Pixel Scroll 2/26/21 Got My Mjolnir Working

(1) IF YOU LOVED THEM IN GOOD OMENS… A finalist for RadioTimes.com Awards 2021– TV Moment of the Year is Judi Dench slamming David Tennant and Michael Sheen in Staged, a British comedy series set during the COVID-19 pandemic and primarily made using video-conferencing technology.

David Tennant and Michael Sheen playing exaggerated versions of themselves (actors) in 2020 trying to get work is already hilarious, but add in Dame Judi Dench and you’ve got a work of art. Tennant and Sheen aren’t exactly enthusiastic about their new role in a play, and Dench is on hand to remind them they have said yes to a job so they should “stop f**king about” and “do the bloody job”. That’s them (and us) told.

The series premiered on BBC One last summer, and another eight-episode series was released January 4. The first series synopsis is —

David Tennant and Michael Sheen (playing themselves) were due to star in a production of Six Characters in Search of an Author in the West End. The pandemic has put paid to that, but their director (Simon Evans – also playing himself) is determined not to let the opportunity pass him by. He knows how big a chance this is for him and turns his attention to cajoling his stars into rehearsing over the internet. All they need to do is read the first scene, but throughout the series they come up against a multitude of oppositional forces: distraction, boredom, home-schooling and their own egos.

(2) THE MAN FROM UNCLES. Don Blyly is interviewed by Carz Nelson in “Down But Not Out: The Future of Uncle Hugo’s” at The Alley Newspaper.

…Deciding whether to reopen the stores won’t be easy. At 70 years young, many assumed owner Don Blyly would retire from retail business after the fire. Such assumptions are premature, however. It takes a lot of drive to start over from nothing, but Blyly seems to be equal to whatever tasks he sets himself.

…He admits that he has a knack for bouncing back from adversity, “I’ve noticed that I seem to have more resilience than most other people and I’ve wondered why. Partly it is stubbornness. Partly it is because the more of a track record you have at overcoming previous difficulties, the more confidence you have of overcoming the latest difficulty.”

Blyly says the city has a lot to answer for when it comes to the uprising, “Back in 2015 the Department of Justice made recommendations for reforming the Minneapolis Police, but the City Council has done nothing to implement those recommendations. The judge in the trial of Mohamed Noor for the murder of Justine Damond raised issues about problems with the Minneapolis Police that have never been addressed.” 

Since the uprising and subsequent looting, he’s concerned that many people think the area is too dangerous to visit, “About half of my sales were to people outside the I-495/ I-694 loop, and they are now scared to come to Minneapolis to spend their money. Customers in South Minneapolis told me that they would be scared to return to the Uncles if I rebuilt in the old location. The city is going to have to actually work on fixing the problems with the Minneapolis Police instead making ‘defunding’ speeches before people will feel comfortable about spending their money in Minneapolis again.”

(3) IT PAYS TO BE POSTHUMOUS. Julie Phillips, in “Born to Be Posthumous” at 4Columns, reviews Mark Dery’s Born To Be Posthumous:  The Eccentric Life And Mysterious Genius Of Edward Gorey.

By his mid-twenties, the artist and illustrator Edward Gorey had already settled on his signature look: long fur coat, jeans, canvas high-tops, rings on all his fingers, and the full beard of a Victorian intellectual. His enigmatic illustrations of equally fur-coated and Firbankian men in parlors, long-skirted women, and hollow-eyed, doomed children (in The Gashlycrumb Tinies, among other works) share his own gothic camp aesthetic. Among the obvious questions for a reader of Gorey’s biography are: Where in his psyche, or in the culture, did all those fey fainting ladies and ironic dead tots come from? And, not unrelatedly: Was Gorey gay?

…Gorey described himself as “undersexed” in a 1980 interview, and equivocated: “I’ve never said that I was gay and I’ve never said that I wasn’t. A lot of people would say that I wasn’t because I never do anything about it.” Did he reject a gay sexuality, or was his particular sexuality, perhaps asexuality, not yet on the menu? Dery isn’t out to judge, and encourages us instead to look at how Gorey’s arch imagery, flamboyant self-presentation, and “pantheon of canonically gay tastes” (ballet, Marlene Dietrich records, silent film) allow him to be read in the context of gay culture and history, whatever his praxis in bed…. 

(4) TOO MANY NOTES. Vox’s Aja Romano investigates a kerfuffle at Archive Of Our Own (AO3) about the issues of a million-word fanfic with 1,700 tags. “Sexy Times with Wangxian: The internet’s most beloved fanfiction site is undergoing a reckoning”.

… Since it first appeared in October 2019, “Sexy Times With Wangxian,” or STWW, has become notorious across AO3. That in itself is unusual, because most AO3 users stick to their own fandoms and don’t pay much attention to what’s happening in others. STWW belongs to the fandom for the wildly popular Chinese TV series The Untamed, and the “Wangxian” in the title refers to the ship name for the show’s beloved main romantic pairing. It’s a very long fanfic, over a million words, and contains more than 200 chapters of porn featuring The Untamed’s large cast in endless permutations and sexual scenarios.

All that, by itself, isn’t enough to make STWW remarkable — not on a website as wild and unpredictable as AO3. Yet the fic has become impossible for many AO3 users to ignore thanks to a unique quirk: Its author has linked it to more than 1,700 site tags (and counting).

A quick note about AO3’s tagging system: It is designed to let users tag creatively and freely. So you can add useful tags, like pairing labels and character names, but you can also toss in personalized tags for fun and creative expression, from “no beta readers we die like men” to “I wrote this at 4am on three bottles of Monster Energy and zero sleep don’t judge.”

The tagging system is in service of the site’s total permissiveness — you can write anything you want in tags. But for the site to function, tags still need to be useful for navigation. So AO3 has hordes of volunteers known as “tag wranglers” whose sole job is to sort through the massive number of fic tags on the site and decide which ones will actually help users find what they’re looking for.

Those tags are then made “canonical,” which means they’ll become universal tags that every user can sort through. They’ll also appear within a list of suggested tags as you type. If I start to type “hospital” while tagging a fic, AO3 will return canonical tag suggestions like “Alternate Universe — Hospital,” “Hospital Sex,” and “Hogwarts Hospital Wing.” That makes it easy to determine whether your fic fits tags the community is already using.

AO3’s tagging system is so organized and thorough that it has won widespread acclaim from fields like library science and internet infrastructure. But it still has its limits — and with more than 1,700 tags, “Sexy Times With Wangxian” has revealed what some of those limits look like — in some cases quite literally….

The tags are so numerous, they can’t fit into a single screenshot on a large monitor. Here’s a quick scroll through the entire thing…

(5) THEY’RE FEELING BETTER. Jen Chaney, in “No, They Weren’t Dead the Whole Time” at Vulture, has an oral history of the last episode of Lost, which reveals that showrunners Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof had the ambiguous ending in mind the whole time and that the show was so important that the State of the Union in 2010 was moved because it conflicted with the final season opening episode.

…When the finale aired, it sparked divided responses (understatement) from fans. Some loved the emotional way in which Jack’s journey and that of his fellow survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 came to a close. Others were extremely vocally angry about not getting more direct answers to the show’s many questions. Still others came away from it all convinced that the castaways had been dead the whole time. (They were not dead. They really weren’t.)

What was semi-clear at the time and is even clearer now is that the broadcast of the Lost finale would mark the end of something else: the truly communal broadcast television experience. Subsequent finales would be major events (see HBO’s Game of Thrones) and even draw larger audiences (2019’s final Big Bang Theory attracted 18 million viewers, compared to the 13.5 million who tuned in for the Lost farewell). But nothing else since has felt so massively anticipated and so widely consumed in real time the way that the end of Lost, the Smoke Monster Super Bowl, did in 2010.

Vulture did extensive interviews with writers, cast, and crew members, who reflected on the development of “The End,” the making of the still hotly debated episode, and the cultural conversation it continues to generate. Because, yes, of course, we had to go back.

(6) AT HOME WITH SFF. Aidan Moher conducts a lively and revealing Q&A with Yoon Ha Lee, Brian Staveley, Kate Elliott, Aliette de Bodard in “Blood Matters: Growing Up in an SF/F House” at Uncanny Magazine.

…An appreciation for speculative fiction isn’t always handed down from within a family. Sometimes it grows on its own, or is introduced by a friend or a teacher. Or a child is uninterested, despite their parents’ best efforts to sway them to the side of elves and proton cannons. I recently reached out to several writers to ask them about their experience growing up, their parents’ relationship to speculative fiction, and the impact that parenthood has had on them as writers….

…There are also emotional sacrifices that come along with parenthood. After the birth of her first child, de Bodard’s tolerance for stories featuring child abuse or endangerment “went from weak to zero” immediately. “I had to put off reading a book I was much looking forward to because I couldn’t get past the violence against a child.” As the father of a daughter, I’ve had a similar experience to de Bodard, and have also become even more aware of and angered by the pervasive sexism that continues to plague speculative fiction and fandom.

Personal writing of any sort reveals layers to a person that even their close friends and loved ones might not recognize. My wife often finds it odd to read my writing—not because of the subject matter, but because it’s told in a voice that doesn’t sound familiar to her ear.

“My children have all read at least some of my writing,” said Elliott. “I often consult them about plot, character, and world–building because I like to hear their feedback, because they know me so well, and because they have fascinating and deep imaginations. They are probably my most valuable writing resource, with my cherished writer and reader friends a close second.”…

(7) EATING THE FANTASTIC. Scott Edelman offers listeners the opportunity to “Savor Stan Lee’s favorite sandwich with comics writer Jo Duffy” in episode 139 of the Eating the Fantastic podcast.

Jo Duffy

My old Marvel Bullpen pal Jo Duffy had a lengthy, celebrated run back then on Power Man and Iron Fist, where she also wrote Conan the BarbarianFallen AngelsStar Wars, and Wolverine. She also wrote Catwoman for DC and Glory for Rob Liefeld’s Extreme Studios imprint of Image Comics. Additionally, she worked on the screenplays for the horror films Puppet Master 4 and Puppet Master 5.

We discussed why she knows what Superman will look like when he’s 100, the many reasons our kid selves both thought Marvel had D.C. beat, the genius of Marie Severin, how I may have inadvertently been responsible for her getting a job as an Assistant Editor in the Marvel Bullpen, what it was like to work with Steve Ditko, the firing she still feels guilty about 40 years later, how she approached the challenge of writing Power Man and Iron Fist, the letter she wrote to Stan Lee after the death of Jack Kirby, the two-year-long Star Wars story arc she was forced to squeeze into a few issues, the best writing advice she ever got, and much more.

(8) FIRST THERE IS NO MOUNTAIN, THEN THERE IS. Sarah Gailey, in “Building Beyond: Move Mountains” at Stone Soup, gets an assist from Alex Acks and nonwriter Kacie Winterberg to illustrate how easy a particular facet of sff creation can be:

Building Beyond is an ongoing series about accessible worldbuilding. Building a world doesn’t have to be hard or scary — or even purposeful. Anyone can do it. To prove that, let’s talk to both a writer and a non-writer about a worldbuilding prompt.

How do you go about communicating with a mountain to prevent it from pursuing its ambition of becoming a volcano?


February 26, 1977 — On this day in 1977, Doctor Who’s “The Talons Of Weng-Chiang, Part 1” first aired. It featured Tom Baker, considered the most popular of all the actors who’ve played The Doctor, and Leela, the archetypal savage that British Empire both adored and despised, played by Louise Jameson. The villain was most likely a not-so-accidental take off of Fu Manchu. Cat Eldridge reviewed the episode at A Green Man Review. You can watch the first part online here with links to the rest of the story there as well. (CE)


[Compiled by Cat Eldridge and John Hertz.]

  • Born February 26, 1874 – Katherine Cameron.  Member, Glasgow Society of Lady Artists (Women Artists after 1975).  A dozen illustrated books for us.  This is in Stories from the Ballads (M. Macgregor, 1906).  Here are Snowdrop and the Seven Dwarfs.  Here is Celtic Tales.  Here is Undine.  This is in The Enchanted Land.  (Died 1965) [JH]
  • Born February 26, 1916 – Clifford Geary.  A dozen covers, two dozen interiors for us; many others.  Noteworthy in particular for illustrating Heinlein’s “juveniles”.  Here is a frontispiece for Starman Jones.  Here is an interior for Between Planets.  This is in Space Cadet.  Here is one from outside our field.  (Died 2008) [JH]
  • Born February 26, 1918 Theodore Sturgeon. I hadn’t realized that he’d only written six genre novels! More Than Human is brilliant and I assumed that he’d written a lot more long form fiction but it was short form where he excelled with more than two hundred such stories. I did read over the years a number of his reviews — he was quite good at it. (Died 1985.) (CE)
  • Born February 26, 1945 Marta Kristen, 76. Kristen is best known for her role as Judy Robinson, one of Professor John and Maureen Robinson’s daughters, in  the original Lost in Space. And yes, I watched the entire series. Good stuff it was. She has a cameo in the Lost in Space film as Reporter Number One. None of her other genre credits are really that interesting, just the standard stuff you’d expect such as an appearance on The Man from U.N.C.L.E. and  Alfred Hitchcock Presents. (CE)
  • Born February 26, 1945 – Alex Eisenstein, age 76; 1946 – Phyllis Eisenstein (Died 2020).  Active fannish couple; P also an active pro, a dozen novels, twoscore shorter stories with A collaborating on half a dozen; so far as I know The City in Stone, completed, remains unpublished.  AE co-edited Trumpet.  Here is his cover for More Issues at Hand.  PE was Guest of Honor at Windycon XXX, Capricon 26, ConQuesT 38; a soft-sculpture of her was part of the Fanzine Lounge at Chicon VI the 58th Worldcon.  AE, a noted SF art collector, has organized many displays including that Chicon.  [JH]
  • Born February 26, 1948 Sharyn McCrumb, 73. ISFDB lists all of her Ballad novels as genre but that’s a wee bit deceptive as how genre strong they are depends upon the novel. Oh, Nora Bonesteel, she who sees Death, is in every novel but only some novels such as the Ghost Riders explicitly contain fantasy elements.  If you like mysteries, all of them are highly recommended.  Now the Jay Omega novels, Bimbos of the Death Sun and Zombies of the Gene Pool are genre, are great fun and well worth reading. They are in print and available from the usual suspects which is interesting as I know she took them out of print for awhile. (CE) 
  • Born February 26, 1952 – Bob Devney, F.N., age 69.  Eight-time finalist for Best Fanwriter.  Fellow of NESFA (New England SF Ass’n; service).  Lover of SF movies – some of them, anyway.  When I remarked to him I hadn’t seen The Devniad in a while, he muttered something about Twitter; but quite possibly he still hasn’t recovered from Noreascon 4 the 62nd Worldcon, where he worked very hard, as I saw and maybe you did too.  [JH]
  • Born February 26, 1957 – John Jude Palencar, age 64.  A hundred ninety covers, five dozen  interiors.  Artbook Origins.  Here is Rhinegold.  Here is Kushiel’s Avatar.  Here is The Dark Line.  Here is Mind of My Mind.  This picture led to The Palencar Project – David Hartwell did such things.  Five Chesleys.  American Water Color Society Gold Medal.  Hamilton King Award.  Spectrum Grand Master.  Also National GeographicSmithsonianTime.  [JH]
  • Born February 26, 1963 Chase Masterson, 57. Fans are fond of saying that she spent five years portraying the Bajoran Dabo entertainer Leeta on  Deep Space Nine which means she was in the background of Quark’s bar a lot though she hardly had any lines. Her post-DS9 genre career is pretty much non-existent save one-off appearances on Sliders, the current carnation of The Flash and Star Trek: Of Gods and Men, a very unofficial Tim Russ project. She has done some voice work for Big Finish Productions as of late. The series there features here as Vienna Salvatori, an “impossibly glamorous bounty hunter” as the publicity material including photos of her puts it. (CE) 
  • Born February 26, 1965 Liz Williams, 56. For my money, her best writing by far is her Detective Inspector Chen series about the futuristic city Singapore Three, its favorite paranormal police officer Chen and his squabbles with an actual Chinese-derived Heaven and Hell. I’ve read most of them and recommend them highly. I’m curious to see what else y’all have read of her and suggest that I read. (CE)
  • Born February 26, 1968 – Lynne Hansen, age 53.  Half a dozen novels, ten dozen covers.  Here is Strangewood.  Here is Things That Never Happened (hello, Scott Edelman).  Here is A Complex Accident of Life.  Here is The High Strangeness of Lorelei Jones.  [JH]

(11) COATES TO SCRIPT SUPERMAN MOVIE. Trey Mangum, in “Ta-Nehisi Coates To Write Upcoming Superman Film From DC And Warner Bros.” on Shadow and Act, says Coates will write a script for a Superman movie to be produced by J.J. Abrams’s Bad Robot, but with no director or stars attached at this time.

…We’re hearing that no director is attached as of yet and plot details remain under wraps. Additionally, the search for an actor to play Kal-El / Superman hasn’t started yet.

“To be invited into the DC Extended Universe by Warner Bros., DC Films and Bad Robot is an honor,” said Coates in a statement received only by Shadow and Act. “I look forward to meaningfully adding to the legacy of America’s most iconic mythic hero.”

“There is a new, powerful and moving Superman story yet to be told. We couldn’t be more thrilled to be working with the brilliant Mr. Coates to help bring that story to the big screen, and we’re beyond thankful to the team at Warner Bros. for the opportunity,” said J.J. Abrams in the statement to S&A.

“Ta-Nehisi Coates’s Between the World and Me opened a window and changed the way many of us see the world,” added Toby Emmerich, Chairman, Warner Bros. Pictures Group. “We’re confident that his take on Superman will give fans a new and exciting way to see the Man of Steel.”

(12) SANS RIDES ET SANS REPROCHE. Los Angeles Times columnist Mary McNamara finds this is a rhetorical question: “Is Disney California Adventure, with no rides, worth $75?”

…If you think Disney’s recent announcement that it will soon be charging $75 a head for the thrill of wandering around California Adventure to buy and eat things while admiring the entrances to still-closed rides is nuts, I am here to tell you that it is not.

At least not if my recent visit to Downtown Disney and Buena Vista Street is any indication.

…It was absolutely clear right away. Desperate for even the faintest tang of the Disney experience, thousands of us apparently are quite willing to settle for the elements of the Disney experience we normally complain about the most: waiting in line, overpriced food and the siren call of way too much Disney merch.

Late on a recent Wednesday afternoon, it was a 45-minute wait simply to enter the Downtown Disney area, 50 if you count the five-minute walk from the car, which cost 10 bucks to park.

To be fair, the line that snaked through an entire parking lot could be construed, at least in these coronavirus-plagued times, as a Disney experience in and of itself. The now-ubiquitous six-feet-apart marks created a socially distant conga line that involved far more walking than standing: “Well, we’re getting our steps in,” one of my daughters remarked.

…As the sun set over the Simba parking lot and our group advanced through the temperature-taking station and the bag-check station, then past a police presence prominent enough to make any mask-shirker think twice, one could at least imagine a world returning to something approaching normal.

Listen to the piped-in music! Yes, once upon a time it did indeed drive some of us insane. But now, after a yearlong lifetime of home-office work — concentration broken on an hourly basis by the maddening syncopated roar of leaf blowers and brain-drilling hum of the neighbors’ home improvement project — all those Disney tunes fell around us like the singing of a heavenly host….

(13) MARTINE’S SEQUEL. In a review at Fantasy Literature, Bill Capossere makes the book sound irresistible: “A Desolation Called Peace: Wonderfully rich and nuanced”,

…Beyond the plot reasons, I loved that it was more a cultural conflict because that concept is at the heart of this duology: the way the Empire doesn’t simply conquer via its military but swamps others with its pervasive, relentless, invasive cultural tentacles (hmm, sound familiar?), the way the question of “who counts as human” (or more broadly, who can be considered a person) runs throughout the Empire on a macro level, and throughout the relationship between Mahit and Three Seagrass on a micro level.

… It’s impossible to read these moments and not relate them to everyday existence for those forced to swim in the sea of a majority culture. This fraught tension is made all the richer for how Martine portrays (realistically) how seductive such cultural power is even for those it threatens to swamp, like falling in love with the waves that are trying to drown you. And then it gets under the skin and into the brain so it becomes almost second nature: “Mahit laughed, a raw sound … She couldn’t do it all. She thought in Teixcalaanli, in imperial-style metaphor and overdetermination. She’d had this whole conversation in their language.”

(14) HARD TIME. Will it be at least seven more years before Galactic Journey’s Gideon Marcus has something good to say about the monthly issue of Analog? “[February 26, 1966] Such promise (March 1966 Analog)”.

… It all came down to this month’s Analog.  If it were superb, as it was last month, then we’d have a clean sweep across eight periodicals.  If it flopped, as it often does, the streak would be broken.

As it turns out, neither eventuality quite came to pass.  Indeed, the March 1966 Analog is sort of a microcosm of the month itself — starting out with a bang and faltering before the finish….

(15) FROM BROADWAY TO BROADBAND. [Item by Martin Morse Wooster.] In the February 19 Financial Times, Sarah Hemming reviews “online interactive theatre shows” which try to capture some of the spontaneity of live theatre.

Collaboration is key to success with all these show: the quicker an audience learns to share tasks, the better.  In Sherlock In Homes:  Murder At The Circus (from the Wardrobe Theatre and Sharp Teeth Theatre), this turns out to be a group of small girls from Wales with a formidable line in questioning,  (The same companies have also created Sherlock In Homes 2:  Murder On Ice.)

Another Sherlock-inspired show, Murder At The Circus is a droll, family-friendly affair, low on tech high in audience-actor interaction. Sherlock is missing (again), leaving behind a rum case involving a dead circus clown and a plate of potted meat.  We, the impromptu detectives, must quiz a line-up of dubious suspects with names like Glenda Flex (acrobat) and Rory McPride (lion tamer), all of whom are adept at juggling the truth.

After several rounds of unfocused interrogation from our team, the Welsh 10-year-olds spring into action. “Where were you location-wise when you were kissing?’ demands one, sternly, of a particularly evasive character,  It would take a hardened criminal not to crack.”

The websites for this are sharpteeththeatre.orgthewardrobetheatre.com, and sherlockimmersive.com.

(16) MALZBERG ON PKD. A year ago on the DickHeads Podcast: “Interview #12 – Barry Malzberg – Malzberg Spectacular Part 1”.

David must have done something right because author Barry Malzberg was willing to sit down for a lengthy phone conversation with him. In this interview, Barry leads David through his experiences with multiple authors including PKD, the in’s and out’s of the publishing industry of the 60s and 70s, and more. Also, don’t forget to check out part 2 of our Barry Malzberg Spectacular where author James Reich joins David in an in-depth look at the award-winning novel Beyond Apollo, which garnered the first ever John W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best Science Fiction Novel.

(17) POTATO HEAD, THE MORNING AFTER. The London Economic has an entertaining collection of tweets about yesterday’s kerfuffle: “Best reactions as usual mouthpieces are foaming over a genderless Potato Head”. Here are a few —

When it was all over but the shouting, Reason’s Robby Soave announced:  “Mr. Potato Head will remain the strong, masculine figure he always was.”

(18) IN MELODY YET GREEN. The Washington Post’s Tim Carman reviews Lady Gaga Oreos. They’re pink! (With green filling!) “Lady Gaga Oreos are an extra-sweet mystery wrapped in an enigmatic pink wafer”.

…One of the promotions tied to Gaga’s cookies is a Sing It with Oreo feature. You can make personal recordings, transform them into “musical messages of kindness” and send them to folks you love and support. The pink foil packaging for Gaga Oreos features a QR code, which provides instant access to the recording function. You probably have to give up countless pieces of personal information in the process, but go ahead, “Just sing from the heart, and make someone’s day a little brighter.”

[Thanks to John King Tarpinian, Martin Morse Wooster, Michael Toman, Cat Eldridge, JJ, John Hertz, Andrew Porter, and Mike Kennedy for some of these stories. Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Daniel Dern.]

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48 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 2/26/21 Got My Mjolnir Working

  1. (17) Something about the consequence of being online & seeing the potato brouhaha play out made my brain emit the following:

    Did you hear about the potato that was producing sheep-related content on a video-sharing platform?

    It was a ewe tuber.


    Dench: “No matter how often I say ‘no’, they never do [stop asking me]. They keep on and on. Do this, do that, play a queen, play a spy, play a cat.”


  3. 10) I really enjoyed Liz Williams’ The Poison Masters. It’s really well written and is probably my favorite Jack Vance pastiche.


  4. (10)–Clifford Geary was a favorite of mine when I was a kid, reading the Heinlein juveniles. I knew exactly what Willis looked like, as well as his friend Jim Marlow in a Mars outdoors suit. I wish he’d done more for us.

  5. (10) Only six novels for Sturgeon but solid through and lots of great short work too.

  6. Hammer time!

    Happy birthday to Liz! I think I mentioned here before that she tuckerized me into one of her Inspector Chen novels.

  7. 10) Like Jeanne (Sourdough) Jackson, it seems, I think first of “Red Planet” when I think of Clifford Geary’s illustrations for the Heinlein juveniles I read as a kid. Quite memorable.

  8. (14) I looked at the magazine cover and my reaction was “Oh, that one!”
    I remember reading that one; I was in 10th grade, and it would have been slide the wrapper off, look at the cover, read the editorial and the letter col, slide the wrapper back on so my father could slide it off and make remarks about all the eyetracks..

  9. Andrew (not Werdna) says Only six novels for Sturgeon but solid through and lots of great short work too.

    Actually eleven including three novelisations and an Ellery Queen novel that he ghost wrote. Still not a large output by any means. I included genre works in the Birthday write-up although the Voyage to the Bottom of The Sea novelisation is genre too.

  10. 10) Comet Weather by Liz Williams was my favorite fantasy novel of 2020 and its sequel Blackthorn Winter may well be my favorite fantasy novel of 2021 (noted there is a lot of 2021 to go). One of the field’s best writing at the top of her game. I cannot urge y’all strongly enough to read Comet Weather! (and she has sold 2 more books to Newcon to finish the series, hoorah)

  11. 1) It is, alas, nowhere I can easily watch it. It looks fun.

    4) I get the sense that the writer of the Vox article doesn’t quite understand a lot of the nuances and backstory of the site itself, as they’re taking a lot of bad-faith arguments at face value– people weren’t just asking for a block function; they were asking for removal of fics on content grounds, and AO3’s refusal to do that is based in a very long history of every fic site ever with rules like that having a disastrous end, plus a lot of people in the moderation movement aligning with the antis and harassing writers. Pretty much everybody agreed that a block function would be a perfectly fine feature and the problem getting that implemented was that AO3 has a limited number of coders and a very large site to maintain.

  12. Martin Wooster: My mistake! Next time I’ll put in info about the show they’re in and the award it’s up for.

  13. (10) Sturgeon was born in 1918. (I seem to recall the same error being made a year ago.) And his short work more than makes up for the paucity of his novels. Three favorites off the top of my head: “Derm Fool,” “Hurricane Trio,” and “Largo.”

  14. While microwaving my porridge today, the word Splodgenessenbaum popped into my head, and looking it up on Wikipedia, I find that I had it wrong all these years.

    I thought the bands name was a fake German word, but it turns out to be just the English words Splodgeness + abounds.

  15. Meredith moment: George Alec Effinger’s When Gravity Fails is available today for a buck ninety nine from the usual suspects. It was nominated for a Hugo at Nolacon II where it finished second to David Brian’s The Uplift War.

  16. Rusty: Thanks — part of my uncanny ability to inject errors even when the correct name/spelling is right in front of me.

  17. (10) Ted Sturgeon
    Out of curiosity, since some of the people here have been in fandom for decades, has anyone else ever come across the rumour that Ted Sturgeon may have been a male prostitute? About 12-15 years ago when I was gathering materials for a bio-critical essay I came across three variations on this rumor. The first time I thought it was just a garbled recension of Sturgeon’s admission that he’d lost his virginity as a teenager in a homosexual encounter. But the other two times were much more insistent that it was actual prostitution. I’ve since seen it in print in a tribute (maybe NYRSF) to David Hartwell as one of the masters of sf’s secret history and confidences.

  18. Matthew Davis, I feel like that’s something that should be kept private, if it was something Sturgeon kept private while alive, even if it was something he might have been more comfortable revealing publicly now. I don’t know. It seems invasive.

  19. @Matthew Davis

    That’s an odd way to ask if (in more modern terminology) he’d ever done sex work, and sounds more like attempted character assassination when put that way? Which makes me wonder who was repeating these rumours and to what purpose.

  20. (Sorry – “attempted character assassination” is too strong. I meant to say it sounds like something between slightly prurient sensationalism and a smear, depending on the age and opinions of the person repeating it.)

  21. (10) That’s a bit dismissive of Chase Masterson. She was never a background player or day player on DEEP SPACE NINE; they only brought her in when she DID have lines, and she had significant story arcs both as Dr. Bashir’s love interest and one that ended with her as the wife of the Ferengi Grand Nagus.

    And the write-up missed a significant genre credential: a starring role in the brilliant SF/noir film YESTERDAY WAS A LIE:


    Also, she currently hosts the STAR TREK DISCOVERY podcast DISCO NIGHTS:


    But her most important work for the last several years has been tireless volunteer efforts for the Pop Culture Hero Coalition, fighting bullying in pop culture (including science fiction). She is the co-founder of this 501(c)(3) charity:


    Her work for them has included speaking at the United Nations:


    and giving this fabulous recent TEDx talk:

  22. Chase Masterson had a fairly major role in the low budget, but definitely genre, surrealist-noir film Yesterday Was a Lie. She is also one of the very few Star Trek actors to be a regular guest at a fan-run, non-Trek-specific SF con (Silicon Valley’s Baycon), which suggests a certain fannish turn to the lady.

    As for Sturgeon, I’ve heard it suggested that he was such a good writer that writing genre fiction was prostituting his talent. (I agree with the good writer part.) It is possible that someone misunderstood such a claim. And if there’s more to it than that, I honestly don’t care.

  23. It wasn’t intended as character assassination, though when I wrote it up the piece made no mention of this rumour, and I still would omit it if given the opportunity now because multiple repetitions of a rumour still don’t make a fact. It’s definitely not something I went looking for. Some 10 years on I think there is less of a stigma about sex work, but I appreciate for many it still has the quality of a smear, so please don’t think I’m trying to belittle Sturgeon as a person or the reputation of his work.

    Raising the issue was (1) whether it was something that had any currency as even the most recondite lore/hearsay, since that younger generation that might have heard about it from Sturgeon’s generation are now passing too (2) if so, might a common source of the allegation be deduced.

    I remember the first account I heard was from Tom Disch who I knew somewhat and which I discounted, thinking he’d got a garbled retelling of events in “Argyll”. The other two I don’t recall off the top of my head, though I’m certain one of them was a recording of an interview or convention event. In those cases, I remember the matter of Sturgeon being briefly mentioned (though more specifically so it couldn’t be dismissed as just misinterpreting Sturgeon describing events from his adolescence) as part of the general run of gossip about sexual ‘hijinks’ of the 30s-50s: who had affairs with whom, etc – not malicious per se, just lightly ‘scandalous’. I remember at the time thinking these two mentions were both so phrased that they probably had a common source and wondered if it was someone like David Hartwell. The essay I remembered was in the 2016 NYRSF Hartwell tribute issue, written by Michael Swanwick, though when he repeats the rumour it wasn’t from Hartwell but “another source whom I agreed never to quote”.

    My apologies for offending.

  24. Meredith Moment: The ebook version of The Female Man by Joanna Russ is available for $2.99 at the Usual Digital Suspects.

  25. I’ve read all but one of Sturgeon’s SF novels (someday I’ll read “Some of Your Blood”) – but haven’t read his Ellery Queen stuff, which I should try (I liked Avram Davidson’s Ellery Queen novels). Sturgeon’s short work really shines in my mind though.

  26. 6) Oof, the “can’t handle fictional violence against children” thing bit me in ass with an editor once. Great editor, but had a kid and suddenly could NOT deal with kids in peril. As I was writing children’s books at the time, this became a serious sticking point for awhile…

  27. (11) Looking forward to the reveal that “Kal-El” was just an odd transcription, and the hero’s name was “Khalil” all along.

  28. Andrew (not Werdna) says I’ve read all but one of Sturgeon’s SF novels (someday I’ll read “Some of Your Blood”) – but haven’t read his Ellery Queen stuff, which I should try (I liked Avram Davidson’s Ellery Queen novels). Sturgeon’s short work really shines in my mind though.

    The Ellery Queen novel by him is The Player on The Other Side and it available from the usual digital suspects for a very reasonable $7.99. He’s not listed as the author, so it’s just under Ellery Queen.

  29. Andrew (not Werdna) says:

    I’ve read all but one of Sturgeon’s SF novels (someday I’ll read “Some of Your Blood”)

    “Some of Your Blood” is very short and not SFF


  30. rgl says “Some of Your Blood” is very short and not SFF

    ISFDB lists it as one hundred and forty three pages. Not that short. And says it’s SF.

  31. Cat Eldridge: ISFDB lists Sturgeon as doing a Trek fotonovel, Amok Time. Anyone read that?

    I haven’t read it, but I’m pretty sure I saw a copy of it in a used bookstore at some point.

    The Star Trek photonovels were similar to comic book adaptations, in that the text was a greatly abbreviated version of the episode.

  32. Some of Your Blood is not SF but a kind of quasi-kinky pyschological novel, despite the title and Ballantine Books’ packaging. It’s short by current doorstop standards but only a bit skinny by the standards of 60s mass-market paperbacks. I read that Ballantine paperback when it first appeared and recall that it was creepy but not fantastic and I liked it anyway. But then, I liked everything of Sturgeon’s at that point. (Probably still would if I were to revisit him.)

  33. cat @9:13 pm

    So only 17 pages less than Not Without Sorcery but visually and reading it felt much shorter. ISFDB says non-genre, its a zhaqnar inzcver fgbel.

    rgl Like Russell I liked it

  34. Cat Eldridge on February 27, 2021 at 9:15 pm said:
    ISFDB lists Sturgeon as doing a Trek fotonovel, Amok Time. Anyone read that?



    Quite possibly my very first exposure to Trek. Was living in a country without English language TV art the time. No idea that it was Sturgeon, and I wouldn’t have had a clue who he was when I was ten.

    Well, I’m still here, aren’t I?

  35. @rgl/et al. Thanks for the background on Some of Your Blood

    Since Sturgeon wrote the script for “Amok Time,” he’d automatically get credit on the photonovel, right?

  36. Perhaps the most silly aspect of the “Mr. Potato Head” silliness is the fact that Hasbro is still selling Mr. Potato Head toys. Under that name, even. The only thing that’s changed is the name of the toy line which includes that toy, which is now “Potato Head” rather than “Mr. Potato Head”.

  37. @cubist:

    As I understand the situation, the name of the “family kit” has also been degendered through removal of the “Mr. and Mrs.” Basically, it’s a shift from “mom and dad” to “two parents,” which I’m totally cool with.

  38. Andrew writes,

    I’ve read all but one of Sturgeon’s SF novels (someday I’ll read “Some of Your Blood”) – but haven’t read his Ellery Queen stuff, which I should try (I liked Avram Davidson’s Ellery Queen novels)..

    The EQ novel was okay. It’s a decent puzzle, typical cast of crazy characters in a quaint and unbelievable situation of life, and one I liked better than either the Davidson or the Jack Vance EQs. I’m much less of a fan of any EQ book written after about 1935 than when I was a young’un, ghost-written or otherwise (with a couple of exceptions), and unlike other EQs I have reread recently, it held up well on reread; I liked it better this time than long ago, but it was not a favorite reread by any means.

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