Houndation 6/7

aka “Let’s get Sirius!”

In today’s roundup: Andrew Liptak, Jim C. Hines, Damien G. Walter, Tom Knighton, David Gerrold, Irene Gallo, Brad R. Torgersen, Sarah A. Hoyt, Vox Day, Michael Z. Williamson, Markov Kern, bhalsop, sciphi, Jonathan LaForce, Cedar Sanderson, Amanda S. Green, Jon F. Zeigler, C. E. Petit, Lis Carey, Rebekah Golden, Mark Ciocco, amd George R.R. Martin. (Title credit belongs to Whym and Anna Nimmhaus.)

Andrew Liptak on io9

“Women Dominate The 2015 Nebula Awards” – June 7

Takeaways from this? With the exception of the Best Novel award, women swept the slate in all other categories, notable in light of the Sad/Rabid Puppies controversy with this year’s Hugo Awards.


Jim C. Hines

“Puppies in Their Own Words” – June 7

I’ve spent several hours on this, which is ridiculous. I don’t even know why, except that I’m frustrated by all of the “I never said…” “He really said…” “No he didn’t, you’re a lying liar!” “No, you’re the lying liar!” and so on.

An infinite number of monkeys have said an infinite number of things about the Hugos this year. People on all sides have said intelligent and insightful things, and people on all sides have said asinine things. The amount of words spent on this makes the Wheel of Time saga look like flash fiction. File770 has been doing an admirable job of posting links to the ongoing conversation.

I wanted to try to sort through the noise and hone in on what Correia and Torgersen themselves have been saying. As the founder and current leader, respecitvely, of the Sad Puppies, it seems fair to look to them for what the puppy campaign is truly about…..

So are Brad and Larry racist? Sexist? Homophobic? What about their slates?

I don’t see an active or conscious effort to shut out authors who aren’t straight white males.

I do see that the effect of the slates was to drastically reduce the number of women on the final ballots.

Torgersen made a now-infamously homophobic remark about John Scalzi, which he later apologized for. I don’t see this as suggesting Torgersen is a frothing bigot; it does suggest he has some homophobic attitudes or beliefs he should probably reexamine and work on.

More central to the Sad Puppies, when I see Brad railing against “affirmative action” fiction, I see a man who seems utterly incapable of understanding sometimes people write “non-default” characters not because they’re checking off boxes on a quota, but because those are the stories they want to tell, and the characters they want to write about. Dismissing all of those amazing, wonderful, and award-winning stories as nothing but affirmative-action cases? Yeah, that’s sounds pretty bigoted to me.





David Gerrold on Facebook – June 7

Here’s how self-fulfilling paranoia works.

Decide that something has been taken away from you — even if it hasn’t. And even if you were never entitled to it in the first place.

Then, find a group of someones to blame for taking it away from you — even if they had nothing to do with your perceived loss. (Women, LGBTs, People of Color, SJWs, liberals, whatever.) Make sure it’s a big important group with big important members.

Appoint that group — it has to be a group — the enemy. Accuse them of horrible behaviors. This is the important step. You can’t be a victim without a persecutor. So you have to say or do something so egregious that the other guys will have to respond. Their response is the proof that you are being persecuted. Even if their response is, “Huh? Who are you?” — that’s just evidence that they’ve been deliberately ignoring your importance.

As soon as you engage that very big, very important group in a dialog, you achieve credibility — theirs. You are obviously just as important as they are. The more they engage with you, the more they respond to you, the more important you are. Therefore — you must continue to escalate so as to use up more and more of their time, so as to prove just how truly truly truly big and powerful and important you are.

When the other side brings out facts, logic, evidence, rational thought, and methodical deconstruction, you must repeat your original claims, change the subject, make new charges, or point to this as evidence of their continuing persecution. The more you do this, the more followers you will attract. Everybody loves the underdog — it’s your job to be the persecuted underdog.

This tactic works for any political or social position. It worked for extreme-left activist groups in the sixties and seventies — it eventually marginalized them out of the political process. They had to grow up or get out.


Irene Gallo on Facebook – May 11

[Here is a direct link. Perhaps it was always public and I just didn’t scroll back far enough when I searched yesterday.]


Irene Gallo in a comment on Facebook – June 6

Not friends, rest assured. And ZOMG, teeth! Somehow this got dug up from early last month and pitchforks are out. And since then more people are aware of, and excited about, the upcoming Hurley book. So as long as the thread lasts, we’re spreading the good news.


Brad R. Torgersen in a comment on Facebook – June 6

Irene Gallo, I am going to ask a question, and I expect a response other than a cat picture non sequitur. How did you arrive at your conclusion that Sad Puppies is “neo nazi”?


Sarah A. Hoyt on According To Hoyt

“Shout it from the rooftops” – June 7

However, let’s be clear: mud sticks. Get something associated with unspeakable sins like “racism, sexism, homophobia” and the idiots will go on repeating it forever, no matter how often it’s disproved. This is how they came up with the notion that Brad Torgersen is in an interracial marriage to disguise his racism, or that Sad Puppies is about pushing women and minorities from the ballot, even though the suggested authors include both women and minorities. And I’m not sure what has been said about me. Echoes have reached back, such as a gay friend emailing me (joking. He’s not stupid, and he was mildly upset on my behalf) saying he’d just found out I wanted to fry all gay people in oil and that he needed a safe room just to email me from. Then there was the German Fraulein who has repeatedly called me a Fascist (you know, those authoritarian libertari—wait, what?) and her friends who declared Kate and I the world’s worst person (we’re one in spirit apparently) as well as calling me in various twitter storms a “white supremacist” (which if you’ve met me is really funny.) A friend told me last week that he defended me on a TOR editor’s thread. I don’t even know what they were saying about me there. I make it a point of not following all the crazy around, so I have some mental space to write from.

However, enough people have told me about attacks, that I know my name as such is tainted with the publishing establishment (not that I care much, mind) and that some of it might leak to the reading public (which is why G-d gave us pennames.)….

This feebleness of mind was in stunning display recently in the Facebook page of one Irene Gallo, Creative Director at TOR. (I hope that’s an art-related thing. Or do they think authors need help being creative?)….

Note that those statements are so wrong they’re not even in the same universe we inhabit. Note also that when she talks about “bad to reprehensible” stories pushed into the ballot by the Sad Puppies, she’s talking about one of her house’s own authors, a multiple bestseller, and also of John C. Wright who works for her house as well.

Note also that when one of my fans jumped in and tried to correct the misconceptions, she responded with daft cat pictures.









“Tor and Sad/Rabid Puppies” – June 7

There is a war going on in the blogosphere between certain employees of Tor, the once great publisher of scifi/fantasy, and the proponents of alternate slates for the Hugo, the Sad Puppies and the Rabid Puppies. I have watched it with some interest, since I am undoubtedly one of those the Puppies in general would not like, but I have found their position actually has merit.

There was a time, many years ago, when one could buy a book honored with the Hugo award and know that the book would be well written, well edited, and thought provoking. This has not been the case for several years, I am sorry to report. In fact, there was a time, again many years ago, that one could buy a book published by Tor, and have a good read that might be thought provoking but was at minimum a good story well told. This is sadly no longer the case. I used to buy a Tor book even if the blurb wasn’t particularly inviting, because I trusted Tor. This is no longer the case.

Tor employees have attacked the Sad/Rabid Puppies as racist, misogynist, right wing whackos. The fact is that this reviling became much louder after the Sad Puppy slate won most of the Hugo niminations. What? They outvoted you? Doesn’t this sound like the Republicans after our current president was elected? Are you sure you want to go there?


sciphi on Superversive SF

“Irene Gallo, #Sadpuppies, #Gamergate and Tor” – June 7

What I find particularly insulting is that I have been following #Gamergate for quite a while, since at least Internet Aristocrats original Quinnspiracy videos, and I am extremely right wing (Nazi’s and Neo-Nazi’s aren’t though, fascists really were/are kissing cousins of socialists), and I can tell you for a fact that the talking heads of #Gamergate like Sargon of Akkad are thorough going leftwing moderates, they just aren’t frothing at the mouth SJW’s (I guess that makes them “far-right” in SJW land). I’m insulted as an arch conservative and reactionary to be regarded as basically the same as such thorough going hippies.


Jonathan LaForce on Mad Genius Club

“Dear Tor” – June 7

Tor, let’s face facts: that you repeatedly allow straw man makers like John Scalzi to have a place in your stable, even as he vainly justifies his arrogant idiocy is absurd.  To allow bigots like NK Jemisin bully pulpits without regard for fact or truth is wrong.  To encourage people to put one-star reviews on Amazon, simply because you don’t like an author’s politics, rather than because you didn’t like the story is not only disgusting, it is a willful manipulation of the Amazon rating system.

Whereas I believe in the principles of the free market, I don’t want to see somebody create new laws over this.  We already have government invading our bedrooms, our computers and our bank accounts daily.  No, ladies and gentlemen, instead I ask you this:

Don’t buy anything made by TOR. Not pamphlets. Not novels, not audiobooks.  Not even if it’s free.  Let Tor know that they do not decide what we want as fans of science fiction and fantasy.  Instead, I ask that those of you whom trust my opinion cease to buy their products ever again.  Show them that in the end, the consumer drives the market. Why? Because nobody can make you buy anything.  Not health care, not books, not movies. NOT A SINGLE DAMN THING.

In older times, a bard who couldn’t sing or orate well, much less properly play an instrument (in short, when the bard could not perform well, the crowd kicked him out. And he went hungry until he got better or he died from starvation. Or he found a new profession that he was actually good at.


Tom Knighton

“Tor Creative Director bashes Tor authors among others” – June 7

Based on how she phrased this, she’s implying that that both Sad Puppies and Rabid Puppies are extreme right wing to neo-Nazis.  Now, I generally don’t defend Rabid Puppies because Vox is a big boy and can fight his own battles, and since I’m not part of that group I really can’t speak for it. Vox has seen this, and I suspect he’ll jump in soon enough.

As a Sad Puppy, I’m freaking pissed.

First, I’m sick of being called “unrepentantly racist, mysogynist, and homophobic” simply because I don’t like their taste in books or because I disagree with them about what the government should spend its money doing.  It’s funny, because these are the same people who bitch about “slut shaming” or “fat shaming” or whatever, but now they’re trying to “thought shame”, like we’re horrid human beings just because we don’t trip over ourselves on identity issues.  No evidence, no examples, nothing except libelous rhetoric.  Nothing….

I’ve read multiple times that Tor isn’t so much a publishing house as a series of editorial fiefdoms, a confederation of miniature publishing houses under a single roof and a shared marketing and art department.  If that’s true, then there probably isn’t a lot of oversight on these kinds of things, so I really don’t think there will be any kind of change.


Cedar Sanderson

“Fear and Loathing at TOR” – June 7

Almost since the advent of the internet, there have been warnings about what to say – or not – on it. The internet is a vast and mostly public arena. Imagine, if you can, standing in Grand Central Station and screaming slurs at the top of your lungs, while the sane people standing near you back away slowly. Online, this doesn’t happen. One person starts screaming and frothing at the mouth, and others are drawn like moths to the flame to scream along with them.

This is disturbing and upsetting, but it is easy enough to avoid this kind of behaviour if you want to (and some like to troll-bait. Personally, I find it unkind to taunt the mentally ill and don’t stoop to pillorying their personal lives). On occasion, though, we are not dealing with a lone individual, but one that is tied to a corporate identity. And this situation is why most reputable companies have policies in place about the use of social media. Because when a person using their real name, which can easily be tied to their workplace, starts to cast slurs on their own colleagues, not to mention large sections of the business’s client base, that can reflect very badly on their employer.


Amanda S. Green on Nocturnal Lives

“Interrupting my vacation and not happy about it” – June 7

But what galls me is how she calls us “Extreme right-wing to Neo-Nazi”. To begin with, if she were to really look at who wound up on the final ballot, especially those backed by the Sad Puppies, she would see that there are conservative, libertarian AND liberals represented. There are women and minorities. If I remember correctly, not everyone on the ballot is straight. (I don’t remember because I don’t care what a person’s sexual preference. It has nothing to do with their ability as a writer.)

Then there is the personal reaction. Ms. Gallo doesn’t know me and I don’t know her. So she doesn’t understand what sort of wound she opened for my family by calling me “extreme right-wing to Neo-Nazi”. My family comes from Germany and the Netherlands. Fortunately, the family was here before Hitler came to power. But they remember what it was like living in parts of this country and having to defend themselves because they had a Germanic last name. Nazism is and always will be a personal anathema to my family and to be called a follower of that hated philosophy/government is beyond acceptable.

Did she commit slander or libel? No. Did she consider the impact her words would have on other people? I don’t know. Part of me wants to believe that she did not but I have my doubts. She used a number of “trigger” words in her response, words meant to create a negative impression. She did not consider or care about how her allegation would impact fans of those authors she was condemning nor did she apparently think or care about how such a hateful allegation could possibly lead to termination of employment.




C. E. Petit on Scrivener’s Error

“Pre-Road-Kill Link Sausages” – June 6

There’s a proposal to tweak Hugo voting rules somewhat jocularly labelled E Pluribus Hugo that I cannot support, for three reasons. First, it depends upon accepting the proposition that a popular vote among those who pay a poll tax to vote is the best way to determine actual quality. (I’d be probably be more supportive if the Hugos themselves were renamed from “Best” to “Favorite.”) Second, it does nothing whatsoever to deal with the far-more-serious problems of source restrictiveness and the inept calendar (really? for an award issued in late August, we start nominations in January?). Third, at a fundamental level it fails to engage with the dynamics of cliquishness (for both real and imagined cliques, I should note) that are at issue; in fact, it bears a disturbing resemblance to the evolution of voting patterns in Jim Crow country following passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1964, if not with the same obvious discriminatory animus.

I think this proposal has been put forth in good faith, in a highly conservative attempt to retain, and even reify, a particular (and wildly inaccurate) fannish/SMOFish perception of what the Hugos “are” and “mean.” The irony of that characterization is intentional, especially compared to the various canine complaints; it is obvious, disturbing, and all too typical of attempts to tweak selection mechanisms without pondering what is being selected… and whether that requires a farther-reaching change.


Rebekah Golden

“Reviewing; Meta Post” – June 7

This goes back to my post about Totaled. It was a good story. Had some interesting ideas. Didn’t do it for me and I think the reason why not has to do with compelling questions. Look at Ancillary Justice and the story is full of compelling questions. Then there’s Mono No Aware.

Cutting for spoilers about Mono No Aware, Totaled, and me….


Mark Ciocco on Kaedrin Weblog

“Hugo Awards: Short Stories”  – June 7

My feelings on short stories are decidedly mixed, because most of the short fiction I read is from collections that are, by their very nature, uneven. As with Anthology Films, I generally find myself exhausted by the inconsistency. Also, as someone who tends to gravitate towards actual storytelling rather than character sketches or tone poems (or similar exercises in style), a short story can be quite difficult to execute. A lot must be accomplished in a short time, and a certain economy of language is needed to make it all work. There are some people who are great at this sort of thing, but I find them few and far between, so collections of short stories tend to fall short even if they include stories I love. In my experience, the exceptions tend to be collections from a single author, like Asimov’s I, Robot or Barker’s Books of Blood. That being said, I’ve been reading significantly more short fiction lately, primarily because of my participation in the Hugo Awards. I found myself quite disappointed with last year’s nominated slate, so I actually went the extra mile this year and read a bunch of stuff so that I could participate in the nomination portion of the process. Of course, none of my nominees actually made the final ballot. Such is the way of the short story award (with so many options, the votes tend to be pretty widely spread out, hence all the consternation about the Puppy slates which probably gave their recommendations undue influence this year). But is the ballot any better this year? Only one way to find out, and here are the results, in handy voting order:

  1. Totaled by Kary English – Told from the perspective of a brain that has been separated from its body (courtesy of a car accident) and subsequently preserved in a device that presumably resembles that which was used to preserve Walt Disney’s head or something. In the story, this is new technology, so the process is imperfect and while the brain can be kept alive for a significant amount of time, it still only amounts to around 6 months or so. Fortunately, the disembodied brain in question was the woman leading the project, so she’s able to quickly set up a rudimentary communication scheme with her lab partner. Interfaces for sound and visuals are ginned up and successful, but by that point the brain’s deterioration has begun. This could have been one of those pointless tone poems I mentioned earlier, but English keeps things approachable, taking things step by step. The portrayal of a brain separated from the majority of its inputs (and outputs, for that matter), and slowly regaining some measure of them as time goes on, is well done and seems realistic enough. One could view some of the things portrayed here as pessimistic, but I didn’t really read it that way. When the brain deteriorates, she eventually asks to be disconnected before she loses all sense of lucidity (the end of the story starts to lilt into an Algernon-like devolution of language into simplistic quasi-stream of consciousness prose). I suppose this is a form of suicide, but it was inevitable at that point, and the experimental brain-in-a-jar technology allowed for a closure (both in terms of completing some of her research and even seeing her kids again) that would have otherwise been impossible. I found that touching and effective enough that this was a clear winner in the category.


Lis Carey at Lis Carey’s Library

“Galactic Suburbia, presented by Alis, Alex, and Tansy” – June 7


Another Best Fancast Hugo nominee.

Speculative fiction, publishing news, and chat. This podcast comes to us from Australia, and as far as I can find, they do not reveal their last names anywhere on their website. That’s a shame, because these are very engaging people, and they mention up coming book launches. (Feel free to enlighten me in comments. Please!)


George R.R. Martin on Not A Blog

“Reading” – June 7

I also read LINES OF DEPARTURE by Marko Kloos. This was part of the Hugo ballot as originally announced, one of the books put there by the slates… but Kloos, in an act of singular courage and integrity, withdrew. It was his withdrawal that moved THREE-BODY PROBLEM onto the ballot. This is the second book in a series, and I’ve never read the first. Truth be told, I’d never read anything by Kloos before, but I’m glad I read this. It’s military SF, solidly in the tradition of STARSHIP TROOPERS and THE FOREVER WAR. No, it’s not nearly as good as either of those, but it still hands head and shoulders above most of what passes for military SF today. The enigmatic (and gigantic) alien enemies here are intriguing, but aside from them there’s not a lot of originality here; the similarity to THE FOREVER WAR and its three act structure is striking, but the battle scenes are vivid, and the center section, where the hero returns to Earth and visits his mother, is moving and effective. I have other criticisms, but this is not a formal review, and I don’t have the time or energy to expand on them at this point. Bottom line, this is a good book, but not a great one. It’s way better than most of what the Puppies have put on the Hugo ballot in the other categories, but it’s not nearly as ambitious or original as THREE-BODY PROBLEM. Even so, I read this with pleasure, and I will definitely read the next one. Kloos is talented young writer, and I suspect that his best work is ahead of him. He is also a man of principle. I hope he comes to worldcon; I’d like to meet him.

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519 thoughts on “Houndation 6/7

  1. So assorted puppies are simultaneous accusing Irene Gallo of libel, broadcasting the comments that they found libelous far beyond their original audience AND also demanding that she explain her comments in writing.

    ho hum.

  2. So with regards to the lovely article by Jonathan LaForce at MGC on boycotting Tor, I must say now that I’m quite impressed with it. He quotes Gallo’s post as follows:

    “Extreme right-wing to Neo-Nazi groups, called the Sad Puppies and the Rabid Puppiesthey are unrepentantly racist, misogynist and homophobic. A noisy few but they’ve been able to gather some Gamergate folks around them and elect a slate of bad-to-reprehensible works on this year’s Hugo Ballot.”

    See those ellipses? The bit he’s left out is as follows “respectively, that are calling for the end of social justice in science fiction and fantasy”

    I can understand leaving out the social justice part. But leaving out the “respectively”? C’mon. If LaForce doesn’t think that leaving it out distorts the meaning of Gallo’s comment, he’s either a pretty poor writer, or he doesn’t see a functional difference between the Sads and the Rabids. Correia and Torgersen would be shocked.

    He also fails to mention that this was a post by her almost a month ago, but hey, I can understand leaving that out – it’s not as odious as say selectively editing her quote, and not providing a link to her original post. Which is what he did. But then again, it’s in his best interest that no one sees the original thread, given that he goes on to claim

    Perhaps the most amusing part of all this is that when I asked Irene Gallo about her stance, I was greeted not with the intelligent, well thought out dialogue one expects from a supposedly capable editor. Instead I received the same trite impoliteness which I have come to expect from all of Tor’s editors. Not once did Gallo ever suggest or intimate that she not speaking for all of Tor when she made these statements.

    Here’s the post. Take a look at the alleged trite impoliteness – pictures of cats (though, I must add with some disappointment, no Siamese cats. Clearly Gallo is No True SJW 🙂 ). Clearly that level of snark is too much for the sensitive soul that Mr LaForce is.

    Oh and on the part of not speaking for Tor – the reason it’s so torturously worded is because she never said she was speaking for Tor, but clearly LaForce thinks it’s beholden on the world to disprove his imaginary out of whole cloth accusations. Gallo has also never suggested that she’s not speaking for ISIS, so perhaps Mr LaForce should onform the authorities about that?

    The rest of his post is kinda standard fare Puppy chow, but I must say that the opening was fantastic. To be that wrong in his portrayal of events requires either very poor reading comprehension coupled with a terrible writing ability, or a level of bad faith that is crazy impressive. So well done to Mr LaForce on those points I guess.

  3. I find C. E. Petit’s objections to E Pluribus Hugo a little bizarre. All three objections appear to be with how the Hugos currently work and only his last objection remotely relates to the issues EPH is addressing.

    With respect to the last objection I think he is flat out wrong. In so far as cliquishness is a problem to the voting system, it is that it precipitates a shift towards bloc voting. E Pluribus Hugo attempts to fix this problem. In so far as cliquishness is a problem within Fandom this is a political or a cultural problem which is not fixable through rule changes.

  4. Also, given that various Pup were all in a huff about multiple outlets reporting on them in similar terms subsequent to the Hugo Noms announcement, how many of them have the same issues about the sudden multiple, highly similar (mis-)representation of a month-old Facebook post?

    Surely, that too must be proof positive of a conspiracy/ cabal!

  5. So a FB post made by one editor at a large publisher, read by relatively few people when it first came out roughly four weeks ago (to no notice until yesterday) and suddenly it becomes a “cause celebre”?

    I’ve been called worse things than anything Gallo said in that post, by people in the real world who then put their hands on me and assaulted me and I didn’t scream as loudly as people reacting almost a month after this actually happened.
    I don’t know about anyone else, but if someone calls me a neo-Nazi, I’m laughing at their stupid comment, not losing my grip and screaming libel. If my skin was that thin, I’d have died crying in a corner a long time ago.

  6. I see the Puppies have been issued a new Talking Point on their slate of such.

  7. @snowcrash

    It seems he has received pictures of kittehs in response to his correspondence with other Tor editors as well. It must be infuriating if everyone of your carefully thought out crank letters receives a picture of a cat in reply.

  8. I find myself recalling that in John C. Wright’s “Don’t blame Tor” post of April he said that some people at Tor were obviously horrible, just not all of them.

  9. Tom Galloway: “I see the Puppies have been issued a new Talking Point on their slate of such.”

    As Rooster Cogburn said, “No man likes to be called high-smellin’ and low-down.”

  10. influxus: “I find C. E. Petit’s objections to E Pluribus Hugo a little bizarre. All three objections appear to be with how the Hugos currently work and only his last objection remotely relates to the issues EPH is addressing.”

    True. Rather than being a criticism of the proposed rule, the rule was just a convenient hook to hang several of his idiocyncratic personal complaints that no one associated with the rule is even interested in addressing, much less claims to have addressed.

  11. Since it got brought up late in the last Hugo post, let’s not forget that Brad Torgersen, who is terribly, terribly upset that someone at Tor would say something that hurts his feelings, was saying this about Tor back in April:

    “Nielsen-Haydens, your fellow travelers, and media goombahs . . . I MOCK YOU! I MOCK YOUR ASININE INCESTUOUS CLUSTERFUCKED LITTLE CULTURE OF DOCTRINAIRE PROGRESSOSEXUAL MEDIOCRITY MASKED AS SUPERIORITY! You are all dolts. You are moral and physical cowards. You are without ethics, without scruples, and if you weren’t so patently pathetic, I’d say you might be dangerous.
    Fuck you. Fuck you all.”

    Because people who work in SFF should comport themselves with decorum, don’t you know.

  12. (sigh)

    The Puppy leaders are mendacious hypocrites, the lot of ’em. A Vox upon both their houses.

  13. I don’t understand how a group of people who constantly complain about “SJWs” having thin skins can put together all that wailing about being called names without one of them figuring out it looks hypocritical.

    There’s a victim culture alright but I don’t think its members are SJWs…

  14. All three objections appear to be with how the Hugos currently work

    I got the impression he has no idea how the Hugos work at all, starting with his complaint about the ‘poll tax’. (I assume he’s never, ever been a member of Worldcon.)

  15. @KB
    Isn’t that just point scoring? Or only relevant in as much as Torgersen himself doesn’t have a leg to stand on?
    Ok, it also applies to those cheering him on in that post, to Jonathan LaForce’s comments on Scalzi and Jemisin and well, basically anyone who has been going on about SJW this and that needs to make some fine distinctions to get outraged over Gallo and think their stuff was ok.
    Still, as someone who hasn’t been going on about SJWs I have to say Gallo’s characterization is wrong and ought to be retracted with an apology. If only because for your average unknown puppy she fails to bring the necessary evidence for such grave accusations. For the leaders it would amount to splitting hairs to determine what does and does not apply, but even here I believe making the distinction would be worthwhile.

  16. Reading the rest of those write ups on Gallo. So apparently one of the reasons her comments are terrible are because she’s calling authors and fans terrible things. Uhm, like say what Scalzi has been called? Like what NK Jemisin has been called? Like what the Nielsen-Haydens have been called? What various other fans on the non-Pup side have been called? Do the Pups think that there are only fans and authors on their side, and as such the abuse heaped upon others is fine?

    FWiW, I think Gallo’s comments were inflammatory, and it wasn’t well thought out to put it in a place like FB. But I find it precious that a bunch of pearl-clutchers who have said, and continue to say worse, are suddenly shocked! at the tone of the conversation.

    Paraphrasing a prior quote about the SP3 runner, the Puppies certainly have high standards for other peoples behaviour.

  17. @mk41

    Hypocrisy rankles even when the complaint has some justification.

    I don’t think proof that random Puppy#43 is personally a neo-nazi or a racist/misogynist/homophobe is necessary IF sufficient proof can be provided that drawing those conclusions of the Puppy leaders is reasonable. At that point whether Puppy#43 is personally a thing is irrelevant, as they’re still backing the movement, and the movement is provably lead by people who believe those things.

    Whether the current evidence is sufficient is, of course, still a matter under debate.

  18. I think Nick Mamatas nailed it a little while ago when he said that many of the SPs just are not very good readers. Very much as Orwell said, that fuzzy language leads to fuzzy thinking.

    Because BT doesn’t read well, he skips words like “respectively” or whatever and decides the criticism means whatever he wants it to mean (based on his sense of grievance and resentment). Similarly, when he criticizes others, he strings words together with little thought about what those words actually mean.

    It’s all about the SPs’ feelings of resentment and grievance. Because the SPs feel aggrieved, they can say whatever they want and not be judged. And they can decide anything their opponents say is beyond the pale. You cannot use logic or reason to think your way through a feeling.

  19. Will R. in the other thread just tipped his hand so I am forced to take this one out of the oven too early.

    Never Cry Adolf.

    Hey, at least it is topical.

  20. The responses to Gallo’s post are killing any sympathy I have for the Puppies. That basic lack of human decency is … I don’t even know. I need a stiff drink after wading through that post.

  21. Never Cry Adolf.

    I don’t know. If somebody supports extreme nationalism, especially racial nationalism, the psudeo-science of racial intellectual supremacy and openly promotes violence against “undesirables” I have no qualms comparing them to Old Adolph.

  22. So. Any good Tor fantasy recs? Gay protagonists are particularly welcome. 🙂

  23. “The responses to Gallo’s post are killing any sympathy I have for the Puppies.”

    Yes, this.

  24. So basically, Irene Gallo’s post is the Puppies ‘Benghazi!’

    “you repeatedly allow straw man makers like John Scalzi to have a place in your stable, even as he vainly justifies his arrogant idiocy is absurd continues to make you huge pots of money to the point you offer him a ten-year pair of golden handcuffs to keep him writing for you”

    There. fixed it for you, Jonathon Laforce.

    (I bet there’s a decent living to be made from straw man making. They’d sell like hotcakes in Bunnings.)

  25. Looking at the rest of Markov Kern’s twitter feed, I’m preeeeeety sure that’s a markov-chain generator fed from puppy/gamergate articles.

    Maybe everyone else already figured that out, though.

  26. Where did Tor give Jemisin a platform? I guess she was on a tor.com podcast? Weak sauce, there.

  27. Snow crash,

    Where exactly was I wrong about the portrayal of events? Please do share. You seem to know so much, please do share it with the class.

    The reason I used ellipses is because I was cutting down the quote without paraphrasing. The original is still available and I certainly don’t try to cover it up. Which is fairly humorous, in light of your miserable attempts to explain why I got cat pictures.

    Sheesh, you really do have me all figured out if you know me so well as to assume I’m just as thin-skinned as you and your merry band of gutless weasels. I’m a very cheerful graduate of MCRD San Diego.

    I asked her why she accused me of being homophobic, misogynistic, or Neo-nazi-like. I wanted a serious answer, because as I pointed out in my essay, I’ve busted my ass to prove I’m not those things. Never mind that a brown skinned man like me would never get inside a nazi group except as a punching bag and target practice.

    The problem with Puppy Kickers is that you don’t bother to show us how we could change things to make peace with you. You launch into pedantic personal attacks and clam up tighter than a miser’s wallet. And frankly, we’re done being polite.

    As for your awards and such, refer yourselves to the Duke of Exeter’s words when addressing the King of France in Henry V.

  28. To be honest, the real Mark Kern has gone so far off the deep end as he desperately clings to relevance by pushing GG and associated movements after getting kicked off his own game, I had to double-check the twitter name was wrong.

  29. I’m really not getting why there’s so much outrage over the Gallo thing. I mean it’s not like she used Tor’s official account to claim someone was a savage.

    Remind me why the puppies aren’t boycotting Castalia House again?

  30. Well, looks to me that the new fallback position is ‘if we can’t get all the awards, we’re sure as hell going to do some damage to Tor in the meantime!’

  31. Well, I see Brian Z. couldn’t resist weighing in several times on Irene Gallo’s thread.

  32. mk41: “Still, as someone who hasn’t been going on about SJWs I have to say Gallo’s characterization is wrong and ought to be retracted with an apology.”

    I’m not a fan of either forced retractions or apologies for private citizens on their personal blogs, and it’s a tactic all too often used against outspoken men, rather than mouthy men. You’re holding Gallo to a higher standard than you are Brad Torgersen, who has said much nastier, much more palpably false things, eg to Juliette Wade right here on this blog.

    Gallo may or may not have overstated the political bent of some of the puppies – I don’t think she did. She’s certainly right on the money about some of them. Even if not, she’s allowed to exaggerate or be wrong without being bullied into silence by these faithless, dishonest creatures.

  33. I see that Amanda Green interrupted her vacation to misread Irene Gallo and claim she’s not extreme right-wing, but has nothing to say about her “misreading”* of David Mack and his reply.

    * You know, the one where she tried to cloak her extreme right-wing homophobia by getting canon wrong and never actually reading his work.

  34. >> Still, as someone who hasn’t been going on about SJWs I have to say Gallo’s characterization is wrong and ought to be retracted with an apology. If only because for your average unknown puppy she fails to bring the necessary evidence for such grave accusations. For the leaders it would amount to splitting hairs to determine what does and does not apply, but even here I believe making the distinction would be worthwhile.>>

    I don’t, really, because she’s not writing a lengthy essay or exacting account of what’s been going on. She’s dismissing it with a quick-and-dirty description (it’s not a solo post on her Facebook wall, it’s a response to someone who asked about it in the comments on something else). Nor do I think she’s saying that each and every Puppy fits every word of this description. She’s describing the leaders, the spokesmen, the people going on and on about affirmative action voting (who aren’t the least bit concerned with insulting fans and authors when they’re saying such things), and if they’re coming across to her as racist and sexist, well, she’s got grounds to think so. They don’t have to agree with her, but she gets to speak her mind, not theirs.

    Just as Torgersen is entitled to think and say what he says in his many, many, many insulting rants. I wouldn’t dream of arguing that he shouldn’t be allowed to, merely that his sudden concern for how professionals in the business express themselves rings very hollow when his own words turn up.

    Hell, Beale’s a publisher, and Torgersen and Correia worked with him to build the slates, utterly unconcerned with what publishers should or shouldn’t say. It was only after it turned out that Beale had bogarted the movement out from under Correia and Torgersen that they decided he was a bad bad man and they had nothing to do with him even though they invited him the come in and play rebel with them.

    Were I describing the whole thing, I don’t think I’d use the same terms Gallo did, but then, I can’t say her description isn’t decent enough for a tossed-off dismissal.

  35. I’m also curious as to why Irene Gallo thought it necessary to lambast writers from her own publishing company. Or authors like Jim Butcher. Feeling the need for a petard are we?

    When I was a young marine, we had a valuable lesson on “not doing stupid crap online”. It was something DI Sgt. Poole was incredibly pissed about. Because of what we represented, our behavior was expected to be above reproach. Those who failed in this, and acted the fool got punished. I have no qualms about the punishments handed down to marines who desecrate dead bodies by pissing on them, and other similar acts.

    Similar expectations seem obvious to me when one is publicly declaring what their job is and whom their employer is, as Irene does. Bashing other authors, especially from your own house, does not seem to me to be a wise choice.

  36. influxus: I find C. E. Petit’s objections to E Pluribus Hugo a little bizarre. All three objections appear to be with how the Hugos currently work and only his last objection remotely relates to the issues EPH is addressing.

    He obviously has not bothered to do his research on the Hugo Awards before opining — which doesn’t bode well for his abilities as an attorney, does it?

    Well, I guess that question has already been answered.

  37. @JFZ: “(Yes, this happens a lot.)”

    Which is why I have it as a macro on the SJ Games website, so I can never get it wrong in a credits block. 🙂

  38. Jon LaForce is seriously comparing Gallo’s comment to the desecration of dead bodies.

    Man, you little boys are such incredibly pathetic sooks.

    Also, lying by creative editing is just plain unattractive and dishonest. Tut tut.

  39. Jon LaForce: The reason I used ellipses is because I was cutting down the quote without paraphrasing.

    Basura. You changed the meaning of the phrase by your editing, and claiming that you’ve been called a neo-nazi. Unless, of course, you’re identifying as a Rabid Puppy?

  40. >> The problem with Puppy Kickers is that you don’t bother to show us how we could change things to make peace with you.>>


    >> And frankly, we’re done being polite.>>

    Oh, thank goodness. All this politeness was getting cloying.

  41. LaForce says: “And frankly, we’re done being polite.”

    Someone remind me — when exactly were the Puppies ever polite?

  42. >> Well, I see Brian Z. couldn’t resist weighing in several times on Irene Gallo’s thread.>>

    Did he urge her to go to the puppy blogs and start a conversation?

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