Pixel Scroll 8/7/17 There Are Eight Million Pixels In The Naked Scroll

(1) ROBOCALL BOMB THREAT LEADS TO CON EVACUATION. On Sunday fans were ordered to evacuate Yestercon, a one-day nostalgia con in Carson, California, as a result of a bomb threat. PopCultHQ has extensive coverage.

…“CelebWorx brought Keith Coogan and Greg Berg to Yestercon. At approximately 3:08, onsite staffers from the Carson civic center went through the celebrity aisle to calmly alert us to leave the facility immediately. We had no time to grab anything. When we reached the parking lot, the Carson police department asked us to get in our cars and drive away as far as possible. The show until then was going wonderfully with a healthy crowd. It was the most attended Yestercon in the past three years. We returned two hours later to retrieve our abandoned items.” – Nery Lemus – Vice President – CelebWorx

Nery then went on to provide me the following;

“After speaking to a Yestercon official, the Bomb Threat was a result of a robotic phone call singling out the name Yestercon as the target of the threat.”


(2) CAN THIS GAME BE PLAYED FOR MONEY? Yes, if you make it to the world-champion video-gaming tournament: “The biggest e-sports event in the world”.

The International isn’t just any e-sports tournament.

It’s the biggest event of its kind in the world with a prize pool of nearly $24m (£18.4m) and is hosted by Valve.

Sixteen teams, with players from all over the world, are competing in the season climax for online battle arena game Dota 2.

For many of them the prestige of lifting the trophy at this ultra-competitive event is far more important than the cash.

Alex “machine” Richardson is Dota 2’s answer to Gary Lineker and has been hosting the live stream of the group stages, which are taking place in Seattle.

(3) HOW DOCTOR WHO STOLE CHRISTMAS. ScienceFiction.com says it could have been lost for good — “Steven Moffat Explains How Last Year’s Christmas Special Was Almost The Last”.

In a recent interview, current showrunner Steven Moffat – who will cede the position to newcomer Chris Chibnall after Moffat’s last episode, the upcoming Christmas Special – outlined how the special episode almost didn’t happen this year, and may have been eliminated forever.

As Moffat explains about his discussions with the BBC regarding his departure:

“There was one big glitch, which was Christmas. I was going to leave at the end of series 10 – I had my finale planned and what I wanted to do with it. I had a good notion of that. Then I learned at a drinks event somewhere that Chris didn’t want to start with a Christmas [episode], so at that point they were going to skip Christmas. There’d be no Christmas special and we would’ve lost that slot.

(4) THE NEXT DOCTOR. The BBC tells “How Jodie Whittaker ‘missed’ fan reactions to Doctor Who role” — contains long audio on her reactions (lots of gosh-wow) and on advice she received from former Time Lords (starting at 6:50 on 2nd clip).

Jodie Whittaker says she didn’t see people’s reactions to her becoming the first female Doctor Who, because she’s not on social media.

Speaking to BBC 6 Music in her first broadcast interview since her casting was revealed, she said: “This will be a blessing and a curse.

“I’ve missed a lot of the fun stuff and probably the bad stuff.”

(5) W75 YES, COMICONS, NO. Helsinki-bound book dealer Francesca T. Barbini of Luna Press Publishing answers the question, “Why Do Authors Need To Go To Cons?”, and advises which ones to pick.

On Monday we leave for Finnish shores. Worldcon 75 here we come!

I’m laughing/crying at the logistic nightmare ahead of us: 5 cricket bags full of books! Between the early rise to catch the plane and the dragging of luggage, by the time we reach Helsinki, we’ll feel like Sisyphus in the Underworld. However, the plan is to return home much lighter 🙂 so please, make our authors (and our back) happy and adopt a book!

Conventions are a big part of an author’s life. I cannot imagine being where I am today without my con experience. Specifically, I am referring to book conventions/events, rather than traditional book fairs like London or Frankfurt, and definitely not ComicCons, which are a different matter altogether. The ones I go to are primarily about SF, Fantasy and Horror.

That said, I also realise that I am lucky to be able to attend, as they are also one of the biggest expenses in an author’s yearly schedule, which not everyone can afford, for several reasons. And what if you can’t go? What will people think?

With Worldcon upon us, I want to share my con experience with others and why I think that authors should go to conventions if they can. We’ll look at Pros and Cons as well as tips for when money is an issue…..

(6) THE SENSE OF WONDER IS NOW MAINSTREAM. Never mind the authors aching for Dragon Awards, it used to be that sci-fi shows watched by millions couldn’t get a sniff of the Emmys. Vanity Fair remembers: “From Game of Thrones to Stranger Things: How Geek TV Crashed the Emmys”

In 2005, Emmy voters opened their mail to find a mysterious black envelope stuffed with DVDs. “‘The No. 1 Television Show of 2005’—Time Magazine,” the cover read, without disclosing the title of the program on the discs. The show was Battlestar Galactica, a serious-minded reboot of the campy 1970s series, and the idea was to trick snobby TV Academy members into watching a science-fiction drama without rolling their eyes.

“We were battling the name,” Battlestar Galactica executive producer Ronald D. Moore told me recently, of his effort to get colleagues who were making dramas such as The West Wing and 24 to take seriously a show set in a distant star system. “It was considered kiddie stuff: ‘That’s not real TV. It’s people running around in silly outfits. There was real TV and then what we were doing. You couldn’t get a meeting on NYPD Blue,’” Moore said. The black-envelope strategy didn’t work—despite receiving widespread critical acclaim for its writing, acting, and directing, Battlestar Galactica collected nominations only in the visual-effects categories that year.

What a difference a decade or so makes. Fantasy and science-fiction TV are now decidedly prestige TV, as shows such as Moore’s latest—the time-traveling Starz series, Outlander—exist in a crowded world of awards-hungry monsters, zombies, and robots. There’s HBO’s Westworld, which tied Saturday Night Live as the show with the most Emmy nominations this year (22), Netflix’s Stranger Things (18) and Black Mirror (3), Hulu’s Handmaid’s Tale (13), USA’s Mr. Robot (3), and Starz’s American Gods (2), to name a few. Many of the shows sit on the shoulders of HBO’s barrier-breaking Game of Thrones, which became the most awarded scripted series in Emmy history last year, with 38 wins. That a cable program featuring chain mail and dragons could shatter a record once held by NBC’s Frasier reveals how much the TV industry has changed. (Due to the timing of its season, Game of Thrones is not eligible for Emmys this year, to the relief of every one of its competitors. Outlander, which has been nominated for three Emmys and four Golden Globes in the past, is out of contention this year for the same reason.)

(7) BEFORE HE WAS SPOCK. While Bill was searching for more clippings about celebrities who love Mexican food (triggered, presumably, by the item about Boris Karloff the other day) he came across this Leonard Nimoy item in The Boston Globe for March 31, 1968 – which has nothing to do with food, but you may like it anyway….

[Leonard Nimoy] was asked to tell the story again about the time he was driving a cab and he picked up John F. Kennedy. “That was in 1956. I was just out of the service and I was driving a cab at night in Los Angeles and looking for acting jobs during the day. I got a call to go to the Bel Air Hotel to pick up a Mr. Kennedy. It was a highly political time — right before the conventions — and Stevenson and Kefauver were running strong. When I got to the Bel Air I asked the doorman if I was waiting for the senator from Massachusetts. He said he didn’t know. When Kennedy came down the doorman whispered to me, ‘Is this guy a senator?’

“As Kennedy got in the cab I said, ‘How are things in Massachusetts, senator? He perked up. He said, ‘Are you from Massachusetts?’ He asked me so many questions — he was very socially-oriented — he asked me why I was in California, where my folks were from, why they came to the U.S. and what they thought about my being an actor. I asked him about Stevenson’s chances and he said, ‘You talk to a lot of people. What do you think?’ I asked him what would happen if Stevenson won the nomination and lost the election. He said ‘He’d be finished politically.’ That was the one flat statement he made about politics. I dropped him at the Beverly Hilton. The fare was $1.25 and he didn’t have any cash in his pocket. He went into the hotel and I followed him, tagging along for my $1.25. He finally found somebody he knew and he borrowed three dollars and he turned around and handed it to me.”

(8) NAKAJIMA OBIT. Vale, kaiju. Rue Morgue reports the death of original Godzilla suit actor Haruo Nakajima.

Very sad news: The man who first portrayed Japanese cinema’s greatest monster has passed on, leaving behind an enormous footprint.

Haruo Nakajima, who donned the rubber suit for the title character of 1954’s GOJIRA (released Stateside as GODZILLA, KING OF THE MONSTERS in 1956),

(9) LOS ANGELES UNDERSTOOD. A Bradbury quote begins this LA Times article about the 2028 Olympics: “A dream and a reality, the 2028 Olympics give Los Angeles a chance to imagine its future”.

When asked to explain the secret of Los Angeles on the eve of the 1984 Olympics, the late poet, novelist and fantasist Ray Bradbury broke it down, capturing the ingenuous advantage the city enjoyed as it was coming of age.

“L.A. is a conglomerate of small towns striving toward immensity and never making it, thank God,” he wrote. “We have no kings, queens, or courts, no real pecking order, no hierarchies to prevent those of us who care to lean into creativity from running loose in the big yard.”

(10) BRADBURY’S MARS. Local NPR station KPCC devoted part of today’s Take Two show to “‘The Martian Chronicles:’ An out-of-this-world projection of LA”. Audio clip at the link.

It doesn’t even take place on this planet, yet this Sci-fi classic by longtime resident Ray Bradbury has a lot to say about L.A. in the early 1950s.  David Kipen is a book editor and founder of the Libros Schmibros lending library. You can take Bradbury out of L.A. but you can’t take L.A. out of Bradbury, he says. …

Parallels between native peoples of Earth and Mars

The stories add up to something greater than the sum of their parts. They add up to this parable of what Ray experienced as an immigrant to Southern California where the only remnant left that he could readily see of the Tongva, of the Chumash, were some cave paintings up in Santa Ynez, and a lot of place names like Tujunga – like Topanga. The Native Americans were here but there weren’t where Ray Bradbury grew up on Alexandria or Kenmore in Hollywood. Ray was not going to see much evidence of that. So it’s this sense of a bygone civilization of which only remnants remain. Ray, as a guy coming to LA in the 1930s with his family, was only going to get these kind of ghostly hints of the people who once lived on this same land for thousands of years before. And he transmutes that into the way he presents the Martians as these people very much in sync and in sympathy with the land, and rather otherworldly, and at the same time, endangered.

(11) COMICS SECTION. John King Tarpinian’s radar also spotted the Bradbury reference in today’s Frazz.

(12) WORLDCON PROGRAMMING. Not in Helsinki today? Here’s something else you’ve missed:


(13) STILL PACKING. Some may be delayed because their SJW credential is trying to stow away.

(14) A SURPRISE. Lou Antonelli, in “First thoughts on the Dragon award”, included this insight about the award’s management:

I’ve been a finalist for both the Sidewise and Hugo awards, and in both cases, if you have made the ballot, you are contacted in advance, and asked if you accept the honor. Sometimes people prefer to take a bye.

Nominations for the Dragon closed July 24, and after a week had passed I assumed I had not made the grade. I was sure of it last Thursday night when I received an email that had a link to the final ballot.

I opened the ballot, to see who HAD made the grade, and was startled to see my name there. The Dragon award apparently is less bureaucratic than some others, I suppose, and they simply released the final ballot the way the nominations fell.

(15) DRAGON WITHDRAWAL. Alison Littlewood preceded John Scalzi in taking herself out of contention with “A statement regarding the Dragon Awards”.

It has just been announced that The Hidden People has been nominated for a Dragon Award.

While this would normally be a great pleasure, it has also been brought to my notice that my book has been selected by a voting bloc who are attempting, for reasons of their own, to influence the awards outcome. Essentially, the same group who set out to fix the Hugo Awards are now encouraging their supporters to follow their voting choices in the Dragon Awards.

I’m grateful to anyone who has voted for The Hidden People in good faith, but I am deeply concerned that the voting should be fair going forward and so I have today emailed the organisers and asked for The Hidden People to be withdrawn from consideration.

I would just like to add that I have had no contact with the voting bloc and indeed have never asked anyone to vote for me in the Dragon Awards. Thank you again to anyone who did so because they enjoyed the book!

(16) THE PROFESSIONALS. Chuck Wendig and Jim C. Hines are working hard to extract the lessons to be learned from this year’s Dragon Awards.


(17) KERFUFFLE LITERARY HISTORY. Doris V. Sutherland will cover some of this year’s Dragon Award nominees as part of a book project: “Dragon Awards 2017: Which Finalists to Write About?”

So yeah, I’ve been working on a book called Monster Hunters, Dinosaur Lovers, about the stories caught up in the whole Puppies-versus-Hugos kerfuffle. I’m planning to cover every single Hugo-nominated prose story published from 2013 to 2016 (the years of the Sad Puppies campaign). I’m also going to look at the nominees for other SF/F awards from the same period – but in those cases I’ll be a little more discriminating about what gets covered and what doesn’t.

With the ballot for the second Dragon Awards announced, my main concern is figuring out which finalists are worth looking at in my book. So here goes…

Blood of Invidia got a boost from the Puppysphere, and judging by its Amazon synopsis, it’s a jokey, self-aware urban fantasy. Alongside zombie apocalypse, that’s one of the few horror-adjacent genres that the Puppies have shown much support for. Into the horror chapter it goes, alongside Jim Butcher and Declan Finn.

I might give The Hidden People a mention as it was one of Vox Day’s picks, against the author’s wishes. Don’t see that The Bleak December is particularly relevant to my topic, though.

(18) HASSELHOFF. Gwynne Watkins of Yahoo! Movies, in “David Hasselhoff’s Road to ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’? ‘It All Started with ‘Knight Rider!’”, interviews actor David Hasselhoff, who says that his part in Guardians came about because director James Gunn loved Knight Rider as a kid.  Hasselhoff says “I’ve got the kids market wrapped up” because of his role in The Spongebob Squarepants Movie.

Do you have people telling you that a lot that you were a father figure to them because of Knight Rider?

Almost every day, a man comes up to me and says, “I need to tell you my Knight Rider story.” Or a man will tell me that he loves me. Or a person from Thailand will say, “You are my mentor.” Or a person from Afghanistan who’s driving a cab says, “You’re my hero.” I say, “Where are you from?” And he goes, “Afghanistan.” I say, “Oh my God.” Iraq. Iran. It’s just insane. And it’s incredibly fantastic because they all have got a specific story, from India or Pakistan — watching it like Slumdog Millionaire, 200 people around a TV — to the shah of Iran’s wife saying,We used to sell tickets on the back lawns. People would gather and watch the show illegally by satellite for 25 cents in Iran!” And I’m going, “What? What? What?”

And now, 30 years later, it gets to be in one of the biggest movies of all time. And it’s just still following me around, and I embrace it. The theme of Knight Rider is, “One man can make a difference.” And I’m still alive and proving that, hopefully, almost every day.

(19) VAN HELSING TRAILER. Syfy brings back Van Helsing for a second season.

The world is over and so is the wait. Slay. All Day. Van Helsing returns this Fall with all-new episodes on SYFY. About Van Helsing:

Van Helsing is set in a world that has been taken over by vampires following a volcanic explosion that blocked out the sun. Vanessa Van Helsing is the last hope for survival, as she unknowingly awakens to discover she has a unique blood composition that makes her not only immune to vampires, but with the ability to turn a vampire human. With this secret weapon, Vanessa becomes a prime target for the vampires. Her objective: Save humanity – and find her daughter.


[Thanks to ULTRAGOTHA, JJ, Chip Hitchcock, Mark-kitteh, Carl Slaughter, Martin Morse Wooster, and John King Tarpinian for some of these stories. Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Bill.]

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41 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 8/7/17 There Are Eight Million Pixels In The Naked Scroll

  1. (4)
    Not being on Social Media *is* both a blessing & a curse.

    (14) A SURPRISE.
    The lack of “bureaucracy” doesn’t surprise me. It also lacks some other components of how a good award should be run. IMO.

    (15) DRAGON WITHDRAWAL. Allison Littlewood preceded John Scalzi in taking herself out of contention with “A statement regarding the Dragon Awards”.

    I’d seen that: good for Littlewood in not wanting to be associated, however peripherally with the smell of Puppy. Perhaps if the Dragon was run with integrity? Maybe next year? At this rate, I wonder if there’ll be other withdrawals

    Person in rubber suit monster is a foundational touchstone of pop culture. RIP.

    ETA: Accidental Fifth!

  2. (1). Wait. Robots are calling in bomb threats on SF conventions? The future is now!

  3. @16, it’s funny how the pups seem mostly to be about what they hate rather than what they love. I don’t get it. I agree with Chuck in this tweet-stream (is that a word?) — they never seem to say anything nice about books; just negatives about more popular authors’ books.

    I don’t think the pups are well-named, in that all the real puppies I know love-love-love people. Ok, and sometimes piddle on the floor, so that much remains the same….

  4. Didn’t the Dragon people say last year that they wouldn’t accept withdrawals…you can tell your fans not to vote for you, but if you win, you win. They can’t force you to accept the trophy, I suppose, but they can still list you as nominees named or winning.

  5. Cassy B,

    During the height of the Puppy Wars, that line of questioning always got them to quickly become very quiet since they never seemed to be able to identify something they really liked, just pointed out what was not liked.

  6. The Puppies have no trouble identifying authors they like. They can usually tell you what aspect of an author’s politics makes them like (or dislike) that author.

    But when it comes to works, they’ve almost always been silent–either about why they like a work or why they dislike it. They usually seem puzzled that anyone even cares about the content of the works. Comes of not reading them, I guess.

  7. Greg Hullender on August 7, 2017 at 9:53 pm said:

    But when it comes to works, they’ve almost always been silent–either about why they like a work or why they dislike it.

    There is a general issue with finding a way of engaging critically with something without attacking something. This cuts both ways – criticism is often aimed at showing how something must be terrible but also that other people’s genuine criticism must be seen as an “attack” or hatred etc.

    You’ll see that with the Dragon Awards – the various issues we (people here) are identifying are seen as some kind of assault on the Dragons, when in reality for awards we LIKE we’d be pulling the whole process to pieces and arguing over competing ways of rebuilding them.

  8. I’ll be on the Viking Line ferry leaving Stockholm today (Tuesday) 4 PM. I don’t know to what extent I’ll be able to check in here during the trip, that would depend on ship wifi and all.

  9. Maybe of slight genre interest: Games Workshop is being sued for 65 Million$. (Bear with me, there will be some SF related content further down):
    Its about three things: One because of the strict limnitations Games Workshop holds over their retailers (This IS a problem, but I cant take a law suit seriously that talks about the “socialist laws of Europe”, when suing a british company), Two because of the high profit margins (which is BS, because he compares the prices to make a miniature with the sales prize and ignores shipping, retail etc.) and three – and here it gets interesting – because he said GW copied Heinleins work. mainly the use of “Power armours” and “Space marines”, he also claims GW rips off Tolien becauise Warhammer uses fights between dwarves and Elves and Orcs.
    (This is spicy because GQ tends to sue people using the terms “Space marines”, but I think this a matter of trademarks, not copyright. Also the suitor doesnt really seem to know what “Copyright” means).
    So the question – irrelevant to the case in hand but interesteing imho is: Was Heinlein really the first one to use “Power armour” and “Space marine”? I think I seen the first in golden Age SF (EE Smith maybe?) but Im not sure, because I would have read these books in German and the translation may just be off.

  10. @Peer Sylvester: The Wikipedia article for space marine claims that the earliest use of the term was Bob Olsen’s story “Captain Brink of the Space Marines” in a 1932 issue of Amazing Stories.

    Apparently Doc Smith used the term in a 1937 story, and Heinlein’s first use was in 1939.

  11. And, clearly, by 4 pm, I actually mean half past, because remembering a time across weeks is difficult.

  12. Meredith Moment: (I hope I spelled that right; if not my apologies!)

    River of Tears by Sarah Gaily is 99 cents today on Amazon. Wild West tale of hippo-riding cowboys. I have not yet read it. I’d heard of heard of it awhile back and considered it, and now I have no reason not to try it.

  13. If the Dragon awards don’t offer authors a chance to opt out of being a nominee before the final list is announced, it’s possible they don’t accept withdrawal from consideration. Further, it’s also possible that they won’t allow winners to decline an award. That is, they don’t have to take the flaming spit trophy, but they’re still Dragon Award winners.

    Waiting for authors to threaten legal action to have their name struck from the list of award winners.

    (8) One of the morning shows (CBS This Morning, I think) ran a story about the passing of Haruo Nakajima today. One of those things I wouldn’t have thought possible only a few years ago.

    In the August 10th issue of Rolling Stone, The Last Word interview is with Joe Walsh. When asked what his favorite book of all time is, he says The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury.

  14. I’m sorry, I’m still boggling over the concept of a robocall bomb threat.

    “Please press one to accede to our demands, or two to explode…”

  15. Yeah, there’s definitely a small but aggravating minority of people who mainly use social justice concepts as a way to abuse others. It is a growing problem in transformative works fandom, too.


    I liked the music video.

    @Nancy Sauer

    You were correct. 🙂

  16. River of Tears by Sarah Gaily is 99 cents today on Amazon. Wild West tale of hippo-riding cowboys. I have not yet read it. I’d heard of heard of it awhile back and considered it, and now I have no reason not to try it.

    That’s “RIVER OF TEETH” and “Gailey,” but yes, it is.

  17. @Kurt Busiek :

    Thanks for the corrections! The errors are doubly embarrassing because I’d written everything down to avoid them in the first place. Haste makes waste etc.

  18. A couple of counter comment links:

    Ana Mardoll’s Storify

    A comment in Metafilter

    I do not necessarily endorse these comments (I find Ana Mardoll’s work interesting but she’s a bit self-promotiony and a significant part of her part 3 could be read as proof the article is right rather than proof it is a hit piece) But I think it helps to have a dual perspective.

    There are most definitely toxic people on the social justice side, and it does seem to me that calling others racist for considering reading a book ONE person has accused of doing it wrong (even with appended quotes) can be jumping the gun. But. I have ALSO seen people go the other way and paint criticism as bullying and disagreement by the represented minority community as mob tactics. I don’t know enough about this situation to know which way it falls – probably a little of both, with a few people going overboard then others, with similar criticisms but less abusive tacticsm being tied, possibly unfairly, to the toxicity.

  19. (3) Looking forward to it as I always love Doctors > 1.

    (14) “less bureaucratic” = nobody knows what the hell they’re doing

    (16) These guys are always good.

    (17) Doris reads the crap so we don’t have to. Looking forward to her final work, though.

    “River of Teeth” is great, it’s on my list for next year, and it’s well worth your 99c.

  20. @clack

    Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Scrolls of Summer

    “Those Scrolls of Soda, and Pixels, and Bheer”

  21. @Lenora – thanks for the context. I’m confused as to how the person in the second link you posted seems to think lobbying to stop publication of a book you didn’t write is okay. Aside from that, I think I’ll need to read the book to assess the rest. Not sure it’s worth it, but if Kirkus likes it… maybe?

    Also, hate-linking?

  22. “Hate linking”? Again, really smacks of Requires Hate’s tactics. Not really a response to the assertions in the article, just complaining that citing people’s own words is wrong in and of itself.

  23. (Take two…)

    Okay, so, I went and read a bunch of the tweets that were linked in the Vulture article (all that hadn’t been deleted or hidden), and, well, it’s pretty textbook black-and-white thinking. The sort of stuff you always see with Benjanun Sriduangkaew type social-justice-as-bullying, with some weirdly Puppyish communal discussion of being blocked like it means you’re doing it right (the 1* review-without-reading campaign was also Puppyish). Nastiness justified by pain.

    The author of the article has been receiving some pretty interesting tweets since publication which are much the same. (By the way, it seems there was only one tweet and she deleted it months ago for reasons which seem reasonable.)

    There are enough reasonable explanations for why the people linked might know each other that I wouldn’t assume that Kat Rosenfield is only pursuing a vendetta. In my experience, people with this particular attitude tend to hang out together, in part because anyone who doesn’t share it is generally ejected from the group. Further, one would expect that the most vocal critics would also be the ones to respond to any criticism of their cause.

    Pain sucks, and people have a right to be angry, but it isn’t a free pass to go around behaving badly to anyone who doesn’t meet some artifical standard of perfect social justice purity.

  24. @kathodus

    Read a few pages of that until I couldn’t manage any more. All them are similar enough that it does look like it is coordinated effort working from a list of talking points.

  25. Hm, the way the article bulks up the approval anonymously and points fingers at specific individuals (including some that asked to be kept anonymous and were ignored by the way, because ?? I don’t know. Only supporters get to have their requests taken seriously?) reminds me of Puppydom, and the “silent majority backs us”.

  26. @kathodus: “Interesting in that the comments remind me very much of VD’s Dread Elk hacking away at eg Scalzi,”

    Yes; Brogan and Elder literally copied and pasted their dubious defenses as replies to just about all of the book’s critics who dared to speak up. Very reminiscent of the Dead Elks.

    I’ve been following Ana on Twitter for a while now. I don’t always agree with her, and sometimes I think she’s less lenient than something merits, but I’ve generally found her points to be well-reasoned. I read her thread related to this book, and the Kirkus review appears to support the charges she makes against it. I wouldn’t have used the “Hitler’s Granddaughter” phrase so often, but according to the Kirkus summary, it’s an apt description. (Her grandmother literally waged a war of extermination against “inferior races.” Pretty Hitlerish, that.)

    As she and commenters on the review point out, we don’t exactly need more “racist main character sees the light” narratives, and YA books are an appallingly bad place for that plot. By making that character the heroine, the author is asking the reader to empathize with a racist, and the people she sees as “lesser” are relegated to being exactly that: plot devices that exist merely to educate the racist. That’s pretty awful stuff, especially if the assertions that she remains a racist for more than the first half of the book are true.

    I’ll be avoiding this book. If I want to hear racists talk about minorities, all I have to do is go outside or watch the latest political news. I don’t need or want to read about fictional ones, and they damn sure ain’t my heroes.

  27. Camestros Felapton on August 7, 2017 at 10:03 pm said:

    You’ll see that with the Dragon Awards – the various issues we (people here) are identifying are seen as some kind of assault on the Dragons, when in reality for awards we LIKE we’d be pulling the whole process to pieces and arguing over competing ways of rebuilding them.

    I just read through the business meeting notes, and – wow – we really love the Hugos.
    And it’s true, no one would fly to HELSINKI to sit in a room at dawn to argue debate time limits for anything less.
    The worst thing I can say about the Dragon Awards is a Rhett-Butler-like “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
    It is such a deliberate trash fire.
    At this point, why would anyone put their precious time and thought into something whose own promoters seem to treat as a throw-away.

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