Pixel Scroll 7/28/16 How Many Files Must A Pixel Scroll Down

(1) OLD PROSE, YOUNG EYEBALLS. This time James Davis Nicoll set the table at Young People Read Old SF with Lawrence O’Donnell’s “Vintage Season” – O’Donnell being a pseudonym used by both C.L. Moore and her husband, Henry Kuttner, though this particular story is believed to be the work of Moore.

I knew Moore would be featured in this series. I just was not sure which Moore story to pick. One of her stories about Jirel, indomitable French swordswoman? Or perhaps Shambleau, which introduced her magnificently useless (but handsome!) adventurer Northwest Smith, who never encountered a deadly trap from which someone else could not rescue him (to their detriment). In the end, I went with Vintage Season, mainly because people often falsely attribute it (in part or whole) to her husband. That made me suspect that the attributors consider it the most significant of her stories. It has been adapted both to film (under the title Grand Tour: Disaster in Time) and to radio and was selected for inclusion in The Best of C.L. Moore . This, I think, is the right Moore.

Reader Lisa had this to say:

Lawrence O’Donnell used a technique that, while transparent, kept me interested enough in this story to keep me reading. (Well, the technique and the fact that I’m part of this project kept me reading.) He tells the story from the perspective of a partly-informed outsider who doesn’t have enough information about the other characters, but notices that something is up with them. (Though he, and the readers, have no idea what.) By continuing to drop treats here and there for the readers, he manages to keep them intrigued.

(2) MILD MELD MOVES. Shana DuBois curates a new Mind Meld, now hosted on the B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog.

For years, the essential sci-fi blog SF Signal published Mind Meld, a regular column that featured a monthly roundtable discussion of the tropes, themes, politics, and future of genre fiction. On the sad occasion of the closure of that site, we were happy to offer the feature a new home. Future installments of Mind Meld will appear monthly on the B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog.

The series resumes with answers from Usman Malik, Zachary Jernigan, Delilah S. Dawson, Django Wexler, Yoon Ha Lee, Caroline M. Yoachim, Haralambi Markov, and Lee Kelly to this question —

Q: How do you see the boundaries between literary and genre fiction adapting as we move forward?

(3) REVIEW SITE ADJUSTS SCOPE. The stress of a young child’s medical problems is contributing to Bookworm Blues policy change because lately the blogger is reading —

Urban fantasy and paranormal romance.

Yes, folks, I’ve been reading an absolute metric ton of UF and PNR recently, which is something I never in a million years thought I’d say, but it’s true. I’m reading it, mostly because I really, really need happy endings, fuzzy feelings, and lighter mental distractions right now. I’m having a shockingly hard time getting into anything else at the moment. I am positive that once my life, and my chaotic emotions settle a little, I will get back to my usual stuff. I also think it is incredibly unfair for me to not mention the authors and books I am reading because I’m afraid to do so for various arbitrary reasons that really don’t matter a fig to a soul.

And, the more I read these types of books, the more I’m kind of amazed at the amount of skill it takes to sell me on a happily ever after, and the books and authors that manage it deserve recognition for their skills.

So as of today, you will officially see the occasional urban fantasy and paranormal romance book reviews on here, and yes, I will open my doors to accept those books to review.

(4) PERSISTENCE. Kameron Hurley on “The Wisdom of the Grind: It’s Always Darkest Before a Breakthrough”.

Lately I’ve been in one of those rough periods where I just want to quit for six months or a year and travel around the world and refill my creative bucket. Cause right now all I can see down there are beer dregs. The truth is that every profession will try and squeeze out of you as much as it can get. While I’d like to be mindful of how much I give it, I also recognize that in order to get to where I want to be, I’m going to have to give it everything. This is a marathon, yeah, but I don’t indeed to have anything left for the way back. This is it. The older I get, the rougher than knowledge is, though: knowing I have saved nothing for the way back. There is only forward.

When it gets dark like this as I sweat over the next book and start putting together ideas for pitching a new series, I remind myself that sometimes it’s the very bleakest right before a major breakthrough. These are the long plateaus in skill and ability that we have to push through to level up. Once you get to the pro level at anything, your effort/skill ratio flips. You no longer see huge gains with minimal effort. There’s a reason you can get 2 years of skill leveling up out of 6 weeks of Clarion. You tend to be newer to the craft. You’ve got more to learn.

My next big level up is taking a lot longer to get to – several books, many stories….

(5) BEER NUMBER FIVE. Narragansett Beer introduces another Lovecraftian brew. Andrew Porter sent a comment with the link, “I had a lidless eye once, but I could never go swimming….”


Introducing the 5th installment and 4th chapter of our award winning Lovecraft series: The White Ship White IPA. H.P. Lovecraft’s, The White Ship, tells a story of a lighthouse keeper’s adventure aboard a mysterious ship where his curiosity and greed win out over his better judgment.

The label, designed by local Rhode Island artist Pete McPhee from Swamp Yankee, features an image of the story’s grey lighthouse as the north point of a compass rose and represents the narrator’s trip to the other world and back.

White Ship White IPA is a Belgian style IPA is brewed with 4 types of Belgian and American malts and creamy Belgian yeast to create a crisp, delicious beer that blurs style guidelines. We use El Dorado and Mandarina Bavarian hops to give the beer the slight tangerine notes. We then dry hop this adventurous brew with El Dorado hops to enhance the mild citrus aromatics….

(6) MONSTROUSLY GOOD. Petréa Mitchell’s Anime Roundup for July 28 has posted at Amazing Stories.

Re: ZERO – Starting Life In Another World #17

No matter how bad things get for Subaru, it is always possible that they could get worse. And, lately, they do.

The monster that showed up at the end of last episode is a flying leviathan, kind of a cross between Monstro, Jaws, and a plane full of jet engines, which is known as Moby-Dick. Well, okay, it’s called the Hakugei (White Whale), but that happens to be the Japanese title of Moby-Dick, and I do believe it’s a deliberate reference….

(7) DIAL FIVE SEVEN FIVE. Anna Wing summarized both The Silmarillion and Lord of the Rings in this haiku:

It is rarely wise
To attach such importance
To your jewellery.

(8) NATURE. “Game of Ants: two new species named after Daenerys Targaryens’s dragons”The Guardian has the story.

They reminded scientists of dragons so much, they named them after two of the fire-breathing beasts from the Game of Thrones.

The two new ant species from Papua New Guinea, named Pheidole drogon and Pheidole viserion, have spiny barbs along their backs and shoulders with an unusual set of muscles beneath them.

George R.R. Martin responded with in a post.

I suspect there are dragon ants in my world as well… maybe out on the Dothraki sea…

(9) TRIP REPORT. Marko Kloos was in New Mexico for Wild Cards events.

On Monday, I went to a Wild Cards author party thrown by KayMcCauley at Meow Wolf, an art venue in Santa Fe that is pretty spectacular. I had a chance to meet Wild Cards writers and reconnect with those I’ve met before. I also got to meet Thomas Olde Heuvelt, who was whisked into the event by George R.R. Martin after his own signing in town the same evening. (He’s in the US on a book tour for the English version of HEX, his best-selling debut novel.) It was a fun event, and I had a good time, even though I still feel like the new kid in high school among so many well-known high-caliber writers.

(10) JERRY DOYLE OBIT. Actor Jerry Doyle, from Babylon 5, was found unresponsive at his home last night and later declared dead. The family made an announcement through his Twitter account:

Michi Trota posted a spot-on tribute:

(11) EXOTIC RECIPE. Fran Wilde has released her newest Cooking the Books Podcast.

cooking the books

This month’s Cooking the Books Podcast, #025: Space Weevils – Cooking the Books with David D. Levine contains:

  • 100% less gravity
  • Space weevils (you were warned, they get big in a vacuum)
  • Hardtack
  • Lime juice
  • no powdered sugar
  • A Baggywrinkles shout out!
  • Napoleons in Spaaaaace (not the general)
  • Soup
  • a big ball of boiling water

(12) DIABOLICAL PLOTS. Congratulations to David Steffen on this announcement by SFWA

Diabolical Plots, self-described as “a Sci-fi/Fantasy zine that covers virtually every media related to the genre from books to movies to video games” is now a SFWA Qualified market. Payment: Eight cents per word, on publication.

Connect here — http://www.diabolicalplots.com/

(13) RAISE YOUR RIGHT HOOF. Lynne M. Thomas and Michael Damian Thomas take another swing at telling the whole truth – “A Space Unicorn Tale: The REAL Story Behind the Creation of Uncanny Magazine at Tor.com.

The Space Unicorn mascot is real. Not only are they real, they edit and publish every single issue of Uncanny Magazine by utilizing their abilities to travel through a series of portals to infinite points in spacetime. You probably suspected this from the beginning.

And congratulations to them, too, because the Uncanny Magazine Year Three Kickstarter hit its goal today!

(14) CROWDSOURCED WEB SERIES WITH TREK ALUMNI. The makers of Regegades hit the $60,000 goal of their Indiegogo appeal and are looking for more.

Renegades is an original, independently fan-funded sci-fi web series, executive produced by Sky Conway, and starring Walter Koenig, Nichelle Nichols, Tim Russ, Adrienne Wilkinson, Terry Farrell, Robert Beltran, Gary Graham, Cirroc Lofton, Aron Eisenberg, Manu Intiraymi, Hana Hatae, Bruce Young, and many more. We are currently finishing production on “The Requiem” parts I and II and are now in need of funding for post-production – editing, sound, visual effects, etc…



(16) CAST YOUR VOTE. Whether or not the Hugos have been “saved” to your satisfaction, George R.R. Martin urged all eligible voters to get their 2016 Hugo Ballot in by the July 31 deadline.

The Hugo is science fiction’s oldest and most prestigious award. These past few years, however, the awards have been under siege, and that’s true this year as well.

Nonetheless, there are some worthy books and stories up for this year’s rockets, along with some reprehensible shit. I will leave it to your own judgements as to which is which.

Vote your own taste.

Vote your own conscience.

But vote. Every ballot counts.

(17) TENTACLE PARTY. Cthulhu For President, the game, has got a facelift for the US election. Can be bought in PDF here.

Don’t settle for the lesser evil! Heed the call of Cthulhu! Get ready for muck-raking, magic, and mayhem (with a little help from the world of H. P. Lovecraft.)

The Stars Are Right!

In Cthulhu For President, you become an Elder Party staffer tasked with serving the Great Old Ones during their eternal struggle for domination. Cross wits with the other political parties, manipulate voters using non-Euclidian geometry, swear on the Necronomicon, and sacrifice your co-workers to the Elder Gods. Politics has always been evil, but destroying the world has never been so much fun!


(18) WHAT WERE THEY TRYING TO KEEP OUT? The Great Wall of China was designed to protect against monsters, according to a new Matt Damon movie.

[Thanks to Andrew Porter, Dawn Incognito, Hampus Eckerman, Soon Lee, John King Tarpinian, and Steven H Silver for some of these stories. Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day ULTRAGOTHA and Anthony.]

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123 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 7/28/16 How Many Files Must A Pixel Scroll Down

  1. lurkertype said:

    I asked San Jose in 2018 about Pokemon and here’s what they said:

    “We’ve got the Ingress intel maps for both Downtown San Jose and the New Orleans Central Business District. They’re not even close.”

    That’s also what they said in the Facebook post I linked to. It doesn’t appear to be a claim one can evaluate without a copy of Ingress.

  2. You or I may not especially like mil fic, for example, but then, I don’t personally care for the cloying sentimental stories that have won in the last few years, either.

    Which winners were those?

  3. You or I may not especially like mil fic, for example, but then, I don’t personally care for the cloying sentimental stories that have won in the last few years, either.

    That’s fine. On the other hand, you didn’t throw a massive hissy fit and try to burn down the entire enterprise, did you?

  4. you didn’t throw a massive hissy fit and try to burn down the entire enterprise, did you?

    There’s a Star Trek joke in there somewhere, I just know it.

  5. Kip W: “Ralph Phillips!” Deadeye gasped, hastily returning the guilty knife to a capacious sleeve of his serape, “I was jest… jest lookin’ ta see if you was…”

    This sounds so much like “The Builders”!

  6. I learned years ago to act like I do things on purpose. Just this once, I’ll break discipline and confess that I was going for three other things.

  7. @Bruce. I think it had single entendres throughout.

    It may have not a direct quote from one of the Hugo ammosexual MilSF finalists.

  8. There are plenty of Pokemaps out there, I am given to understand.

    I’d like to hear examples of the supposedly “cloying sentimental” stories that have been winning Hugos lately too.

    Or why gaming badly-written stuff onto the ballot is an appropriate response to any perceived deficiencies, instead of nominating other quality work instead.

  9. @Lin McAllister: the important thing is that people think it will be.

    Personally I think by the time 2018 rolls around it’ll have settled down considerably but still very much be a thing. Plus to keep interest up there’s an extra 500+ pokemon they can put into future updates whenever they feel like.

  10. Somehow I’ve missed all the cloying sentimental stories which have been winning the Hugos recently. I might be guilty nominating and voting for them so I wouldn’t recognize them would I? 😉

    I’ll note as usual someone makes the claim without providing specific examples. I’m sure our wanting examples of cloying sentimental stories will be seen as bullying rather than a request for facts to back up one’s assertions.

    Love me some good MilSF. Wish the SPs had nominated some instead of the poorly written message fiction they did while under manly men leadership.

  11. Stanford University is *covered* in Pokestops. There’s so many of them that they overlap.

  12. @Lela
    I echo the request to tell us which “cloyingly sentimental” were nominated for and won awards. Since I suspect I might have nominated and voted for quite a few of them.

    I also enjoy good military SF and wouldn’t have minded finding some of that on the ballot. Instead, we got stuff that reads a lot like Chris S.’s parody.

  13. I put The Way Home, a MILSF story by Linda Nagata on my ballot. It was the standard to which I held the finalists in that category, for prose as well as for readability, and by that measure there wasn’t much there there.

    I like the subgenre quite a lot, but that doesn’t mean I enjoy tiresome retreads of things that were already kind of old fashioned in the 1970s. But, hey, I guess tiresome retreads are okay if they’re written by the right people. (No, of course that’s not sarcasm. Why do you ask?)

  14. Don’t put your pixel in the scroll, Missus Woofington,
    Don’t put your pixel in the scroll.
    For the publishing field is vicious, and the going’s dog eat dog
    The editing scene is angry and mean,
    It’s right there in my blog.
    It’s a quick read, though not substantial, I may say,
    And written in a cloying way
    And that’s enough of that.
    No Award, Missus Woofington,
    FNORD, Missus Woofington!
    Don’t put your pixel in the scroll!

  15. Lela E. Buis: You have to remember that SF stories are a matter of taste. The Sad/Rabid Puppies have definitely shifted the awards toward a different taste in the last couple of award cycles. You or I may not especially like mil fic, for example, but then, I don’t personally care for the cloying sentimental stories that have won in the last few years, either.

    Oh, they’ve shifted the “taste” of the awards, all right — toward the “crap” end of the scale.

    I love good MilSF. What the Puppies cheated onto the ballot isn’t good MilSF. It’s shabby weapons-porn with a thick veneer of racism and male elitism.

    I’d also like some concrete examples of whatever it is you’re claiming is “cloying sentimentalism”

    Lela E. Buis: The Hugo’s [sic] are a popularity award, so you can’t really complain about what wins. It’s determined by who votes.

    People aren’t complaining about what won (which, in case you missed it, was No Award). People are complaining about the mediocre-to-execrable works the Puppies cheated onto the ballot, and the fact that voting for good-quality SFF was not an option because of that cheating.

  16. @lurkertype:

    As one would expect, Silicon Valley has a lot more Pokemon than other places. Plus, no humidity or bugs while you walk around trying to catch them.

    But can you carry around a frozen daiquiri while you play?

  17. @ JJ: A friend of mine points out that, as you say, a lot of the MilSF that got gamed onto the ballot is little more than weapons-porn — and that if you’re reading (or watching) porn, quality counts for a great deal less than “it pushes the right buttons”. The self-insertion factor extends way beyond the realm of fanfic.

  18. Lee: A friend of mine points out… that if you’re reading (or watching) porn, quality counts for a great deal less than “it pushes the right buttons”.

    I don’t think that there’s enough brain bleach in the world to erase that visual image of what Puppies do at home while reading the craptastic MilSF works that they’ve nominated in the last two years. o_O

    So give your friend my thanks… I guess?

  19. But can you carry around a frozen daiquiri while you play?

    Gets right to the heart of the matter, that does.

    “Would you like that beer for here or to go?” is a question I treasure hearing.

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