Pixel Scroll 2/6/17 Darling, You Give Kzin A Bad Name

(1) BEWARE STOLEN VALOR. Cat Rambo issued a warning on Facebook today:

Be aware if you’re publicly claiming that you’re a former Nebula nominee or winner, and you can’t back that up, SFWA is going to come after you like a bat out of hell with me riding its back, a flaming sword in my hand.

I’d pay money to see that.

(2) REAL OR FOOLS’ GOLD? Inkican has heard – “Long-Lost Philip K Dick Manuscript Found?”  Lifted from Christian Brunschen’s comment.

Hey, this is pretty cool. Someone over at Reddit is claiming to have found a lost manuscript from Philip K. “The Guy Who Wrote the Stories Behind ‘Blade Runner,’ ‘Total Recall,’ ‘A Scanner Darkly,’ and ‘Minority Report’” Dick. PKD’s influence on science fiction is tremendous. The fact that people know him for his work, rather than his notoriously-phallic name, is proof-positive of the evocative, prolific stories he told.

And now they seem to have a lost manuscript of his. Authentication is in progress, but you can enjoy the story now. They’ve posted “Whatever You Do To The Rest Of You, Your Mind Belongs To Lasconte” to Dropbox in PDF, MOBI and EPUB formats. Stay tuned as we follow the story … for nerds, this is like discovering a long-lost Renoit or Mattisse painting. Instead of hording it and teasing us, this nerd is sharing the story with us immediately. GG, anonymous geek! It’s stuff like this that makes the sci-fi community what it is.

(3) WAY OUT WET. “Scientists Find That Water Might Exist in a Whole New State”. Yeah, California, after all the rain we’ve had in the past few weeks.

Okay, the Smithsonian is really talking about something else.

…Because the phase of a substance is determined by how its molecules are configured, many physical properties of that substance will change abruptly as it goes from one state to another. In the recent paper, the researchers measured several telltale physical properties of water at temperatures between 0? and 100? under normal atmospheric conditions (meaning the water was a liquid). Surprisingly, they found a kink in properties such as the water’s surface tension and its refractive index (a measure of how light travels through it) at around 50?.

…If confirmed, the authors’ findings could have many applications. For example, if changes in the environment (such as temperature) cause changes in a substance’s physical properties, then this can potentially be used for sensing applications. Perhaps more fundamentally, biological systems are mostly made of water. How biological molecules (such as proteins) interact with each other likely depends on the specific manner in which water molecules arrange to form a liquid phase.

(4) INFORMED GUESSER. On Recode, journalist John Markoff shares some of the sci-fi books that helped him get a leg up as a tech reporter for the New York Times over the past 30 years.

On the new podcast, he praised one non-fiction book, 1980’s “The Micro Millennium” by Christopher Evans, and one movie, 2013’s “Her,” for their prescience about tech.

“He just walked through, in a really prophetic way, how the emergence of the microprocessor was going to transform society,” Markoff said of Evans. “So I looked at that, and it really kind of intrigued me.”

He also peppered the conversation with recommendations of sci-fi books that helped him get a leg up on other reporters in the field:

  • “Snow Crash” by Neal Stephenson (1992): “The premise is, America only does two things well. One is write software, and the other is deliver pizzas. [laughs] What’s changed?”
  • “The Shockwave Rider” by John Brunner (1995): Markoff said he built his career on an early understanding that the internet would change everything. He said, “[The Shockwave Rider] argued for that kind of impact on society, that networks transformed everything.”
  • “True Names” by Vernor Vinge (1981): “The basic premise of that was, you had to basically hide your true name at all costs. It was an insight into the world we’re living in today … We have to figure it out. I think we have to go to pseudonymity or something. You’re gonna participate in this networked existence, you have to be connected to meatspace in some way.”
  • “Neuromancer” by William Gibson (1984): Markoff is concerned about the growing gap between elders who need care and the number of caregivers in the world. And he thinks efforts to extend life are “realistically possible,” pointing to Gibson’s “300-year-old billionaires in orbit around the Earth.”

(5) SOUNDS SUPER FAMILIAR. Flickeringmyth reports tonight’s Supergirl’s title is “The Martian Chronicles.”

‘The Martian Chronicles’ is the title of the eleventh episode of Supergirl season two, and will see the two heroes teaming up to battle a White Martian. Check out the official episode synopsis here…

WHITE MARTIANS ATTACK THE DEO — Armek (guest star Terrell Tilford), a White Martian, descends on National City intent on taking M’gann (guest star Sharon Leal) back to Mars to face her punishment as a traitor. Hank (David Harewood) and Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) determine the best way to keep M’gann safe is to bring her to the DEO. However, when it is revealed that Armek shape-shifted into M’gann and is now loose in the building, the team realize he could be disguised as any one of them

(6) NASA GETS IN ON THE ACT. For some reason there are a lot of football references in today’s Scroll, like in this NPR article “Want To Throw A Football More Than 500,000 Yards? Just Head To Space”.

Matt Ryan is no slouch.

The Atlanta Falcons quarterback, who will be vying for Super Bowl LI on Sunday, drew plaudits all year for what many have called an MVP-caliber season. By the end of the season, Ryan racked up 4,944 passing yards.

Still, it took Ryan 16 games — and more than 500 throws — to get to that number.

Astronaut Tim Kopra just threw for 564,664 yards. And he did it on a single throw. Underhand.

Kind of.

In new video shot on the International Space Station, NASA posed the question: How far can you throw a football in a zero-G environment?

The answer, it turns out, is really, really far.

Chip Hitchcock comments, “I wonder whether that was their first try or their 20th; it would be more impressive if the ball at least made it from one end of the ISS to the other, but the pictures are pretty.”

(7) MEASURING THE UNSHINE. Galactic X-rays could prove the existence of dark matter.

A small but distinctive signal in X-rays from the Milky Way could be key to proving the existence of dark matter.

That is the claim of US scientists who analysed the energy spectrum of X-rays gathered by Nasa’s Chandra satellite.

They found more X-ray photons with a particular energy than would be expected if they were produced only by familiar processes.

Those photons could in fact have been generated by the decay of dark matter particles, say the researchers….

(8) NOW A WORD FROM OUR SPONSORS. I decided it was worth running the best sf movie spots shown during yesterday’s Super Bowl. The trailer for the next Pirates of the Caribbean and Transformers sequels didn’t make the cut.

  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Extended Big Game Spot

  • Ghost in the Shell (2017) – Big Game Spot – Paramount Pictures

  • Logan | “Grace” #SB51 Commercial | 20th Century Fox


  • January 6, 1945 — Pepé Le Pew made his first appearance in Warner Bros. cartoon, “Odor-able Kitty.”

(10) IT’S BRADBURY. Recently updated from its original 2012 appearance in the San Francisco Chronicle “Susan Steinberg’s Most Treasured Book”. (Note: Contrary to my usual practice, I have copied the entire post.)

Susan Steinberg is the author of the forthcoming story collection “Spectacle.”

When I was 13, my mother put me on a plane to visit my aunt and uncle in New Hampshire. My parents were going through a divorce, and I had been dealing with it by screaming and repeatedly slamming doors throughout the house.

It was fall. It rained the whole time I was in New Hampshire. My aunt and uncle, now looking back, were pretty young. They didn’t even have kids yet. They didn’t know what to do with me. I slept on a couch in my uncle’s study, which was filled, floor to ceiling, with books. They were mostly science fiction paperbacks. The covers had rockets and robots and Martians on them. I wasn’t going to read those books. I liked to read books about girls and drugs, and girls and guys.

I watched a lot of television. There was a day my aunt and uncle drove me to Boston to get me out of the house. They took me to a bookstore and said they would buy me a book. I wanted the kind of book I liked, but my uncle bought me a book called “The Stories of Ray Bradbury.” It was huge and hardcover. I was like, “Why are you buying me this?”

But late that night in my uncle’s study, I started to read it. And it was terrifying. It was a different kind of terrifying. I was totally into the terror. I felt like my life was another life. I mean, I was 13. And sheltered. I hadn’t known there was more to the world. Or more in the world. I mean more than my own sad self.

(11) BRINGING MORE LIGHT. Adam Savage (of Mythbusters) takes you behind the scenes of The Expanse and gives you a look into Season 2, which airs February 8.

(12) NZ NATCON UPDATE. LexiCon, the 38th New Zealand National Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention (NatCon). has announced that a draft programme for the event is available.

LexiCon will be held at the Suncourt Hotel in Taup? from June 2-4, 2017 (Queen’s Birthday Weekend).

(13) VOCATION. Armed with 3 years of experience at the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters and a recommendation from Steven Spielberg, Hugh Jackman applies for a job at Harlem Village Academies.

(14) IF I HAD A HAMMER. Another Carl Slaughter find —

Carl says: “In this superhero comedy skit starring Chris Hemsworth and Mark Ruffalo, Thor travels to Australia for some me time, hammer in hand.  He visits a local elementary school and his roommate’s office.  He offers to help Tony Stark resolve the conflict with Steve Rogers.  Stark does not reply.  Then Thor discovers that Stark has invited Bruce Banner, who has no interest in the brewing civil war, to join his team.  Thor feigns to not be offended.   I give up, who’s the guy sitting down in the purple suit?”

(15) COMING TOMORROW. Speaking of…  This book comes out tomorrow: “Neil Gaiman Busts Out Thor’s Hammer For ‘Norse Mythology”.

While the new book, out February 7, 2017, won’t connect to the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s version of Thor, it will feature Gaiman’s own unique retellings of the ancient Norse Myths from which Thor derives.

Putting Thor’s hammer on the cover is a smart move by Gaiman, as it allows his dive into myths to potentially crossover into mainstream culture. People who are only familiar with Thor through the Marvel Cinematic Universe probably describes a vast majority of potential readers. This high/low combination on Gaiman’s part isn’t exactly a new move for him — he’s adapted Norse Myths before.

[Thanks to Chip Hitchcock, Christian Brunschen, John King Tarpinian, JJ, and Carl Slaughter for some of these stories. Title credit inspiration goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day IanP.]

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89 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 2/6/17 Darling, You Give Kzin A Bad Name

  1. Mars Ultor on February 7, 2017 at 3:14 am said:
    1) Let me get this straight…

    Yes, you got this straight. Also, all poetical allusion is dead and we live in a literal dystopia.

  2. Stolen Valor — The phrase seems to have come into prominence from the title of the book of that name, by B.G. Burkett and Glenna Whitley, which was published in late 1998. However, the authors had been mentioning their “upcoming book” by that title in the press for at least two years before that, such as in coverage of the suicide of Adm Jeremy Boorda (5/19/1996). (Boorda’s suicide was precipitated by the imminent announcement that he had worn decorations that, by a strict reading of the rules, he had not been entitled to wear. Boorda had made what was likely a good-faith error, and had stopped wearing the decorations months before his death.)

    You can find the phrase in print before that, but only occasionally, and usually as a reference to someone’s medals having been actually stolen.

    I wouldn’t have intentionally compared claiming to be a Nebula nominee or awardee to claiming military service or awards that didn’t happen (I think the latter is a much bigger deal than the former), but Mars Ultor does the argument no favors by going batshit like that. It’s hard to convince someone else that you are right when their ears are ringing from being yelled at.

  3. @Mike Glyer–

    By all means knit up your raveled sleeve of care!

    Unfortunately, I was right in predicting the dogs wouldn’t let me. Damned Puppies!

    Wait, something’s not right there…

  4. @Joe H, I believe Cuckoo’s Egg is part of A/U, near the end when an ID is mentioned it is a Union (or maybe Alliance) ID. Grain of salt and all that cuz in my head all of Cherryh’s books are in the A/U universe.

  5. @BGrandrath — That could very well be the case. TBH, I think I only read Cuckoo’s Egg once or twice, and that back in the 1980s, so my recollections may be … suspect.

  6. Did you not know what “stolen valor” refers to or are you just so fucking vapid you think theres an equivalence.

    What a precious snowflake.

  7. And the celebrity death of the day is Richard Hatch. (The survivor of the Cylon attack, not the survivor of Survivor.)

  8. Thanks, Cat! I look forward to reading it (once all the Hugo reading is out of the way, of course)

  9. Thanks, Cat!

    And this means we have almost all of Cherryh’s DAW books on Kindle. Holdouts include Angel with a Sword, Brothers of Earth, Hunter of Worlds, the short story collection and maybe one or two other miscellaneous novels (Hestia?).

  10. And the celebrity death of the day is Richard Hatch. (The survivor of the Cylon attack, not the survivor of Survivor.)

    Oh, crap. I had a huge crush on him back in the day.

  11. Today’s Meredith Moment:

    The Mechanical, Book 1 of Ian Tregillis’ Alchemy Wars trilogy, is on sale for $2.99, but only until whenever Orbit decides the end of today has arrived, so grab it fast. I really enjoyed this book — I gave it 4-1/2 stars, and it was on my Hugo Novel shortlist last year — but be aware that there are a couple of scenes of graphic non-consensual scientific experimentation in it, as well as themes of slavery and dehumanization.

  12. @JJ

    And all of Max Gladstone’s Craft Sequence books are $2.99 in the US at the moment, and £1.66-2.44 apiece in the UK. This includes the pre-order of The Ruin of Angels, the sixth book, listed to publish in September. (The capsule description still calls it Six Feet Over, but I guess it’s been retitled.) There’s also an omnibus edition of the first five for preorder, $12 US/£5.39 UK.

    Additionally, the compilation of his serial Bookburners with three other authors is listed for $1.99 in the US.

    As far as Tregillis’s The Mechanical, I second the rave and the content warning. I thought it was a great book, but read it a chapter at a time, with pauses to read something lighter.

  13. Thirding that content warning for The Mechanical, which slammed me hard out of the book. I got past one section with great difficulty and did eventually finish the book, but it definitely impacted my enjoyment to the point that I am avoiding the sequel. (At least for awhile.)

  14. @Cora: (Richard Hatch crush)

    You’re not alone. After what I think was my first DragonCon, my mother asked me how the event had gone. When I got to the part about meeting Richard and having dinner (in a small group) with him, she perked right up. After confirming that I’d said who she thought I had, she explained that he’d played Philip Brent on All My Children, and he was such a hunk… It was the closest I’ve seen her to going Full Fangirl.

    So at ConCarolinas I got him to sign a headshot for her, and he spoke with her over the phone for a few minutes at our next DragonCon. Positively made her day both times.

  15. Re: Six Feet Over/Ruin of Angels: I confirmed on twitter with Max that there indeed has been a name change.

  16. @Lace,

    at least on Amazon UK, not only are the first 5 Craft Sequence books available at a pleasantly low price (about £10 if you buy all 5), but there’s also a pre-order available for an omnibus edition of the first 5 books to be released on 14th March, for £5.39. As my TBRSOD alread has enough on it to keep me going at least until then, I pre-ordered that one (as well as book 6,The Ruin of Angels, for September).

  17. @Paul,

    I was pointing out that in addition to the sale on the individual books (on both Amazon US and UK), there’s the bundle coming out in about a month’s time; so that if you want the books, but don’t need them right now, pre-ordering the bundle may be a better idea – and that’s what I did.

    In the US, if the individual books are $2.99 (so $14.95 total) and the bundle is $12, you’d save $3; in the UK, the individual books’ costs vary but they sum to £10.09, and the bundle costs £5.39, giving a savings of £4.70 – so in the UK that’s actually a better deal, both in absolute and relative terms.

  18. Well, I ended up buying all of the Craft sequence. £10 for 5 is too good a deal, and y’all have raved about these books.

  19. @Bill:

    ‘Stolen Valor’ crusaders have a tendency to devolve into ridiculous self-importance, like attacking actual veterans as fakes and interrogating them about their service, and yelling at people for displaying their family members’ medals without clearly stating over and over who actually earned them. And passing laws against impersonating a veteran that were challenged for violating the First Amendment.

    I read the book Stolen Valor and while interesting, it seemed like an overreaction to begin with. Like, the author’s whole impetus for the book is that he was a Vietnam veteran who was well-adjusted and successful afterward, and no one believed him because they thought all Vietnam veterans were homeless lunatics due to hippie peace movement propaganda, and so he logically concluded that every single one of the ‘homeless Vietnam vets’ on the street were fakers bringing shame on real veterans like him.

    In any case, the Scroll title is arguably tongue-in-cheek and chiding the awards for taking this as seriously as military honors.

  20. (15) I read that as Gaiman bursts out of Thor’s Hammer and wondered in confusion “What, like a giant hammer cake? For who’s birthday??” That was quite the mental picture ha ha!

  21. @Bill Burns – ‘

    The Shockwave Rider” was 1975, not 1995

    Oh, good. I chalked that up to my brain’s continuing erosion. I was pretty sure I read that book because someone recommended it as proto-cyberpunk, and said it pre-dated Gibson. And I swear the copy I owned was old and yellowed and had artwork very appropriate for the 70s.

  22. @Rev. Bob

    You’re not alone. After what I think was my first DragonCon, my mother asked me how the event had gone. When I got to the part about meeting Richard and having dinner (in a small group) with him, she perked right up. After confirming that I’d said who she thought I had, she explained that he’d played Philip Brent on All My Children, and he was such a hunk… It was the closest I’ve seen her to going Full Fangirl.

    So at ConCarolinas I got him to sign a headshot for her, and he spoke with her over the phone for a few minutes at our next DragonCon. Positively made her day both times.

    That was a lovely thing of Richard Hatch to do for your mom.

    My Mom liked Richard Hatch a whole lot as well and was sad, when I told her today that he’d died. Though her Battlestar Galactica crush was always Terry Carter, the original Colonel Tigh.

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