Worldcon 76 Roundup

Worldcon 76 Chair Kevin Roche used his crafting and electronics skills to build a 1/10th scale model of the San Jose Electric Light tower.

Worldcon 76 Chair Kevin Roche used his crafting and electronics skills to build a 1/10th scale model of the San Jose Electric Light tower.

By JJ:

(1) 2018 Hugo Ceremony Video
(the first half hour is a slideshow of author and fan photos; the actual ceremony starts at 0:29:22; the File 770 Best Fanzine Award is at 0:47:45)

(2) 2018 Hugo Ceremony CoverItLive Text Coverage by Kevin Standlee, Susan de Guardiola, and Cheryl Morgan (includes lots of photos!)

(3) 2018 Hugo Nominating and Voting Statistics

(4) 1943 Retro Hugo Nominating and Voting Statistics

(5) Hugo Finalist Photos taken by Olav Rokne and Amanda Wakaruk


(6) Masquerade Photos taken by Olav Rokne and Amanda Wakaruk


(7) Hugo Ceremony photos by Neil Ottenstein

(8) Hugo Ceremony photos by Alyshondra Meacham


(9) John Picacio on Worldcon 76 and the MexicanX Initiative


(10) Worldcon 76 Recap Video by MexicanX Initiative Attendee Adria Gonzales

(11) WSFS Business Meeting Videos

(12) WSFS Business Meeting Summaries by Alex Acks

(13) 2018 Worldcon Photo Album by Kevin Standlee

(14) GRRM’s Hugo Losers Party photos from Best Novella-winning author Martha Wells

(15) Dancing Robots at GRRM’s Hugo Losers Party video by Alvaro Zinos-Amaro

(16) Alvaro also says, “I spotted this bit of Worldcon hotel snark at 3:30 in the morning on Sunday night:”


Please feel free to add links to more Worldcon 76 goodness in the comments.

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7 thoughts on “Worldcon 76 Roundup

  1. (5) and (6) — Amanda’s last name is “Wakaruk.”

    Thanks for sharing the photos! The Masquerade participants and Hugo-shortlisted authors were all great to work with.

  2. Tower of Light: They had that on display at MidAmericon too.

    5) Wow, check out Seanan’s fabulous outfit! For some reason it’s making me think of her character Dianda from the Toby Daye books.

  3. on (1)
    first half hour seems to be a slideshow, random order, of various program items – many repeating – and NO captions, so not really fun.

  4. Martha’s pictures of the dancing robots are better than mine so I’m going to snag them (just for my own use). Her “I can’t tell you how cool this party was, I’d never been to anything like it” expresses it all.

    I missed the masquerade so that’s a very helpful link.

    (8) She didn’t get my tiara on film/pixels. To be fair, neither did I. 🙁 Everybody was wearing tiaras, independently of each other. Except Rebecca Roanhorse, who won one and was wearing it at the party.

    (15) hee!

    @PJ: I believe that’s what was running on the big screens as everyone was seated and the video person just started it there instead of at the ceremony. So you too can experience the thrill of sitting and watching slides. Or you could skip ahead to the actual show, in which many Filers play the part of Sir Not Appearing In This Film.

  5. PJ — yup, they started the live stream a half hour early. Smart — make sure it actually streams and doesn’t cut off the first part of the ceremony.

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