Pixel Scroll 10/31/16 The Scroll Has Already Started. It’s Too Late For The Pixels To Vote

(1) HARTWELL LIFE ACHIEVEMENT AWARD. Kathryn Cramer posted the speech she prepared for Gordon Van Gelder to deliver accepting David G. Hartwell’s posthumous World Fantasy Life Achievement Award.

First of all, to the board, we are sorry David missed the meeting this morning. Almost nothing could stop him from showing up bright and early on the Sunday morning of World Fantasy to preside over the board meeting.

Not late nights, high fevers, the birth of his children.

This convention—and these awards—were very important to David. For him they were about the conversations we have about our genre and what the genre can do for the world. It makes us proud to think of you all in this room thinking about and talking about the fantasy and horror genres and what excites you about them.

Take a moment, in his honor, and look around the room at the people you have connected with here.

This is what he wanted for you.

This Life Achievement award honors a life well-lived. Thank you all.

(2) ROBERTA POURNELLE SUFFERS STROKE. Jerry Pournelle announced some “Bad News at Chaos Manor”.

Sunday morning – this morning although it’s after midnight now so maybe I mean yesterday morning – I discovered that Roberta had suffered a stroke during the night. I called 911. The firemen responded almost instantly.

We spent the day first at the St. Joseph’s Emergency Room (where the firemen took me after my stroke), then at the Kaiser Emergency Room where she was taken by ambulance arranged by Kaiser, then finally in the Kaiser main hospital. Alex was with me for essentially the entire time. My second son, Frank, who lives in Palm Springs, drove up as soon as he could. Our youngest son, Richard, flew in from DC and just got here.

Roberta appears to be about where I was after my stroke. She can’t really talk yet, but she’s aware of what’s going on around her. We’re trying to arrange rehab at Holy Cross where I was retaught how to swallow, walk, and do all the other things people do.

I’m trying to be calm, but I’m scared stiff.

(3) MARATHON WOMAN. Pat Cadigan’s window isn’t closing this year but she remembers when that was the medical prediction — “Late 2016 Already – Where Does The Time Go”.

…This is not silly wish-fulfilment fantasy optimism on my part. At the worldcon in Kansas City, a few of us fellow-travellers in Cancerland did a panel about living with cancer. One beautiful lady has stage-four lung cancer. You’d never know it, though, because she’s doing great––clinical trials pay off. In fact, over thirty years ago, my Aunt Loretta (one of my mothers) agreed to be in a clinical trial for a breast cancer drug. That drug is Tamoxifen. On her behalf, you’re welcome.

Rational optimism notwithstanding, however, I still remember how the last months of 2016 were projected to be the last months of my life and…well, I can’t help gloating. Who am I gloating at? Cancer, of course. Who else?

These days, I’m thinking not so much in terms of a singing horse as I am the story about the two people in the forest being chased by a bear. One of them stops and puts on fancy running shoes. The other person says, ‘Do you really think you can outrun a bear?’ And the first person says, ‘No, I only have to outrun you.’

I picture me and cancer being chased by a bear called Annihilation. It’s going to get one of us first, and I’m hoping thanks to current clinical trials and the latest developments in immunotherapy, that will be cancer, not me. All I have to do is last long enough. All I have to do is outrun cancer.

(4) TOLKIEN GETS AWARD. The Tolkien Society reports Christopher Tolkien has been awarded the Bodley Medal, given by the Bodleian Libraries at the University of Oxford to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to literature, culture, science, and communication.

Tolkien Society chair Shaun Gunner said: “Christopher Tolkien is a very worthy recipient of the Bodley Medal not only for his own work but for the decades of tireless dedication he has shown in editing his father’s texts. From The Silmarillion to next year’s Beren and Lúthien, Christopher has opened up new vistas of Middle-earth that otherwise might never have seen the light of day. This award is a testament to Christopher’s quiet scholarship as an editor, and a symbol of the continuing significance of J.R.R. Tolkien’s legendarium.”

Christopher Tolkien said: “Although I have never looked for anything remotely of such a kind, I find it especially welcome to receive the Bodley Medal in that it affirms the unique significance of my father’s creation and accords a worthy place in the Republic of Letters to Tolkien scholarship. It gives me particular pleasure that the award comes from and is conceived by the Bodleian, where a great part of my father’s manuscripts lie and where I have happy memories of the great library itself.”

(5) HARASSMENT AT WFC. Jason Sanford revealed the committee was called upon to handle a harassment issue at this weekend’s World Fantasy Con.




Lucy A. Snyder also wrote a public Facebook post.

So I just returned from WFC, where some women experienced harassment: street harassment from rando men that convention organizers had no control over, and at-con harassment courtesy of a local fan who has a documented history of bad behavior (the convention organizers appeared to take the harassment report seriously and appeared to handle it as per their policy, but I question why they’d sell a membership to someone who is known to be a problem.)…

Snyder added in a comment:

I know he harassed at least one woman, because she told me and I escorted her to con ops so she could make the report. In the instance I know about, he did it in front of a male witness (who filed a corroborating report), so I strongly suspect there were other instances that I don’t know about and/or didn’t get reported.


  • Born October 31 1930 – British fandom. That is fanhistorian Rob Hansen’s pick for the date it all began. Click to see the newspaper report of the meeting from the Ilford Recorder.

On Monday October 27th, 1930, the Ilford Science Literary Circle held its inaugural meeting at 32 Thorold Road (which a check of contemporary electoral rolls shows to have been the home of George & Mary Dew), the first ever meeting of our first ever SF fan group. If British fandom has a birthday, this is it. Here is Gillings’ report on the outcome of the event. More details of how many were present and the like would have been useful, but Gillings’ primary intent is to proselytise:…

(7) ESFS AWARDS NOMINEES. At Europa SF, Nina Horvath has listed the 2016 nominees for 14 annual awards presented by the European Science Fiction Society.

I’m not excerpting any of the information here because a lot of the names include special characters that just turn into question marks on WordPress.  Boo!

(8) SERIES OF INTEREST. Ed Zitron profiles the late, lamented show beloved by many fans: “Person Of Interest Was Anti-Prestige TV And Too Smart For Primetime”.

First, let me tell you what Person of Interest is. Person of Interest is the inverse of Game of Thrones. For every shock death from the HBO’s version of George R.R. Martin’s book series, it had Kevin Chapman getting maced by a model and beaten up with a handbag. For every Game of Thrones setpiece that sent 49 bloggers into an ejaculatory frenzy over the ambiguous motives and bloodlines of royals, Person of Interest had a scene where Jim Caviezel kicks seven shades of shit out of the cardboard archetype of a bad person. It’s weird watching Jesus throttle people, but you know what, we’re all going to Hell anyway.

[Warning, reading this may spoil the show. But really, you could read an entire synopsis and the show would still be fantastic.]

Caviezel’s John Reese is a former CIA agent that you’re introduced to as a piss-stained, beardy hooch-swigging hobo sitting on a subway train. In one of the most satisfying scenes in TV history, a group of rich dickheads yell at him on the train and attempt to take his booze, which he clings to with an iron grip. He then proceeds to beat them up with his somehow-not-atrophied CIA skills before grabbing one around the throat and giving him the deep, angry stare of a man who uses his pants as a toilet and just wanted to enjoy his train booze in peace.

It’s a great introduction to the show in its purest sense. Peel back the layers of intrigue, spywork and social commentary, and you’ll still find a TV show that brings back the pure joy of seeing people you don’t like getting beaten up. There are no pretenses to prestige here.

(9) HE SCORES, HE WINS! James Davis Nicoll has the numbers to prove a point.

The following review sources managed to review as many works by persons of colour in 2015 as I did in Oct 2016.

Interzone 7

The following review sources failed to review as many works by persons of colour in 2015 as I did in Oct 2016. Note that the Big Three are listed.

F&SF 5
Analog 3
Asimov’s 3
Foundation 1
Rising Shadows 1

(10) SAY CHEESE! NPR reports “NASA’S New ‘Intruder Alert’ System Spots An Incoming Asteroid”.

NASA pays for several telescopes around the planet to scan the skies on a nightly basis, looking for these objects. “The NASA surveys are finding something like at least five asteroids every night,” says astronomer Paul Chodas of JPL.

But then the trick is to figure out which new objects might hit Earth.

“When a telescope first finds a moving object, all you know is it’s just a dot, moving on the sky,” says Chodas. “You have no information about how far away it is. “The more telescopes you get pointed at an object, the more data you get, and the more you’re sure you are how big it is and which way it’s headed. But sometimes you don’t have a lot of time to make those observations.

“Objects can come close to the Earth shortly after discovery, sometimes one day, two days, even hours in some cases,” says JPL’s Davide Farnocchia. “The main goal of Scout is to speed up the confirmation process.”

(11) WHEN GENIUSES PLAY WITH SHARP OBJECTS. Here what NASA’s JPL brings to jack o’lantern design:

Carving pumpkins may not be rocket science – but that hasn’t stopped Nasa engineers.

Scientists at the space agency’s Jet Propulsion Lab held their annual contest to create the best pumpkin this week.

Entries included a gourd inspired by Star Wars villain Darth Vader, and two pumpkins dressed as Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton being hit by a meteor.

Motors, robotics and lights all featured heavily.

(12) COSTUMES FOR WHEELCHAIRS. About half a dozen photos here illustrating how wheelchairs are converted to vehicles of kids’ dreams.

Halloween is big business and when you use a wheelchair you want your outfit to pack a punch when you go trick-or-treating.

In America, Ryan Weimer and his wife Lana, have tapped into that market by providing children with the 3D costumes of their imaginations.

Costing between $2,000 and $4,000 each, a team of volunteers spend about 120 hours building the costumes which range from aeroplanes to dragons.


(13) HALLOWEEN TREE. Ray Bradbury tells how the “Halloween Tree” novel and animated film came about.

(14) RAY’S FAVORITE HOLIDAY. John King Tarpinian visited Ray Bradbury’s grave today, bringing some gifts and decorations.

Every Halloween I pay a visit to the Westwood Cemetery where Ray Bradbury is at rest.  I had the custom trick or treat bag made and filled it with Clark Bars, Ray’s favorite.  The little pumpkin shaped stone I luckily found yesterday from a bead shop I was dragged to by a visiting out of town friend.  The pumpkins were brought by one of Ray’s theatrical actors, Robert Kerr.



(15) BOO PLATE SPECIAL. Someone’s Cthulhu license plate attracted a crowd at World Fantasy Con.

(16) SILLY SYMPHONY. And here’s your musical accompaniment of the day:

[Thanks to JJ, John King Tarpinian, James Davis Nicoll, and Chip Hitchcock for some of these stories. Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Jack Lint.]

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84 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 10/31/16 The Scroll Has Already Started. It’s Too Late For The Pixels To Vote

  1. There WILL be a Scroll today but it will posted late for a change. I’ll be off having dinner with my daughter.

  2. Dawn Incognito: I see that Mr. Splitfoot is one of the horror nominees [for the Goodreads Choice awards]. I didn’t find it particularly horrifying. I shelved as “fantasy” as a modern tale of the supernatural.

    How bizarre that A Murder in Time is listed under “science fiction”. That was the Overdrive Big Library Read (they pick one book, and all libraries which have it in Overdrive have an unlimited number of copies available during the month) a while back, so I read it. I can’t figure out why they’re calling it SF.
    Sure, it’s Fantasy, but it’s not Science Fiction (not to mention being written at what I thought was about the level of skill and quality of a high-school student attempting to write their first novel).

    Which just goes to show what I already knew: that the GoodReads Peoples’ Choice Awards are in no way a source of book recommendations for me.

  3. I wrote a long Facebook post touching on positive attitude and survival, among other things, which might be of some interest.

    Also, earlier in the week, we were discussing Christian SF when I recommended Living in Little Rock with Miss Little Rock, by Jack Butler. Well, one thing led to another, and since my books are still mostly packed, I checked a copy out of the library and re-read it over the weekend. It is a very audacious book! And definitely Christian. But does narration by the Holy Ghost make it SF? It has a protagonist who prefers Heinlein to Delany and talks science fiction with the author over a billiard table, but it’s not, I guess, exactly SF.

    It’s really, really good though. It made me late for three different things over the weekend. Not much higher praise than that!

  4. http://uncannymagazine.com/article/talons-can-crush-galaxies
    From Bo Bolander.

    You know that bit, at the end of The Last Unicorn, Schmendrick comforts Prince Lir:
    “As for you and your heart and the things you said and didn’t say, she will remember them all when men are fairy tales in books written by rabbits.”

    Welp, there are way nastier things out there than unicorns, and they remember things too.
    Killer story.

  5. @IanP and lurkertype

    Since I’m not in the US, we always get US TV shows a couple of months to a year late and so Person of Interest reached our shores, just when the NSA scandal had been broken. Probably horribly bad timing for the show, since that meant no one wanted to watch it.

    That’s a great story by Brooke Bolander. I enjoyed last year’s “And You Shall Know Her By The Trail Of Dead” a lot and Brooke Bolander continues to impress.

    BTW, Paul Cornell’s story in this month’s Uncanny is good, too.

  6. @Eli: I commend your restraint; I don’t know that I would have been able to avoid a more direct attack, given that one of my lated friends was one of the most positive people I’ve ever known.

  7. Hi guys, long time no comment! I spent most of October with bronchitis, and it sucked. All I could get myself to read was old favorite fanfiction on my Kobo.

    But I’m back now, sort of, if the American Experiment survives the next week. No kids at home this week, so Mr Dr Science & I are watching TVish things in the evening. Tonight we saw the first episode of Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (we both read the novel when it first came out), and we recognized not one solitary thing in the TV show. Certainly we didn’t recognize the non-stop gore, which … wtf? Should we keep watching? Will it get better, will they connect all this up? Whut?

  8. My oldest sister had cancer.
    She said when people did the positive attitude thing at her she was basically just positive that she wanted to kill them, and she was going to continue to enjoy her bad attitude as long as she could.

  9. With regard to the people claiming that a “positive attitude” will help conquer cancer and an “unpositive attitude” will cause the sufferer to succumb, I despise that attitude. As others have said, some of the most positive people who fought cancer really hard have still ended up dying from it.

    I know a woman whose young daughter was diagnosed with leukemia. While they were going through the treatment for her daughter, she herself was diagnosed with breast cancer, so they were both being treated at the same time.

    She survived, and her daughter did not. She says the cruelest thing that people said to her (and quite a few people have said it when they found out about her cancer), “Well, you survived because you have such a wonderful positive attitude, and because you wanted to keep living badly enough! Good for you!” — in other words, what she’s hearing is that apparently her daughter didn’t have a good enough attitude, or want to live badly enough, to survive.

    I’m sure that the people who said this had no idea how hurtful they were being, or what is so very wrong about their philosophy. I personally would tell someone who said this to me to eff right off. 😐

  10. re: the secular version – My family are Catholics with levels of personal devoutness that varies from person to person, and, common among all of them, either a fairly laid-back attitude to the idea of people believing other things, or too strong an impulse to politeness to even think of suggesting anyone might be in danger of damnation. (They all came to our handfasting and gamely joined in the “Hail and Blessed Be” type responses, if that gives you an idea.)

    So, yes, sometimes Mom would say things like “You couldn’t help but survive with everyone praying for you!” To her credit, when I said, “I’m sure [my late friend from the hospital] also had a lot of people praying for her,” she recognized the problematic implications and acknowledged that, yes, she probably did.

    It is likely that, in the privacy of her mind, she thought something like “I guess God had His own reasons for taking one little girl letting another live,” but if so, she would never try to foist that off on someone else. For her, those kinds of thoughts have always been purely for personal comfort, and not for preaching to others.

    So we’ve been fortunate that way.

    I have a friend who, about ten years ago, reacted with explosive rage to the news that the particular sort of leukemia which I had in 1987 still had the same survival rate at the time of our conversation (AML, and about 33%, if what my pediatrician dad told me was true). “What the hell are all those scientists DOING?!” And… continuing to study and try their damnedest, I guess? I wish it was the sort of thing where if you put X amount of research time and Y amount of money in, you could get a cure out, like with a vending machine. But it doesn’t seem to work that way.

  11. Doctor Science, I am glad to see you back, and am hoping that you are feeling much better. 🎕

  12. @Doctor Science, I do hope we’ll get to enjoy your company a bit longer, but at least we’ll have a last week together.

    @Cora: So they didn’t bother to listen to the opening lines of every single episode that straight-up said that the government computer spying was evil?

  13. @IanP: thanks, I’ll write out my questions/issues regarding that PoI episode tomorrow.

    @lurkertype: the subtext of the season 1 opening as I recall it was less “government computer spying is evil” than “the government isn’t using the information in the right way. We are. By preventing crimes and blowing shit up along the way. And being *awesome*.”

    I recall it being questioned and broken down over the course of the season. Not so obvious through the pilot and first few episodes.

  14. @Doctor Science
    Good to have you back.

    @Dawn Incognito and lurkertype
    I also recall that in the early episodes (and I only watched two or three) that the principle of mass surveillance wasn’t criticised, just what the government was doing with the data, namely hunting only terrorists, not preventing ordinary crime. It might have changed later on, but I never lasted so long and most other viewers didn’t either.

    There is also a more general trend that the tastes of American and German (and probably European in general) TV audiences are drifting apart and have been for some time. Cause a lot of highly praised US shows tend to fizzle out within a few episodes over here and are replaced with yet another rerun of CSI Miami or NCIS, because people at least watch those.

  15. @Cora: ah, that explains it, then — German audiences prefer procedural crap instead of smart shows! (Only kind of kidding; NCIS was pretty good for the first 5-10 years, but CSI Miami always sucked)

  16. Actually, many Germans dislike the extensive serialisation and “Previously on…” segments, so they go for largely self-contained shows or those where the continuity is limited to the personal lives of the characters.

    NCIS, though IMO the quality has been fading for a couple of years, still is the most popular US show in Germany. And CSI Miami was consistently one of the highest rated shows, while it was on. The TV channel that broadcast CSI Miami was reportedly crestfallen, when the show was cancelled in the US, because they were losing a huge ratings draw. I seem to recall they even considered paying for a continuation themselves.

  17. Cause a lot of highly praised US shows tend to fizzle out within a few episodes over here and are replaced with yet another rerun of CSI Miami or NCIS, because people at least watch those.

    There’s something of a division between the critical successes and the reliably high-rated shows in the US itself, though.

  18. @Nicole: “What the hell are all those scientists DOING?!” You can tell him this, from someone who spent some years in biomedical research: “We’re asking the universe ‘Can I do this?’, and the universe usually answers “NO!” (When a researcher isn’t careful enough, sometimes the answer is “FUCK, no!”; I could tell you stories, especially about my first year in a lab…) Biology is massively complex, and chaotically grown; solving it is orders of magnitude more complex than solving chess or Go. Arguably it’s not “solvable” at all, because it doesn’t have to compute; all it has to do is work well enough that genes get passed on. (As a nasty example, give him sickle-cell anemia, whose victims sometimes survive to reproduce — but whose carriers have an edge against malaria compared to non-carriers.) Or you could tell him it’s the micro-scale version of the tragedy of the commons, where we’re stuck with bullying the troublemakers rather than negotiating. (Yes, this is a stretch.)

    I’m sorry to hear the leukemia you survived hasn’t been bested — but a common variety that had a 90+% fatality rate half a century ago (including one of my first grade classmates) was ~2/3 ]curable[ 15 years later. And I’m not ranting at you, just hoping to provide another tool to get the people who think it’s simple to think more.

  19. You can tell him this, from someone who spent some years in biomedical research: “We’re asking the universe ‘Can I do this?’, and the universe usually answers “NO!”

    There is some commercial currently running in the US–I don’t remember the details, but a comment in it was about the researchers testing “27 compounds” (or some similarly low number well below 50) before finding the solution, implying that the audience is supposed to be impressed by the amount of work that represents. I always think WTF? it would be more realistic to say that they tested 270 compounds, or 2,700, or 27,000.

  20. @lauowolf @Cora: I was kind of ‘meh’ on “And You Shall Know Her By The Trail Of Dead”, but this one is fantastic.

  21. Oh, wow, that Bolander story. There’s a line near the end that really hit me based on some of my pondering this week about the reporting of serial killer cases. Taking to rot-13:

    “Gur vzcbegnag guvat vf nyjnlf gur fgbevrf—juvpu barf trg gbyq, juvpu barf trg pb–bcgrq, juvpu barf trg yrsg va n qvgpu, bireybbxrq naq artyrpgrq.”

    Bxnl, fb lbh znl xabj gung Pnanqn unf n arj frevny xvyyre pnfr, n ahefr npphfrq bs xvyyvat rvtug crbcyr. Naq rirel gvzr gurer’f n fubbgvat be bgure ngebpvgl, gur POP ehaf n fgbel urnqyvarq “jung jr xabj fb sne nobhg gur nyyrtrq crecrgengbe”. Naq vg’f fgnegvat gb trg haqre zl fxva.

    V xabj, guvf vf abguvat arj. V pna anzr lbh frevny xvyyref ol gur qbmra, ohg cenpgvpnyyl ab ivpgvzf. Gur ivpgvzf nera’g gur fgbel; whfg gur snpg bs gurve qrngu. Naq cbffvoyl gur tehrfbzr qrgnvyf bs fbzr bs gur jbefr pnfrf. V haqrefgnaq jul guvf unccraf, ohg gur…funyy jr fnl phyg bs crefbanyvgl? gung fheebhaqf znff naq frevny zheqreref frrzf gbgnyyl onpxjneqf gb jung vg fubhyq or.

    V thrff V’z qvfthfgrq ol gur pryroevgl gung pbzrf jvgu gur npg bs xvyyvat rabhtu crbcyr. Rira gubhtu V’z gbgnyyl fhfprcgvoyr gb vg gbb.

  22. @Dawn Incognito

    It reminds me of the line in Hamilton: “Who lives, who dies, who tells your story.”

  23. @IanP: if you are still reading, I am ready to type my Person of Interest Fridge Logic post. Anyone who is interested, please join me in rot-13 regarding season 2, episode 13: “Dead Reckoning”

    V unir nyernql fnvq gung V qvfyvxr gur pbhagqbja gvzre va GI naq zbivrf. Orpnhfr V’z xrrcvat inthr gvzr va zl urnq naq V xabj qnza jryy gur obbz fubhyq’ir nyernql pbzr jura gur ynfg-frpbaq qrnpgvingvba unccraf. Fb guvf vf bayl crevcurenyyl nobhg gur svir-zvahgr gvzre ba gur obzo irfgf. V pbhyq fvg qbja jvgu n gvzre naq svther bhg jura Errfr fubhyq’ir rkcybqrq ohg V’ir (zbfgyl) yrnearq gb fueht gung fghss bss.

    Abcr, gur sevqtr zbzrag uvg zr ertneqvat gur uvynevbhf svrel qrngu bs Fgnagba naq Fabj. Vg jnf na njrfbzr erirny, jnfa’g vg? Ohgohg…ubj qvq Fabj znxr vg gb Fgnagba’f pne orsber fur qvq? Ubj qvq ur *rira xabj jurer fur jnf cnexrq*?

    V’z gelvat gb trg onpx vagb gur rawblzrag bs gur frevrf, orpnhfr V xabj Ebbg’f pbzvat onpx va n ovt jnl fbba, Orne vf n qryvtug (V ybir gung guvf frevrf tnir Zvpunry Rzrefba n qbt gb cynl bss bs), naq njrfbzr chapul xvpxl fprarf bsgra pnccrq ol fbzrbar rkvgvat n ohvyqvat guebhtu n jvaqbj. Bu, naq Shfpb. Gung Shfpb zbqry fhocybg ersreraprq nobir unq zr ubjyvat.

  24. @Dawn Icognito

    After doing the ROT13 conversion I very nearly pasted the un-ciphered text in by mistake, Finch would be unimpressed.

    Nu, gung’f n irel tbbq cbvag ab lbh zragvba vg. Zl svefg gubhtug vf ubj qvq gurl trg gb gur ohvyqvat ohg Fgnagba jnf xrrcvat ure qvfgnapr sebz gurz fb vg frrzf hayvxryl. V’q unir gb erjngpu. Abguvat gb fnl Fabj qvqa’g xabj jung pne fur jnf qevivat gubhtu, ur’q unq rabhtu gvzr naq Fgnagba pyrneyl gubhtug fur unq uvz pbjrq. Vg pbhyqa’g or sne njnl rvgure.

    Bs pbhefr ur pbhyq unir whfg jnvgrq sbe ure va gur fgerrg naq tenoorq ure va gvzr gb tb obbz ohg vg jbhyqa’g unir orra dhvgr nf njrfbzr. Cyhf V guvax gurl jnagrq gb yrnir fbzr nzovthvgl bire jurgure fur zvtug unir tbg bhg. Gurer vf n zbzragnel tyvgpu va gur Znpuvar CBI frphevgl sbbgntr.

    Ng yrnfg gurl qvqa’g yrg gur pbhagre ba Wbua’f irfg trg gb 0:01, naq 0:07 frrzf gb unir orra n qryvorengr fubhg-bhg.

    Shfpb’f ureb bs nabgure fgbel rkcybvgf ner uvynevbhf, jurgure orvat znprq ol gur zbqry gb ortva jvgu be gur ybbx ba uvf snpr jura fur xvffrf uvf purrx ng gur raq.

    Arkg pbhcyr bs rcvfbqrf ner fbyvq, ohg hafcrpgnphyne. Gura lbh trg gjb terng barf va Eryrinapr naq Cebgrhf.

  25. Missed edit window.

    Bs pbhefr, gurl oynttrq gur NGS ntrag’f pne. Gung’f ubj gurl tbg gurer.

  26. I’m going to confess I listened to the Bolander story on the magazine podcast and…it’s ok, I guess? One of those where I feel like I’m out of step with the taste of the times. I can see the distillation of anger and emotion, but it feels like that’s what it is: an espresso drink of anger and emotion with wish-fulfillment foam on top.

  27. Heather Rose Jones, I felt much the same. I was trying to figure out how to write my reaction, and failing, when I saw your post. This is why you’re a Professional Writer and I’m… not. <grin>

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