Pixel Scroll 5/5/16 The Barnacles of Narnia

(1) LOST SIGNAL. John DeNardo shocked fans and writers alike by revealing today that SF Signal is shutting down.

When we started SF Signal in 2003, it was because we loved speculative fiction. Having a blog allowed us to share that love with other fans. We never dreamed it would have grown like it has. In these past 12 years and 10 months, we’ve shared our love of genre, we’ve provided a forum for other fans to come on board as contributors to also share their genre love, we gave authors a place to tell us about the exciting new worlds they’re creating, and I like to think we’ve made a ton of new friends. We even picked up a few Hugo Awards along the way. It’s been quite a ride.

But all good things come to an end.

It was a very hard decision to make, but we have decided to close down SF Signal. The reason is boringly simple: time. As the blog has grown, so has its demands for our attention. That is time we would rather spend with our families. We considered scaling back posts, but it felt like SF Signal would only be a shadow of its former self. So yes, it feels sudden, but a “cold turkey” exit seems like the right thing to do.

(2) GAMES OF FAME. Six classic games are being inducted into video game hall of fame – CBS News has the story.

game hall of fame

A video game that had players zapping space aliens with lasers and another that put them in covered wagons in 1848 have been inducted into the World Video Game Hall of Fame, along with four other games recognized for their influence on gaming and pop culture.

“Space Invaders” and “The Oregon Trail,” along with “Grand Theft Auto III,” ”Sonic the Hedgehog,” ”The Legend of Zelda” and “The Sims,” make up the class of 2016 honored Thursday at the hall inside The Strong museum in Rochester.

The winners were chosen from among 15 finalists culled from thousands of nominations from around the world. Contenders that missed the final cut were: “John Madden Football,” ”Elite,” ”Final Fantasy,” ”Minecraft,” ”Nurburgring,” ”Pokemon Red and Green,” ”Sid Meier’s Civilization,” ”Street Fighter II” and “Tomb Raider.”

(3) IT’S IMPOSSIBLE. Abigail Nussbaum, in Captain America: Civil War, launches her review with this lede:

It’s a bit of a strange thing to say, but I might have liked Captain America: Civil War better if it were a less good movie.  When films like The Dark Knight Rises or Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice deliver rancid political messages wrapped in equally rancid plots and characterization, the reviewer’s job is made easier.  We can point to how a failure to recognize the actual complexity of a situation, or to imbue characters with full humanity, both informs and reflects the simplistic, quasi-fascist message of the movie.  Civil War is a trickier customer.  It tries–and on some level, manages–to be more intelligent and more thoughtful than something like Batman v Superman.  Its characters take the film’s central conflict seriously, discussing it rationally and trying to find a way to resolve it without descending into fisticuffs.  But even as they do so, they reveal the inherent impossibility of their project, the way the core assumptions of this entire genre combine to form a black hole that it can never escape.  I’ve said it before, but the minute you start taking superheroes seriously, and debating the rights and wrongs of them, only one conclusion is possible: that superheroes are a really bad idea, and that any fictional world that houses more than a handful of them will inevitably devolve into a horrifying dystopia in which the rule of law and the authority of democratic government are meaningless.

(4) SINGING IN THE SHOWER. Space.com told readers “Meteor Shower Spawned by Halley’s Comet Peaks This Week”.

Dusty debris that Halley’s Comet has shed on its 75-year-long laps around the sun slams into Earth’s atmosphere during the first week of May every year, creating an annual meteor shower known as the Eta Aquarids. (Another Halley-spawned shower, the Orionids, occurs every October.)

(5) SWIRSKY INTERVIEWS KOWAL. At Rachel Swirsky’s blog: “Silly Interview with Mary Robinette Kowal, intermittently teal storyteller”.

RS: A lot of novelists let short stories lapse when they embark on their novelling careers. You keep publishing strong short fiction, like last year’s “Midnight Hour” in Uncanny Magazine. How do you make time for short stories, and what do you get from them that you don’t get from longer fiction?

MRK: Honestly, these days I start a lot of the short stories while I’m teaching my Short Story Intensive. Part of the process is that I write along with the students in order to demonstrate how to start from a story seed and then develop it into a story. I often have a market in mind when I’m doing these, so the demonstration does double duty. The thing that I love about short fiction as a writer is that I get to experiment with a lot of different styles and ideas without the huge time investment of a novel. Plus, as a reader, I find that a short story can often deliver more of a sucker punch to the emotions and I kinda like that.

(6) SMACK ATTACK. J. R. R. Tolkien is pitted against George R. R. Martin in the latest installment of Epic Rap Battles of History. Tolkien’s shots include: ”You’re a pirate, you even stole my RR!”


  • May 5, 1961 — Astronaut Alan Shepard became the United States’ first man in space in a brief sub-orbital flight from Cape Canaveral.
  • May 5, 2002 Spider-Man is the first movie to top $100 million on opening weekend. (Remember when $100 million was a lot of money?)

(8) RARE ENDORSEMENT. John Picacio gave a strong boost to nominee Larry Elmore in an April 27 post “The 2016 Best Professional Artist Hugo Award”.

Larry Elmore is a legendary and deeply influential fantasy illustration icon, who has had a huge impact on generations of Dungeons & Dragons fans — game players, writers, artists, editors, publishers, designers, filmmakers, convention organizers — and beyond. More to the point, he has a major body of published eligible work in 2015 and that work doesn’t take extensive sleuthing to discern whether it’s eligible. His book The Complete Elmore Volume II contains over 700 drawings from a career dating back to 1981, and was produced and first published in the fall of 2015.

Was Larry Elmore amongst my nomination selections? No. He wasn’t.

Do I believe that ‘No Award’ is an option this year? It’s the Hugos. It’s always an option.

No disrespect to the other finalists, but Larry Elmore winning a Hugo would not be a lifetime achievement award but it would recognize a lifetime of professional art achievement by someone who is legitimately eligible this year.

The history of that winners list would be shinier with his name on it.

Larry Elmore responded in the comments –

thank you for all your nice words, I am honored to be nominated. I never, in my wildest dreams, ever thought of being nominated. I came from the gaming industry (my first big breaks) and it seems like that type of art has been ignored for many years, but I agree that game art has had a large influence on a couple of generations…and still does. Because I take the award seriously, I feel more than honored to be nominated. I have had a career that has spanned over 40 years, I have loved it. I am 67 and I paint or draw every day…I am obsessed I guess…..but I love it, I keep trying to get one good painting!!!!

(9) DIVE! DIVE! If you’re having this problem, Fred Kiesche offers a technological solution.


(10) DAMAGED. Kukuruyo, the artist behind Hugo nominee #GamerGater Life, is under attack. Like some of last year’s slated nominees he’s unwillingly become a ball in the game —

Since i publicy became a gamergate supporter, the ammount of reports i’ve gotten on art sites have increased, many times in very underserved cases (i got a drawing pulled because the characters had sweat. Yes, sweat…) as well as the amount of people lying about me on blogs and such. And i don’t mean making critiques of me, i mean outright lies (one guy even wrote about how i voted for some candidate in the past US elections, which is interesting considering i’m a spaniard living in Spain). Not only that, but my website began to have attemps to break in. At some point i was receiving more than 50 attempts to break in each day, until i upgraded my security.

But this broke into a new level when i was announced as a finalist for best Fan artist at the Hugo awards. Then people in the social justice circles discovered that i support gamergate, and since then, interesting things have been happening one after the other (aside from the wave of verbal attacks, of course).

First one of my gamergate related works got reported and banned from deviantart. Then someone picked a cheap fanart that i was commissioned to do, about a half nude Ms.marvel, and tried to frame me as a pedophile, because aparently the character has 16 in the original canon (something i even didn’t know), ignoring the fact that the character body was adult. This story was writen about in (as far as i know) a blog and then in a comic news article, expanding the idea that i’m a pedophile for an anime style fanart thats no different than the millions upon millions of anime character fanarts out there, and that i was somehow a terrible threat for teenagers out there who have their heroes destroyed by evil me. I was reported in devianart for “pedophilia” and the drawing was taken down. I got reported on twitter. The attemps to break into my website have come arround again. Then they contacted my advertising affiliates, telling them i was hosting child pornography, so they would cease to advertise with me. They acepted a middle ground solution at first, but then they changed their policies, and now i can no longer receive their service. Yes, and advertising website changed their policies just because of me… and just yesteday some guys where trying to get MARVEL to SUE ME because of a fanart!

But hey, i’m sure all of this is just a coincidence! this has nothing to do with the Hugo awards or gamergate. I’m sure it’s just that a whole lot of people randomly decided the same week to try to fuck me up in every way they could, right? this can’t possibly be related with people from a particular ideology, pissed off because someone with the wrong opinions got a Hugo nomination.

(11) TINGLE IS HARD TO TROLL. The Daily Dot compiled the nominee’s tweets to show how “Chuck Tingle counter-trolls the Gamergaters who nominated his erotica for a Hugo Award”.

As hilarious and thorough as these VOXMAN owns are, mere Twitter owns aren’t enough to defeat a campaign whose main goal seems to be attention for Day. He’s expressed, in so many words, that hate can only make him stronger.

That’s where the third prong of Tingle’s trolling makes a difference. As the Daily Dot’s April Siese discussed in her recent profile of Tingle, the hard and sexy author’s true identity remains a mystery. He cannot very well reveal himself by showing up to an award ceremony. So, in his place, he has invited perhaps the one person internet alt-rightists and Gamergate-adjacent agitators hate most.

Zoe Quinn, game developer and anti-harassment activist, was the original target of Gamergate after an ex-boyfriend revealed alleged details of her sex life online. She’s the boogeyman (boogeywoman?) Gamergate frothingly rose up to “defeat,” their imaginary platonic ideal of a “Social Justice Warrior.”

(12) WHAT YOU KNOW V. WHAT YOU CAN PROVE. Andrew Liptak finds a great deal of hearsay to repeat in “Gaming the System: The 1987 Hugo Awards” at Kirkus Reviews. On the other hand, it’s hearsay that a lot of people haven’t read before.

During the lead-up to this convention, Hubbard’s interests seemed to have helped beyond mere sponsorship of convention booklets and workshops. Fans have alleged that Hubbard’s followers worked as a block and voted in such numbers that Black Genesis, the second of the Mission Earth series, found itself a Hugo finalist for Best Novel.  Ian Watson, writing in Conspiracy Theories, noted that the presence of the book as a finalist, was suspect.

“Did all those who nominated [Black Genesis] in the first place merely have supporting memberships — suggesting that the only reason for buying the membership was to nominate BG? Furthermore, how many of the people who nominated BG only nominated BG and nothing else? If we could discover this information from Paul Kincaid [Award Administrator] then we might have an indicator of whether BG was in fact “bought” on to the ballot.”

(13) CURING AWARD FATIGUE. Joe Sherry at Nerds of a Feather, in “Other Genre Awards: Or, So You’re Tired of the Hugo Awards”, suggests awards alternatives to revitalize your jaded taste buds.

So, you’re tired of reading about the Hugo Awards, are you? All the fighting and arguing and gnashing of teeth got you down? Do you still like Awards and the recognition of good things? We have some awards for you! If you’re newer to this whole genre awards scene, the first place I would recommend you start (besides this article) is the Science Fiction Awards Database. There’s quite a bit to peruse and a full directory of all the genre awards.While it is certainly possible that they are missing something, it does seem pretty darn exhaustive. Since there are a horde of genre awards out there, the real question, then, is “What are you looking for from a literary award?”

(14) RULES IDEA. Kevin Standlee’s next proposal – “Plus 2”.

Here’s yet another proposal to try and counteract bad actors (I call them “Griefers”) trying to disrupt the Hugo Awards by deliberately nominating works that they expect will be disliked by the majority of the membership as a whole, taking advantage of the “first-five-past-the-post” nature of the nominating round. The other proposals I’ve written up depend on the entire membership participating in a second round of voting, either with 3-Stage Voting (members vote down potential finalists) or Double Nominations (members select finalists from a list of top 15 semi-finalists).

This proposal invokes the subjective judgment call of the Worldcon Committee (in practice, of the Hugo Awards Administration Subcommittee), hereafter just “the Committee” or “the Administrators,” to add works to the final ballot. This proposal would authorize the Committee to add up to two additional works to the final ballot. The Committee’s selection would be limited to adding not more than two works from among those works that were among the top 15 nominees or that appeared on at least 5% of the nominating ballots cast in that category.

(15) THE VIEW FROM SP4. Kate Paulk catches up on her Hugo commentary in “Not An Action Report”.

Let’s just say I do not have much patience or goodwill for those who seem to think that I wasn’t sincere in congratulating the Hugo finalists last week. Sweetheart, just because you can’t lie straight in bed doesn’t mean that other people aren’t capable of honesty.

As for the charming specimen who wants to chase up the ballots of all puppy-aligned voters and throw them out (presumably without refunding memberships – even though every one of those ballots was cast by someone who paid for the privilege, no mention of this little issue was made that I saw (although I freely admit that I could have missed it even if it was in huge flashing neon letters)), mine bears very little resemblance to anyone’s lists, including the Sad Puppies 4 list.

Why? Because SP4 collated a whole lot of people’s preferences. My preferences don’t look like anyone else’s. There might be some overlap here and there, but I’m weird even by geek standards.

The second paragraph doubtless is a response to ideas discussed in Facebook’s Journeymen of Fandom group thread, as quoted by Vox Day this week.

(16) DESIGNATED DRIVER. How did this sober advice get on the internet?

(17) INSEUSSANCE. RedWombat made a metrical prediction in a comment.

“Pooh-pooh to the fans!” he was grinchily humming.
“They’re finding out now that No Award is coming!

They’re just waking up! I know just what they’ll do!
Their blogs will be blogged and their cries will be cried
My Xanatos Gambit will not be denied!

That’s a noise,” grinned the Grinch, “that I simply must hear!”
He paused, and the Grinch put a hand to his ear.

And he did hear a sound rising out of a tweet
It started in sour but then it went sweet!

And this tweet wasn’t sad!
Why this tweet sounded glad!

Every fan down in Fanville, (well, not quite all)
(Getting fans to agree is an order quite tall)
Was laughing at Tingle’s great big brass…fortitude.

He hadn’t stopped fans from enjoying the Hugo, just the same!
He tried to stop fandom, but fandom still came!
(Though not quite like in books with Chuck Tingle’s name.)

And what happened next? Well, on Twitter they say
The Grinch’s gall bladder grew three sizes that day.

And so the Grinch stands, while elk snivel and whine
Claiming “Don’t you all get it?! Victory’s mine!

Stop thinking it’s funny! Stop having fun!
Why won’t you acknowledge that I’ve really won?!”

But in Fanville it’s Christmas, and fans know it is true–
That this time the Grinch lost to…Literally Who.

 [Thanks to Doctor Science, JJ, Mark-kitteh, Hampus Eckerman, and John King Tarpinian for some of these stories. Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Daniel Dern.]

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194 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 5/5/16 The Barnacles of Narnia

  1. Pixel Scroll 5/4/16

    You just wanted to see if we’d catch the Missing Second 5th, didn’t you? 😉

  2. @Soon Lee

    5/4/16 means the File770 Time Machine is once again operational?

    This is, of course, the only possible explanation. 🙂

  3. I like our time machine. But I *don’t* like it taking me back to Wednesday. If we’re going to time travel on a week day, at least get me CLOSER to Friday.

  4. I suspect that, no matter how the voting turns out, “Chuck Tingle” is the biggest winner of all in this year’s train wreck. Zoe Quinn! Priceless!

  5. I would like it noted that the correct title of the Captain America movie opening in the US tomorrow is “The War of Stark Aggression”. And it’s really about sidekicks’ rights!

  6. (5) I gotta check lighting and my monitor; that puppet didn’t look teal to me. Also, there need to be more of those videos.

    (10) You lie down with assholes, you get up with shit on you, sonny. Also, like all Perritos, he conflates “wrong ideology” with “no talent” and “slating”. Actions have consequences.

    (11) Tingle is a master debater.

    (14) Gosh, wish she realized her words about lying are yet more projection and could convince her fellow Puppies that other people really DO like the stuff they vote for. But it’s heartening to see she finally admits that she misses stuff even when it’s spelled out — now if she could only convince the other Puppies that they do too!

    Of course, she also didn’t notice that a clearly individual non-slate ballot would be regarded as perfectly fine by everyone, meaning that her “weird” ballot would remain valid under even the most draconian measures. And that the purpose of supporting memberships is to support the Worldcon, not to vote on the Hugos. Maybe all this money and time they’re spending on griefing the Hugos could go to reading comprehension classes.

    (17) Congrats to RedWombat for another great work and another quick turnaround in Scroll appearances.

  7. (6) SMACK ATTACK – heh. Watched this a couple of times. Love it.

    (10) DAMAGED – Always amusing to see a GGer suddenly discover that “Holy Crap, I can be held responsible for my actions?! I thought that only happened to women!”

  8. (6) It’s Tolkein, but only because they had Martin using mostly attacks his heart isn’t really in, and avoiding the one that he could have made most honestly and tellingly: Tolkein’s roman-a-clé race-essentialism.

  9. A friend (really!) has a question: was the first use of Rocks Fall Down Gravity Well as an SF weapon in “The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress”? It’s the first one either of us can remember, but many of you have Deeper Knowledge …

  10. Awards season had come to Hugolandria, an awards season with such a quantity of hacks that it was as if their hack prose had been wrapped in hack clichés, bathed in the hack ink of the porn author Tingle, and flung into a puppy mill that descended toward the deepest crevasses of Tinglethengen, the hacks of which were so legendarily hack that the fans would cry out in joy as the Space Raptors of the Tinglethengenflagen filled their final ballots, giving them one last Tingle before absolute hackness fell upon them, made yet even more hack by the injury sustained from a falling trophy.

  11. Considering (10) and (11) together: Both Kukuruyo and Tingle were nominated to further Beale’s agenda, but I find it fascinating how differently the two resulting stories are unfolding. I am morbidly interested in what happens next.

  12. Hard to believe that getting his shitty, sleazy fanart suddenly thrust into the spotlight courtesy of a complete asshat could possibly have any negative consequences for the poor little troll.

    Actions something something consequences.

  13. 10.’My friend nominated my house for the best garden award and now the cops are all over the meth lab in my garage. I blame literally anyone but my friend.’

    11. Well played, Dr Tingle. Well played.

    15. Whatevs.

    17. All the applause! And then some.

  14. @Doctor Science: I swear there’s meteoroids/meteors/big space rocks being dropped on planets in the Lensman series by E.E. (Doc) Smith, which was published in book form in the 1950s. Can’t remember where, and it’s been a while since I read them.

    I’ll do some poking around in my bookshelf of early 20th century pulps and get back to the scroll sometime later, once I have had my fill of Space Opera, manly men, beautiful women, plucky sidekicks and brilliant scientists. Oh, and mechanical or valve computers that filled whole planets 🙂

  15. (10) Makes you wonder if Kukuruyo’s read the Terms of Services of his hosting company yet, doesn’t it?

    And even though Mr. Beale insists “Kukuruyo is Spanish, lives in Spain, and US law is not relevant to his activities” the fact that the company and webserver he chooses to host on IS in the United States. Which not only means that US law applies, but so do a few more on importing such material into the United States. And of course, the copyright violations are subject to international laws and treaties.

    Of course, if Mr. Beale were truly expert on US law, he might not be living in Switzerland.

  16. 10) for the record, whoever’s trying to take down Kukuruyo’s website shouldn’t.

    As for his violating various terms of service, I sympathise with him, but he should be aware of the possibility if he is creating fan-art/fanfic. It’s not particularly a shock, or shouldn’t be. It’s either false naïveté or gross stupidity not to realize it’s a possibility.

    14) Enh. That’s a little too much subjectivity for me.

    17) Niiiiiiiiiice.

  17. (3) I might have liked Captain America: Civil War better if it were a less good movie.

    I like Abigail a lot as a reviewer, but we disagree on nearly everything. This is one of the rare cases where she likes something a lot more than I did!

    (10) My heart sure is bleeding for the poor guy.

  18. kate: 10) for the record, whoever’s trying to take down Kukuruyo’s website shouldn’t.

    I agree. Anyone who engages in this is an asshole and should stop. But…

    I remember at least one, possibly two, of the Meedium Geenyuses complaining that someone was trying to hack their Facebook accounts — and claiming that clearly puppykicker SJWs were behind this.

    There are people on the Internet who get a kick out of abusing or spamming or DOSing or, or, or… others — and do so to anyone who happens to come to their attention, regardless of who they are or their political or ideologal orientation.

    There are people who attempt to hack or Trojan Facebook accounts and e-mail accounts and websites for their own nefarious purposes — and do so to anyone who happens to come to their attention, regardless of who they are or their political or ideologal orientation.

    That people are egotistical enough to assume that they are always deliberately targeted because of who or what they are, rather than considering that they may just have been the noticed flavor of the day by trolls and hackers… this is a thing that happens.

  19. @JJ: Yeah, some dude in Romania tried to get into my Facebook account just the other day. I’m reasonably certain it wasn’t someone who had anything in particular against me. Partly because I’m still largely a pseudonymous person even in business and partly because why would someone have to have something against me to try and hack a random facebook account for shits and giggles?

  20. The fact that Kate Paulk is still more incensed at her imaginary conspiracy of SJWs than at the Rabid Puppies says a whole lot about how much her opinion matters. I suppose she must be proud that at least she’s been useful.

  21. kathodus: The fact that Kate Paulk is still more incensed at her imaginary conspiracy of SJWs than at the Rabid Puppies says a whole lot about how much her opinion matters. I suppose she must be proud that at least she’s been useful.

    The day she posted the endorsement of that factless, libelous piece-of-shit SSARR was the day she abandoned all pretense of being a decent human being.

    Ever since then, I’ve assumed that anything she says is a lie or has ill-intent — because you have to be a particular kind of evil to support that sort of exploitation of child abuse to further a political agenda.

  22. @JJ — Oh, yes. In general, if his actual website is being targeted, then it’s random spammers or random people who want to target people who are suddenly in the public eye. It’s not some vast conspiracy against him.

    I just like, sometimes, stating the blindingly obvious so as to deflect that sort of trollery. If I could set up a little blinking sign, I would.

  23. @JJ – If she actually read SSaRR, then, yes, she is the lowest of the low. I suspect, though, that, as usual regarding the Sad Puppies, she was lazy and just kind of paid a tiny bit of attention to the larger outline of the story she was fed, and riffed on that. That would be typical for the fearsome ladies of SP3. I highly doubt, though, that she paid all that much attention to SSaRR. The Sad Puppies MO has been “do what thou wilt for publicity shall be the whole of the law.” Nothing much beyond that. Regardless, she is a well-used tool for trolls, as are all the other Sad Puppies from year one on.

  24. kathodus: I suspect, though, that, as usual regarding the Sad Puppies, she was lazy and just kind of paid a tiny bit of attention to the larger outline of the story she was fed, and riffed on that.

    That doesn’t buy her any leeway with me. If she chose to aid and abet that kind of evil without bothering to find out just what she was aiding and abetting, then as far as I’m concerned, she’s just as guilty of evil acts as Daniel Eness and VD.

  25. ” If she actually read SSaRR, then, yes, she is the lowest of the low”

    Interesting, you rank snitches lower than the pedophiles they attempt to bring to the light. Even most jailhouse felons aren’t as degenerate in their moral ranking.

  26. MC DuQuesne: A swift review seems to suggest that they actually rank bearing false witness at the bottom (or top) of their list of sins. I also disagree with this ordering, but the case is stronger than the way you present it.

  27. 1) It will be missed

    3) I see what she is saying, but damn was that a good movie.

    9) Good lord I love submarines.

    10) Oh yeah, dude. You totally thought it was an adult woman, that’s why you tried to jokingly blame it on someone that gaters like to smear as a pedophile, and then redrew it as as adult woman. Good show.

    Also, yeah. A lot of people are pissed off because someone fucked with the Hugo, and put an undeserving piece of shit on the ballot. *shrugs* Gee, if only you hadn’t been part of a hate group for two years.

    Should people be attempting to take down his website? No. But I have a hard time feeling sorry for him.

    Also, anyone who thinks that SSaRR brings anything to the table but rehashed bullshit and the same Teddy talking points has obviously never read the damn thing.

  28. In Lensman, planetary bombardment kept getting bigger, until they were “bombarding” planets by smashing whole other planets into them. Antimatter planets even.

    Jerry Pournelle claims to have come up with the “Rods from God” idea (not called that then) while working for Boeing in the 1950s. He referred to them as “tungsten telephone poles” and planned to target them with the Thoth missile guidance system Boeing was working on.

    It’s sometimes hard to tell whether a story talking about bombing from orbit is referring to kinetic bombardment or actual explosive bombs.

  29. MC DuQuesne: Interesting, you rank snitches  liars and libelers lower than the pedophiles they attempt to bring to the light  innocent people they are attempting to smear with their lies.

    There, MC. Fixed That For You.

    img[src*="c40f16976ba4f92d10947fb9f1f0eebb"] + span::after, /* MC DuQuesne */

  30. @The other Nigel: Meteorites? Kim Kinnison and his valiant crew laugh mere meteorites to scorn! Planets were hit with whole other planets! Then with other planets made of antimatter! Then they went to another universe where the speed of light is much higher, and nicked two planets from that, so they could throw one planet at an enemy planet faster than light! And then they threw their second faster-than-light planet into the enemy planet’s sun, just to make sure they’d learned their lesson!

    …. The Lensman series is a lot of things, but “subtle” ain’t one of them.

  31. And then they threw their second faster-than-light planet into the enemy planet’s sun, just to make sure they’d learned their lesson!

    And then they left a note saying that, all in all, they didn’t like them very much.

  32. “It has been announced a certain research ship will be the RRS Sir David Attenborough, however one of the ROV submarines it carries will be the Boaty McBoatface.”

    So I guess the third plaque for Park 770 will be called Plaqy McPlaqueface.

  33. Shoud’ve guessed Lensmen had done the “throw things down a gravity well” long long before The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.

    I will miss working for SF Signal. Judging from the reactions on the internet, it seems that most people know me, if they know me, are for the SF Signal Mind Melds–even if I was just one of several people doing it.

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