personally detests: the Constitution of the United States of America.


Ragin’ Dave on Peace or Freedom

“My Letter to Tom Doherty at Tor Books” – June 9

I have read Mrs. Gallo’s so-called “apology”, and it’s the Diet Coke of apologies; saccharine, bland, and not real.  I have read your statement whereupon you claim that Mrs. Gallo does not speak for Tor Books.  Given the statements of Mrs. Gallo, both of the Neilson Haydens, and Mr. Feder, I can say for certainly that you may not wish them to speak for Tor Books, but they are doing just that.  I’m a military man, Mr. Doherty.  Once is accident.  Twice is coincidence.  Three times is Enemy Action.  And you have four individuals who have all attacked, impugned, slandered and defamed good, honest people, and I am quite honestly fed up with it.

I will buy no further books from Tor Books until Mrs. Gallo is relieved of her duties and issued a pink slip.  I will not buy books from a company that hates me.


Harry Connolly

“Tor’s Dumb Letter”

Did Tor CEO Tom Doherty release a letter apologizing publicly for Frenkel’s or Fodera’s behavior, while insisting that they should have been smarter about separating the personal from the professional? Of course not. For one thing, Frenkel’s shitty behavior happened while he was representing Tor Books at public events. For another, they were dudes and their victims were women.

However, it took Doherty less than 24 hours to issue a letter of apology for Gallo’s comment on her personal Facebook, and assuring the internet that he’s going to talk to her about being clear on the when she’s speaking for herself and for the company…..

When I looked at Making Light this morning, the site clearly said the Nielsen Haydens work for Tor, but there was no disclaimer about their opinions being solely their own, etc. Why should there be? It’s 2015; people know the difference between personal and professional spaces. At least, they ought to.

But of course, Gallo is a woman, and the loudest voices enraged by her remarks are men. Unlike the Frenkel or Fodera incidents, Gallo’s requires correction from the highest level. Frenkel can get a bland announcement that he’s no long associated with the company; Gallo must be corrected in public. The double standard is disappointing.

Even worse, what is Tor thinking leaving the comments open on the letter? Is it a honeytrap so people like John C Wright can embarrass themselves by claiming not to be homophobic in the most homophobic way?

Or maybe Mr. Doherty thinks Ms. Gallo hasn’t been getting her full share of abuse as a woman on the internet.


Selected Comments from  “Tom Doherty: To Our Readers And Authors” at

[I can’t get the comment links to work, so I have listed the numbers instead.]


Steven Brust in comment #68 – June 8

Irene Gallo? Yes. She makes my books look good. I like that. We’ve never discussed politics, but I’ll bet next year’s royalties we don’t agree on much of anything.  Can’t say as I care.  I’ve heard from what I consider reliable sources that Tom Doherty and I would disagree even more should we ever talk politics.  Can’t say as I care about that, either.  They, along with many others at Tor with whom my political principles have little or nothing in common, make my books better.  I like that.

Make the point that she was speaking for herself, not for the company?  All right, sure, I guess.  But I would be very sad if Tom, or Irene, or anyone else in publishing felt unable to express a personal opinion for fear of being fired. That would make the world uglier indeed, and would do nothing to contribute to there being better stories out there for me to read.


Mary Robinette Kowal in comment #82 – June 9

As one of your authors, I want to say openly that I find this apology upsetting. In a large part because I was directly harassed by a Tor employee and received no apology from the company. From the employee? Yes. But from Tor? No.

The fact that you are now defending the Sad Puppies campaign, even implicitly, and apologizing to them for being offended is really distressing. It implies things about the priorities of Tor that I find uncomfortable and would very much like to be wrong about. At the moment though, I feel as though the safety of women authors, and authors of color is less important to the company than the feelings of those who attack them.

While I understand that the Sad Puppies list did, indeed, include women and writers of colour, the works that made the ballot are largely from the Rabid Puppies list. One category is made up largely of a single author’s work, which seems like the very opposite of diversity. While I recognize that the two groups are separate, they are so interconnected that it is hard to view them individually, particularly when the Sad Puppies claim the Rabid Puppies slate as their own victory.

So when you feel the need to apologize to people who have said that they want to see the Hugos destroyed, and emphasize that Irene’s views are not your own, I can’t help but wonder what your views are. All of which leaves me confused and distressed.


John C. Wright in comment #84 – June 9

Dear Peter D, and all of you who claim Irene Gallo’s statement was true–

You are saying things you know or should know to be untrue, and you should be deeply ashamed for letting your emotions out of control, tempt you to dishonesty, and for yielding to that temptation.

I am not unrepentantly homophobic. I am nothing of the kind. It is a lie.

I follow the Catholic teaching on same sex attraction and how one deals with it. In public, I have heaped scorn on those who use a children’s cartoon, one I loved, to insinuate their pro-perversion propaganda in a cowardly and craven way.

I have no hate, no fear, nothing but respect for homosexuals.

You and people like you who use the false cloak of compassion for homosexual to lure them into ruining their lives, you are the ones for whom I have no respect. You are the ones who hate them; you are the one who urge them down ever darker paths.

One of my family members committed suicide because he pursued the homosexual lifestyle you and yours continually urge him and poor souls like him to pursue.

You are the ones who offer a drunk a drink before he gets behind the wheel of a car, and when Christian urge sobriety, you claim our motive is fear and hatred for the drunk, not prudence and compassion.

He abandoned my stepsister when she was six years old, and my step brother when he was four.

Your evil, vile, repulsive philosophy of pure selfishness is what I hate, not the homosexuals you use as a shield for that philosophy.

As for the other lunatic assertions of Irene Gallo that you now leap to claim are true —  misogynist? neo-nazi? I wonder what St Mary and St Maximillian Kolbe would say if either thought me their enemy.

Racist?I wonder what my daughter, who was born in Chinese to parents who abandoned her, would say if I were racist.

Another one of my family members was wounded in World War Two, awarded a Purple Heart for his efforts in liberating a Nazi death camp.

You know nothing of me, nothing of my life, nothing of what I have known or suffered. Irene Gallo make statements beyond false: they were reckless with hatred, whereas I have ever spoken of her with gratitude and respect for the wonderful illustrations and compositions with which her department adorns the books she and I sell.

I am only the writer. The book is a team effort. Irene Gallo is a member of the team. She has apologized for her lies, and I accept her apology.

I would like you, sir, to do the same, and never dare to libel me again. When you do not know whereof you speak, close your mouth.


Sigrid Ellis in comment #94 on

I find myself troubled and distressed that the hurt feelings of a handful of people, led by vocal and proud bigots, are being treated with such careful public consideration. Why is Irene Gallo, speaking as a private individual, someone to apologize for? Why is Tor concerned with reassuring bigots that they are welcome?

What manner of hold do the Rabid Puppies have over Tor, to garner such consideration? Or, distressingly, is it merely that management at Tor shares some of the bigots’ views?

I had never thought that was the case. Now I am worried it might be.

I hope that a clarification is forthcoming. I look forward to the same sort of apology and reassurance that Tor has given the Rabid Puppies campaign, as Tor is, apparently, for everyone.


J. C. Salomon in comment #131 on

Vox Day is quite open about why he and his keep calling for Ms Gallo’s ouster: They see this incident as part of the Culture Wars, and are therefore determined to use the Alinskyite tactic of “Make the enemy live up to his own rules.” They’re not (quite) wrong on the Culture Wars aspect. But I would much rather have the “He’s racist-communist-fascist-conservative-liberal-sexist-homophobic-sinful; get him fired!” tactic taken off the table entirely.


Mark in comment #137 on

John C Wright, you are a homophobe.

I appreciate that you don’t understand that you are, that you feel there is some important distinction between making the statements you do out of religious duty rather than hate or fear, but that distinction is a false one. You say homosexuals ruin their lives, are perverts, that they must be brought away from their sexuality, that their lives go down dark paths, that it leads them to suicide. You believe people are homosexual because they have been urged to be, not because they quite simply, naturally, are.

I know you see that as right and true, but it is not. You are treating homosexuals as less than yourself because you truly, genuinely believe that they are. That is homophobia. You are a homophobe.


Mushashi in comment #165 on

One thing in particular stands out in this whole mess: The use of the word “homophobe”.  As though any dislike or disagreement with the homosexual lifestyle/agenda stems from an illogical, possibly irrational “fear” of homosexuality.  This term is used as a slander and as a means of silencing any opposition.  It’s cheap, childish, and naturally, dishonest to the core.  Irene Gallo is someone (along with many commenters here) that seems to think they’re immune from any criticism regarding their choice of ad hominem attacks……they’re not.  Neither is Tor.  Like it of not she represents your organization, “personal opinion” backpedaling notwithstanding.  Her outrageous name-calling and slander should not be tolerated in the publishing business or any other.

Tor – demonstrate the conviction of your stated principles and remove Irene Gallo.


Mark Pitcavage in comment # 244 on

I am very disappointed that this is Tor’s only reaction to an ideological campaign to take over the science fiction field’s oldest major award.  I would have hoped for a principled stand.  Tor should pay attention to the businesses that reacted to recent events in Indiana and Arkansas.


Joe Vasicek on One Thousand And One Parsecs

“My take on the Sad Puppies” – June 9

But in another sense, I cannot avoid having a dog in this fight. Science Fiction and Fantasy is my livelihood, and the Sad Puppies controversy affects the very core of my field. Authors whom I look up to and respect have become targets of some of the worst smear tactics, and if no one stands up against these bullies, things are only going to get worse. The lines have been drawn, the wagons have been circled, and my voice, however small, is needed in this hour.

With that out of the way, here is where I stand:

I believe that everyone who loves science fiction and fantasy has and should have a place in this genre, no matter how reprehensible I find them or how vehemently I disagree with their views.

I believe that SF&F authors flourish best when there is no single dogma, political or otherwise, that dominates the field. Those who enforce their brand of social justice through bullying and smear campaigns are anathema to everything that makes science fiction and fantasy great.

I believe that TRUE DIVERSITY in the SF&F field is good and worth working toward. TRUE DIVERSITY includes women, people of color, other ethnic minorities, and people of every gender and sexual orientation. It also includes Republicans, Conservatives, Libertarians, residents of the “flyover states,” and devout practitioners of every faith, be they Christians, Mormons, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Sikhs, or supplicants at the temple of Athe.

I believe that sexism that is directed against men is still sexism.

I believe that racism that is directed against whites is still racism.

I believe that it is impossible to defeat racism and sexism through racist and sexist means. Those who attempt to do so are bigots and hypocrites of the worst possible stripe.

I believe that no one is entitled to any award. True recognition is earned, not bestowed…..


Katrina A. Templeton on katster’s closet

“It’s OK if You’re a Puppy” – June 9

I’ll grudgingly give Beale credit for this — he knows his army of sycophants, suck-ups, wannabes, and fellow travelers very well, and knew dropping that screenshot on the Internet would be like throwing raw meat to hungry dogs. All the outrage that had been dying down is back, kicked up yet another notch. And I’m certain this amuses him very much.

It strikes me that Beale doesn’t want dialogue. He doesn’t want us to understand each other, because if we can understand — if we can glimpse that the other side of the screen sits another human being not all that much different from us — then his culture war is dead. He cannot afford to lose that — it is his driving force and his motivator.

I’m a science fiction fan because I like to read, Beale. I’m not here for your bullshit culture wars, and I really wish you’d take them somewhere else.


L. Rhodes on Upstreamist

“…Some Women and Writers of Color” – June 9

“Media coverage of the two groups initially suggested that they were organized simply to promote white men,” Doherty wrote, “which was not correct. Each Puppies’ slate of authors and editors included some women and writers of color…” That’s technically true, but misses the deeper point. The Puppies’ aim was not to promote white male authors to the exclusion of others. Rather, the goal was to crowd out science fiction and fantasy that addressed social issues from a progressive perspective, including stories in the long and heralded tradition of using genre to criticize gender, race and sexual inequalities. To that end—as well as to head off the obvious criticisms—the slate the Puppies chose highlighted women and writers of color whose work was deemed socially neutral or merely escapist.

A statement of neutrality in defense of Tor’s own authors was, perhaps, to be expected, but it seems to me that Mr. Doherty has overstepped by offering that weak tea explanation excusing the Puppies’ slate. If, as the message concludes, Tor is dedicated to publishing “on a broad range of topics, from a broad range of authors,” then it would do well to acknowledge that the Puppies are vocally in favor of overshadowing all but a narrow range of topics and promoting only the range of authors that play it safe.


Eric Flint


[Another lengthy post of which this is just one bit — ]

But this is the method Torgersen uses himself—and has from the beginning. He points to—refers to, rather; it’s always a wave of the hand rather than a pointing finger—incidents at least some which are genuinely outrageous in terms of unfair and sometimes scurrilous charges being leveled against him or other Sad Puppies. And then, by leaving the details and specifics unclear, tries to inflate the incidents into the literary equivalent of the Albigensian Crusade.

So, any insignificant nitwit spouting insults on a panel at an SF convention becomes the equivalent of being blackballed by publishers. Any lout spewing venom in a discussion anywhere on the internet becomes a Secret Master of Hugodom, even though nobody’s ever heard of him except his (few) friends and family. Any troll with a blog that has a very modest number of readers is transmuted into the She-Devil of Political Correctness.

As time goes by, talking to each other in their echo chamber, Torgersen and his supporters have persuaded themselves that this (not so very large) pack of trolls, jerks and assholes are science fiction’s equivalent of the iron fist of the KGB dragging poor helpless little puppies into the bowels of Lubyanka Prison, there to be silenced by bullets in the back of their heads.

What makes this even more ridiculous—not to mention annoying—is that while the Sad Puppies have indeed been the victims of excessive belligerence and vituperation, they are just as guilty themselves.

Consider this gem of hyperbole, spouted by Brad Torgersen:

“Nielsen-Haydens, your fellow travelers, and media goombahs . . . I MOCK YOU! I MOCK YOUR ASININE INCESTUOUS CLUSTERFUCKED LITTLE CULTURE OF DOCTRINAIRE PROGRESSOSEXUAL MEDIOCRITY MASKED AS SUPERIORITY! You are all dolts. You are moral and physical cowards. You are without ethics, without scruples, and if you weren’t so patently pathetic, I’d say you might be dangerous.

Fuck you. Fuck you all. The forces of the progressive pink and poofy Xerxes were met at the Hugo Hot Gates, and repelled by a few brave dudes and dudettes with the stones to stand up to your bullshit.”


Anybody who posts something like this online has no business complaining about the rhetoric of other people.

Lis Carey on Lis Carey’s Library

“Why Science is Never Settled, by Tedd Roberts” – June 9

This essay is quite decently written, and very effectively covers the ground of why science is a process, not a result, and truly never finally settled. Sadly, while never going at the subject head-on, it’s laced through with excuses for climate science denialism.


Spacefaring Kitten on Spacefaring, Extradimensional Happy Kittens

“Amanda S. Green Question Time” – June 9

… Third question: Is Green going to be saved by the multi-target post in which she attacks the all-female Nebulas, the disinviting of Archon Fan Guest of Honor Tim Bolgeo because of some racist jokes in his fanzine (that’s on the Hugo ballot this year, by the way) and some bad con arrangements that self-published/indie authors had to suffer somewhere? To say something poisitive in this post, there were a couple of marginally interesting points in the last bit, actually, but then she goes back to slamming SJWs and GHHers (what’s a GHHer?) in the end.

Fourth question: Does stating the fact that it may not be a good idea to change your story’s genre in the middle of a book series — that’s what the last post is about — help her regain some sympathies that were lost with the previous posts?


Russell Blackford on Metamagician and The Hellfire Club

“’Best Novelette’ category – Hugo Awards voting 2015” – June 10

At this stage, I’ve read only two stories in the category: “Championship B’tok” by Edward M. Lerner, and “The Triple Sun: A Golden Age Tale” by Rajnar Vajra. For my money, “The Triple Sun” was the stronger of the two, though both were competent stories of adventure in space (with elements of hard science fiction). Whether either is strong enough to be worth a major international award is another question. Again, I’d be happier to see “The Triple Sun” win the award, partly because it simply has better shape as a standalone story (“Championship B’tok” seems more like an instalment of something much longer; the problem isn’t that it is, but that it seems like it).



“Hugo Reviews: Rat Queens Vol 1” – June 9

The only crime of crude humor is when it’s not particularly funny and a lot of the jokes in Rat Queens feel crude for crudeness sake. After a few pages, it was incredibly tiresome and I’d lost interest before the story had even gone anywhere. Reading Rat Queens is like reading a real-play of D&D session run and played entirely by dude-bros. There is a lot of girls talking about sex, striking sexy poses, and doing the whole ‘we’re in-your-face badgirls!’ thing that feels like it’s trying too hard and never comes across as being particularly sexy.


Laura “Tegan” Gjovaag at Bloggity-Blog-Blog-Blog

“Hugos and Puppies and Rants, Oh My!” – June 9

The Hugos were no doubt getting a little insular due to lack of interest from general fandom: in that sense I agree with the “puppies”. There are people who attend conventions and people who enjoy science fiction, and the two groups don’t always overlap. The Hugos were mostly something that was voted on by people who attend conventions, not by all of general fandom, so of course they aren’t always going to reflect the tastes of fandom as a whole.

While the “Sad Puppies” seemed to be trying to fix that, they a) went about it the wrong way by encouraging people to lie by nominating works they hadn’t read and b) pretty much allowed an incredibly misogynistic sicko to take over their effort.

My biggest problem with them is the lying bit: creating a slate and asking people to nominate without clearly saying, “read it first and only nominate if you consider it the best thing you’ve read in the past year.” That behavior already puts them in the doghouse, where their self-proclaimed name says they belong. But it’s the second bit I just don’t understand. I’ve tried to read VD’s blog. It’s disgusting. He’s disgusting. His comments on women in general and certain women in particular are appalling. Nobody who believes that women are people could possibly agree with VD. And yet the “Sad Puppies” let this sick person take over their idea and acted happy when it succeeded. And, frankly, I doubt it was the sads that got all those slate nominations in. I’m pretty sure it had more to do with VD’s efforts, considering that more of “his” slate got on the ballot.

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483 thoughts on “And Now For Something Completely Distempered 6/9

  1. “My honor is satisfied.”

    Haven’t you heard, JCW’s honor is the new Aristotle. Drink.

  2. I liked the Narnia books while growing up, but not as much as the Lloyd Alexander Taran series, and they didn’t stay with me into adulthood like The Lord of the Rings. I never liked The Last Battle as much as the other books in the series — it struck me as mean-spirited compared to the others, and I wasn’t alone — some really terrific writers have addressed what I’ll call “The Susan Problem.”

    But still much better than Parliament.

    I liked The Screwtape Letters a lot while I was growing up. I liked his vision of sin as being mostly about petty, selfish, everyday things. I also liked The Great Divorce, which postulates hell as being a place not of torment so much as the absence of joy, which you consign yourself to basically by being afraid of heaven. (Note: my memory could be off, as it’s been years since I read them.)

    I didn’t really like his SF trilogy, though.

  3. @ Sam

    Armor! Finally someone else mentioned Armor in the middle of this kerfuffle! Man, I love that book so much.

    Also Heretics of Dune, Ringworld, The Red Branch… why in the world would you name your excellent taste as “low brow?” 🙂

  4. Am I correct in thinking that it would be very unusual for writer of John C. Wright’s sale level to have veto power over the creative director for his next Tor books?

  5. John Scalzi has responded to those who feel that he is not doing enough to defend Irene Gallo.

    Scalzi spends 1,300 words telling us something that’s in no doubt at all — his power to decide for himself what he wants to say about a subject — to avoid talking about Gallo.

    Yes, he has the authority to write what he wants.

    Still would’ve been nice to see Tor’s $3.4 million man stand up for Tor colleague enduring a withering storm of criticism from shitheels that includes numerous calls for her dismissal.

  6. Gabriel F Said:
    “@ Sam

    Armor! Finally someone else mentioned Armor in the middle of this kerfuffle! Man, I love that book so much.

    Also Heretics of Dune, Ringworld, The Red Branch… why in the world would you name your excellent taste as “low brow?” :)”

    Thanks for the kind words Gabriel, I’m glad to find that you enjoy those books as well! If only Steakley had finished a sequel!

  7. Kill The Moon
    I’m definitely of the ‘the science was so very bad school’. It was terrible. And the Doctor swanning off for the middle part of the story for no good reason…
    It helps that on the whole Brits aren’t that polarised on abortion, so I didn’t really notice any potential political message until people started talking about it, and then it sounded kind of silly.

  8. @John Seavey: “Hey, welcome to the SJW Secret Cabal!”

    Okay, who left the hidden entrance unattended this time? 🙂

    @Gabriel F.: “Conservatives in particular seem to have a problem with the concept that you’re free to say whatever you want, but you’re not free from the consequences of that speech.”

    Half-true, at best. They’re perfectly fine with making other people suffer the consequences of their speech, but they don’t seem to understand the concept of reciprocity: that they must likewise face the consequences of their own speech.

    Or, to put it in terms they might better understand – you don’t get to take pot shots at me and then run crying to mama when I return fire. The rules of engagement are symmetrical; if it’s out of bounds for me to do something to you, then you don’t get to do it to me, either.

    @Camestros Felapton: “Is [Gallo] being persecuted? Absolutely. The people doing it claim to be defenders of free speech and claim that they don’t go after people’s jobs and claim that forcing people to apologies is an evil SJW tactic. By their own ethical standards what they are doing is deeply wrong and violates coe ethical principles that they have claimed for themselves.”

    Yes. This. Especially the part I highlighted.

    @Jamoche, on Doctor Who: “And we’re spending way too much time in modern Earth, with companions having relationship problems.”

    Very much agreed. Becoming a companion used to be a Big Decision – stay where you’re comfortable, or run off with an affable lunatic in an unsteerable ship so you can see the universe. Now, there’s no downside – Clara literally day-trips her way through most of Season Eight. Clock out for a coffee break, have an adventure, and be back before anyone knows you’re gone.

  9. Okay, who left the hidden entrance unattended this time?

    I keep telling you we need to change the secret password more often than never or at least pick something a little stronger than “SJWsrule”

  10. marsultor13 : I was referring to National socialism specifically. However as fascism is only a slight variant on socialism, communism, and general Marxism,

    Oh, look – I thought that species were extinct in the wild!

    Hey, Marsultor, this would be the Nazi party that abolished trade unions, collective bargaining and the right to strike as soon as they came to power, right?

  11. ‘They’re perfectly fine with making other people suffer the consequences of their speech,’

    There is no principle at work here. There’s just tactics.

  12. @Mike.

    Now that GRRM has spoken, you’re clearly a shoe-in next year. I’m sure the cabal will approve his recommendation.
    I’m assuming there’s a hefty cheque involved, otherwise why would there be so much kerfkuffle. May I suggest investing it in a sentient AI spam filter and setting it to catch all possible variations of that name that starts with K?

  13. Mark: “Now that GRRM has spoken, you’re clearly a shoe-in next year.”

    In all modesty I must point out that none of George’s recommendations for Best Fanzine have ever won in the year he recommended, and only one of them (A Dribble of Ink) has won at all.

    I take it as a high compliment rather than a premonition.

  14. On Eric Flint’s post, a troll yells “What about Jean Rabe?” as some puppies are won’t to do.

    Rachel Swirsky replies in detail, and it’s worth reading because she was *there*.

    Although Rabe failed in some aspects of her actual job (and was let down by other officers/employees of SFWA), and didn’t just post a personal opinions on her personal facebook, I note that *her* employer didn’t feel it necessary to smack her down in public. Her resignation was noted sorrowfully and politely, and not discussed in public by SFWA officers before that. She was allowed to conduct matters in private. As she should have been.

    Doherty could learn some lessons from that.

  15. Ann, I’m really sorry that Requires Hate latched onto you. That’s terrible–is there anything we can do to help?

  16. Some early fantasy writers I don’t think have been mentioned yet:

    Hope Mirrlees, Hope Mirrlees, Hope Mirrlees. Her now unjustifiably obscure 1926 novel Lud-In-The-Mist may be the first example of what is now called the mythopoeic form of fantasy. (Her poetry was also an influence on her friend T. S. Eliot.)

    Some other names, some much better known today and some also now less well known:

    I’d point to the influence of Hans Christian Anderson as a principle inventor of original fairy tale fantasy (as opposed to retellings of older stories). He has lots of good ones, perhaps The Snow Queen is one of the most widely imitated. There’s also E. T. A. Hoffman, who wrote The Nutcracker and The Mouse King (on which the ballet The Nutcracker is based), among many others. Oh, and Sara Coleridge, whose Phantasmion was likely an influence on George MacDonald.

    Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and L. Frank Baum’s The Wizard of Oz are hugely influential figures in children’s fantasy.

    Horror fantasy owes a lot to Edgar Allen Poe (The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket was a pretty direct influence on Lovecraft). Other Lovecraft influences worth checking out include Robert W. Chambers (e.g. The King In Yellow) and perhaps Ambrose Bierce (maybe An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge). And it’s possibly not bad idea to check out Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray, too.

    There was also the whole Gothic novel movement, but I have to admit I’m less well versed in it. I’ve heard Vathek, by William Thomas Beckford, referenced as a Gothic novel with a lot of fantasy elements.

  17. Rcade, I thought Scalzi once again made it all about him. Another missed opportunity.

    I can only hope he’s doing enough in private to make up for the whining in public. Seems to me if he’s set himself up – as he has on a number of occasions – as the voice of SFF on particular issues, and benefits from that in terms of visibility and marketing – as he has – then he has no business complaining when people, you know, ask him to speak up again. Especially when it’s on something so closely connected to him.

    Yes yes, grief etc. But his grief didn’t stop him posting that angry screed or the post before it, or tweeting, etc. A simple “Guys, I’m on it” instead of saying Gallo was right to apologise, would have sent a better message.

    He’s allowed to screw up though. At least he knows more was expected. I hope his actions in private *do* bolster Irene Gallo’s positions. She deserves nothing less.

  18. Will:
    >> Am I correct in thinking that it would be very unusual for writer of John C. Wright’s sale level to have veto power over the creative director for his next Tor books? >>

    It’s not about “veto power.” Publishing contracts are negotiated on the basis that things can turn adversarial, so contingencies need to be worked out in case they do, but in reality, things are worked out in an informal and collegial manner, not based on a black-or-white question of who has the power to force something to happen.

    If Wright doesn’t want Gallo working on his book designs, he’s a fool, because his book designs have looked great, and if she did that while secretly thinking he’s a crappy writer, then great, let’s have more good covers. If she doesn’t think he’s a crappy writer (or that his Tor stuff is good but his Castalia stuff is stinky cheese), he’s best served to get over himself.

    But his foolishness aside, if he doesn’t want her working on the books, whether he has the power to force that or not, it makes no sense not to accommodate him, unless there are strong reasons otherwise. Gallo is surely very busy. Giving Wright’s books to someone less senior will let her make someone else’s books look great, and that someone else can maybe do a fine job on Wright’s books, possibly by following the aesthetic Gallo established for them.

    But it’s an easy fix, and there probably isn’t any reason not to do it. Most publishers wouldn’t say, “You don’t have that in your contract so eat it, Johnny.” Unless he’s already alienated everyone in the design department, or he’s asking for a change that could strongly mess with sales (like asking for a very popular cover artist or design approach to be replaced mid-series), their reaction is much more likely to be “Sure, we’ll give it to Bob instead.”

    The (rather minor) peril in this is that if the cover artist for his books is a good friend of Gallo’s, making a stink about her working on his books might make an artist say “Nah, don’t want to do his covers any more; hey, Irene, what else you got?” And that’s not something he’d have veto power over either.

    So no, he wouldn’t have it written somewhere that he can choose which staffers work on his book. But he wouldn’t need to — it would be handled on a different basis from that.

  19. rcade said:

    Still would’ve been nice to see Tor’s $3.4 million man stand up for Tor colleague enduring a withering storm of criticism from shitheels that includes numerous calls for her dismissal.

    I think he did exactly that when he said, “That said, let me just say this about Irene Gallo: She’s great, and easily one of the best at the job she does. I’ve been fortunate to have her work on all of my Tor Books to date, and look forward to having her continue to do so, on all the rest of the books I write for the house.” Maybe it’s reading it on the heels of John C. Wright’s message about looking forward to working with whoever replaces Gallo, but I saw that as a definite vote from the $3.4 million guy on which way he expects Tor to resolve this.

    Unlike almost all of us, he actually knows Gallo and knows people at Tor to talk to directly. He doesn’t have to shout on blogs or comment on to attempt to get their attention. I don’t doubt that whatever opinions he has on the subject have been communicated to whoever needs to hear them, and agree with him that he is under no obligation to make public pronouncements about it.

  20. @Mike

    So it’s more like a curse then? Maybe GRRM isn’t in the cabal after all!

  21. RedWombat: “That’s terrible–is there anything we can do to help?”

    I don’t need help. Her victims do. So support them, buy their books and push back when you see bullshit being posted about them. Do that every time. Don’t let history be rewritten – you’ve seen her cronies at it on this very blog. Don’t let them do that.

    The worst she can do to me, she’s already done, and hey, I’m still here. I have no career to ruin, no sales of any volume to harm, no job to threaten, and my husband already knows the worst about me. Who cares if a few nimrods on the internet are stupid enough to swallow her lies?

  22. Sam

    Thanks for the recommendations; sadly I’ve read almost all of them, but it was kind of you to try.

    I have consulted the I Ching, and concluded that the fate of the Universe does not require me to get further than 5 pages into ‘The Dark Between the Stars’, thus freeing me to get stuck into ‘The Three Body Problem’, though of course the I Ching may have been rooting for the home team. I propose to ignore that possibility for the sake of my synapses if nothing else…

  23. Ann Somerville : Rcade, I thought Scalzi once again made it all about him. Another missed opportunity.


    A : “B should do this! If B doesn’t do this, they are a terrible person! Why isn’t B doing this?!”
    B : “I’m not your monkey, and I don’t have to do anything.”
    A : “Oh, it’s all about YOU, isn’t it?!?”

  24. The reason LUD-IN-THE-MIST hasn’t come up as an example of good early fantasy on Project Gutenberg is that it’s still under copyright, so it isn’t (or shouldn’t be) there.

    But it’s a great book and well worth recommending.

  25. @ rcade 1:19pm

    You are apparently too delicate for the Internet. The text you quoted was sharply worded and critical. It wasn’t a threat, which you called it earlier…”

    Citation needed. And, since you’re the one asserting I called that a threat, you should be the one to provide it. Or admit you just lied and apologize.

    Or do you think lying is just one of those things people shouldn’t be subject to criticism for on the internet? In that case, you should go tell all the puppies they’re in the wrong about Gallo even if she was way off base using the term neo-nazi.

  26. Thanks for the all the reminders of seminal fantasy works I read as a kid that really need to be revisited as an adult — I read a ton of Poe, beyond the usual stuff. I was blown away by the Purloined Letter and the Murders in the Rue Morgue. Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass as well. Somewhere I have the edition that Ralph Steadman illustrated–I pretty thoroughly weeded out my library when we downsized last year but that one I kept.

    And I have always meant to read the Oz books as well.

  27. > “The reason LUD-IN-THE-MIST hasn’t come up as an example of good early fantasy on Project Gutenberg is that it’s still under copyright …”

    Oh, you’re right, sorry. For some reason I had misremembered 1928 as the “public domain” date instead of 1922.

  28. From the comments of T Knighton’s blog where he’s being so reasonable…

    The Phantom
    June 10, 2015 at 3:52 pm
    Tom, regarding Ms. Gallo, her slanderous statements and bullshit faux-apology…

    this is exactly what the whole Sad Puppies campaign was created to elicit. Larry started the whole thing in the beginning to draw these people out of the shadows and into the sun.

    So, Irene Gallo the freaking art director at Tor, thinks a whole section of Tor’s CUSTOMER BASE is a bunch of racist/bigot/homophobe rightwing neoNazis.

    Well, we knew that already. Seriously, we knew that. We just needed her to come out and -say it-. Say it out loud, where we can get it recorded, and show it to all the dweebs like George RR freaking Martin who won’t shut up about how we are all over reacting.

    We are under-reacting, and have been these last twenty years at least. We are still under reacting, Irene still has a job, and Tor still has a head office. Talk to Molly Norris of Draw Mohamed Day fame for over-reaction.

    We should all send Irene a nice thank you note for finally having the guts to say what all the department heads at Tor all think but are too PR savvy to ever say.

    We love you Irene, shine on you crazy diamond.

    I for one am surprised. Are you surprised? I was surprised! /s

  29. Once upon a time there was a writer of incredible talent, compared to which JCW is a child scribbling on a blackboard, who got into a fight of epic proportions with Tor’s art department over a cover he didn’t like. When the paperback edition of his book came out it was… spectacularly ugly. It sold like hotcakes anyway because, as I said, stellar talent. But boy was that puppy ugly.

  30. I’m not sure how effective Scalzi taking a more prominent public role at this time would be. It’s not like the puppies are going to say. “Although we wanted her head on a stake, now that Scalzi has spoken we see the error of our ways.”

  31. Sam: the last bit of JJ’s post because the rest is his disagreement with her which is nothing to argue about…he’s entitled to his opinions…just like her. But that last paragraph..that’s a slick threat right there.

    0an…as an outsider I’m constantly amazed at some of the things people will type at each other over the internet but you guys take the cake. Your willing to threaten to ostracize a fellow compatriot (at least in that you share many of the same views of the subject at hand) over a minor disagreement about one subject. Do you really have so little wiggle room that a nominal ally cannot have any deviation in viewpoint? I come here to read the daily round up rather than hunt for it all myself but reading the comment section is like watching a train wreck…you don’t want to watch but you can’t look away either.

    I think it’s obvious a lot of you are very intelligent and well educated. It’s also very obvious to outsiders that you are insular and piranha-like when it comes to anybody posting a comment you don’t like.

    You’re a Puppy. Of course you’re appalled that someone in a blog community might criticize someone else in that same community. One of the things I’ve noticed about the Puppy blogs is that not only do the people commenting on them feel entitled to engage in the most egregious name-calling, projection, assumptions, presuming to speak for others’ thoughts, lying, and vilification of the most appalling sort — no one ever tells anyone else that they’re overdoing it, that they’ve stepped beyond the bound of rationality civility. In fact, they seem to take great pride and pleasure in trying to out-escalate each other.

    The end result is that the comment sections on Puppy blogs such as Mad Genius Club and Torgersen’s blog end up resembling open landfills, full of trash and rot — while VD’s most closely resembles an open sewer.

    The reason that File770 is different from those places is that people here are willing to call out each other when the bounds of rationality and civility have been overstretched — and generally, what you will see is the person being called out (unless they’re a Puppy) saying, “Whoa! You’re right, sorry about that, I’ll back off a bit.”

    This isn’t “ostracism”. It’s people choosing what sort of community they wish to be a part of — and on File770, most people seem to want the community to be one of civility, rational thought, and mutual respect.

    My words to Ann weren’t a “threat”. They were me letting her know I think she’s overstepping what I perceive to be the bounds of civility and rationality, and that, while she’s certainly able to choose to continue to do so, if she does, I will continue to disagree with her publicly.

    In my opinion, some of Ann’s posts here lately have been just as bad, just as toxic as those of some of the Puppies. I think that discredits the File770 community, and I dislike seeing that. If we as individuals are willing to call out the Puppies when they behave badly, then we need to be willing to call out non-Puppies when they behave badly, too. I’ve been the recipient of a couple of those call-outs — and the people calling me out were justified in doing so. I apologized, and everyone moved on.

    That is how civilized, mature adults behave on the Internet.

    Ann, I’m sorry you’ve been the victim of persecution and abuse by RequiresHate and others. But no, that doesn’t give you a Get Out Of Jail Free Card to abuse others. If you insist on standing in judgment of Scalzi’s response to the Gallo situation, if you insist on standing in judgment of Flint’s response to Torgersen’s behavior, then you can hardly complain if others stand in judgment of your own behavior.

  32. Snips and Snails and Puppy Blog Tales

    Maybe replace the Snips and Snails with Spaceships and Solar Sails and Puppy Blog Tales.

    Or if you’re in an internet mood, then it’s Quips and Epic Fails and Puppy Blog Tales.

  33. Ann: Thanks for that Rachel Swirsky link. A lot of helpful inside information there about a story I covered at the time as an observer.

  34. @ Jack Lint

    “Quips and Fails and Puppy Blog Tales” — I love that so much!

  35. Anna Feruglio Dal Dan : But boy was that puppy ugly.

    How DARE you insult a major part of the CUSTOMER BASE of this blog by calling them ugly! You don’t know them! I know for a fact that many of them are top flight supermodels, and only JEALOUS SJWs would call them ugly!

    I demand an immediate public apology! And when you give it, that won’t be enough, so I demand that Mike fire you from the comments threads! And if he does so, that won’t be enough, so I demand you cut off your own head!

  36. Ann, I’m sorry you’ve been the victim of persecution and abuse by RequiresHate and others. But no, that doesn’t give you a Get Out Of Jail Free Card to abuse others. If you insist on standing in judgment of Scalzi’s response to the Gallo situation, if you insist on standing in judgment of Flint’s response to Torgersen’s behavior, then you can hardly complain if others stand in judgment of your own behavior

    I’m going to second this. Both the sympathy, and the reflection that your comment about Scalzi are over the line. I’ll tell you why, or at least my why. No one is owed an apology. No one is entitled to an apology. Ever. The value of an apology comes from the fact that it is sincerely given, that it is freely given. An apology which is the product of coercion is worthless. What does this have to do with Scalzi’s non-statements over the Gallo affair? What is true of apologies, is true of other statements as well. Scalzi may choose to speak about, or not speak about, any subject he chooses. I don’t know his reasons, but I am sure they are good ones and he is acting in good faith. Any statement forced out of him by coercion or pressure is of no value.

  37. Not sure which was funnier in the comments on Flint’s blog. JCW showing up to defend himself against the charge of being homophobic by launching into an 18 paragraph screed on how gay people are being killed by people who support their right to be gay? Or James May defending himself against the charges of not being clear in his writing by throwing out his usual word salad of “Things I heard someone say once in a university setting.”

  38. And, since you’re the one asserting I called that a threat, you should be the one to provide it. Or admit you just lied and apologize.

    I think I made an error. You were responding to a comment that called JJ’s admonition a threat, and I attributed that to you. So for that unintentional mistake, I apologize.

    You might want to be less quick to accuse somebody of lying, though. I’d have nothing to gain by intentionally misquoting you.

  39. @ Will: “Am I correct in thinking that it would be very unusual for writer of John C. Wright’s sale level to have veto power over the creative director for his next Tor books?”

    Do you mean he could veto who does the art direction for his book? No, of course he couldn’t. I’d be surprised if even someone of Scalzi’s sales level could choose his in-house art director. That’s an internal staff decision, not one that writers are consulted about. And decisions made in-house about which designers work on which books are made on the basis of whose designed skill, experience, and workload are or are not suited to a task; not on the basis of whether the author has an unrelated online beef with the designer. (“Unrelated” in the sense of having nothing to do with her design ability or the marketing cues of his next novel.) As creative director, whether or not Gallo works on Wright’s cover(s) in a hands-on way, it is her job to oversee that process and/or do the final review of the visual package, and certainly a publisher isn’t going to forego that.

    If you mean, can Wright veto the cover she puts on his book or the design? No. That power is called “cover control” (or some variation thereof), and a writer has to be very big to get that written into a contract. Most writers get nothing at ALL written in their contracts about their covers, and many programs allow writers no say at all over their covers. There is also a custom called “cover consultation,” which some writers get written into their contracts, and it’s considered desirable by writers, but it’s pretty meaningless unless it’s specifically spelled out with a buch of subclauses, and that rarely (if ever) happens. Wright may have input into his packaging, or may not; at Tor, this often depends on the editor and how much input they choose to give an author (that was my experience (it depended on the editor), and it’s also a quote I’ve got from Gallo, about how Tor functions, in an article where I interviewed her as Tor’s art director 24 years go. But “input” has its limits, and the author generally needs to be constructive about what changes s/he wants, and they have to be reasonable (not: “a different cover entirely!” after the cover is already finished) and market driven (not: “because I have a personal problem with the art director”).

    Again, the thing to keep in mind about publishing is that this is BUSINESS. Whether or not Wright likes or resents Gallo for a comment made (and then apoligized for) on FB is irrelevant to whether or not she does her job well, on his books or any others, and her job is to make them look good and attract the eye of distributions, sales force, head buyers, readers, and potential readers for this or that type of novel. Any question about whether she works on Wright’s novels would be addressed through that lens, not through the lens of whether he got angry about something she said once on social media.

    Repeat: It’s just business.

  40. CPaca on June 10, 2015 at 3:54 pm said:
    Anna Feruglio Dal Dan : But boy was that puppy ugly.

    I demand an immediate public apology! And when you give it, that won’t be enough, so I demand that Mike fire you from the comments threads! And if he does so, that won’t be enough, so I demand you cut off your own head!

    You have taken my words out of context! And how dare you offend my integrity! Come and say that to my face! SWJ always lie! Aristotele!

  41. @Ann Somerville: You’re entirely correct, you have every right to say that Flint is being a bad friend by going public with his feelings. I do disagree, though, insofar as it matters to you. I think that Flint may well be at a point where he feels like private conversations with Torgersen aren’t being listened to, and that he needs to risk his friendship in order to shock Torgersen into really considering the impact his behavior is having by going public with his concerns. Or not, really…I’ll be honest, I think it’s a matter between Flint and Torgersen, and not for me to judge, and I think the reason you got flack for judging him on it is simply that so many people are absolutely glutted on outrage right now that serving up an extra helping in the form of asking people to hold opinions on a private friendship between two people who don’t even comment here might have caused some metaphorical stomachs to turn. 🙂

    As for Scalzi…again, I can see your point. It’s one of the unfair things about privilege that a white cismale author can decide, “Look, I’ve got too many other things to deal with right now to take on one more,” and walk away from an argument, and pick it back up again when it’s convenient to him. That’s a privilege you don’t have and Irene Gallo doesn’t have, and I can easily understand how frustrating that feels. But ultimately, we do all have our limits. We can’t all be fighting 24/7, we can’t be angry all the time even when there are always things to be angry about. That’s why it’s important to be part of a larger cause, because we all have those days when we just gotta curl up into a little ball and look at baby animal pictures. 🙂

  42. Rcade, I thought Scalzi once again made it all about him. Another missed opportunity.

    Wait, YOU called him out (without prompting, as far as I can see) and he’s the one making “it all about him”? I don’t know quite where your obsession is coming from, but it’s a lulu.

  43. We’re not doing too well on the new password front; I thought 42 was impregnable, for what Puppy has ever purchased the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Universe?

    I’d overlooked the possibility

  44. JJ: “In my opinion, some of Ann’s posts here lately have been just as bad, just as toxic as those of some of the Puppies”

    You’re entilted to your (unsourced) opinion.

    I’m entitled to think you’re full of it. And on the basis you are going out of your way to target my comments and exaggerate and misrepresent their content, as CPaca is doing, I’m also entitled to ignore you as a bad faith actor.

    Which I will now do. Thanks for your attention.

  45. …possibility of Quislings stealing the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything,

    The I Ching has failed again…

  46. You’re entirely correct, you have every right to say that Flint is being a bad friend by going public with his feelings.

    It is possible that Flint may have realized how out into left field Torgersen has gone, and is trying a last ditch effort to get him to come back to reality before cutting ties with him.

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