Pixel Scroll 5/6/22 I Pixelled Today’s Scrolldle In Fifth Guesses

(1) KSR AT EARTH DAY GATHERING IN DHARAMSALA. Kim Stanley Robinson was among those present for the 14th Dalai Lama’s “Meeting with Participants in a Dialogue for Our Future”. This was posted on April 22:

…Kim Stanley Robinson, who described himself as a science fiction writer, asked how Buddhism can help science. His Holiness told him that scientists have been interested to discuss ways to achieve peace of mind because they recognise that if the mind is disturbed people won’t be happy. He emphasised the benefits of discovering more about mental consciousness and learning to train it on the basis of reasoning…

(2) VERTLIEB MEDICAL UPDATE. Steve Vertlieb returned to Facebook as he begins his long recovery from major heart surgery.

… My time on Facebook will, for the present, be limited, I fear, in the days ahead, but I just wanted to let everyone know that I’ve survived. I came home from the hospital yesterday (Thursday) after a ten day stay following major open-heart surgery. The procedure lasted approximately six hours, during which my surgeons replaced one heart valve, repaired another, stitched back together the hole in my heart, and stopped my internal bleeding.

This procedure was far more involved and life threatening than I ever imagined or was advised. The second time, it seems, is not the charm, but the entire bracelet. They had to cut through an already existing incision, breaking once healed bones protecting my heart cavity yet again, in order to reach and operate upon the newly troubled areas. My recovery, consequently, will also be far more difficult than my original transition back to health, healing, and wholeness twelve years ago.

The good news, however, is that when I asked my surgeon the chances for a complete recovery, he responded “ONE HUNDRED PERCENT.” Doing anything beyond menial movement and chores over the next several months will be severely limited. My brother Erwin is here with me for the next month or so, and he’ll be taking care of me….

(3) LOWREY ARRIVES. Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund delegate “Orange Mike” Lowrey has returned. “As of 5 p.m. Milwaukee (11 p.m. GMT), I’m off the plane and have already been put back to work here at the bookstore. (Yes, the gout’s still painful.)” Welcome back! Sorry about the gout…

(4) YEAR’S BEST SERIES IN ABEYANCE. Jonathan Strahan, praising a story at his Notes from Coode Street blog, said:

In the meantime, since I’m not currently editing a year’s best anthology series for anyone, I’ll try to note some of the best short fiction I’m reading about the place. My favourite story of the moment is Maureen McHugh’s wonderful “The Goldfish Man“, from Uncanny 45. Because it’s online and shareable, you should go read it if you see this. It would be in my year’s best.

He clarified in a comment there will not be a forthcoming volume in his Year’s Best SF series:

Sadly, those were not successful and they opted not to proceed. I have been looking for new publisher for the series, but to no avail so far.

It was news to me.

(5) I’M WORKING, REALLY. [Item by Martin Morse Wooster.] Anne Helen Petersen explains how remote workers can show the home office they’re busy by turning work into a LARP: “LARPing your job” at Culture Study.

…The compulsion to LARP is for those who have to feel accountable to some larger salary god, one who takes earthly shape in the form of our manager, our manager’s manager, and/or our coworkers, all of whom are constantly deciding whether or not we deserve the salaried, privileged position in which we’ve found ourselves. This is largely bullshit, of course: yes, our managers do think about how much we’re producing, but only the worst of them are clocking how many hours our green dot is showing up on Slack. Most of our coworkers are too worried about LARPing their own jobs to worry about how much you’re LARPing yours.

We’re performing, in other words, largely for ourselves. Justifying to ourselves that we deserve the place that we’ve found ourselves. Justifying to ourselves that writing for the internet is a vocation that deserves steady payment. At heart, this is a manifestation of a general undervaluing of our own work: we still navigate the workplace as if getting paid to produce knowledge means we’re getting away with something, and have to do everything possible to make sure no one realizes they’ve made a massive mistake.

Of course, there are myriad cultural and societal forces that have led us to this point of disbelief. Every time someone made fun of my undergrad degree, or my dissertation, or my Ph.D. Every time someone made fun of BuzzFeed, or denigrated writing about celebrities or pop culture generally. Every time someone at a family gathering said something like “must be fun to get paid to go to the movies?” All of those messages come together to tell me that my work is either easy or pointless. No wonder I spend so much time trying to communicate how hard I work…

(6) LOUD AND CLEAR. [Item by Martin Morse Wooster.] This is a documentary that Penguin Random House UK putout in late April about the new Discworld audiobooks.  This is corporate promotion but still worth 20 minutes in part because you get a sense of how an audiobook is made and also because you get to hear some of the actors who are narrating, as well as Pratchett’s literary executor, Rob Wilkins. One important point is that these books have been called “full cast” audiobooks and they’re not; a single actor narrates each one of the Discworld subseries, with the great Bill Nighy providing the footnotes. Of the narrators I thought Andy Serkis (who now has a pompadour) was the most interesting. “Turning Terry Pratchett’s Discworld into Audiobooks”.

This documentary follows Penguin Audio’s ambitious project of turning the entire Discworld catalog into audiobook format. Click here to find out more: https://linktr.ee/Discworld This is Discworld like you’ve never heard it before. With an incredible cast of names from British stage and screen, including Bill Nighy, Peter Serafinowicz, Indira Varma, Colin Morgan, Andy Serkis and Sian Clifford. This ambitious project, taking 40 unabridged books, containing nearly 4 million words, recording over 135 days and featuring over 420 hours of audio is being produced and directed by Neil Gardner – the multiple award-winning radio writer & director – who is a life-long Terry Pratchett superfan.

(7) STOP AVOIDING THE SF LABEL. At Publishers Weekly, Emily Midkiff argues “Sci-Fi for Kids Is a Missed Publishing Opportunity”.

… When I looked at very different libraries all across the country, I saw the same low supply of science fiction that I had observed in that first elementary school library, but I also saw a high demand for it. In each library, only about 3% of the books were science fiction. I expected to see a corresponding low number of checkouts. Instead, the records showed that science fiction books were getting checked out more often per book than other genres. While realistic fiction books were checked out, on average, one to three times per book and fantasy books were checked out three to four times per book, science fiction books’ checkout numbers were as high as six times per book. These libraries may not have many science fiction books available, but the children seem to compensate by collectively checking out the available books more often.

The librarians were just as surprised as I was. Library software doesn’t keep track of each book’s genre, and so librarians have no easy way of knowing that science fiction books are being checked out so often. Librarians are, however, aware that there isn’t much science fiction available. There just aren’t as many choices as there are for other genres…

(8) GREAT LEAP FORWARD. “’Quantum Leap’ Sequel Scores Series Pickup at NBC”The Hollywood Reporter has details.

Nearly 30 years since the Scott Bakula-led original series signed off after a five-season run on NBC, the broadcast network has handed out a formal series order to the sequel series starring Raymond Lee.

The drama, which was formally picked up to pilot in January, recently wrapped production and is one of a handful of comedies and dramas that is expected to be in formal consideration for the 2022-23 fall schedule.

Written by God Friended Me and Alcatraz duo Steven Lilien and Bryan Wynbrandt — who will now have two shows on NBC with rookie La Brea having already been renewed — the new Quantum Leap follows a new team that has been assembled to restart the Quantum Leap project in the hopes of understanding the mysteries behind the machine and the man who created it 30 years since Dr. Sam Beckett stepped into the accelerator and vanished….


1960 [By Cat Eldridge.]

This is Gart Williams, age thirty-eight, a man protected by a suit of armor all held together by one bolt. Just a moment ago, someone removed the bolt, and Mr. Williams’ protection fell away from him, and left him a naked target. He’s been cannonaded this afternoon by all the enemies of his life. His insecurity has shelled him, his sensitivity has straddled him with humiliation, his deep-rooted disquiet about his own worth has zeroed in on him, landed on target, and blown him apart. Mr. Gart Williams, ad agency exec, who in just a moment, will move into the Twilight Zone—in a desperate search for survival. — opening narration of “A Stop at Willoughby”

Sixty-two years ago this evening CBS aired The Twilight Zone’s “A Stop at Willoughby”. So why am I essaying this Scroll? It is because, although I cannot give you an original source for it, it is said that Rod Serling cited this as his favorite story from the first season of the series. This being a story of the Twilight Zone, I’m willing to accept that as a true story.

 So “A Stop at Willoughby” concerns a man so lonely, so unhappy with his life that he starts dreaming as he takes a short nap on the train while commuting home one snowy November day. Waking he finds his dream is real and he is in Willoughby in 1888, which Serling describes as a “peaceful, restful place, where a man can slow down to a walk and live his life full measure.” Even the train, where he’s the only passenger, is eighty years old.

He returns to Willoughby several times where he’s created as if he’s actually resident there but this being the reality of the Twilight Zone, things don’t end as he hopes. I am most definitely not saying what happens as that’d be a major spoiler and there might actually be someone here who hasn’t yet seen it. Though I find that extremely unlikely. 

It shows up repeatedly in popular culture with some instances I’ll note here. The For All Time film starring Mark Harmon was based on this episode. An animated Rugrats “Family Reunion” episode has all of the Pickles family taking the train to Willoughby, with the conductor saying, “Next stop Willoughby!” And in Stargate Atlantis’ “The Real World” episode, Dr. Elizabeth Weir awakens in the Acute Care Unit of Willoughby State Hospital. 

The Twilight Zone is streaming on Paramount +. 


[Compiled by Cat Eldridge.]

  • Born May 6, 1914 Randall Jarrell. Author of the ever so charming The Animal Family which is illustrated by Maurice Sendak. Go read it — you’ll be smiling afterwards. The Anchor Book of Stories has more of his genre friendly stories. (Died 1965.)
  • Born May 6, 1915 Orson Welles. Certainly the broadcast of “The War of the Worlds” in 1938 was his pinnacle of genre success, but for the Federal Theatre Project he also did the 1936 adaptation of Macbeth with an entirely African American cast that was absolutely amazing. That was known as the Voodoo Macbeth which might give you an idea of what he did to it. He would later do a more straightforward film of Macbeth. And of course he made a most excellent radio Shadow as well! (Died 1985.)
  • Born May 6, 1946 Nancy Kilpatrick, 76. Fangoria called her “Canada’s answer to Anne Rice”. I do recommend the anthology she edited Danse Macabre: Close Encounters with the Reaper as it’s a most excellent horror collection. 
  • Born May 6, 1952 Michael O’Hare. He was best known for playing Commander Jeffrey Sinclair in the first season of Babylon 5.  Other genre appearances were limited — he played Fuller in the 1984 film C.H.U.D, was Jimmy in the “Heretic” episode of Tales from the Darkside and appeared as a thug on the subway train in The Trial of the Incredible Hulk. And yes, he’s one of Babylon 5 actors who died well before they should’ve. (Died 2012.)
  • Born May 6, 1961 Carlos Lauchu, 61. Anubis, the captain of Ra’s personal guard, in the original Stargate film. His only other genre acting was two appearances in the Monsters anthology series. 


  • Bizarro has Superman explaining why you can’t afford to be subtle in comics.

(12) MOON KNIGHT QR & A. Variety reveals “How Marvel Studios Buried Secret Messages via QR Codes Inside ‘Moon Knight’”.

It’s not every day that one can write a sentence that reasonably connects the Fox animated series “Bob’s Burgers,” the House of Terror museum of fascist and communist regimes in Hungary, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe — but in 2022, anything is possible.

Let’s back up. Ever since the Marvel Studios series “Moon Knight” debuted on Disney+ on March 30, eagle-eyed viewers have noticed a series of semi-conspicuous QR codes in the background of scenes in the first, second and fifth episodes of the show. Scanning the codes sends viewers to a special website that contains a weekly free web comic featuring the Moon Knight character through the run of the show, from his first appearance in 1975 through his most recent issue in 2019.

It’s a savvy way to expand viewers’ comic book knowledge for a character even serious Marvel fans may never have read, and it’s been wildly successful: According to Disney, the landing page has been visited over 1.5 million times, leading to over 500,000 full comics read to date…

(13) DOUBLE-CROSSOVER. [Item by Danny Sichel.] in 2004, KC Carlson compiled an Oral History of the JLA/Avengers crossover from the early 80s. The one that was never published. The Oral History wasn’t published either — possibly because it presents a rather unpleasant image of many of the people involved. But now here it is. At Comics Beat:

George Pérez:  “It just ended up being one thing after another — accusations both from DC and Marvel towards each other — until I realized there was a lot more private politics that seemed to be going on which were killing the book I really wanted to work on. After a while I became very bitter about the entire thing. It was never more apparent to me that, as much as I love drawing comics, it’s still a business, and politics and petty squabbles can kill a project, even such a potential money-maker.”  — Modern Masters Volume 2: George Pérez, 2003

George nailed it. If there ever was a single comics project that embodied company politics, petty squabbles, and flying accusations, it was the original JLA/Avengers crossover, scheduled to be jointly published between Marvel Comics and DC Comics in the summer of 1983 — the fifth in a series of highly successful team-ups. Pairing the legendary Justice League of America (JLA) and the mighty Avengers, this project would include virtually all of the quintessential characters from the two companies’ lineups….

George Pérez:  “I had been drawing for two weeks and was already starting page 21, when I received a call from Len Wein saying they needed to find out what changes I was making in the plot. (DC staffer) Joey Cavalieri had to do a piecemeal plot based on things I had changed — ideas, if not actual explanations — since I hadn’t quite worked out everything as I was going along yet.” — Comics Interview #6, August 1983

Gerry Conway, unwilling to do another draft of the plot, leaves the project at this point. Cavalieri, in consultation with Perez and Wein, cobbles together a new plot — draft #3 — and Giordano rushes it into Shooter’s hands….

(14) ABOUT JANE 57821. Janelle Monáe’s volume of collaborative stories is the subject of  “Review: The Memory Librarian and Other Stories of Dirty Computer” by Arturo Serrano at Nerds of a Feather.

… The introduction to the collection is a quick summary of the rise of a totalitarian regime, New Dawn, whose control over society was possible because “we accepted their offer that an eye in the sky might protect us from… ourselves.” With the assurance of total visibility, an immediate problem emerged regarding privacy and deviancy, and the regime decided that “what they struggled to see, they began to deem not worthy of being seen—inconsistent, off standard. Began calling it dirty—unfit to be swallowed by their eyes.”

In the backstory that this introduction presents, the new social category of the dirty started being applied to modes of thought and identity that did not fit the rigid standards of the regime. The stories that compose this collection explore various characters’ struggle to reclaim, preserve, and even celebrate the dirty….

(15) A LAUGH RIOT IT’S NOT. [Item by Mike Kennedy.] “The debut episode of the new Star Trek show has drawn complaints for using documentary footage of the 2014 Maidan Uprising to depict an alien riot,” reports Gizmodo: Star Trek Strange New Worlds Uses Ukrainian Protest Footage as Alien Riot”.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds heads to the franchise’s past to tell adventure stories for a bright, optimistic future—but its very first episode has looked to our own recent history to provide a proxy that has some very unfortunate connotations.

Part of the first episode of the new series, titled “Strange New Worlds” itself, sees the Enterprise’s Captain Pike (Anson Mount), Lt. Spock (Ethan Peck), and Lt. Noonien-Singh (Christina Chong) beam down to an alien world, Kiley 279, in an attempt to recover missing Starfleet officers in the wake of a First Contact meeting. The trio arrives to find the world a pre-warp civilization being torn apart by a conflict between the planetary government and a local uprising…

…Shortly after the away team lands on Kiley 279, they come across a crowd of civilians watching a news broadcast on an outside monitor, discussing an overnight series of protests taking place across the Kiley civilization. However, the footage shown is from much closer to our home than the world of Star Trek: it’s footage taken during the late 2013-early 2014 civil unrest in Ukraine known as “Euromaidan,” or the Maidan Uprising.

…Footage from the Maidan Uprising is not the only archival protest footage used in the episode—later on in the episode, Captain Pike shows the Kiley 279 government a selection of footage from Earth’s history as a precedent to World War III in Star Trek’s timeline, notably using footage from the January 6th 2021 riots at the U.S. Capitol as Pike draws a direct line between a “second Civil War, and then the Eugenics War, and then finally just World War III.”… 

(16) ROBOHOP. [Item by Mike Kennedy.] Dine Brands—corporate parent of both IHOP and Applebee’s—is among the restaurant companies beginning or expanding experiments with robotics. The bots have roles both back-of-house (e.g., food prep) and front-of-house (e.g., delivering food or busing tables). Labor shortages are said to be the biggest inspiration. “Applebee’s And IHOP Are Adding New Technologies, Including Robotics, To Offset Labor Shortages” at Forbes.

…Further, IHOP has a new point-of-sale system that streamlines orders across channels and a franchisee is also testing a robot that can deliver food to guests and bus tables. Robotic servers are starting to pop up across the casual dining segment, including at Denny’s and Chili’s, the latter of which just expanded deployment to 51 more restaurants.

It’s too early to tell if such an approach is worth a broader rollout. Peyton did say, however, that the robot makes servers more productive and efficient and “guests and kids think it’s super cool.”

“Also, borrowing from QSR, we’re testing a robotic arm that can work the fryer station,” he said. “If we have one less cook in the kitchen, this can help them be more efficient and productive.”…

(17) 8K. Seán Doran provides some video of a crater on Mars from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: “A Very Detailed View Of A Crater On Planet Mars”.

This is ESP_073055_1675 from HiRISE camera onboard Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Frame height is approximately 1km taken from an orbit height of 250km. Source was denoised, blended, graded, rescaled & animated to create the footage. HiRISE (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) is the most powerful camera ever sent to another planet, one of six instruments onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The color you see in HiRISE images is not the “true” color human eyes would see on Mars. This is because the HiRISE camera views Mars in a different part of the spectrum than human eyes do. The camera has three different color filtered CCDs: red, blue-green, and near-infrared. False color imagery is extremely valuable because it illuminates the distinction between different materials and textures.

(18) MAKE A DOUBLE BATCH. [Item by Mike Kennedy.] Do you know where your Cumberbatch is? James Cordon of The Late Late Show, Elizabeth Olsen, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Benedict Cumberbatch dispute whether telling news-based jokes or drinking margaritas is more important on Cinco de Mayo. Or maybe it’s figuring out which Benedict Cumberbatch is from our universe. “Benedict Cumberbatch and Elizabeth Olsen interrupting James Corden’s monologue is sheer chaos” at Mashable.

[Thanks to Andrew Porter, Michael Toman, Cat Eldridge, Rob Thornton, Andrew (Not Werdna), Mike Kennedy, Martin Morse Wooster, JJ, John King Tarpinian, and Chris Barkley for some of these stories. Title credit belongs to File 770 contributing editor of the day Soon Lee.]

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24 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 5/6/22 I Pixelled Today’s Scrolldle In Fifth Guesses

  1. First!

    I’m beginning to think that Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone was the finest genre series ever done, period. That’s based on rewatching the episodes that I’ve been writing up here. Damn they’re excellent!

  2. 3) My swab test of 30 minutes ago came back entirely negative.

  3. Andrew (not Werdna) says Won’t be the same without Dean Stockwell.

    Well it’s not the same series set decades later so I wouldn’t expect him to be there even if he wanted to be involved. It’s a sequel with a whole new crew involved. I don’t even know if they’re using the same shtick this time so there might not even be Al Calavicci style character here.

  4. @Cat Eldridge: The Twilight Zone was very good, and the 1980s reboot was superb, but for my money the original The Outer Limits was the best F/SF series ever. And Ellison’s Demon With a Glass Hand is one of the finest single episodes of any TV series ever made.

  5. 10) Orson Welles also performed in a radio play of Donovan’s Brain, that was up for the Retro Hugos a couple of years back.

  6. @Iain: … for my money the original The Outer Limits was the best F/SF series ever.
    It gets my vote, too.

  7. (7) I’m surprised that library software can’t handle genre information in tracking checkouts.

  8. (10) Randall Jarrell was also the author of PICTURES FROM AN INSTITUTION (1954) where the institution only seemed to be a mental institution but actually was a university. One where the faculty “longed for men to be discovered on the moon, so that they could show that they weren’t prejudiced towards moon men.”

  9. (9) James Daly (who played Gart Williams) was equally good in the late Star Trek episode “Requiem for Methuselah” as Mr. Flint. He gets to say (spoiler alert after 53 years?), both wearily and arrogantly, “I… am Brahms.” (and Da Vinci, et al., as Spock has already mostly figured out.) The fourth and last of Jerome Bixby’s credits.

  10. @P J Evans: It for damn sure can[1], and I have another reason not to waste my time reading PW.

    [1] I actually don’t know a lot about the statistics module of $PLACE_OF_ORK’s ILS, but even if it can’t tabulate circs of items whose bibs do or do not have a certain genre tag, it’d be child’s play to cons up something serviceable in a different module.

  11. Ive read (8) first as “’Quantum Leap’ Sequel Scrolls – Series ” and wondered how much Fil770 has infliltrated the entertainment world.

  12. 6) LOUD AND CLEAR. Fans of the original audiobooks on certain listserves that shall rename nameless have been extremely crotchety about this project as if it somehow defiles, errr, devalues the original audiobooks.

    And I don’t recall that the original audiobooks cover all of the Discworld works, did they? Audible has about a high twenty in audioworks available.

  13. 9) its an interesting trope – emotional disquiet leading to displacement in time and or space.

    This is how Carter gets to Barsoom; it’s where Hyde comes from….

  14. Regarding (5) I’M WORKING, REALLY.

    Sometimes you have to put on the money suit and work, just like the other monkeys in this zoo we call civilization.

    Yeah, wearing your Starfleet gear or your medieval togs is fun. Others in our various work enclosures may wish they could wear sneakers and sports jerseys. Others, camping attire. Some may even like to cross-dress or wear nothing at all. It’s all part f the Great Costume Pageant of life!

    Most folks are too sheltered in their own little worlds to grasp the significance of the greater worlds out there in literature, film, research, exploring, and a myriad of other exploits. Some have one area of specialty to which all others, to them, pale in comparison. (the “Why don’t you get a ‘real job’ like me?”) Others are polymaths with multiple college degrees, and still they get “Why can’t you be like your brother?”

    We must realize that there are people out there to whom imagination is a terrifying, dark void, to be avoided at all costs. Some never vary their routines, and for them, conformity is admired and valued above all else. They will never know the exhilaration of an exciting space novel, or the satisfaction of saving the world.

    MANY of us DO appreciate the years it can take to make a film, or write a novel, or research all the obscure history of an old movie and its participants in order to make it live again in an article, a book, or a documentary.

    There’s a certain thrill for researchers when they find that one lost detail that everyone else missed, or that moment of exultation when all the threads come together and an important discovery reveals itself!


    The world is hungry for stimulating fiction. They’re tired of endless violent cop shows and the poorly written commercial fiction catering to the masses. Science fiction (and fantasy) offer a look outside our frame of reference, in a challenging and intellectually stimulating way. It draws us out of this mundane world and into others, every one unique. It’s new ideas, new perspectives, new ways of thinking and attacking problems. It opens up something greater than a historical novel, locked in the past. It’s the future, which we hope will be better than now.

    Regarding (12) MOON KNIGHT QR & A.
    Cinemablend interviewed Meghan Kasperlik, the costume designer that, along with her team, created that stunning Moon Knight costume, and the other challenging costumes of the film.

    I was impressed with the fact it is monotone, yet films so well. That’s extremely difficult to achieve. To read the interview, check out:


  15. @Patrick Morris Miller
    I was pretty sure it could, but I haven’t hung out with librarians in the back room since 1996. (I thought I remembered that their software could handle that – the librarian at that one had helped improve the software they use!)

  16. 4) I had assumed that Jonathan Strahan’s Best SF of the year was not happening this year, by now he would have posted his selections, and it wasn’t listed in the Locus forthcoming books list, but thanks for confirming this. I track and read the best of the year anthologies, and this year appears to have the smallest number year’s best in a while. The only confirmed (for 2021 fiction) genre year’s best anthologies thus far (I define this by a posted TOC) are:
    Datlow, Best Horror of the Year
    Guran, Year’s Best Dark Fantasy
    Guran, Year’s Best Fantasy (this is a new series)
    Kaster, Year’s Top Hard SF
    Best American SF and Fantasy (curated by JJ Adams)
    Best British SF, Donna Scott
    Year’s Best SF, Neil Clarke
    Year’s Best Aotearoa New Zealand Science Fiction and Fantasy
    The Year’s Best African Speculative Fiction, Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki
    not sure about the future of RIch Horton’s Best SF and Fantasy, the volume for 2020 is scheduled for August 2022, his comments on his blog were ambiguous for future volumes in this series
    Any information on these or other year’s best genre anthologies would be appreciated.

  17. I just watched the first episode of Strange New Worlds.

    Very obviously not going to say anything about it as I’m assuming that a lot of you have not seen it yet but I liked it a lot with both the characters and the show in general working quite excellently for me.

    Watch for a dedication at the very end it that’ll put a tear in your eye if you look up that individual on Memory Alpha.

  18. HarperCollins has listed The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2022 edited by JJ Adams and Rebecca Roanhorse as on sale November 1, 2022.

    I miss Gardner Dozois. Thirty-five years of The Year’s Best and I have them all.

  19. 7) Most modern LMSs (library management systems) certainly can tell you which genres are popular but only if they are labeled as such (sublocated), and if they are broken out as such in the actual collection. I can run reports detailing all this easily, in Follett Destiny, for example. But genrefication, as a trend, is still relatively new and a lot of librarians are still fighting against it, unfortunately.

  20. And I don’t recall that the original audiobooks cover all of the Discworld works, did they? Audible has about a high twenty in audioworks available.

    @Cat Eldrigde –
    I cannot be certain, but I think most of Discworld was available in audiobook at some point (though some may only have been available in the UK and not had US licenses). I at least have managed to acquire all of the Guards, Witches, Death, Moist, and Tiffany sub series, as well as a few of the miscellaneous books like Small Gods and Monstrous Regiment. The Wizards subseries has always been my least favorite, and so I’ve not tried to acquire those. Some of the audiobooks I purchased through iTunes many years ago, and those subsequently dropped from the iTunes Store in later years.

    I am undecided as to whether I will pick up the new audiobooks. I like the narration from both Planer & Briggs, and my collection is complete enough for me, but we shall see. I’ll at least listen to samples of the new & keep an open mind.

  21. @P J Evans: The library where I did my undergrad had a source license for its ILS… and its head of systems had modified their installation so drastically that the vendor refused to provide support.

    @Sean Wallace: The bad thing about genre thesauri is that there are so many to choose from. (And don’t get me started on the FAST subject headings.)

  22. With regard to libraries and science fiction:

    When I was much younger I learned about the card catalogue and how you could find good books by looking up the name of an author whose work you liked. This led me to the discovery that our library had, literally, a couple thousand science fiction books.

    But that couple thousand books were contained on two, three foot shelves.

    While the rest of the library was stocked plentifully with best sellers that nobody every checked out, the science fictions was Always checked out.

    And still the librarians looked down their noses at me and gently tried to interest me in ‘real literature.’

    –At least one librarian had read C. S. Lewis, and knew where to find him on the shelves, and understood that while he was ‘literature” he was also science fiction.

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