Pixel Scroll 4/25/18 Why Is A Pixel Like A Writing Desk?

(1) HUGO AUTOPSY. Doctor Strangemind’s Kim Huett, in “They’d Rather Be Right”, promises to explain how in 1955 They’d Rather Be Right, the least popular winner of the Hugo Award for novel ever, managed this surprising feat.

…First though I’d like to point out that while I’ll make what I think are some interesting points, these can only be considered tentative without any input from the fans who voted in 1955. Unfortunately asking those fans is a tad difficult given most of them are no longer alive enough for the likes of me to bother them. What I did instead was the next best thing and examined the historical record. In other words I went and looked through all the fanzines I have in my collection to see what was being written about They’d Rather Be Right back in the 50s.

Unfortunately my collection is not nearly so complete that I can describe the results of this search as being definitive but I do like to think that what I did discover carries some weight. For starters I was only able to find two references to They’d Rather Be Right but interestingly they’re both at odds with the more recent opinions. In Fantasy-Times #214 (January 1955) Thomas Gardener in his annual review of print science fiction describes They’d Rather Be Right as the best novel of 1954 and in Etherline #45 (1955), ‘So far, it’s excellent!’ is the opinion of Tony Santos in regards to the first instalment of the serial in Astounding. Now two positive comments isn’t a lot to go on but it still suggests the novel had a few fans back when it was first published….

(2) RPG. Standback says that this post is “Ostensibly for roleplayers, but it also just picks out awesome tropes from our Beloved Wombat’s works, and I suspect non-roleplayers will enjoy it as well” — “Stealing from T. Kingfisher” at The Overprepared GM.

…Kingfisher has written a set of fantasy short stories whose magic and world-building is rooted somewhere in the deserts of the American Southwest rather than the standard Tolkien/Medieval European fantasy tradition.  You want to start by reading Jackalope Wives and then The Tomato Thief (they’re free online, and short stories, so you have no excuse not to click and start reading).

If you’re a world builder, you can read read them just to get insights on how to communicate an original, immersive sense of place without info dumps.  Keep in mind, these are short stories/novelettes, not epics.  Kingfisher does some serious world building in a very tight format.  I think they’re both Hugo winners.

(3) AVENGERS. “‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Raises The Stakes To Infinity — And Beyond” by NPR’s Glen Weldon contains FAQ-like mini-reviews tailored for many different audiences.

Avengers: Infinity War is — and truly feels like — the culmination of something.

Over the course of many years and many more Marvel Universe films — including some that proved to be hugely successful (Guardians of the Galaxy) and some that proved to be Thor: The Dark World — the proprietors of that universe have been nesting glowy magical gemstones inside their heroes’ stories. We nerdlings familiar with the 1991 Marvel Comics mini-series Infinity Gauntlet (written by Jim Starlin with art by George Perez and Ron Lim) have been waiting patiently for a certain big bald Marvel villain to come along and collect/hoard those sparklies like some kind of purple, cosmically powered space-tyrant/magpie.

Thanos is here at last — an alchemical blend made up of state-of-the-art CGI, an oddly wistful performance from actor Josh Brolin, and Violet Beauregarde’s post-gum skin tone — and he’s fixin’ to cause Trouble. With a capital T, and that rhymes with C, and that stands for cosmic genocide….

The BBC’s overview of critics’ reactions: “Avengers: Infinity War earns five-star reviews”.

Attendees at screenings held in central London on Wednesday were exhorted not to reveal details of the film’s plot that are not already in the public domain.

“Don’t spoil it for others, the same way you wouldn’t want it spoiled for you,” read a message written by the film’s sibling directors, Anthony and Joe Russo.

Critics are largely adhering to this request, though the Daily Mirror‘s Chris Hunneysett gives away a few key details we won’t share here.

“Fans will be dumbfounded by the direction the movie takes the Marvel Cinematic Universe,” he writes in his five-star review.

(4) THE JOKING LAMP IS LIT. That unexpected direction Hunneysett hints at probably won’t be this one: “Jimmy Kimmel Reimagines ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ as a Marvel Rom-Com (Video)”.

During Tuesday’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live” the late-night host shared an (obviously fake) promo for the film, which focused less on the punches the Avengers will throw to stop Thanos and more on the sparks that will fly… romantically.


(5) LISTEN UP. The SFWA Blog has the whole rundown on a new “Humble Bundle: Classic Sci Fi & Fantasy & Audiobooks”. See the book list at the link.

Check out Humble Bundle’s new bundle of goodness: “Classic Sci Fi & Fantasy & Audiobooks.”  A portion of the proceeds goes to SFWA, which helps it in its mission to inform, support, promote, and defend writers.

The bundle runs from Wednesday, April 25th, 11:00am Pacific to Wednesday, May 9th, 11:00am Pacific.






(6) BOMBS AWAY. Charles Payseur takes a Quick Sip of something a bit stronger than usual in “LIVER BEWARE! You’re in for a Drunk Review of Goosebumps #3: MONSTER BLOOD”.

…(this post originally appeared on my Patreon. For those unaware, the series finds me drunkenly reading and reviewing the children’s book series, Goosebumps. To date, I’m far enough ahead in the series that I’m making all of the older reviews freely available on Quick Sip Reviews. I hope you enjoy!)

Welcome to the third installment of drunken Goosebumps reviews! And check out that new graphic! Thanks to everyone who voted! I’m rather partial to Scaredy-Liver at the Hip Bar myself, so was quite chuffed to see that other people seemed to like that one, too. I’m also quite chuffed that we’ve arrived at #3 in the Goosebumps series, Monster Blood! This was actually what I would tell everyone was my favorite Goosebumps when I was little. Why? Because the cover is blue and green. Seriously, I was a weird kid, because I obviously forgot about 90% of this one before picking it up again. The result? MADNESS! You thought the first two books in the series were weird. Are you ready for a magical, sentient, child-endangering (evil) cat? Or a bullying B plot that culminates in endless nightmares and probably endless counseling? Good, because HERE WE GO!
Oh, I should mention that today’s review comes courtesy of Rampant Imperial IPA from New Belgium Brewing, because why settle for regular IPAs when you can get drunk TWICE AS FAST!

(7) OBERST INTERVIEW. At Without Your Head, Bill Oberst, Jr. returns to talk about At Granny’s House, Ray Bradbury Live (Forever) and Rob Zombie’s 3 From Hell.

(8) JAPANESE WEIRD SF. “Sisyphean: An Interview with Weird Scifi Author Dempow Torishima” at Weird Fiction Review.


WFR: What kinds of fiction or stories did you read and watch growing up?

Dempow Torishima: As a child, I liked stories with illustrations, like Doctor Doolittle, René Guillot’s Un petit chien va dans la lune, works by Edogawa Rampo, and so on (I was enthralled by the things that rose up between the words and the pictures), and I think that is also related to my present style of writing.

In my teenage years, I got really into strange, unique works of Japanese fiction, such as Kyusaku Yumeno’s Dogra Magra, Mushitaro Oguri’s Murder at Black Death Mansion, Shozo Numa’s Yapoo: the Human Cattle. In particular, I was strongly influenced by the word-plays, images of body modification, and so on in Yapoo: the Human Cattle.

After that, I started reading a variety of novels from a variety of countries (regardless of genre), and as you might expect, I really liked the ones with strong conceits and high levels of the absurd. These days, I like Can Xue, Patrick Chamoiseau, and Seth Fried. I’m also drawn to authors like Yoko Tawada and Yuko Yamao, who are very particular about the words they use. In William Gibson’s Neuromancer, Hisashi Kuroma’s translation style shocked me with its copious use of kanji neologisms and ruby text.

(In Japanese books, ruby text?—?tiny phonetic characters printed next to kanji characters?—?is sometimes used to indicate the pronunciations of difficult kanji. I use it to create wordplays, double-meanings, and so on. Still, from the time I was first published, I’ve been told those effects are impossible to replicate in English. )

(9) SUPPORT INDIE. Power off your phone, shut down your laptop, shop for something in print: Saturday is Independent Bookstore Day.

What is Independent Bookstore Day?

Independent Bookstore Day is a one-day national party that takes place at indie bookstores across the country on the last Saturday in April.  Every store is unique and independent, and every party is different. But in addition to authors, live music, cupcakes, scavenger hunts, kids events, art tables, readings, barbecues, contests, and other fun stuff, there are exclusive books and literary items that you can only get on that day. Not before. Not after. Not online.

To see past exclusives, check out our archives.

Why are we celebrating independent bookstores?

Independent bookstores are not just stores, they’re community centers and local anchors run by passionate readers. They are entire universes of ideas that contain the possibility of real serendipity. They are lively performance spaces and quiet places where aimless perusal is a day well spent.

In a world of tweets and algorithms and pageless digital downloads, bookstores are not a dying anachronism.  They are living, breathing organisms that continue to grow and expand. In fact, there are more of them this year than there were last year. And they are at your service.

Bookstores: find out how you can participate!


  • Chip Hitchcock says we don’t have this technology: Rhymes With Orange.
  • Then, John King Tarpinian enjoyed two kaiju sharing a moment in Off The Mark.

(11) SCALZI’S BOOK TOUR ATTRACTS PEST. Jon Del Arroz encouraged one of his stooges to behave like an ass at John Scalzi’s New York book signing.

Scalzi tweeted:

JDA, always excited when anybody pays him attention, had a pleonasm. He crowed about his role in the incident in “You’ll Be Shocked At How John Scalzi Treats His Fans” [Internet Archive link]

A couple of weeks ago, a fan DMed me on Twitter. He told me he was going to Scalzi’s signing and he wanted me to do something. He asked me to sign one of Scalzi’s books, and he would bring my book to the signing, show him me signing his book, and have Scalzi sign one of my books. I thought this was all in good fun, so I agreed. Here’s what I sent to my fan:

The stooge’s wingman skulked on the perimeter making a shaky video of the meeting.

(12) BACK IN TIME WITH GRRM. Tor.com announces “New George R. R. Martin Book Fire & Blood Arrives November 20th”.

George R. R. Martin’s latest tale of Westeros, Fire and Blood, will be released on November 20, 2018, and is available for pre-order nowFire and Blood: 300 Years Before A Game of Thrones (A Targaryen History) will look back at some of the history that led to the events of A Song of Ice and Fire, focusing on the intrigue and tragedy of the Targaryen family. The book is a continuation of a much shorter piece in 2014’s illustrated in-world history The World of Ice & Fire, that was written by Martin and collaborators Elio Garcia and Linda Antonsson.

F&B promises the “full tapestry” of the Targaryen’s history, and includes the origin of the three dragon eggs that changed the course Daenerys’ life.

(13) FAN CON JOURNALISM. Lots more information on Universal Fan Con — timeline, names, interviews with guests, volunteers and fans, etc. – from Women Write About Comics: “Universal Fan Con: Peeling Back the Layers”. Here are a few excerpts:

Tom Leonard was listed on Universal Fan Con’s website as Vice President of Marketing and Sales. His website claims he has over either eighteen or twenty years of experience in online marketing.

In our investigations of Leonard, we discovered something odd about his Twitter presence. We found multiple “Tom Leonards” on Twitter, each either sharing the same photo shown on the Universal Fan Con website, or a different picture of the same man but bearded, advertising different brands. We combed through all the Twitter profiles threads, and we eventually concluded that VP of Marketing and Sales Tom Leonard might be a bot account that brands can hire, and not actually a real person at all.

… Guests like author Roxane Gay — whose appearance at the Universal Fan Con was announced April 18, 2018, just two days before the cancellation of the con — spoke out online. Gay tweeted out “This statement is bewildering. I cannot believe you would put this up. To tell people who have bought non refundable tickets that the organizers did too… is flippant, at best. And to offer no refunds… wow.”

… After all this research, it’s still not clear where the money was spent. The organizers have not responded to requests for comment. During this investigation, we have spoken to lots of people involved in the con on and off the record, yet no one seems to know where the $56,000 from the Kickstarter went, or where the personal money that Butler claimed was spent went.  Though we attempted to contact the convention center they weren’t accepting calls or questions, which has lead to a guessing game online with people stating numbers from 25,000 to one million as the price of the center, whilst the organizers stay silent.

(14) AUSTRALIAN MILITARY HISTORY. Found on Twitter with an assist from Nicholas Whyte. Jump on the thread here —


(15) OUT FOR LUNCH. In contrast, ancient hunters somehow overcame nature without machine guns. Reuters Science News headline: “Giant sloth vs. ancient man: fossil footprints track prehistoric hunt”.

Scientists have uncovered evidence of ancient humans engaged in a deadly face-off with a giant sloth, showing for the first time how our ancestors might have tackled such a formidable prey.

Standing over 2 meters tall, with forelegs tipped with claws, giant sloths lived until around 11,000 years ago. Most scientists believe over-hunting by humans eventually led to their extinction.
Fossilised footprints in the salt flats of White Sands National Monument, in the southwestern U.S. state of New Mexico, reveal humans walking in the exact footsteps of a giant sloth and then confronting it, possibly hurling spears.
“The story that we can read from the tracks is that the humans were stalking; following in the footsteps, precisely in the footsteps of the sloth,” said Matthew Bennett, one of a team of scientists behind the discovery.

“While it was being distracted and turning, somebody else would come across and try and deliver the killer blow. It’s an interesting story and it’s all written in the footprints,” said Bennett, a professor of environmental and geographical sciences at Bournemouth University in southern England.

(16) YOU ARE HERE. “Scientists Unveil Precise Map Of More Than A Billion Stars”: NPR has the story.

Wednesday was the day astronomers said goodbye to the old Milky Way they had known and loved and hello to a new view of our home galaxy.

A European Space Agency mission called Gaia just released a long-awaited treasure trove of data: precise measurements of 1.7 billion stars.

It’s unprecedented for scientists to know the exact brightness, distances, motions and colors of more than a billion stars. The information will yield the best three-dimensional map of our galaxy ever.

Here’s the 360-degree video:

(17) LOCK-UN. Notice to [fannish] travelers: “Hotel door locks worldwide were vulnerable to hack”.

Millions of electronic door locks fitted to hotel rooms worldwide have been found to be vulnerable to a hack.

Researchers say flaws they found in the equipment’s software meant they could create “master keys” that opened the rooms without leaving an activity log.

The F-Secure team said it had worked with the locks’ maker over the past year to create a fix.

But the Swedish manufacturer is playing down the risk to those hotels that have yet to install an update.

“Vision Software is a 20-year-old product, which has been compromised after 12 years and thousands of hours of intensive work by two employees at F-Secure,” said a spokeswoman for the company, Assa Abloy.

“These old locks represent only a small fraction [of the those in use] and are being rapidly replaced with new technology.”

She added that hotels had begun deploying the fix two months ago.

(18) TRANSFORMERS. Geek Tyrant introduces the Transformers: Power of the Primes trailer:

This trailer provides a first look at some of the impressive voice-talent who are making their debut in the series including Ron Perlman as Optimus Primal, WWE Superstar Samoa Joe as Predaking, Mikey Way from the rock band My Chemical Romance as Snarl, Jaime King (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) as Solus Prime, and Gregg Berger, the original voice of Grimlock, returns to the role! They join returning cast members Mark Hamill, who made his debut as Megatronus in the finale of the second chapter of the trilogy, Transformers: Titans Return, Judd Nelson, who is voicing a character new to the trilogy, Rodimus Cron, Wil Wheaton as Perceptor, DashieGames as Menasor, MatPat as Swoop, and Rob Dyke as Devastator.


(19) EARLY WARNING. The arms race continues: “Canada developing quantum radar to detect stealth aircraft”.

Canada has invested $2.7m (£1.93m) into developing quantum radar – a new technology that would greatly improve the detection of stealth aircraft.

The technology is being developed by the University of Waterloo to replace existing Arctic radar stations.

Quantum radar can theoretically detect objects with a greater level of accuracy than conventional radar.

It makes use of quantum illumination – the process of isolating pairs of entangled photons.

So far, the technology has been tested only in laboratories.

(20) VIDEO OF THE DAY. “Kut” is a short film by Czech animator Lucija Mrjzlak on Vimeo which plays with space and time.

{Thanks to Robin Reid, Standback, Martin Morse Wooster, Chip Hitchcock, Mike Kennedy, JJ, John King Tarpinian, Cat Eldridge, ULTRAGOTHA, Andrew Porter, and Carl Slaughter for some of these stories. Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Daniel Dern.]

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167 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 4/25/18 Why Is A Pixel Like A Writing Desk?

  1. (11) To quote one of our favorite Jedis, “Amazing. Every word of what you just said is wrong.”

    *sigh* And Jon wonders why people don’t want anything to do with him.

  2. JDA is certainly cementing his professional reputation with nonsense like this. Here’s the thing. I know Scalzi wouldn’t, but what happens when a couple of successful writers, tired of JDA’s antics, start telling cons that if they want guests, it’s them or JDA? You honest think, after all this garbage, he doesn’t get dropped like a hot stone for ‘economic’ reasons?


    Wow, that video is an amazing self-own by JDA and his cronies — and what’s hilarious is that they’re all too stupid to realize it.

    Also, I am laughing my ass off at the fact that JDA is so intent on supplying the defendent in his court case with yet more evidence against himself.

  4. Relevant to a certain lawsuit we all love to laugh at, a judge in NY today ruled tin favor of a bar in NYC that threw out a customer for wearing a MAGA hat, stating that political belief is not a protected class. Which we all knew.

    I’m on my phone so I’m not gonna try to post a link, but you can find the article at the Fox News site.

  5. I thought Jazmine Joyner did a very good job explaining the train wreck of Universal Fan Con and she should be commended for her reporting.

  6. Just checking to see if posting is working smoothly now (thanks Mike for all you do by the way).

    edited to add: Success!

  7. Is WordPress acting up? I get notified of comments but not posts, since today or maybe yesterday.

    (11) This reminds me of “Another Kookie Krazy Kall” on Albert Brooks’s “Comedy Minus One” album, where Albert channels ‘funny’ disk jockeys. “I’m going to disguise my voice and call a pet shop and ask for… snort… a DOZEN parakeets!” Then he calls the place up and they say they can do it, they’ll just have to send over to one of their other locations, and Albert (talking like Nixon) says, “I’ll think about it.” Then he hangs up and laughs, like he really put one over on them.

    He hated disk jockeys, at least at the time. I’m not saying he doesn’t now, but it’s been decades, so who knows, right?

    (Trying again, post-wise.)

    If I could scroll that way, I wouldn’t need the talcum pixels!

  8. @dexf: Assuming that any con will ever invite JdA to anything given that he’s currently trying to sue Worldcon. I know what people say about assumptions though: they make an ass out of ‘u’ and ‘mptions’.

  9. (17) LOCK-UN. Notice to [fannish] travelers: “Hotel door locks worldwide were vulnerable to hack”.

    Reminds me of when in 1975 Balticon moved to the Pikesville Hilton … when checking in the front desk clerk asked the guest to select 4 numbers for their *new* *super duper* keypad door locks.

    And Don Lundry proved that fans were not slans – nor did the company making the system think things through – since as he walked down a hallway he tried two different numbers on the keypads. Surprisingly many a door opened with either 1984 or 2001.

  10. (17) LOCK-UN. Notice to [fannish] travelers: “Hotel door locks worldwide were vulnerable to hack”.

    Reminds me of when in 1975 Balticon moved to the Pikesville Hilton … when checking in the front desk clerk asked the guest to select 4 numbers for their *new* *super duper* keypad door locks.

    And Don Lundry proved that fans were not slans – nor did the company making the system think things through – since as he walked down a hallway he tried two different numbers on the keypads. Surprisingly many a door opened with either 1984 or 2001.

  11. Because a pixel can produce a few notes though the scrolls are very flat.

    And I can’t help but think of
    Dear Scalzi I wrote you but still ain’t callin’
    I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom

  12. 11) Scalzi’s heartfelt sigh of “Oh, dear god” is pretty much the reaction JDA’s name now elicits everywhere. So congratulations, people now know who he is. But is that really a good thing?

  13. (11) So this guy approaches Scalzi, brings up the name of someone whom he knows Scalzi considers a tiresome troll, then shows him a Scalzi book which the tiresome troll has defaced–including a message from the tiresome troll that portrays Scalzi in insulting terms. And Scalzi tells the person to move along.

    I got all that.

    The part I DON’T get is where the guy whines, “Really? REALLY?”

    How did the guy think this would go? Did he think Scalzi would possessively claim his hand, kiss him on both cheeks, and brush dandruff off his shoulder? Or challenge him to a duel? Or blow off this public appearance in order to discuss JDA with him?

    Was there any reaction anyone could possibly have expected other than the one this guy got, which was for John to tell him to go away?

    So why was he whining, “Really? REALLY?”

    I’d have thought that getting himself ejected was the whole point of his little prank, surely? JDA certainly seems happy with it. Now, being an uninhibited liar as well as an attention whore, he gets to prance around screeching that John Scalzi treats “his fans” badly.

  14. @Laura: I guess he’s whining that because he literally cannot believe that Scalzi, in the midst of a long-ass work commitment (book tour) would be exasperated with someone pulling what I’ll generously call a “prank” when I’m sure he’d prefer talking to people who want to read his books, or being home with his family, cats, lawn and abominations burritos.

  15. The WordPress Always Posts Twice


    The face, it is to desk. Didn’t a couple of VDites try this last year, so it’s not even original trolling?
    As others have noted, JDA is now demonstrating how far he’ll go to send messages to people who’ve made it clear they don’t want to communicate with him. Scalzi was just wearily dismissive, but think about the effect of “send a handwritten message delivered face to face” on a more vulnerable target – it could have had a really nasty effect.


    I’ve checked all three volumes of my copy of Fuller on the Decisive Battles of the world, and yet this doesn’t appear anywhere in there. Clearly a cover up!

  16. (11) Charming how ostensibly this reader is a “fan of both writers,” but one of them gets several weeks advance notice, and the other gets it sprung on him during a book signing.

    ::sigh:: And that was just from the summary. JDA’s indignant disingenuity is breathtaking.

    “Scalzi calling me a second-rate wannabe (NOTE: this did not actually happen) was mean! Me calling him an over-the-hill hack is good-natured and fun!”

    “He has a strange obsession with me, as you will see from this detailed explanation of how many of his general remarks I read as aimed at me specifically, and my efforts to punk him at his book signing!”

    “Somebody has compared my books to his! That implies he should be nicer to me, because we’re both writers in the field. But not vice versa. Also for some reason I am predicating respect for writers in the field on having people say my books are as good as his.”

    …for crying out loud.

  17. (11) Charming how ostensibly this reader is a “fan of both writers,” but one of them gets several weeks advance notice, and the other gets it sprung on him during a book signing.

    ::sigh:: And that was just from the summary. JDA’s indignant disingenuity is breathtaking.

    “Scalzi calling me a second-rate wannabe (NOTE: this did not actually happen) was mean! Me calling him an over-the-hill hack is good-natured and fun!”

    “He has a strange obsession with me, as you will see from this detailed explanation of how many of his general remarks I read as aimed at me specifically, and my efforts to punk him at his book signing!”

    “Somebody has compared my books to his! That implies he should be nicer to me, because we’re both writers in the field. But not vice versa. Also for some reason I am predicating respect for writers in the field on having people say my books are as good as his.”

    …for crying out loud.

  18. Charon D.: From the amount of laborious formatting I had to do on my post about how I’m voting for the YA not-quite-Hugo, I can only assume the blog goblins are out in force.
    In Other Lands, by Sarah Rees Brennan
    Reasoning & Review: A Narnia tribute featuring either Bart Simpson or Jerry Lewis (your mileage may vary).


  19. (11) Charming how ostensibly this reader is a “fan of both writers,” but one of them gets several weeks advance notice, and the other gets it sprung on him during a book signing.

    ::sigh:: And that was just from the summary. JDA’s indignant disingenuity is breathtaking.

    “Scalzi calling me a second-rate wannabe (NOTE: this did not actually happen) was mean! Me calling him an over-the-hill hack is good-natured and fun!”

    “He has a strange obsession with me, as you will see from this detailed explanation of how many of his general remarks I read as aimed at me specifically, and my efforts to punk him at his book signing!”

    “Somebody has compared my books to his! That implies he should be nicer to me, because we’re both writers in the field. But not vice versa. Also for some reason I am predicating respect for writers in the field on having people say my books are as good as his.”

    …for crying out loud.

  20. (11) The closest to “rate” (in the context that was alleged in the handwriting) in the Whatever post that is claimed to contain the slight is “wave” (‘a cadre of second-wave wannabes”).

    It is not clarified if the second-wave wannabes are also pulling Gs among the trees.

  21. This post will be fifth when the WordPress double posts are cleaned up.

    I have a little pixel, I made it out of scrolls, and when it’s good and ready, I’ll throw hypercubic rolls…

  22. Ingvar: The closest to “rate” (in the context that was alleged in the handwriting) in the Whatever post that is claimed to contain the slight is “wave”

    Scalzi: there’s not any “puppy” nonsense this year… There was an attempt by a cadre of second-wave wannabe types to replicate slating this year, but that unsurprisingly came to naught.

    JDA: calling me a “2nd rate wannabe”

    Wow, that’s a pretty egregious reading comprehension failure on the part of someone who claims to be a professional wordsmith — as in “a kindergarten-level failure by JDA”. There is a huge difference between “wave” and “rate” in that context.

    But as I pointed out, you can’t expect someone who is so stupid that he keeps providing more evidence against himself for his court case to actually be able to understand basic English.

  23. (5) I admit that I’m a little amused by Doctor Proctor’s Fart Powder being included as “classic SF&F”, along with Bester and Zelazny. I guess I have to read it now.

    (2) I’m a little surprised at the focus of that post, in the sense that they don’t mention what I consider the most noteworthy part of Kingfisher’s worldbuilding: The specificness of plants and animals. There are few generic birds and bushes, it’s almost always a specific species. And while I’m too unfamiliar with US landscapes to verify the details, I always get the impression that those specific plants and animals belong where they’re placed.(*)

    In contrast, I just read the first of the Raksura books, and I think the worldbuilding there could have benefited greatly from more names for things. After a while I became actively annoyed that every time Moon hunts the prey is always just “a grasseater”.

    (*) OK, in the one book where I can have an opinion – The Raven and the Reindeer – she makes an error about reindeer behaviour that pops up twice.

  24. (2) @Johan: Very good point 🙂 As a piece highlighting some Wombattish themes and devices, that one is definitely missing.

    OTOH, that kind of specificity is hard to pull off in the specific context of a roleplaying game. Particularly, a lot of people won’t have the knowledge to recreate that on the fly.

  25. Mark: Didn’t a couple of VDites try this last year, so it’s not even original trolling?

    Yes. It seems likely JDA is reading through VD’s site, and maybe even old F770 roundups, and scripting repeats of the pranks and harassment reported there.

  26. (11) that video is so cringe inducing that I had to turn it off, but one thing…

    Is John Del Arroz really pronounced John De La Rose the way Curly in the video pronounces it?

  27. In a roleplaying game context, the DM can specify “white mulberry” instead of just saying “tree,” or “a chipmunk jumps on your head” instead of “an animal,” but that only works if the players have some idea of what a white mulberry and a chipmunk are.

    Otherwise, well, I am reminded of a friend reading me a paragraph from a book, saying that the location seemed abstract–and I told her what those plant names said to me about the appearance of the landscape.

    I picked two relatively ordinary New England examples, there. It doesn’t matter much if the players think a chipmunk is a bit larger than it is, or get the color wrong–but if someone thinks a chipmunk is a kind of ferret, rather than a kind of squirrel, they may react inappropriately. In the extreme case, you get the “I attack the gazebo” episode.

  28. (1) I’ve always thought the reasons THEY’D RATHER BE RIGHT won were rather simple
    a. There really weren’t all that many great candidates.
    b. THEY’D RATHER BE RIGHT was published in a popular magazine — and one that had been shut out of the Hugos the first year, which annoyed some people.

    The best novel eligible was THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING, but a fantasy published only in the UK at the time wasn’t going to win.

    Kim’s suggestion is pretty sensible, too, though, and that mechanism probably contributed.

  29. The Great Emu-Scroll War of 1932 was lost when the pixels attacked the gazebo.

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