The Paw of Oberon 5/4

aka The Puppy In God’s Eye

The Geiger counter pours out a relentless beat as the fallout rains down. The glow in today’s roundup comes from Kameron Hurley, Jo Lindsay Walton, Martin Wisse, Mark Nelson, The Weasel King, Joe Sherry, George R.R. Martin, Vox Day, Jim Butcher, Larry Correia, Lou Antonelli, T. C. McCarthy, Michael Johnston, Alexandra Erin, John Scalzi, Myke Cole, Brad Torgersen, Dave Freer, William Reichard, Michael Z. Williamson and less easily identified others. (Title credit belongs to File 770 contributing editors of the day Steve Moss and Laura Resnick.)


Kameron Hurley on Motherboard

“It’s About Ethics in Revolution” – May 4

Sorva took her seat on the other side of the table and waited. Both men could pass for Caucasian, as if that even bore mentioning, and sat in stuffed leather chairs. They wore extravagant codpieces that matched their suits, their members so cartoonishly large she could see the tips peeking up from the edge of the table. They both wore backwards caps.

It was the Director of Business Development, Marken, a lanky man with a sincere, pudgy face, who spoke first.

“Do you understand that when we choose the very best forward-looking brand messages each year for the Business Development Award ballot we open to our corporate writers, it must adhere to certain standards?”


Jo Lindsay Walton

“Quick Hugo thought”  – May 4

Some folk out there seem to be prevaricating between (a) No-Awarding the Puppies selections or (b) No-Awarding every Puppy-dominated category, since it would be totally unfair to give “The Day the World Turned Upside Down” a Hugo by default, and pretty unfair to give e.g. The Goblin Emperor a Hugo with reduced competition.

I’m prevaricating too, and I know exactly what would let me make up my mind: releasing the full nomination data. That way you could see who else could have been on the ballot. Then the procedure’s simple: you construct a virtual ballot from a Puppy-free world (the kind of Stalinist disappearing we SJWs lurve) and make your choice. If your selection from the virtual ballot is on the real ballot as well, you vote for them above No Award; otherwise you No Award the whole category.

But we don’t have the full nomination data, right?


Martin Wisse on Wis[s]e Words

“No Award All The Things” – May 4

No Award All the Things!

Sorry Thomas Olde Heuvelt, you may actually get your Hugo this year, but since you’re the only candidate there on merit I felt uneasy voting for you by default. Better luck next year.


Mark Nelson on Heroines of Fantasy

“An Ever Changing Landscape” – May 4

Who pays when the real world intrudes on our imaginary landscape? If we start turning against each other and fall to squabbling over increasingly empty honors, how does that make us look? The truth is SFF needs to grow up.  At times I have felt that our genre heading allowed us to adopt a mock superior tone; mostly as a response to being ignored by “real literature” and those who write criticism.  We reveled in being aberrant. We rallied around our awards and celebrated our words in spite of the roaring silence from the wider world. We were a club with giants as members. We were privy to secret knowledge with informed, inclusionary eye-winks. We were the wandering Jews relegated to pulp fiction status, respected by none other than those lucky, lucky few who accepted the words and understood the latent power of the language of ideas. I wonder if the worst thing to ever happen to the genre was its popular success.  The bigger “it” got, the more insistently came the calls for “it” to be taken seriously.  And when film tech caught up with story tech, a marriage of commercial explosion formed. “Money, money changes everything…”  And at present the affect has not been altogether positive. We were once the progressives. Now we look like idiots fighting over cheesecake while the Titanic’s deck begins to tilt. Wow. We have all but rendered the Hugo award useless. WorldCon cannot avoid the taint of controversy. The folks putting on the con deserve better.


The Weasel King

“” – May 4

The Locus Awards: A collection of skiffy fic untainted by ballot-stuffing assholes. Maybe not all to your taste, but reliably “dickface asslimousines did not shit on this ballot and then demand that you to eat it with a smile” Bonus sick burn: Connie Willis, awesome author[1] and perennial Hugo presenter, told the Hugos to fuck off because of the penisnose MRA anuscacti who hijacked their nomination process, and she’s presenting the Locus Awards.


Joe Sherry on Adventures in Reading

“Books Read: April 2015” – May 4

Discovery of the Month: If not for all of the fracas over the Hugo Awards, I may never have read Eric Flint’s 1632, which was a fairly enjoyable romp taking a group of twentieth century Americans back into seventeenth century Europe. I already have the next book, Ring of Fire, coming in from the library.


George R.R. Martin on Not A Blog

“LOCUS Nominations Announced” – May 4

While this year, admittedly, may be different due to the influence of the slate campaigns, over most of the past couple of decades the Locus Poll has traditionally had significantly more participants than the Hugo nomination process. Looking over the Locus list, one cannot help but think that this is probably what the Hugo ballot would have looked like, if the Puppies had not decided to game the system this year. Is it a better list or a worse one? Opinions may differ. The proof is in the reading.


Vox Day on Vox Popoli

“Three centuries strong” – May 4

As Supreme Dark Lord of the Evil Legion of Evil, we are pleased to declare that Malwyn, Whore-Mistress of the Spiked Six-Whip, has reported that she has completed the initial Branding of the Minions. She has now gone to take a well-deserved vacation in one of the more secluded lava pits in our Realm of Deepest Shadow, where she will no doubt be nursing her aching wrists and filing for overtime as well as worker’s compensation….

“How many of us are there?”

335 as of this morning.



Larry Correia on Monster Hunter Nation

“Arthur Chu sucks at everything but Jeopardy” – May 4

Many regulars may remember Social Justice Warrior and Salon author Arthur Chu as the dipshit who declared Brad Torgersen’s 20 year interracial marriage and his biracial children as “shields” to hide Brad’s racism. He is one of the morons who blamed the Sad Puppies’ success on GamerGate.

Well, after a day of futile harassment, his team of idiots couldn’t even call in a bomb threat correctly.


T. C. McCarthy on YouTube

“Local 16, Bizarre Tweets, and Bomb Threats: #GamerGate an #SadPuppies Supporters Meet in DC #GGinDC” – May 4


Lou Antonelli on This Way To Texas

Reach out and insult somebody – May 4

The official announcement of the nominations for the 2015 Hugo awards was made on April 4, so its been a month since then, Gee, time flies when you’re having fun.

One thing I’ve learned in the past month is that, thanks to the wonders of the latest technology and the internet, someone you don’t know and have never met, who may live thousands of miles away, can call you an “asshole” in public.


Michael Johnston in a comment on Whatever – May 4

Rachel Swirsky said: “Please, please, please, please stop with the “put down” rhetoric about the puppies, and the “you know what has to be done about rabid animals” and “take the dog out behind the barn.”

It’s vicious and horrible. The puppies and how they’ve acted toward me and others sucks. But good lord, let’s keep threats of violence, however unserious, out of it. Please.”

This, in particular, illustrates the difference between the puppies and their perceived enemies. In every “liberal” space I’m following, any threats or overly abusive rhetoric is met with calls for civility. In the SP/RP spaces, the rhetoric is largely about how we deserve horrible things done to us, which are often described in detail–and the moderators not only allow it, but indulge in it themselves.


Alexandra Erin on Blue Author Is About To Write

“What! Your Sad Puppies Are Evolving” – May 4

This is a significant shift from Day for two reasons.

The first is that it signals what he thinks is most likely to happen. He rode high on the sweeping fantasy vision of himself as a Roman general leading a slavering horde of berserkers across the frozen river to assault the well-fortified position of his enemies (note to self: suggest history lessons for Vox), but he has just enough self-awareness to know that his strategy of lying and repeating the lie could come back and bite him if he tried to claim a sweeping victory where none existed, so he’s starting the spin now.

The second is that—as mentioned before—the endgame he now endorses is something the Sad Puppies have claimed to have wanted as their ultimate endgame.


Season of the Red Wolf

“A Pox on both their Houses: Sad Puppies, Vox Day, Social Justice Warriors, the Hugos circus and the irrelevancy of a dying genre” – May 4

As with Torgersen, Correia can’t be bothered with addressing what Vox Day actually writes about blacks (the problem there – in the linked blog entry – is not the silly and ridiculous debate itself that Vox Day quotes from, it’s Vox Day’s own commentary on African-Americans in response to that debate that is eyebrow raising) and women alone. Of course as soon as one does acknowledged what Vox Day actually writes about blacks and women (never mind gays), then the only way to defend those indefensible prejudices, is by sinking into prejudice itself. Correia, like Torgersen, thus avoids that trap (defending the actual indefensible remarks/comments of Vox Day’s) by not ever quoting Vox Day’s most egregious commentary in this regard, and getting to grips with what he actually says. Correia, as with Torgersen, just doesn’t go anywhere near what Vox Day actually writes about blacks, women and gays for that matter. The easier to whitewash why Vox Day is considered persona non grata, namely for very good reasons. Yes it’s all so hypocritical, given the genre Left’s multiple prejudices (including of course their anti-Semitism that doesn’t bother anybody really, least of all genre Jewry) but this also misses the point.


John Scalzi on Whatever

“I’d Rather Like Men Than To Be a Sad Puppy” – May 4


Myke Cole

“An open letter to Chief Warrant Officer Brad R. Torgersen” – May 4

Chief War­rant Officer Torgersen,

As you are no doubt aware, The Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell Repeal Act of 2010 removed bar­riers to homo­sexual mem­bers in the armed ser­vices, who may now serve openly and as equals.

You have long held the posi­tion that homo­sex­u­ality is immoral behavior, and most recently made den­i­grating jokes regarding the ori­en­ta­tion aimed at Mr. John Scalzi.

Your moral posi­tions are your own, and I will not ques­tion them. How­ever, I will remind you that you are a mil­i­tary officer and charged with the lead­er­ship of men and women of *all* walks of life, reli­gions, creeds, sexual ori­en­ta­tions, socio-cultural back­grounds and eth­nic­i­ties. Every single one of these people has the right to believe that you will faith­fully dis­charge your duties as an officer, not spend their lives care­lessly, not make them endure unnec­es­sary hard­ship, that you will care for them with com­pas­sion and ded­i­ca­tion. On or off duty, you are *always* an officer.

Your repeated state­ments of your thoughts on homo­sex­u­ality in public forums create the very rea­son­able appre­hen­sion among homo­sexual mem­bers of the ser­vice that you hold them in con­tempt and will not lead them to the utmost of your ability, will not look to their needs and con­cerns, and may place them at undue risk. That this is surely not your inten­tion is irrelevant.

Fur­ther, your pub­li­cally den­i­grating state­ments regarding Mr. Scalzi are base, undig­ni­fied and show ques­tion­able judg­ment. You, Chief War­rant Officer Torg­ersen, are an officer, but no gen­tleman. Your posi­tions are incon­sis­tent with the values of the United States mil­i­tary, and its com­mit­ment to being a ser­vice that belongs to ALL Americans.

Our nation deserves better.


Myke Cole


Vox Day on Vox Popoli

“Never retreat, never apologize” – May 4

Does no one listen or learn? Never, EVER apologize to SJWs! Case in point: “The apology was worse than the ini­tial attempted slur — it rein­forced the fact that Torg­ersen thinks calling someone gay is a slur.” I repeat. NEVER APOLOGIZE TO SJWs. They will see it as fear, take the apology, and use it as a club with which to beat you. Never back down to them, never retreat, never apologize.Notice that this was all posted AFTER Torgersen apologized to Scalzi.


Brad R. Torgersen

“Keyboard rage” – May 4

Today, I am told Myke Cole is on about me. Since Myke doesn’t really know me from Adam, I have to shrug and take whatever he said with a grain of salt. But then, most people who’ve been on about me lately — because of Sad Puppies 3 — don’t know me, either. I may take it personally if a friend, a family member, or a respected senior I admire, has hard words for me. But total strangers spewing hard words?

Well, total strangers may have an opportunity to reconsider at a later point. Especially if they meet me face-to-face.



“Hugo Awards Best Fan Writer Category” – May 4

So, in this post, I will try to define what “Fan Writer” means and use it to justify my support of Jeffro Johnson in this year’s Best Fan Writer category.

On the face of it, a Fan Writer is just that. A fan who writes. They are a fan of something in the realm of fantasy and science fiction, and they write about fantasy and science fiction from the perspective of someone who is a fan to an audience of fellow or potential fans. A good fanwriter is like an evangelical minister of fantasy and science fiction; they give sermons to the believers to help them better understand the texts they know and love and they take the good word to those who have not heard it. You’ve been missing something in your life, and you don’t quite know what it is, but I think I can help you; here’s this story by Lord Dunsany!


Dave Freer on Mad Genius Club

“Research, Hard-SF, stats and passing small elephants” – May 4

John Scalzi kindly provided us via his friend Jason Sanford a near text-book perfect example of GIGO. “Recently author John Ringo (in a Facebook post previously available to the public but since made private) asserted that every science fiction house has seen a continuous drop in sales since the 1970s — with the exception of Baen (his publisher), which has only seen an increase across the board. This argument was refuted by author Jason Sanford, who mined through the last couple of years of bestseller lists (Locus lists specifically, which generate data by polling SF/F specialty bookstores) and noted that out of 25 available bestselling slots across several formats in every monthly edition of Locus magazine, Baen captures either one or none of the slots every month — therefore the argument that Baen is at the top of the sales heap is not borne out by the actual, verifiable bestseller data.” As I said: first you need to understand what you’re sampling. For example, if you set up a pollster at a Democratic convention, at 10 pm, in a site just between the bar and the entry to the Men’s urinals… even if he asks every person passing him on the way in, you’re not going to get a very good analysis of what Americans think of a subject. Or what women think of the subject. What you will get is middling bad sample of what mildly pissed male Democratic Party conference attendees think. Middling bad, because many of the passers will be hurry to go and pass some water first. It’s vital to understand what you’re sampling – or what you’re not. Let’s just deconstruct the one above. In theory Sanford was attempting to statistically prove John Ringo’s assertion wrong. What he proved was nothing of the kind (Ringo may be right or wrong, but Sanford failed completely). What he proved was that on the Locus bestseller list, (the equivalent of the Democratic Party convention and the route between the bar and the gentleman’s convenience) that Baen was not popular. That is verifiable. The rest is wishful thinking, which may be true or false. Firstly ‘Bestseller’ does not equal sales numbers. A long tail – which Baen does demonstrably have, can outsell ‘bestseller’ and five solid sellers outsell one bestseller and four duds. Secondly, independent bookstores who self-select by accepting polling, selected by a pollster (Locus) with a well-established bias are not remotely representative of book sales in general, or representative of the choices book buyers have. Thirdly, it is perfectly possible to ‘capture’ no bestseller slots at all, even in a worthwhile sample (which Locus polling isn’t) and STILL be the one house that is actually growing. It depends what you’re growing from – which of course this does not measure and cannot.

Short of actual book sales numbers, and data on advances – which we’ll never see, staffing is probably the best clue. I know several authors at other houses whose editors have left, and quite a lot of other staff at publishers who’ve been let go. Over the last few years, the number of signatures on my Baen Christmas card have gone up year on year.


William Reichard

“Silent Punning (aka ‘The Hijacker’s Guide to the Galaxy’”) – May 4

Having run through quite a few sci-fi themed puns regarding the Hugo Award debacle, the community is apparently moving on to Westerns (e.g., “A Fistful of Puppies“).

I have to say, this is my favorite part of online warfare–when the rest of the community acknowledges the madness of it all and just starts having fun again. Because there should be some kind of silver lining in this.


Sad Puppy 1911 Holster Right Hand

Sad Puppy 1911 Holster Right Hand

syberious _ny on “Ebay: Sad Puppy 1911 Holster Right Hand”

Here’s the scoop…I designed this holster (and its companion holster in Left Hand configuration) because of the whole Sad Puppy / Hugo Award kerfuffle. My original thought was to perhaps raffle them off to raise money for a veterans organization. But, online raffles in the state of Tennessee (where I live and have my business) are tightly regulated, and it would have cost more to run a raffle than what the raffle could potentially bring in.

So, I’m listing these here on FleaBay, with the proceeds going directly to help a friend who is a veteran, who has run into some heavy financial problems with squatters in her rental home. On her GoFundMe page, she’s committed to only using the cash that she needs, and anything extra will be donated to a veterans organization of her choosing.

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679 thoughts on “The Paw of Oberon 5/4

  1. I see that, despite having nothing of any conceivable interest to say, VD has once against accomplished his only goal — made himself the center of everyone’s attention.

    Well done, VD! Dance, boy, dance!

  2. “Because SJWs always lie.

    The answer to point (1) is false. Which necessarily renders point (2) false. And point (3) is false too.”

    you’re going to have to do way better than that to convince anyone here or elsewhere … but


    and since YOU DON’T CARE … why bother to deny what’s obvious?

  3. rcade Sounds like you’re another person nursing a beef against the Nielsen Haydens, which makes me question whether you were ever a “former neutral.

    Well, the discussion began with the idea (not originated by me) that ‘neutrals’ would be swayed by the behaviour exhibited in public forums like this one, and Making Light. I’ve just provided examples of this very thing.

    Predictably, when one side of this debate has no ammuniton, they resort to ad hominem attacks., disqualifying etc. Predictable is boring.

    I also mentioned I move on when I’m bored.


  4. Just like VD isn’t interested in this topic, either, and has to post to let us all know about his disinterest?

  5. delurking – ‘VD has once against accomplished his only goal — made himself the center of everyone’s attention.

    Well done, VD! Dance, boy, dance!’

    If he’s succeeded once again in being the center of attention, aren’t we who are discussing the man instead of the topics the ones who are dancing?

  6. “Oh, poor Teddy. Too bad the bulk of your work shows that point (1) is very much in line with your beliefs.”

    No, Alex. It just shows that you’re not intelligent enough to follow the points being made. Or to understand the meaning of the word “inherent”.

    I note with some amusement the fact that you are trying to tell me what my beliefs are. As for the bulk of my work, I have published 13 books, more than 500 columns, and there are more than 15,000 posts on my two blogs. Not even one-half of one percent of my work even mentions race in any capacity. It’s not a particular interest of mine.

    Now, why would you make such an obviously false claim? Ah yes, SJWs always lie!

  7. Not even one-half of one percent of my work even mentions race in any capacity. It’s not a particular interest of mine.

    “I f—ed just one goat, and they never let me hear the end of it.”

  8. “Just like VD isn’t interested in this topic, either, and has to post to let us all know about his disinterest?”

    I’m not interested in discussing race or racism here. I didn’t bring it up. But when SJWs lie about me and attempt to spin a false narrative, I am certainly going to point out that, as usual, they are not telling the truth.

  9. ‘I’ve just provided examples of this very thing.’

    And the things TB has been saying on these threads? He means every word, you know, even the transparently false ones. Honestly, he keeps going on about how his enemies don’t take him at his word, but the truly astonishing thing is that his allies pretend he never says anything at all. So what about the things he has said here has persuaded you to follow him? Because the ‘this’ side here doesn’t have leaders or spokespeople or representatives. There’s no centralised command, no unifying ideology and only a shared love of reading to unite ‘us.’ Beale has openly and plainly declared that he is marshalling his supporters in an effort to fuck with the Hugos. He’s after so-called SJWs, of whom he has solidly identified a grand total of about three, and doesn’t care about the mess he makes or the community he disrupts. He doesn’t care about the damage. Repeat. He doesn’t care about the damage. He’s said it over and over again. In practically every thread he comments on here. Now, why would a few people wrangling about the acid in the girl’s face thing turn you against this ‘side,’ given that those people represent nothing but themselves, but his comments make you want to row in behind him and give him your support? if it’s not too boring could you justify that please?

  10. Hey CSAFarmer, let’s contrast what you said

    “Predictably, when one side of this debate has no ammuniton, they resort to ad hominem attacks., disqualifying etc. Predictable is boring.”

    with what Teddy said.

    “No, Alex. It just shows that you’re not intelligent enough to follow the points being made. Or to understand the meaning of the word “inherent”.”

    Mmmm, can you smell that ad hominem?

    “The Bible certainly had individuals like you pegged. As did Aristotle. You have a mind set like concrete; there is no information that can change it.”

    There he goes. Hell, even… “SJWs always lie!”

  11. Seth Gorden “I f—ed just one goat, and they never let me hear the end of it.”

    I’ve raised goats, wouldn’t be that easy to f–k one. They only come into heat once a year in the fall, to get their attention you have to provide feed, if you try to mount one and they aren’t in heat they will kick you.

    Oh wait, that was my first wife. . . never mind.

  12. “That’s the precise opposite of racism. That’s operating on the assumption that human beings are essentially similar, despite the observable differences in average capabilities. And the only narrative it serves is the truth.”

    If you can justify your own professed racism based on genetics as not-racism, then you are truly are an embarrassment to both the English language and to your professed Christianity. I appreciate your candor, but it’s evident that you provide nothing of value to the public discourse. Good day, & good riddance.

  13. It doesn’t matter if only 1% of your works deal with race. I’m talking about when you DO talk about race it shows very clearly your belief in the inherent superiority of some races over other races.

    But, sure, keep avoiding the actual subject. It’s not like we don’t know your refusal to take responsibility for your own actions and words. Or your inability to deliver on your promises.

    Lies and broken promises is the Theodore Beale way!

  14. >> It’s deleted… She must be browsing this conversation, although I don’t know why she suddenly feels the need to remove it after almost a year (perhaps she can comment, after all everyone has the right to make mistakes and it would be to her credit if she would admit it and apologize).>>

    No need for her to be browsing the conversation. You linked to her tweet. All that had to happen to alert her that it had come up is for someone here to reply to it.

    Depending on the replies, that could have been enough to make her want to delete it.

  15. You know you’re not helping. It’s one thing demanding that an entire nation-state move from fragmented tribal government to modern industrial nation in a few generations, there’s a lot of moving parts there, not including the way in which ‘civilization’ (for want of a better word) was delivered.

    It’s a completely different thing to say that another American can’t be as civilized as another American because of factors that are irrelevant to their ancestry. The same crap was being said to Irish immigrants in the UK post WW2 leading to many of them essentially hiding their ancestry to get on – it’s a tad easier if you’re pasty white like everybody else.

    But, essentially, you are talking utter bollocks.

  16. @yossaria, @ Alexvdl, and @rcade: Whenever I hear ‘X is racist’ disputations about non-local parties, I find myself wondering ‘If so, so what?’ That is, the speaker seems to assume the practical application of this claim is obvious, and said practical use is never disclosed.

    A for-instance: My father’s mother was bigoted against many ethnicities and was in general a nasty piece of work. I’m pretty sure people got warned ‘If you talk to Elmer about [group Y], expect to hear prolonged and hilariously ill-informed ranting’, but only if they were going to be hanging around him. Ergo, a practical use.

    Where the subject is just some guy on the Internet, the critic’s practical intention is far less clear. Some observers upon deciding ‘X is racist’ will subsequently avoid X as unlikely to have sufficient redeeming qualities, which is understandable but does little or nothing to explain the public pronouncements and (frankly, noisy and almost always suspiciously non-sequitur) debating.

    Other people in my recent experience, and I’m certainly not referring to present company, go around pronouncing ‘X is racist’, ‘Z is sexist’, ‘Æ is a religious bigot’, ‘Ø is ableist’, ‘Å is homophobic'[1], with the implication that all others who hear this pronouncement are henceforth morally obliged to shun that person. Both my wife Deirdre and I refuse to play the enforced-shunning game, on either the asking or complying end, FWIW, but it would at least be useful if requestors could please be specific when they are making such a request.

    If there are other practical uses for the ‘X is [some type of bigot]’ claim, I’m unclear on what those are.

    Rick Moen
    [email protected]

    [1] I needed three more letters after Z. Conveniently, the Danish/Norwegian alphabet has those, et voila.

  17. Should have been ‘mother’s father’, not ‘father’s mother’. Apologies to the late Margot Moen (who was not at all like my mother’s father Elmer).

  18. AlexvdlHey C SAFarmer, let’s contrast what you said

    “Predictably, when one side of this debate has no ammuniton, they resort to ad hominem attacks., disqualifying etc. Predictable is boring.”

    > Let me preface my responses below with a little background, so you can see Where i’m coming from. Believe it or not, I had no dog in this fight (no pun intended) a couple months ago. I had never heard of Vox Day, i just liked Larry Correia’s books, found his blog, and learned of this little contretemps you are all involved in.

    i actually posted here for the first time, to give you an honest outsider’s view. And my honest view is, you are not coming off well. The nonsense from rcade did not improve that impression.

    Here’s an analogy from my experience; i’ve been involved in community and charitable organizations for a couple decades, often in the executive. What I see, time afer time, is that the well-meaning people at the centre, over time, form cliques, and start behaving as if it is ‘their’ organization.

    The only ideas that matter are those of the insiders. Discussion, unless it is within the agreed-upon boundaries, is suppressed. This often leads to questionable decisions.The organization stultifies.

    Maybe you don’t know realize it, but that is how you seem to this outsider not in the clique. Of course I’m just one guy, i have no real influence in the matter, so take it for what its worth. But Mr. Beale’s prediction was spot-on in my case.

    Now, my responses:

    with what Teddy said.

    “No, Alex. It just shows that you’re not intelligent enough to follow the points being made. Or to understand the meaning of the word “inherent”.”

    Mmmm, can you smell that ad hominem?

    > No actually, because Point 1 waa actually false. I’ve read a lot of Mr. Beale’s postings; I can not find where he said one particular race is ‘superior’ to another. He did say he has seen evidence that some races are, on average, more intelligent than others, in the way that some races are, on average, taller than others. He explicitly stated that ‘smarter’ did not mean ‘superior’, any given individual may in fact be smarter than the average of any given race, and further, that all humans are of equal value.

    i found this fairly easily, and i think i understand the intent and context, whether I agree with all of it or not. If i was to argue against, I would investigate the matter, seek evidence to the contrary. So it’s not an ad hominem attack to suggest that someone who can’t even understand the statements themselves might not be that bright. The alternative is that Alex is deliberately misinterpreting the statements, which just makes him appear dishonest rather that dumb. Is there a third choice?

    “The Bible certainly had individuals like you pegged. As did Aristotle. You have a mind set like concrete; there is no information that can change it.”

    > Can’t comment on the Bible or Aristotle reference, don’t have the background. Re ‘mind set like concrete’, I keep seeing the same repeated and provably wrong statements here, parroted one to another; the narrative you have all apparently agreed to seems impervious to actual discussion, or facts, or logic. So, concrete.

    There he goes. Hell, even… “SJWs always lie!”

    Well, the evidence does keep piling up, as pointed out in this and my other posts. That’s why Craig stands out in his honest interpretation of other remarks made by Mr. Beale. It was singular, in several senses of the word. And I believe Mr. Beale has characterised ‘SJWs always lie’ as rhetoric.

    And Mr. Beale is not, at least, boring.


  19. “It’s a completely different thing to say that another American can’t be as civilized as another American because of factors that are irrelevant to their ancestry.”

    They are not irrelevant. Geographic translocation, a few years residence and paperwork does not trump human genetics.

    The slate is not blank, but neither is it immutable. The one factor people get completely wrong is time. What the blank slatists believe can be accomplished can, in fact, be accomplished, but not in a single lifetime across an entire population group. History clearly teaches that it is a long process that requires centuries.

    Far from telling you that it can’t be done, I’m telling you the only way it can be done successfully. I am, in fact, helping. I’m telling you that you’re doing it wrong.

    “But, essentially, you are talking utter bollocks.”

    Not in the slightest. I am almost certainly correct about this and pretty much every social scientist is absolutely wrong. They are obviously working on the wrong time scale. That’s why their programs and policies inevitably fail.

    “your belief in the inherent superiority of some races over other races.”

    Superiority in what regard? Every race is, on average, either superior or inferior to every other race with regards to any given metric. Only one race can be the tallest. Only one can have the largest brains. Only one can live the longest. But none are of greater human value than another. No race is inherently or intrinsically superior across the board. The very concept is observably nonsensical.

    It’s like asking if Tom Brady or Lebron James or Tiger Woods is the inherently superior pro athlete. It totally depends on whether you need a quarterback, a power forward, or someone to hit a ball with a stick.

    I assert that absolutely none of us commenting here today are inherently superior to an unborn black child with Down’s Syndrome, no limbs, a 50 IQ, and aberrant sexual orientations. I do not believe that any human being is inherently superior to another, and I therefore do not believe it’s even possible for one group to be inherently superior to another, whether that group is based on race, genetics, or geographic location.

    How many of you are willing to state as much? Or are you going to continue trying to mask your own beliefs in your own inherent superiority by false accusations of racism?

  20. ‘How many of you are willing to state as much?’

    You called a black woman a half-savage, racist. Your rationalisations are crayon scribblings on the wall of a padded room.

  21. “I am almost certainly correct about this and pretty much every social scientist is absolutely wrong.”

    Oh well, I’m glad that’s settled. *facepalm*

    Because poverty reduction programs, social support systems, good education and nutrition to handle poverty at home never ever work…

    The same have been said against minorities, even white ones, for ages and it all amounts to the same thing. Black people are not half savages, Irish are not feckless drunks and over privileged white people from the mid-west don’t have to be idiots. Theodore, you don’t have to behave like this, you can break this cycle just with an act of will and chose not to be this much of a dick! Honestly, I have faith in you.

  22. “It’s one thing demanding that an entire nation-state move from fragmented tribal government to modern industrial nation in a few generations, there’s a lot of moving parts there, not including the way in which ‘civilization’ (for want of a better word) was delivered.”

    At least you’re on the right track there. Extending the average time-preferences across an entire population to a point that permits maintenance of advanced civilization appears to take around 1,000 years, give or take 200 years.

    Obviously, this is history and logic, not science. But the repeated and reliable failures of experiments and policies designed around other hypotheses do tend to provide an amount of support for the concept. Perhaps the process can be speeded up, but that will never happen so long as both the process and the time scale are denied.

  23. OK, since things are becoming a bit boring with VD, I suggest a drinking/chocolate game. Every time VD says one of his catchphrases, like “SJW always lie!” or “I don’t care, you hear me? I DON’T CARE!!!” we drink or (if it happens during work hours) eat a bit of chocolate. I have a branch of Hotel Chocolat near work and there are many of their truffles I haven’t tried yet.

  24. @Rick Moen:

    The “so what?” in this case is less about Vox Day’s particular racist attitudes and more about the contortions which he goes through to deny them – or rather, to own them and then deny that they are racist. It adds up to someone who has no regard for plain-speaking and who cannot be trusted to honestly represent his views. Since he can’t be honest, I think he should necessarily be disregarded.

  25. ‘Obviously, this is history and logic, not science.’

    Yeah, races aren’t inherently inferior, it’s just that individual members of a race inherit their races’ backwardness via genetics. How on earth could that possible be mistaken for racism?

  26. ‘OK, since things are becoming a bit boring with VD, I suggest a drinking/chocolate game’

    Good God, are you trying to kill us all? In ten minutes flat?

  27. As I said, you just need a strong act of will, you can stop being a complete tosser and try to be a person. Come on, I can’t believe that the people of Minnesota are that backwards? 🙁

  28. @Anna:

    There is not enough chocolate or booze on the planet for that game to last very long. 🙂

  29. ‘As I said, you just need a strong act of will’

    Theodore Beale: Triumph Of The Willy.

  30. “You called a black woman a half-savage, racist.”

    You have called a Native American many names here, Nigel. Are you racist?

    “Your rationalisations are crayon scribblings on the wall of a padded room.”

    Vox’s First Law: Any sufficiently advanced intelligence is indistinguishable from insanity to the less intelligent.

    “Because poverty reduction programs, social support systems, good education and nutrition to handle poverty at home never ever work…”

    They certainly don’t suffice to establish self-sustaining advanced civilizations where none existed before.

    “Can’t comment on the Bible or Aristotle reference, don’t have the background.”

    “How long will mockers delight themselves in mockery, and fools hate knowledge?” Proverbs 1:22

    “Moreover, before some audiences not even the possession of the exactest knowledge will make it easy for what we say to produce conviction. For argument based on knowledge implies instruction, and there are people whom one cannot instruct.” Aristotle, RHETORIC

  31. @Anna Feruglio Dal Dan

    The leading story in the newspapers on May 15:
    “Chocolates are all the rave”

    Chocolate had always been popular. But in the last 10 days the industry found itself unable to support the sudden spike of demand across the United States. All manufacturing outlets are working at their capacity and owners are trying to find new solutions for the crisis. Asked for comments, the managers of the leading European food concerns indicated that they are unable to help because of a similar demands spike all over the world.


  32. “Yeah, races aren’t inherently inferior, it’s just that individual members of a race inherit their races’ backwardness via genetics.”

    Are you seriously asserting that time-preferences and aggression are not heritable?

  33. ‘You have called a Native American many names here, Nigel.’

    I dunno, have I called you racist names, Theodore?

    ‘Vox’s First Law: Any sufficiently advanced intelligence is indistinguishable from insanity to the less intelligent.’

    Any sufficiently advanced insanity is indistinguishable from intelligence to the guy who wants people to think he are smart.

  34. “i actually posted here for the first time, to give you an honest outsider’s view.”

    You’re less of an outsider than I am. I got involved when the Puppies stunt rendered my Hugo nominations meaningless by filling most of the ballot with their slate. Before that I voted in the Hugos but hadn’t been posting here or any other SF/F fandom blogs.

    Your portrayal of yourself as an outsider who is tut-tutting against one “side” is not convincing. A genuinely uninvolved party wouldn’t be putting so much word salad into a defense of ugly things Day has written.

    My guess is that you’re one of his culture warriors and there’s a place you’ll be running back to with tales of how you taught us “social justice warriors” a lesson.

  35. ‘Are you seriously asserting that time-preferences and aggression are not heritable?’

    Well, I’m a morning person, but my parents preferred to stay in bed until half eight or nine, so the jury could be out on that. Have they isolated the gene for western civilisation yet?

  36. @Kevin Standlee: Okay, I stand corrected regarding whether you were considering postponing Hugo-related motions until after the Hugo ceremony, and I see that you have posted about that on your LiveJournal today. So my prior comment about that should be disregarded.

  37. Well shit, if Theodore Beale thinks that years and years, and data piled upon data, is wrong, then shit, those social scientists must be wrong.

    As for CSAFarmer, your inability to read Teddy’s words is your problem, not mine.

    Rick Moen, why does anyone describe anyone as anything?

  38. VD
    “How long will mockers delight themselves in mockery, and fools hate knowledge?” Proverbs 1:22

    “Moreover, before some audiences not even the possession of the exactest knowledge will make it easy for what we say to produce conviction. For argument based on knowledge implies instruction, and there are people whom one cannot instruct.” Aristotle, RHETORIC

    Thank you, confirms I must broaden and deepen my reading list.

    @Anna, I’ll stick with the beer, at great personal sacrifice. Friend of mine owns an ice cream shop, also makes her own chocolates. She’s got a sign that reads “I would give up chocolate, but I’m no quitter”.

  39. ” And I believe Mr. Beale has characterised ‘SJWs always lie’ as rhetoric.”

    Mr. Beale divides the world into two parts: “facts” and “rhetoric”. Where the dividing line in depends on where he’s been challenged, and what looks right at any given time, as far as I can tell.

    Given that he seems to believe that people calling him “x-ist” is something subject to factual analysis, in which he splits as many hairs as he can find in order to prove he is not, while giving himself a free “rhetorical” pass for “SJWs always lie” — demonstrably false — his commitment to truth can be reasonably judged to be based on his own expedience. This ties in nicely with the fluidity of his self-defined victory conditions.

    Some people have asked why bother spending time with Mr. Beale. The answer is simple: he’s managed to take some people in. It’s worth a little time in demonstrating his ….at best dubious connection to “honesty” and the like in order to prevent more people from doing so.

    (I was amused by his 3-1-1 assessment earlier, dismissing the “riling up” of his alleged opponents (alleged only in their unity, not in their existence) as not a major factor. Given that there’s no actual *evidence* here, other than Mr. Beale’s imagination, I would not have gone so far as to register a guess. We shall see if Mr. Beale proves to have great foresight — if not, I’m sure he’ll explain to us what other victory of his undid his prediction.)

    @VD: “I am almost certainly correct about this and pretty much every social scientist is absolutely wrong.”

    A quick clue, Mr. Beale: There are people who have said things like this before, and been right. They were usually the ones looking *forward* and suggesting things not thought before, rather than staring *backward*.

    “Every race is, on average, either superior or inferior to every other race with regards to any given metric.”

    Given that the entire notion of a “race” is dubious at best, any statements made upon it, like this one, are *highly* dubious.

    “I assert that absolutely none of us commenting here today are inherently superior to an unborn black child with Down’s Syndrome, no limbs, a 50 IQ, and aberrant sexual orientations.”

    We shall simply note your “aberrant” in there, as self-contradicting. I am also curious as to your “inherently” — what card are you palming behind that particular word?

    I am pleased to hear you say this — now let’s see if you can live up to it, or whether you will have been demonstrated, in fact, to have lied when you said this. (I am willing, which other people may not be, to say that you aren’t lying *now* when you said things taht contradict this in the past.)

    I also encourage you to post this on your blog, and see if your supporters are so willing to sign on.

    Oh, and as a final note: I call your attention to the Meiji Restoration.


    My workplace wishes to object to your game, on the grounds that we’ll run out of office-supplied chocolate well before the biweekly snacks run. 🙂

  40. Every time VD says one of his catchphrases, like “SJW always lie!” or “I don’t care, you hear me? I DON’T CARE!!!” we drink or
    Are you trying to kill us?

  41. ” I am almost certainly correct about this and pretty much every social scientist is absolutely wrong”

    I see. So a whole branch of science with its trained scientists got it wrong but one armchair scientist got it right. Did you also win a Nobel or 3, get applauded by the crowds and had half the universe named after you?

    Just to make sure you understand – this is the real world; not a novel and/or game you are writing. Or a dream. In this world “just because I say so” is not a valid proof of a theory – you actually need data.

  42. The Nobel Prize comes next year, after the Puppies wrest control of the nominations away from those elitist Scandinavian Justice Warriors.

  43. VD: “You have called a Native American many names here, Nigel. Are you racist?”

    I’m glad you brought that up. You do know that “Native American” correlates poorly with race? That in many tribes you can become one of the tribe by adoption, with no Indian blood at all? And that membership by descent is a purely political decision made on a tribe-by-tribe basis, like the Pocahontas exception to one-drop Jim Crow in Virginia?

    So, the fact that you can call yourself “Native American” while being 7/8, by your account, something else, simply demonstrates how arbitrary the concept of race is in actual practice.

  44. (Asks self, “Why do a bunch of people who would never go discuss Vox Day’s racial theories with him at Vox Popoli want to have that discussion here?”)

  45. Once the discussion goes into why VD’s ideas regarding race are wrong on the merits, the topic is no longer “is VD racist?” but “is racism scientifically correct?” Some people may enjoy engaging in this debate on the “no” side, but I really don’t see how this is a good forum for the engagement or how VD is the “yes” advocate worth engaging with.

  46. Mike Glyer: As someone who has disagreed with VD on some of his views on race (and strongly disagreed with several of his commentators) on his blog, I’m guessing it’s because facing him on his own turf and being forced to parse logical arguments is simply an unbearable thought.

    Steven Schwartz: He HAS posted it on his blog.

    Re: Social Science issue – My only comment is that there are a lot of actual scientists, and even economists, who are very insulted about being compared to the senseless nitwits who claim to be engaging in “social science.”

    Re: Jemisin quote: Ha! Already someone misquoted it, even after a copy of it was posted here. I would ask this: why is it relevant that the subject of that comment is black? “Savage” has a meaning that has nothing to do with race… it makes one wonder about the views of those who immediately conclude that it’s a racist comment.


  47. S1AL: “Steven Schwartz: He HAS posted it on his blog.”

    I shall go and look and see how he decorated it, and how his commentariat responded, then.

    ““Savage” has a meaning that has nothing to do with race… ”

    Indeed; I would normally consider applying it to someone who, upon seeing a community, decides that, even though he is not part of it and does not really care about it, decides that it is his to play with and lay waste to, unless he is given what he wants from it at the moment — if said is not granted, he proposes to remain there, causing pain and suffering to those who did not give him what he wanted, for as long as it pleases him to do so, before moving on to something else.

    “Barbarian”, “Savage”, etc. These are words I would use to describe such a person. I have yet to see anyone explain why other individuals recently described as thus were such, for any reason other than the dislike of the commenter — or because of said person’s “race”.

  48. Annie Y @ 11:09 am- Fandom is apparently a term of art. I’m a fan, and a voter at Saquan, but apparently not a member of fandom. I’m the average, ordinary fan boy who discovered I could vote for the Hugos if I paid $40, read the work, and voted. Per some, that does not make me a member of fandom.

    Nigel @ 11:51 pm- My recommendation is not to bite. All Vox Day did is state the basics of some socio-cultural theories floating out there, such as Dual Inheritance Theory (which is one among several). Putting an aborigine in a three piece suit and handing him a Bible and a textbook on engineering does not make him civilized in the Western sense. He may be civilized within the parameters of his society, he may comprehend the textbook, he may enjoy the suit, but it takes time for the culture to become a “civilization” as Westerners would normally understand it. It is not all that controversial, but it is only a theory (among many) which is still being tested and evaluated. It does not make Vox Day a racist.

    Nigel @ 2:30 pm- Whether one is a savage or part savage, is based on behavior, which may or may not be influenced by culture and/or genetics (I personally think it is both). Not skin color. Vox Day did not link the two. It wasn’t too long ago that my Scandinavian, English, Dutch, Scottish, and Irish ancestors would be considered “savages”. And within a few generations, some Germans engaged in extraordinary savage behavior. Again, I suggest you don’t bite.

    MIke Glyer @ 3:21 pm- You are a wise man.

  49. @Mike Glyer: Indeed, agreed that that is neither interesting nor desirable to recap that discussion here. I find equally odd some in present company professing it vital to advise people not to discuss anything with Theodore Beale — minutes after conversing with Theodore Beale.

    @yossarian: To review, I said I was far less interested in arguments over whether ‘X is [some unattractive trait Y]’ than in failure to state what practical usage that allegation has and why. Your reply was basically to add ‘furtive and dishonest’ to the list of Y traits, and aver this to mean that X should be disregarded. (Actually, you went beyond that and said he should be ‘necessarily disregarded’, as if this were some essay by Kant.)

    Continuing my point about ‘If so, so what?’, the elided step is where one would show that persons deemed racist, furtive, and dishonest should categorically be disregarded. (We will set aside that all this is merely asserted by an Internet pseudonym, i.e., yourself, and that you do not follow your own advice.) You provided no convincing reason to accept the predicate omitted from your chain of reasoning, and also one is left wondering what drives you to go around advocating that particular others be disregarded at all.

    That aside, I’ve never had any truck with people trying to tell me whom I should be willing to converse with. Every time it gets tried, I reach for my figurative wallet. I tend not to argue with this trope — no percentage in it — but only because it’s easier to just smile and think ‘hell no’.

    Rick Moen
    [email protected]

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