Pixel Scroll 1/3/24 Yippie-i-ay (Yippie-i-ay), Yippie-i-oh (Yippie-i-oh), Ghost Pixels In The Sky

(1) EMSH REVIVAL FOR AGAIN, DANGEROUS VISIONS. J. Michael Straczynski told Facebook readers about the work he’s doing to get the second Ellison anthology, Again, Dangerous Visions, ready for publication. It involves the interior art and graphics.

Now that Harlan’s first Dangerous Visions is locked for print, we’re now moving to getting a proper galley for Again, Dangerous Visions. The main problem, in my eyes, with that process is that many of the later editions used the same Ed Emshwiller graphics/stats made for the original book (second generation images), or worse still, simply copied/reproduced the graphics from the printed pages themselves (third generation images).

This needs to be the most pristine version of the book done since the original print run, so after an exhaustive search, Ed’s original stats/graphics were discovered, and despite being sick as a dog (long story) I’ve spent every night for the past several days, going until dawn in most cases, carefully scanning every one of those eighty-plus images at high res, using air-blowers to remove dust, and gloves to avoid getting finger oil on anything.

I’ve just finished the last of the scans, and these images are just gorgeous, in astonishing detail and clarity. Honestly, so many of them could have been book covers all by themselves. Thinking that assembling these along the lines we see in the book, joined by ECG like pulses, might make a really cool promotional poster (but that’s just a thought for the moment, haven’t discussed it with anyone yet).

(2) ON THE NOSE. Philip Athans describes the use of an evocative fiction technique in “Smells Like Vivid Description” at Fantasy Author’s Handbook.

…I was surprised to hear in this video that, “Smell is apparently the strongest inducer of memories—of early memories. And the beauty is, even people suffering from Alzheimer’s dementia, never lose their olfactory memory.”

If you look back to last week’s post about How to Tell, it’s all about triggering memories. So a particular smell can help introduce some further detail about either or both of the world and the character. For instance, I find the smell of old books particularly delightful. This is my childhood love of the old books in the library coming to the forefront, and helping to propel my own love of collecting vintage books decades and decades later. If I were a character in a novel the smell of an old book could trigger a two-paragraph mini info dump about my childhood spent primarily in books, which turned into an adulthood spent primarily in books….

… Smells can also poke certain emotional triggers in your POV character, and go a long way to establishing the atmosphere of a scene….

(3) KGB. Fantastic Fiction at KGB speculative fiction reading series hosts Ellen Datlow and Matthew Kressel present P. Djéli Clark and Eric Schaller on Wednesday, January 10. The event begins at 7:00 p.m. Eastern in the KGB Bar, 85 East 4th Street, New York, NY 10003 (Just off 2nd Ave, upstairs).


Phenderson Djéli Clark is the award-winning and Hugo, Nebula, World Fantasy, and Sturgeon nominated author of the novels Abeni’s Song and A Master of Djinn, and the novellas Ring Shout, The Black God’s Drums, and The Haunting of Tram Car 015. His short stories have appeared in online venues such as Tor.com and in print anthologies including, Hidden Youth and Black Boy Joy. His upcoming novella, The Dead Cat Tail Assassins, will be out in 2024.


Eric Schaller’s latest collection of dark fiction, Voice of the Stranger contains stories selected for Fantasy: Best of the Year, Best of the Rest, and The Year’s Best Weird Fiction. His fiction can also be found in his collection Meet Me in the Middle of the Air and in many anthologies and magazines. His stories are influenced in part by his studies in the biological sciences and the uneasy relationship humans have with each other and the world around them.

(4) WHAT TECH FORESEES IN 2024. Tech.co’s post “Experts’ Predictions for the Future of Tech in 2024” begins with a survey of sff:

2024 is about to dawn on the world. But in one of the most precient novels of the science fiction genre, it already has: Octavia Butler’s decades-old novel Parable of the Sower opens in Los Angeles in 2024.

Butler’s fictional world dealt with many of the social and environmental pressures that we’ll definitely be seeing a lot of in the real 2024. Climate change has boosted sea levels and increased droughts, increased privatization from greedy corporations is threatening schools, police forces are militarized, and a Presidential candidate is literally saying he’ll “make American great again.”

It’s hard to beat Butler’s entry when it comes to predicting what’s coming down the pike in the new year, and no one has really come close. Honorable mention goes to a 1995 episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine featuring a time-travelling social-commentary jaunt to 2024 San Francisco that deals with revolutionaries and homelessness encampments. A distant finalist is a grim tale by Harlan Ellison, A Boy and His Dog, which features a dystopian 2024 set among post-nuclear war mutated cannibals.

Things aren’t looking quite as bad for the real 2024, however. None of the dozens of industry experts and tech leaders that we’ve looked to for opinions about the future predicted a single incident of cannibalism….

(5) NOMINATE FOR THE REH AWARDS. “The 2024 Robert E. Howard Awards Are Open for Nominations!” announces the Robert E. Howard Foundation. You do not need to be a Foundation member to nominate.

…Under the new rules, nominations are due in to the Awards committee by February 15, 2024, with the Awards committee selecting the top nominees in each category for the final ballot by March 1, 2024….

(6) CRITTERS READERS’ POLL. Meanwhile, the “26th Annual Critters Readers’ Poll” is open through January 14. The Readers’ Poll honors print & electronic publications published during 2023. Its newest categories are Magical Realism, and Positive Future Fiction (novel & short story).

(7) MAYOR SERLING. [Item by Mike Kennedy.] Slashfilm reminds us of the time that Jack Benny took a detour through the Twilight Zone. No, not any of The Twilight Zone TV series nor the theatrical nor TV films. Not even the radio dramas. It all happened inside Jack Benny‘s own eponymous TV show. “Rod Serling Played The Mayor Of The Twilight Zone On The Jack Benny Program”.

…Serling’s episode aired on January 15, 1963, and, as was the show’s custom, he also played himself. In the fictionalized universe of the series, Benny hires Serling to help his struggling writers smarten up their material. Though Serling acknowledges he has little experience with comedy (before “The Twilight Zone,” he was probably best known as the Emmy-winning writer of “Requiem for a Heavyweight”), he’s excited to collaborate with Benny’s two-man staff.

This does not go well.

After repeated clashes with Benny’s writers, Serling gives up, citing his desire to tell stories with deeply considered characterizations and thought-provoking themes. Benny takes issue with Serling’s dismissive opinion of his style of comedy and fires back that “The Twilight Zone” can’t possibly tell stories of significance because the Twilight Zone does not actually exist. And you can probably guess what happens next.

After quarreling with Serling, Benny decides to take a leisurely walk home. On the way there, he gets lost in a thick fog and finds himself in an area of town he doesn’t recognize. Eventually, he encounters a road sign which tells him exactly where he is. It reads: “Welcome to Twilight Zone, Population: Unlimited.” Below this is an arrow pointing left to “Subconscious 27 Mi,” and one pointing right to “Reality 35 Mi.”

This is when matters take a distressingly surreal turn….

(8) JUST SEWN THAT WAY. Camestros Felapton gives the film a thorough critique in “Review: Poor Things”. Beware spoilers.

Yorgos Lanthimos’s 2023 film starring Emma Stone is a dark comedy fantasy set in an unreal, stylised world suggestive of the late 19th century. Based on the novel by Alisdair Gray (which I haven’t read) but stripped of its Scottish setting and metatextual elements, the film follows the strange life of Bella Baxter.

Dr. Godwin Baxter is a surgeon and a mad-scientist like figure who resembles Victor Frankenstein in his obsession to reanimate corpses surgically but who also resembles Frankenstein’s monster physically due to experiments conducted on him by his own father…


[Written by Cat Eldridge.]

1990 — Isaac Asimov’s “The Fourth Homonym” story is the source of our Beginning this time. His Black Widowers stories of which this is one I think are some of the cleverest bar style stories ever done even if they weren’t set in a bar like Clarke’s White Hart tales.  

These stories which were based on a literary dining club he belonged to known as the Trap Door Spiders.  The Widowers were based on real-life Spiders, some of them well known writers in their own right such as Lin Carter, L. Sprague de Camp, Harlan Ellison and Lester del Rey.

This story was first published thirty-four years ago in The Asimov Chronicles: Fifty Years of Isaac Asimov. It may be the only Black Widower story not collected in the volumes that collect the other stories. 

There were sixty-six stories over the six volumes that were released. So far only one volume, Banquets of the Black Widowers, has been released as an ePub. And yes, I’ve got a copy on my iPad as they are well worth re-reading.

And now for one of the best Beginnings done I think in the Black Widowers stories…

“Homonyms!” said Nicholas Brant. He was Thomas Trumbull’s guest at the monthly banquet of the Black Widowers. He was rather tall, and had surprisingly prominent bags under his eyes, despite the comparative youthfulness of his appearance otherwise. His face was thin and smooth-shaven, and his brown hair showed, as yet, no signs of gray. “Homonyms,” he said.

“What?” said Mario Gonzalo blankly.

“The words you call ‘sound-alikes.’ The proper name for them is ‘homonyms.’ “

“That so?” said Gonzalo. “How do you spell it?”

Brant spelled it.

Emmanuel Rubin looked at Brant owlishly through the thick lenses of his glasses. He said, “You’ll have to excuse Mario, Mr. Brant. He is a stranger to our language.”

Gonzalo brushed some specks of dust from his jacket sleeve and said, “Manny is corroded with envy because I’ve invented a word game. He knows the words but he lacks any spark of inventiveness, and that kills him.”

“Surely Mr. Rubin does not lack inventiveness,” said Brant, soothingly. “I’ve read some of his books.”

“I rest my case,” said Gonzalo. “Anyway, I’m willing to call my game ‘homonyms’ instead of ‘sound-alikes.’ The thing is to make up some short situation which can be described by two words that are sound-alikes – that are homonyms. I’ll give you an example: If the sky is perfectly clear, it is easy to decide to go on a picnic in the open. If it is raining cats and dogs, it is easy to decide not to go on a picnic. But what if it is cloudy, and the forecast is for possible showers, but there seem to be patches of blue here and there, so you can’t make up your mind about the picnic. What would you call that?”

“A stupid story,” said Trumbull tartly, passing his hand over his crisply waved white hair.

“Come on,” said Gonzalo, “play the game. The answer is two words that sound alike.”

There was a general silence and Gonzalo said, “The answer is ‘whether weather.’ It’s the kind of weather where you wonder whether to go on a picnic or not. ‘Whether weather,’ don’t you get it?”

James Drake stubbed out his cigarette and said, “We get it. The question is, how do we get rid of it?”

Roger Halsted said, in his soft voice, “Pay no attention, Mario. It’s a reasonable parlor game, except that there don’t seem to be many combinations you can use.”

Geoffrey Avalon looked down austerely from his seventy-four-inch height and said, “More than you might think. Suppose you owned a castrated ram that was frisky on clear days and miserable on rainy days. If it were merely cloudy, however, you might wonder whether that ram would be frisky or miserable. That would be ‘whether wether weather.’ “

There came a chorus of outraged What!’s.

Avalon said, ponderously. “The first word is w-h-e-t-h-e-r, meaning if. The last word is w-e-a-t-h-e-r, which refers to atmospheric conditions. The middle word is w-e-t-h-e-r, meaning a castrated ram. Look it up if you don’t believe me.”

“Don’t bother,” said Rubin. “He’s right.”

“I repeat,” growled Trumbull, “this is a stupid game.”

“It doesn’t have to be a game,” said Brant. “Lawyers are but too aware of the ambiguities built into the language, and homonyms can cause trouble.”

The gentle voice of Henry, that waiter for all seasons, made itself heard over the hubbub by some alchemy that worked only for him.

“Gentlemen,” he said. “I regret the necessity of interrupting a warm discussion, but dinner is being served.”

(10) TEA FOR 2(ND). Before reading Cat’s birthday, pour yourself a cup of “Second Breakfast – Chapters Tea”.

Small batch hand blended English breakfast tea with Marigold petals. Perfect for breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, luncheon, and afternoon tea. Enter our fan drawn rendition of a realm where friendship, nature, and the simple pleasures of life come first. Inspired by, but not affiliated with, our favorite series with a ring.


[Written by Cat Eldridge.]

Born January 3, 1892 J.R.R. Tolkien. (Died 1973.) Obligatory preface — this is my personal encounters with Tolkien, so if I’ve not been up close with something say The Silmarillion than it isn’t here. And I haven’t with that work. Some works I haven’t read get included anyways as they passed through Green Man and have a Story attached to them. 

Tolkien in 1972.

J.R.R. Tolkien is one of the individuals who I always picture in the photo of him that must be of in his seventies with his pipe with that twinkle in his eye. He looks like he could be akin to a hobbit himself about to set down to elevenses. 

The Hobbit, or There and Back Again which was published by George Allen & Unwin  eighty-six years ago written for his children but obviously we adults enjoy as much, and so it is my favorite work by him.  Dragons, hobbits, epic quests, wizards, dwarves — oh my!  

I’ve lost count of the number of time I’ve read over the years, and the recent time, just several back as a listening experience showed the Suck Fairy enjoys it as much as I do.

I hadn’t realized until putting together this Birthday that all three volumes of the Lord of The Rings were published at the same time. The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers in 1954, The Return of The King the following year. I’m so used to trilogies being spread out over a longer period of time. 

Though I’ve not read the trilogy nearly as much I’ve read The Hobbit, and that shouldn’t surprise you, I do enjoy it though I will confess that The Fellowship of the Ring is my favorite of the three novels here. 

It was nominated at Tricon for a Best All-Time Series Hugo. Asimov’s Foundation series won that year. It did garner an International Fantasy Award first Best Series and the same for a Prometheus Hall of Fame Award. I’m more than a bit surprised that it didn’t get nominated for a Retro Hugo.

Now unto a work that I like just as much as the sister of Kate Baker, Kathleen Bartholomew, does. That being Farmer Giles of Ham. Kathleen, who now has Harry, Kage’s Space Pirate of a parrot, says “Farmer Giles is a clever, solid, shrewd fellow, clearly cut from the same cloth as the most resourceful hobbits elsewhere in Tolkien’s most famous universe.” It’s a wonderful story indeed.

We got in a custom bag from the United Kingdom that the USPS made me sign for so that HarperCollins UK could sure that all twelve volumes of The History of Middle-Earth got here. No, I didn’t read it, but I did skim it. Liz reviewed it for Green Man and here’s that review thisaway. A hobbit sitting down and having elevenses is shorter than it is. 

A much, much shorter work is The Road Goes Ever On is a song cycle and much more first published in 1967. It’s a book of sheet music and as an audio recording. It is largely based off poems in The Lord of The Rings. Tolkien approved of the songs here. 

Why it’s important is that side one of this record consisted of has him reading six poems from The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, than the first track on side two has him reading part of the Elvish prayer of “A Elbereth Gilthoniel” from The Lord of the Rings

I love Letters from Father Christmas which were originally written for his children. I see Allen and Unwin gave what I think was the better title of The Father Christmas Letters when they first published then collectively in 1976 which was more declarative. A local theatre group dud a reading of them some twenty years back — it was a wonderful experience as it was snowing gently outside the bookstore windows where they were doing it as we had hot chocolate and cookies.

I’m sure I’ve forgotten something by him that I like but I think that I’ve prattled on long enough this time… 


  • Nonsequitur has a nice variation on the old Hans Christian Andersen tale.
  • Carpe Diem is a vision of the future.
  • Dog Eat Doug shows when the bark(er) is as fierce as the bite.

(13) BEGUILE THE DIAL. [Item by Steven French.] A call for more weirdness on U.K. TV: “Britain is plagued by bland, box-ticking television. Bring back weird TV” in the Guardian.

…Schedules from the 60s and 70s – the height of Britain’s TV weirdness –contained nuclear attacks, ghosts, war stories, brutal public safety films and intellectually demanding folk horror dramas such as Robin Redbreast, Penda’s Fen and Artemis 81….

(14) WOULD YOU BELIEVE…IRISH REUNIFICATION? Gizmodo reminds fans that “2024 Is a Hell of a Year in Star Trek History” with a slideshow that starts at the link.

A lot—a lot—happens historically in Star Trek’s 2024, crucially important events that go on to not just shape Earth as it is in the early 21st century, but form foundational pillars for the contemporary Star Trek timeline. It’s a year we’ve heard about, and visited, multiple times across several Trek shows. So what’s exactly wild about it? Well, let us take a look through Trek’s past to find out… and perhaps, our future?

(15) AI IN LAW ENFORCEMENT. “’Proceed with caution:’ AI poses issues of discrimination, surveillance” at WBUR.

There are many uses for AI as the technology becomes more accessible and normalized, but not everyone is excited about that premise. AI scholar and activist Joy Buolamwini is one of those critics. She’s the founder of the Algorithmic Justice League and author of the book “Unmasking AI: My Mission to Protect What Is Human in a World of Machines.”

She started her journey as a scholar enamored by the promise of AI. But her views changed when she tried face-tracking software and it didn’t work well on her dark skin. However, the software registered her when she put on a white mask.

Buolamwini questioned whether her problem was unique or would happen to others with dark skin. And she found that the data was skewed.

“The data sets we often found were largely male and largely pale individuals,” Buolamwini says.

This poses problems especially when AI is used by law enforcement agencies to identify suspects, assess whether a defendant will commit another crime, and assign bond limits or flight risk status. Buolamwini uses Porcha Woodruff’s story as an example. Woodruff was 8 months pregnant when she was mistakenly arrested for carjacking after being misidentified by Detroit police’s facial recognition software.

“We’re creating tools for mass surveillance,” Buolamwini says, “that in the hands of an authoritarian state can be used in very devastating ways.”

Buolamwini stresses that even if data set bias was addressed, accurate artificial intelligence could still pose problems and be abused….

(16) UNFORGETTABLE IMAGES. This Yardbarker slideshow might just live up to its title: “The 20 most epic moments in sci-fi movies”. At least, there’s a bunch of my favorites here.

Science fiction excels at pushing the boundaries of the possible, both in terms of the stories it tells and the methods by which it brings those stories to life. People often go to sci-fi films to see the world brought to life in ways new, strange, and sometimes terrifying, precisely because the genre is so adept at taking things in the present and exploring what they might look like in the future. Some of the best scenes in sci-fi films take the viewer out of themselves, allowing them to encounter something akin to the sublime.

In sixteenth place:

The assembling of the Avengers during the battle against Thanos in ‘Avengers: Endgame’

Throughout much of the 2010s, the Marvel Cinematic Universe was the franchise that couldn’t be beaten, and it had its fair share of epic moments. The pinnacle, however, was during the climactic battle against the genocidal Thanos in Avengers: Endgame, when at last, the Avengers and all of those who have been restored appear to strike back against the Titan. It evokes the moment in the first Avengers film where the beloved characters first united, and it is also a climactic moment for those devastated when so many were killed with the Snap. In the world of comic book movies, no one ever remains truly dead.

(17) ‘TIL THEN HE’S COPYRIGHT KRYPTONITE. Someday you may ask “When Do Superman & Batman Enter the Public Domain?” Yahoo! has anticipated your interest. First on the list:

When does Superman enter the public domain?

As per US law, 2034 is the year when Superman would be joining the public domain.

In 2034, fans of Man of Steel and a few other DC characters will be able to use Superman in their content up to a certain extent without being afraid of copyright, trademark, or patent laws as that’s when Superman will be joining the public domain (PD).

According to US law, a property introduced before 1978 makes its way into the public domain if 95 years have passed after its first publication. So, because Superman made his debut on April 18, 1938, in Action Comics #1, he will be joining the public domain in 2034.

[Thanks to Andrew Porter, John King Tarpinian, Chris Barkley, Kathy Sullivan, Cat Eldridge, SF Concatenation’s Jonathan Cowie, Steven French, and Mike Kennedy for some of these stories. Title credit belongs to File 770 contributing editor of the day Michael J. Walsh.]

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52 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 1/3/24 Yippie-i-ay (Yippie-i-ay), Yippie-i-oh (Yippie-i-oh), Ghost Pixels In The Sky

  1. 7) I have that Jack Benny episode on disc and it’s a hoot. The part where Jack Benny runs screaming into the fog and Serling turns to the camera and states “Any man who’s been 39 as long as he has, has to have spent time in the Twilight Zone” with a gleam in his eye and deadpan delivery.

    It’s truly a shame that Serling didn’t get to do more comedy, he had the deadpan delivery and distinctive voice that would have given Leslie Nielson a run for his money.

    Last I checked that episode of the Jack Benny Program can be found on the Youtube.

  2. “You’re scrolling into another dimension, the signpost up ahead, the Pixel Scroll…”

  3. Cons to run, cons don’t die, ghost fandom in, the sky.
    (2) One small problem with this: some people, like me, have a terrible sense of smell. It’s gotten better as I got older, but in my twenties, if I smelled something, first call the fire department, then ask what it was.
    (4) Experts predictions… did it include a crypto exchange whose CEO seems to not actually exist? https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/01/crypto-hedge-fund-ceo-may-not-exist-probe-finds-no-record-of-identity/?comments=1&comments-page=1&fbclid=IwAR2qMqwdkhCNIAPY6vxBH5KR9LbxUSrLeKX1Ll35lhN-XxompaPfCG_WaCk
    Birthday: Swann, of Flanders and Swann, made a recording of Tolkien’s music. Wonderful stuff, with one exception: I never cared for their version of In Western Lands, which was too upbeat for Sam’s situation in the mountains of Mordor. Instead, I preferred the 45 I had, that I bought from a fan named Chuck Rein. Bought it at one of my first cons, never ran into him again.
    (16) What, not Michael Rennie telling us where we stand, in Day the Earth Stood Still? Not the approach of the PanAm shuttle to the Wheel?

  4. (2) The odor that I recognize is “oilfield” – I’d have met it at weeks old. We lived in Long Beach, and my parents had relatives in Gardena, so it was a trip past the Dominguez Oil Field, both ways.

  5. My sense of smell seems poor, other than for cigarette smoke. I’m not aware of any memories being triggered by scent for me, but who knows what my hindbrain is doing?

  6. 11) Tolkien’s birthday, Re: publication of “trilogy”

    fights losing battle with Tolkien pedantic side

    Tolkien did not write a trilogy; he wrote a novel (broken into six books) that was published in three volumes for several reasons: the publishers being uncertain if people would buy a 1200+ page book by an author who hadn’t published any fiction since 1937 (and that earlier one was a “children’s story”), and paper shortages in the UK after WWII.

    Tolkien was also not very happy with the titles chosen for the three volumes (the last one being a spoiler).

    While Victorian novels were often published in serial form, it’s possible to argue that the unintended impact of the publisher’s decisions resulted in the invention of the modern trilogy. But Tolkien wrote it and turned it in as a whole/single novel which probably is one reason the three volumes could be published so quickly.

    Of course the time the fandom had to wait for The Silmarillion to be published (23 years) balances that earlier schedule out!

  7. My parents felt rather ill used when, at the end of The Two Towers, they had to wait a whole year to find out what happened next.

  8. The other one I remember is my grandfather’s cigars – he only smoked outside the house. (I remember seeing boxes from Roi-Tan.)

  9. The 1965 Ace editions of LOTR came out a month at a time and one did fret waiting for the next volume.

    One sf writer who makes frequent and excellent use of smell cues is Tim Powers.

  10. 11) What robinareid said. In addition, I’ll add that I’m not entirely sure if it was even possible to buy just one volume. My first edition (albeit) was a box set. I don’t remember seeing individual volumes on the shelves for awhile.

    Edit: except for the Ace pirated version I guess.

  11. Who are some of your favorite ghost writers in the sky? I’m thinking Ron Goulart and Philip José Farmer, but surely there are many more.

  12. I remember Ron Goulart saying that if he’d known publishing his novels as by “William Shatner” were going to sell so well, he’d have started using that “pseudonym” much earlier.

  13. 2) This immediately reminded me of Proust’s famous Madeleine cake passage:


    (Perhaps the key sentence from the above is this one, but I highly recommend you read it all: “But when from a long-distant past nothing subsists, after the people are dead, after the things are broken and scattered, still, alone, more fragile, but with more vitality, more unsubstantial, more persistent, more faithful, the smell and taste of things remain poised a long time, like souls, ready to remind us, waiting and hoping for their moment, amid the ruins of all the rest; and bear unfaltering, in the tiny and almost impalpable drop of their essence, the vast structure of recollection.”)

    What follows in Proust’s case is somewhat more substantial than a two-paragraph “info dump”.

  14. 13) I remember Artemis 81 – I have a DVD of it somewhere. Weird? Definitely. Intellectually demanding? Quite possibly. At least forty-five minutes too long? Very much so.

  15. I read the LOTR well after it was published – but I still had to wait a while, because after I finished “The Two Towers,” someone else had “The Return of the King” out from the library, for an unconscionably long time.

  16. Robin, Tolkien himself according to the Letters was conflicted on whether it should be published as a single work, two works or, six works. So it was no means fixed as to the length it was going to be.

    A twelve hundred page work would have been unprecedented. Does anyone know of any English language work of that length that was published up ‘til then? Novels weren’t that long, collections weren’t either and omnibuses of even mysteries, a popular thing, didn’t come that close.

    So Robin, you’re welcome to your belief that it’s a trilogy and only a a trilogy, but even Tolkien didn’t believe that in terms of publication.

    And does it really matter? Relax and just read it. Besides you can now buy it in a single volume anyways.

  17. @ Andrew – same here. In fact, I only read Wizard Of Earthsea because Fellowship was checked out of our school library and my English teacher recommended Le Guin. Lucky for me, as it turned out.

  18. “The Fourth Homonym” was collected in the fifth book, Puzzles of the Black Widowers.

  19. 9) THANK YOU! I have been looking for that book literally for years. All I could remember is that it was red, had three little robots on the cover and had sci-fi stories that I really liked. The fact that it turns out to be an Asimov collection explains the latter two. Again, THANK YOU!

    11) If I was stranded on a desert island with only one book, I’d want the Bible but I had two books the other one would be ‘Lord of the Rings.’ I feel that the Professor would excuse me my rankings.

  20. Mm re the S/Trek item on Irish re-unification (and I’m open as an Irishman to correction here), this reference appeared in one ep of Voyager (?). Now the various European TV Cos bought this series and it so happened that RTE (Radio Telefis Eireann : Irish National TV) broadcast that particular ep without any issue at all. They did this prior to the BBC’s own, slightly later, broadcast. But when the good old Beeb did their transmission (and a no of people had already seen or read about this Irish reference and were avidly watching to see what the UK’s National broadcaster would do), the BBC simply removed this particular Irish reference. There was therein a brief silence…!!

  21. One of the more vivid memories from my junior-year-abroad year (1964-65) is standing in the Charing Cross Foyles, gazing at a large display of all three volumes of LOTR, which were both too expensive (for a student) and too big (for my luggage) to buy. I’d read about the trilogy back home. By this time (January ’65), these were probably something like the 13th printings, not boxed but separate volumes. Not long after I returned to the States, the notorious Ace set was available.

    (Have I posted some version of this memory before? Do I repeat myself? Very well, then, I repeat myself.)

  22. A twelve hundred page work would have been unprecedented. Does anyone know of any English language work of that length that was published up ‘til then? Novels weren’t that long, collections weren’t either and omnibuses of even mysteries, a popular thing, didn’t come that close.

    Interesting question. Varney the Vampire (which I read once during a semester break in college) is even longer but not, once you get past the opening chapter, nearly as good or as well known. Other than that, all I can find is Atlas Shrugged and Vikram Seth’s A Suitable Boy, both published after LOTR. War and Peace and The Comte de Monte Cristo are both longer, but not English novels.

    The “three volume novel” or “three decker” was a popular format in the nineteenth century, but my impression is that they mostly weren’t all that long, but were broken up for marketing purposes.

  23. 11) My first introduction to Tolkien was actually the Hobbit cartoon in 1977 but it was followed in very short order by reading the books. And then rereading the books. And then reading them again. And reading The Silmarillion when it hit paperback when I was in 7th or 8th grade. It’s impossible to overstate how foundational those books have been to me.

    We did have a copy of the Swan music book, and I sometimes tried (with varying degrees of success) to pick out the songs on the piano. I admit that in many cases, I wasn’t actually a fan of the musical settings — they felt a bit too bouncy British music hall for my tastes — but I also still have the tunes from the Hobbit cartoon stuck in my head, so my tastes might be suspect.

  24. @ Jim Janney
    I wanted to buy a copy of Varney the Vampire when I was in college. So I looked it up in the library’s physical copy of “Books in Print” (remember those giant volumes?). I learned that the only current edition was a giant two-volume hardback available for close to $50 each — in 1980s currency! (There was a Dover edition in the 1970s, but I never came across it.) So I had to wait until someone invented Nooks and Kindles. But of course, I still have to read it…

    I used to think that three-deckers had to be huge novels. But it turns out that one of the first three-volume novels was “Sense and Sensibility,” which is not very long at all. Anyway, it must be a pain for collectors of Victorian first editions because it would be so hard to get all three volumes. 😐

  25. @ Anne Marble

    I read it at the Zimmerman library at UNM and remember it as being a large multivolume hardback edition with red covers, probably the one you describe. At this point I’m not sure why I bothered finishing it, other than a hope that it would somehow get better again.

  26. 11) I found The Tolkien Professor podcast (Corey Olsen) to be an illuminating series on Tolkien’s works as well as his general perspective on the world. I made it through a couple of year’s worth of podcast episodes before they became repetitive.

    The podcast was my first exposure to Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. That series from his classroom was quite interesting.

    What do you despise? By this are you truly known. – Frank Herbert

  27. Samuel Richardson’s 18th century “Clarissa” and “The History of Charles Grandison” each come in at over 3/4 of a million words – 1500 pages or more in modern editions.

    Eugene Sue’s 1840s novels “The Wandering Jew” and “The Mysteries of Paris” come in at about half a million words and were translated into English at the time, inspiring equally massive but even more forgotten English imitations.

    If you discount the last 100 pages of appendices at the end of LOTR, then I suspect most of Dickens’ s bugcrushers – Dombey, Copperfield, Bleak House – come close in length – usually just on 1000 pgs.

  28. Relatively recently (I stand by my contention that the 80s are “relatively recent”), long SF novels have been published in two or more volumes – like Cyteen and Intervention. I’m not counting cases like Hyperion/Fall of Hyperion and Blackout/All Clear, which I think were edited a bit so that you could theoretically read the second half without having read the first half, but Cyteen and Intervention just continue the same story without any recap much like LoTR does.

  29. Christopher Kovacs says “The Fourth Homonym” was collected in the fifth book, Puzzles of the Black Widowers.

    Thanks. Asimov listed it at being original to that collection for some reason. But that’s Asimov.

  30. Steve Wright on January 4, 2024 at 3:51 am said:

    13) I remember Artemis 81 – I have a DVD of it somewhere. Weird? Definitely. Intellectually demanding? Quite possibly. At least forty-five minutes too long? Very much so.

    I remember seeing it and being captivated by it but I’d pretty much forgotten about it

  31. Cat Eldridge on January 4, 2024 at 1:28 pm said:
    Christopher Kovacs says “The Fourth Homonym” was collected in the fifth book, Puzzles of the Black Widowers.

    Thanks. Asimov listed it at being original to that collection for some reason. But that’s Asimov.

    There’s no contradiction. It was first published in The Asimov Chronicles so that the collection would have something original, and later collected in Puzzles of the Black Widowers.

    I too have really enjoyed those stories, and have read all six books probably three times each over the years.

  32. Christopher Kovacs says There’s no contradiction. It was first published in The Asimov Chronicles so that the collection would have something original, and later collected in Puzzles of the Black Widowers.

    I too have really enjoyed those stories, and have read all six books probably three times each over the years.

    Thanks for clearing that up.

    I’d love to NESFA release all of these as ePubs including the few stories that weren’t originally in these volumes.

  33. @Joe H.: My history is much the same. Step 1: Watch the Hobbit (“15 birds in 5 fir trees”). Step 2: Read Hobbit. Step 3: Read LoTR. Step 4: Wait for Silmarillion (fill time by reading the Tolkien Companion). Step 5: Read the Silmarillion. Step 6: Reread LoTR while waiting for Ralph Bakshi’s movie.

  34. It wasn’t “original” to either book. It was first published in Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, then Asimov Chronicles, then the Black Widowers book.

  35. And bill says It wasn’t “original” to either book. It was first published in Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, then Asimov Chronicles, then the Black Widowers book.

    Where did you find that information? If a database of fiction in the mystery field exists, I really could make use of it in compiling the Birthdays. Thanks much.

  36. Heh. I’m older than a lot of you. My mom used to get the Philly Daily News, and I made a point of not reading anything in its best seller list. Then I went to my first Worldcon, in NYC, and heard people there talking about LotR, so I thought maybe it couldn’t be that bad after all, and I read it.

    Then there was the friend a few years later, who told me one friend of hers had loaned the first book to a friend around 09:00 one morning. At around 1 or 1:30 AM, they got a phone call “WHERE’S THE SECOND BOOK?!?!”

    And Sir Gawain and the Green Knight – if you haven’t read it, you should Tolkien was a good enough writer that he could translate it to modern alliterative verse, and you liked it.

    And, of course, when I see idiots yelling, “how can anyone figure out what a woman wants?!”, my answer is to read Sir Gawain, written in the 1400’s. Answer’s in there, dudes… and it’s the most obvious thing in the world.

  37. @Andrew (not Werdna): Cyteen was originally published as a single volume. It is, pretty much indisputably, a single novel. The first paperback edition, which came out a year later, was indeed split into three, but this was done by the publisher without Cherryh’s help, and she was so unhappy with the result that she has refused to allow it to be published that way again.

    (Cherryh was already unhappy about the time her publishers had made her modify the second novel of the Chanur series so it could be published as a trilogy.)

  38. @Cat Eldridge

    “including the few stories that weren’t originally in these volumes.”
    All 66 of the Black Widower stories are in one (or more) of the collections:
    Tales of the Black Widowers (1974)
    More Tales of the Black Widowers (1976)
    Casebook of the Black Widowers (1980)
    Banquets of the Black Widowers(1984)
    Puzzles of the Black Widowers (1990)
    The Return of the Black Widowers (2003) (posthumous; ed. by Charles Ardai)

    “Where did you find that information?”
    Several places:
    1 — The Fictionmags Indices (and since you are on the FM email list, I’m surprised you didn’t check here)
    by author/story title: http://www.philsp.com/homeville/fmi/n00/n00299.htm
    by periodical: http://www.philsp.com/homeville/fmi/k03/k03960.htm#A3

    2 — in Steven Cooper’s massive Asimov Bibliography:
    http://stevenac.net/asimov/Bibliography.htm (download the full document and CTRL-F “Homonym”)

    3 — the book itself: https://archive.org/details/puzzlesofblackwi00asim/page/23/mode/1up?q=queen%27s

  39. @ Patrick Morris Miller. @ Jay Janner

    Ah, Zimmerman. Spent much of my youth in those stacks reading things like Robert Fortune’s “Journey to the Tea Country of China.”

    For sf and fantasy, such as LOTR, I haunted used bookshops like Ace, Don’s, Living Batch, and the flea market. Never did read Varney the Vampire, though.

  40. So bill, you didn’t answer my question.

    I wasn’t interested in doing a deep dive on him for this Birthday but I’ll bookmark the Fictmags indexes now. Yes, I’m a member but I’m a member of way too many things…

    I’m interested in finding an ISFFB for mystery writers. That’s what I’ve not been able to locate.

  41. @Xtifr: Thank you. As I think of it, Intervention was also a hardback single volume but a paperback two-volume; I have no idea what Julian May thought about the paperback version

  42. “So bill, you didn’t answer my question.”
    I’m pretty sure I did. You asked where I found the information, and I told you.

    “I’m interested in finding an ISFFB for mystery writers.”
    I don’t think there is one.

  43. Cat Eldridge on January 4, 2024 at 1:28 pm said:
    Christopher Kovacs says “The Fourth Homonym” was collected in the fifth book, Puzzles of the Black Widowers.

    Thanks. Asimov listed it at being original to that collection for some reason. But that’s Asimov.

    Now I’m puzzled why you wrote that Asimov listed it as original to that book. I looked through my copy of Chronicles, and there’s no foreword or afterword by Asimov saying that it’s original to it. And the copyright page lists the story with the ©1985 by Davis Publications for its original magazine appearance.

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