Barkley — So Glad You (Didn’t) Ask #69

Fandom and the Pendulum: The Astronomicon 13 Fan Guest of Honor Speech

By Chris M. Barkley:

“We do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.”  — Anais Nin 

I was resetting a cuckoo clock the other day when I became transfixed with the motion of the pendulum. Back and forth, in a hypnotic, rhythmic action.   

Looking at it, I think that it is the best visual representation of the passage of time.

In doing so, I was also reminded of several conversations I had with friends at Chicon 8 several weeks earlier.

Separately, without prompting or encouragement, each of them described how in the current state of sf fandom the pendulum had taken a strong, hard excessive turn and in a direction that they did not particularly like very much.

All of them had similar complaints and, oddly, all of them mentioned the same metaphor; that it seemed that the pendulum of change had taken a hard swing and it was in a direction that they didn’t like.

To wit, that recently, fandom seems to be a not a very inviting place unless they strictly adhered to a particular ideology.

And I concur.

Because, like the pendulum, the recent social and political shifts in sf fandom, particularly the branch I know well, literary fandom, can be observed and measured. 

Chris M. Barkley

In order to understand where we are now, we must examine the origins of sf fandom. Even today, the general public believes a very persistent myth that conventions and fandom began after the cancellation of Star Trek and the gathering of fans that started taking place in the early 1970’s. In truth, it began over forty years before then… 

In the early 1930’s, Amazing Stories and several other pulp magazines in the United States, began running letter of comment columns. The published letters included the addresses of the fans who sent them. These letter writers, who were nearly all white and male, began to correspond with each other. Local fans found each other and began to form clubs dedicated to science fiction and fantasy. A similar movement was also underway in the United Kingdom as well. By late 1936, they began to call some of these larger meetups conventions.

In the US, the New York contingent of fans decided to hold a World Science Fiction Convention (NyCon 1) in New York City, in conjunction with the futuristic theme of the World’s Fair being held in the nearby borough of Queens.

(BTW, fandom’s first significant feud began at that convention, as several well known members of First Fandom were excluded from attending, mainly because of personality conflicts but at the time, their political differences were played up. More on this later in this speech).

The progenitors of fandom began a whole host of fannish traditions; fanzines and fan writing, literary serious criticism of genre fiction, small press publishing, cos-play, filk singing, convention panels and ‘dead dog’ parties.

As the decades flew by, the marginal popularity of sf, fantasy and horror with the public came and went but remained constant in that initial group of fans, some of whom eventually became well known authors, editors, artists and convention runners. 

In the early years, the first two main genre fiction awards, the Hugo (in 1953) and the Nebula (in 1965) were established. 

Women authors and editors (Andre Norton, C.L. Moore, Cele Goldsmith, Leigh Brackett and Judith Merril) paved the way for the next generation of better known and renowned writers of the 1970’s and 1980’s, Ursula K. LeGuin, Anne McCaffrey, Vonda McIntrye, Joanna Russ and Octavia Butler among others.

I entered fandom in June 1976. I was a witness to and a participant in a lot of the pendulum swing in fandom; the slow but persistent emergence of women and the LGBTQ+ community, the calling out of sexism and harassment and the inclusion of more people of color in fandom.

In other words, the fandom of the early days is as far removed from today’s fandom as the fiction of Nathaniel Hawthorne is from N. K. Jemisin, the art of Rembrandt from Jon-Michel Basquiat, the musical Oklahoma! is to Hamilton and the swinging moves of Benny Goodman are from the grooves of Rihanna.

And I want to be quite clear about this, as an African-American citizen of the United States of America, I applaud, encourage and welcome all of these changes in fandom. Because in 2022, representation, in the face of an increasing societal turmoil and partisan division, matters even more than ever.

But, as a close observer (and an active participant) in some of these changes, I can tell you that none of this came very quickly or very easily.

As the pendulum swung, other factors and effects came into play; personal computers, cell and smartphones, social media sites and the internet became a double edged sword. Technological advances made it easier to call out toxic fans and their behavior but it also enabled bad actors to disrupt fannish activities and the lives of fans on an incredibly personal level.

Fandom is subject to the same major sources of social change, including population growth and composition, culture and technology, the natural environment, and social conflict as any other artistic movement. 

Here’s the thing; these changes, shifts and, if you will, the swings of the pendulum are not only true and observable, they are unavoidable and inevitable.

Because, as history has shown us again and again, in every movement of substance, whether it be music, art, literature, science, sports and (especially) politics undergo the change on a regular and inevitable basis.

A sizable portion of the fans attending genre conventions are female, people of color and the LGBTQ+ community. The people who are a part of the sf/f community today are more diverse, more knowledgeable, technically adroit, and, for the most part, they’re unafraid to let you know how they feel. And, as much as their right-wing adversaries would like them to go away, this newly emerging segment of fandom is not likely because they are the new majority, which was mainly brought on by the Puppies’ overt and militant actions against fandom.

And inevitably, with the advances came some pushback, in the form of harassment and trolling, by privileged individuals, who are mostly white, are either frightened by an otherness of others outside of their own experiences or their own racist upbringing and xenophobic tendencies.

In the early to mid-2010’s, this all came to head with is now known as the “Puppy Wars” (Sad/Angry/Rabid) which were expertly chronicled by Camestros Felapton in his Hugo Award nominated non-fiction work, Debarkle

The fannish backlash against this reprehensible group of egocentric bullies played out over several years; the Puppies may have disrupted the Hugo Award nomination process for a few years but they eventually lost the war when nearly all of their gamed nominees lost and the World Science Fiction Convention Constitution was sufficiently amended to stop it being successfully attempted again.

But this wasn’t to say there were no lasting effects from this conflict; while diversity has become even more celebrated (at least more so in this branch of fandom), there were several troubling, high profile incidents in the past few years:

  • Conservative provocateur Jon Del Arroz filed a lawsuit against Worldcon 76 (which was held in San Jose. California) when it banned him (rightfully so) from attending the convention due to his overtly inflammatory statements about fandom. But Del Arroz filed a lawsuit in response to the convention committee’s public announcement of that decision, which claimed he made racist statements. Worldcon 76 and Del Arroz announced in June 2021 they had settled the suit shortly before it was scheduled to go to trial. Four of the five claims had been dismissed by the judge, but the charge of defamation, of him being a “racist”, would have been the bone of contention if a trial had gone forward. The convention ceded a $4000 settlement to Del Arroz and a public apology, which can still be seen on the Worldcon 76 website. It is believed that the legal fees incurred by the convention committee were around $100,000.
  • In 2019 and 2020, sf writer Adam-Troy Castro and his late wife Judi were beset by a series of increasingly vicious cyber identity thefts that drained their bank accounts, ruined their credit rating and forced them to move out of their longtime home. Go-Fund Me campaigns saved them from being homeless but the culprits of these attacks remain unknown and at large.
  • A few months ago, white supremacist trolls somehow arranged the suspension of the Twitter accounts of authors Harry Turtledove and Patrick Tomlinson. Both accounts were eventually restored but Twitter has no explanation of how this occurred nor have they offered an explanation of how it happened or any whether they are investigating the breach.
  • Patrick Tomlinson and Hugo Award nominated Nigerian sf author and editor Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki received death threats as they attended Chicon 8. In the four years preceding the convention, Tomlinson and his family members were the constant and frequent targets of identity theft, trolling and death threats. 

To counter these reactionary fans, many convention committees enacted Codes of Conduct over the past decade. The trouble was that in the years since they were first introduced, some of these CoC’s were either not very well defined, not very transparent on how they were implemented or, in the worst case scenario, poorly enforced. The most recent examples include:

  • At the 2022 Nebula Award Conference in Los Angeles, newly minted Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association Grandmaster Mercedes Lackey, during a panel titled “Romancing Sci-Fi and Fantasy”, was alleged to have uttered a racial slur. Author of color Jen Brown, complained about the incident on Twitter and Lackey, without the benefit of an investigation or a hearing, was summarily dismissed (along with her husband Larry Dixon, who vociferously defended her on social media) from further participation in the Conference. Lackey fully apologized two days later and said she had not intentionally said anything racist, but had fumbled saying “person of color”. While friends and colleagues (such as authors of color Samuel R. Delany and Steven Barnes) rallied to her defense, Jen Brown and a legion of others continued to condemn her and boycott her works. As of this writing, SWFA has not offered a full explanation, any indication that an investigation was conducted or an apology for their actions.
  • Almost exactly a week later on Memorial Day weekend at Balticon 56, local author and conrunner Stephanie Burke found herself in a strikingly similar situation; she was accused by the Programming staff of racist statements and behavior. To compound matters, Burke was accused of never responding to an email about the incident, but it was discovered later that the email was never sent. On top of all of that, Ms. Burke suffered the embarrassment of being removed from an ongoing panel she was on and then was verbally abused by a “senior staffer” of Balticon, who was found in violation of the Code of Conduct. The very next day,Yakira Heistand, the Chair of Balticon 56, publicly apologized for Ms. Burke’s treatment but also stated that the allegations would be fully investigated. 
  • On September 1, 2022, 105 days after the alleged incident, Balticon 56 issued this statement:

Of the complaints against Ms. Burke, our Investigation Team determined there were no Code of Conduct violations. Witnesses confirmed that she was speaking of her own experiences and not making general statements about another individual or class of people. Speaking one’s own truth is not a violation of our Code of Conduct. Ms. Burke is welcome to be a program participant in the future. Again, we apologize for the manner in which the reports were communicated.

“The BSFS Investigation Team and Board of Directors have found that Senior Staffer 1 who approached Stephanie Burke prior to her panel and asked her to step away acted courteously and in accordance with our policy. Senior Staffer 2’s behavior during the discussion violated our Code of Conduct. The Board has determined that Senior Staffer 2 will be barred from volunteering for Balticon for a period of 2 years and from serving as a Department Head for an additional 2 years.”

  • In researching this speech, I have read many Codes of Conduct from other conventions. My partner was reading one and they came across a line in one upcoming convention that really stood out:

(Convention X) prioritizes marginalized people’s safety over privileged people’s comfort.”

To me, there is nothing ordinary about this statement. 

While it is all good and well to try to be welcoming to marginalized fans, Convention X’s committee would do well to focus on the safety of EVERY fan attending their convention.

The Code of Conduct should be a group’s fail safe to deal with fans and participants who commit unseemly and disruptive behavior but it must be done as fairly, equitably and transparently as possible.

These incidents I have outlined have exposed some of the more serious divisions within our fannish community. My feeling is that fandom, in my estimation, is rapidly approaching a societal impasse; it seems it cannot go towards any sort of future without reconciling with its present set of circumstances. 

I take no joy in pointing out these deficiencies in fandom. I am also saddened that there will be those in fandom who will see this speech as a personal attack on the very progressive wing of fandom.

To them I say this; no one, including myself, is above criticism. And that constructive and earnest criticism can only be helpful. 

Because together, we can change the direction and velocity of the pendulum in a more useful direction.

For the record, I will make the following confession; when stating one’s preferred pronouns or gender preference became an ongoing issue at the beginning of the last decade, I was very confused about the point of doing so. Gradually, I came to understand that it was a matter of personal acknowledgement, empowerment and respect for the trans community. And if asked, I show the same respect that is offered to me.

I also think that while I support this affirming stance, I am not in favor of anyone being forced, coerced or being required to do so in order to participate in an activity or social event.

Because when diversity is coerced in such a manner, it ceases to be that. It is perceived, rightly, as a matter of control. And when the cost of diversity is a rigid, inflexible set of standards that is almost impossible for anyone to meet, it disallows those who may have differing opinions. That’s the moment it becomes oppression and we become the sort of people we have come to loathe and fear.

Again, I refer to the pendulum of history, which has shown, time after time, that the exclusion or purging of members of the aforementioned groups I referred to earlier in this speech. 

In many of those historical instances, in order for the movement to improve and become more just, those being excluded were involved in heinous, insidious and vile beliefs. 

Robert Silverberg, who had attended an unbroken string of Worldcon appearances dating back to the early 1950’s, said that he would not attend Chicon 8 because he did not want to be subjected to any abuse because of his past statements that have been considered, even by me, as insensitive and ill advised. (You want to know what he said? Google it.)   

George R.R. Martin, the creator of Game of Thrones and a multiple winner of the Hugo and Nebula Awards, said he wasn’t attending this year’s Worldcon, either. Although he is quite busy writing the last two novels in the Westeros series and overseeing several television projects for HBO, he may have an entirely different reason for not attending. After hosting and producing a disastrously long winded and nostalgia tinged 2020 Hugo Award Ceremony, many think that he has worn out his welcome at Worldcons. 

I know both of them quite well and I, for one, would tell either one of them that they would be welcomed at any convention I was running. Why?

Because neither of them are our enemies. Our enemies are fear, hate and prejudice in the absence of understanding.

My good friend David Gerrold has repeatedly stated over the years that when you attend Worldcon, it is like an annual family gathering. Fathers and mothers, siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles and so on. And, like all families, there are rivalries, grudges, simmering resentments, educational, class and political differences as well.

But despite those differences, we all unite because of our mutual love of science fiction, fantasy, films, television shows, art, comics, manga, graphic stories and much, much more.

Any imposition of a lock-step set of ideological beliefs, no matter on which extreme of the political spectrum it comes from, are dividing fandom right now and fandom, particularly this progenitor of all the others, will eventually, and tragically, become unsustainable. 

The first mention of a “graying of fandom” came to my attention around the turn of this century. In short, the people who are currently attending, running and administering conventions and other fannish activities are getting older. 

I have observed that there are a number of younger fans attending Chicon 8, they were far outnumbered by older fans. Collectively, we need to attract a legion of younger, more diverse fans, who are not only interested in merely extending our existing traditions, but creating new ones as well.

Being one of those older fans, I can see that my time in fandom will someday be coming to an end. I have already announced (to anyone who will listen) that I will be attending conventions and other events into the near future, I will no longer be actively working on any future local conventions or Worldcons.  

I am not doing this because I am tired or unenthusiastic, I am doing so because I have other, more pressing pursuits such as remaining healthy and active, seeing to the safety and well being of my four adorable grandchildren and other family members and, of course, more writing.

I wrote this speech not just as a warning (although it can be read that way), but as a cry into the abyss that we need not act against our own best interests and be seen as the overseer of the death of fandom.

As I see it, the pendulum has already swung to an extreme position. And the direction it swings next may cleave fandom into many, many pieces that cannot be made whole again. We must not let this happen.

My final words of advice to everyone consists of the following:

As a family, we should treat each other as peers, not rivals with agendas.

And in this family, there will be arguments and disagreements. And when we have these arguments,  we’ll argue ferociously. But let’s argue with facts, logic, evidence, and most of all respect for the person you are arguing with. Argue with empathy.

Act towards others as you would act towards yourself. People who are unable to do that will become evident and will soon find themselves on the outside of our social circles, looking in.  

Let’s show kindness, even in the face of hate and adversity.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

And finally, ask not what fandom can do for you, but what you can do for fandom.

“Never seen a true statement, a wise statement, that existed in only one culture or tradition. Truth isn’t created, it is observed.”

– Steven Barnes

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10 thoughts on “Barkley — So Glad You (Didn’t) Ask #69

  1. US Fan demographics: indeed at my very 1st Worldcon in the US of A (and my very 1st visit there also): Chicon 8 – Sept 2022, I also noticed that demographic there. Quite a lot of much older (and some rather infirm) US fen, with only a sprinkling of younger people. Though I have to also say that all I met there were extremely friendly and welcoming (on hearing that this was my very 1st visit to the States-tho not my 1st Worldcon : that was 1979/Brighton). The UK situation re demographics –at most non-media Cons (ie non-Comicons)– is similar: tho IMO not as pronounced. Some say that many of the younger crowd (more interested in anime, media and gaming than literary-based SF) may later –having had families etc– gravitate to the book part of our genre. We’ll just have to wait and see. Certainly at a no of UK Eastercons (and for the 1st time this year at Ireland’s annual Octocon, just ended) either a “My 1st Time” badge/button or “My 1st Con” ribbon was provided. Of course it was then important for existing (battle-hardened, like moi) fen –on seeing these– to invite these tyros into any group conversation being held. (BTW, I’ve always invited such into any “fold” I was involved in, remembering that aeons ago, I was also then a brand new fan-knowing no one.) Otherwise we might have them once only then to lose them -possibly forever. (In fact a no of recent Con reports from fairly new people have often mentioned –on arrival at the event– a semi-cliquish attitude to anyone new trying to enter any existing group/conversation.) It is observed that most new fen go to many panels and not much else, possibly because of this. Regular, well-known SF people will tend to only go to specific items and instead will spend much Con time in the bar/restaurant. They are catching up (news gossip etc) with people they have not seen for a while. Thus I would implore any well known fan –at any future SF event– on seeing a newish member (perhaps looking for someone to talk to) : please offer to bring them into your group. And Con organisers should issue the above “my 1st time” items and have –in the Cons “Read Me”– a note re this – ie to invite newish people into your fold. After all, these are our SF future-we “auld ones” (I’m fast approaching 73) are slowly becoming its past.

  2. When Chris and I attended Midwestcon in 1976 together it was — for both of us –our very first SF con. (Talk about a life-changing event!) And a t the time, I worried (but was afraid to ask) how he felt about being the only non-white in the room. (On the other hand, I reveled that, as a woman, I was very much in the minority.)
    I am so very pleased to see those ratios changing. But as Chris elucidates above it was not easy.

    Years ago, a snarky kid asked at a Bible study class, “If G** wanted to set the Israelites free why did They harden the heart of Pharaoh?” and got a very interesting answer: Suppose Pharaoh’s heart had NOT been hardened, and that when Moses approached, he had enthusiastically said, “Well, of course, you people can go take a short pilgrimage to hold services and offer sacrifices to your Lord in the desert,” (which, most people don’t remember, is the first thing Moses asked for. He only escalated to ‘Let my people go’ later.) And suppose Pharaoh had continued, “I’ve been concerned about the Israelite’s working conditions for a long time. Let’s work together to give them decent housing, fair wages, and reasonable working hours.” So how would that have worked out? The ‘Israelites’ would still be slaves in Egypt — fat, happy, slaves.
    My point is that, at least in our unhappy world, it is conflict that initiates change — especially change for the better, which no one but the powerless and ill-used want to bother with.
    So, as fans we need to embrace this struggle, and try to trust that we are making a stronger, wiser, and all-around better fandom.
    Chris, thank you for your tireless efforts to keep us on our toes.

  3. Chris, I just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed your writing over the years. You are always a pleasure to read.

  4. Wore a “My First Worldcon” badge in DC which I added to, “Was before you were born.”

    Have no idea who most of the Hugo nominees are nowadays, sigh.

  5. “In fact a no of recent Con reports from fairly new people have often mentioned –on arrival at the event– a semi-cliquish attitude to anyone new trying to enter any existing group/conversation.) It is observed that most new fen go to many panels and not much else, possibly because of this.”
    Dave Lally has nailed it. He really has! Fandom’s pet conceit that it is a welcoming place is a lie, or rather, has become one. I began engaging with some old fans back in the mid 1970’s, began coming to local and Worldcons starting in 1991, and thought I had found a new family. Things began changing in the mid-decade of the ’00’s, and the percentage of assholism, cliqueism, and indiffernce and even contempt to young people and/or new people really took off by 2010. I thought it might just be me, but I began to hear this from other people who had been going to cons for years, but lived at a distance from the cities where the cons were based, and so were not part of the inner fannish communities. It used to be that a neofan would walk into a consuite or a roomparty, and someone would enthusiastically would rush up to him or her, greet them, introduce them to others, and, like I said, really make you feel like a long lost relative cheerfully being brought into the famly. As a friend of mine said, ‘now you walk into a room, and a cluster of cliqueish fans look at you with indifference or disdain, as if to say ‘who’s that f—?’ , and then turn around and ignore you.” I’ve read all of the classics of fannish history, dating back to the 1920’s and ’30’s, and when I tried to explain to a couple of concoms that teenagers and people in their early twenties had actually founded cons and even Worldcons, and that outreach efforts should be made to bring in young people for social mixing and/or positions of responsibility in con running, I was met with disbelief and even hostility. The ideological and cultural battles (pissing matches) from fanatics from BOTH ends of the political spectrum over the last decade have only exacerbated things, and helped drain the fun out. I finally gafiated, and now look on sadly from a distance, thinking that fandom is now reaping what it has sown.

  6. That myth about fannish welcoming has been around, and been a lie, as long as I’ve been in fandom. Fandom is something you have to willfully attach yourself to. Here and there are a few gregarious welcoming people. Not for the most part.

  7. Welcoming is an art and a skill that is actively practiced. Not all of us have great social skills. I really appreciate it when those who do have social skills, use their powers for good.

    The second time I went to a local convention, I was still feeling awkward and looking in from the outside. Then some fans said “We’ve seen you before, why don’t you have lunch with us.” I had a great time. They became excellent friends. It was all good. That’s how you do it, folks.

  8. I was raised to be welcoming at social events — long before I became a fan. If you are hosting an event, you have a responsibility to do everything you can to make your guests feel welcome and have fun. If you are a guest you have an obligation to show your gratitude for the invitation by doing your best to help make the party a success by interacting. Sort of BYOP. The party may not be ‘Bring your own bottle’ but it is ALWAYS ‘Bring you own party’.

    So if I don’t know anybody, I go up to people and start commenting on the conversation in progress (in a friendly, interested fashion) as if it never occurred to me I wasn’t welcome. (The key is to keep engaging. Ask lots of interested questions.) If the gathering really is too cliquish to break into, then start collecting some wall flowers and start a new clique. Those were the rules.

    It’s been a long time since I went to a gathering where I didn’t already know plenty of people with whom I could interact. I still follow the rules, though. If I see someone I don’t know come in I go over and talk to them for a while. If they are genuinely newbies, then I make a point of steering them around. “Let’s go check out the snacks (or the bar, or the game room, or whatever,)” and introducing them to everybody I bump into on the way (and there’s always a crowd near most of those locations.) Those are the rules.
    But it’s true that I often then find myself talking to that newbie all evening, because no one else seems willing to help, to pass on the torch of bonhomie, to know the rules.

    I can almost hear my grandmother sighing as she raises an eyebrow. “Really, dear, are ALL your friends so badly brought up?”

    Back in the early days most fans were eager to engage. They’d been dismissed as nerds or geeks or losers or eggheads back in their high school days. They were thrilled to have found someplace welcoming. But then, having found it, they try to shut the door behind them. Unfortunately that pretty much proves they really are badly brought up oafs. Not to mention old farts.

    So I repeat. There are rules. The Puppies didn’t think they had to follow the rules. Do you want people to think you’re like them? So next time you see a newbie, make a point of taking them in. Even now, you still have to prove you are not a nerd or a geek or a loser or an egghead — or a Puppy.

    Heavy sigh. Old fart rant now over. Thank you for listening, Friends. Now go be nice to all your other friends.

  9. On the ‘myth’ of SF fandom being welcoming.
    OK, my tale of being welcomed is over 40 years old, but I view it as an imperative to myself to be as welcoming as I was welcomed.
    I arrived at Brighton, UK, in 79, with neither a booked room or a membership. The local tourist office helped me get the former and the membership was bought at the door (For 13 Pounds, no less!).
    Over the con, I met a lot of people and having a costume, I got invited into a group doing skits during the masquerade. I was a part of many fascinating conversations, and left the con at it’s end with a raft of addresses to keep in touch with, and many of us met up again the following year in Boston.
    Really, how hard is it to just be nice, including to people you’ve not yet met ?

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