Pixel Scroll 10/20/20 Obi-Wan Said, Padawan, You’re Gonna Drive Me To Stalking If You Don’t Stop Flying That Millennial Falcon

(1) THE DOCTOR AND ROSE. Bustle previews a new installment of David Tennant Does A Podcast With…Billie Piper.

…Tennant met Piper 15 years ago on the set of Doctor Who. He entered in her second series and it’s hard looking back to imagine it as anything other than an immediate success. However, Piper said that when Dr Who was brought back to our screens with Christopher Eccleston in the leading role, that wasn’t the case. “When we started making it, everyone said it was going to be a failure. So you just didn’t imagine it being on for longer than three months,” she said. “Imagining that 15 years later, it’s still probably the biggest job you will have ever done and you’ll still be talking about it and going off and meeting people and, you know, celebrating it… That was a big reach.”

… Thinking about whether the reboot would be popular wasn’t the only thing on Piper’s mind. Doctor Who was the first big acting role she got after leaving the music world. “I wanted to prove myself as an actress; to myself, family, and this dream I had,” she said, “people don’t greet you with open arms when you’re trying new things, especially in this country. The attitude is very much ‘let’s see it then.’” Piper and Tennant made such a lasting impact on the series they’ve bot returned for guest appearances in Doctor Who.

Listen to the full conversation between Tennant and Piper at the link.

(2) THE ANCESTORS. Vulture’s Lila Shapiro profiles Rebecca Roanhorse and challenges to her as an “OwnVoices” writer in “The Sci-Fi Author Reimagining Native History”.

…Roanhorse is speaking from her home in Santa Fe, overlooking the Sun and Moon mountains. She lives there with her husband, a Diné (or Navajo) artist, and their 12-year-old daughter. She rarely speaks with her birth mother. “I’m sure some people may come home and find joy,” she said, “but that has not been my experience.” Her new book, Black Sun, is an epic set in an imaginary world inspired by the indigenous cultures of North America as they were before European explorers invaded the shores of the continent. Her work has been embraced by the literary world and often appears on lists of the best “OwnVoices” fantasy novels. (The phrase, which originated in 2015 as a Twitter hashtag and has since turned into a publicity tool, signifies that the author shares the same background or experiences as the characters they write.) And since entering the scene a few years ago, she’s already received many of the genre’s most prestigious awards. Black Sun, which was published on October 13, was one of the most eagerly anticipated titles of the fall. Some have compared it to the monumental achievements of N.K. Jemisin and George R.R. Martin. Screen adaptations of several projects are already underway.

But within Native communities, the book’s reception has been mixed. Although Roanhorse has many Native fans who have hailed her work as groundbreaking and revelatory, she also has a number of vocal detractors. Not long after her debut, Trail of Lighting, was published, a group of Diné writers released a letter accusing her of cultural appropriation, mischaracterizing Diné spiritual beliefs, and harmful misrepresentation. They took issue with Roanhorse’s decision to write a fantasy inspired by Diné stories, since she is only Diné by marriage, and wondered why she hadn’t written about her “own tribe,” referring to the Ohkay Owingeh people of New Mexico. Some have even expressed doubts about Roanhorse’s Native ancestry and her right to tell Native stories at all.

At a time when the publishing industry is throwing open its doors to authors who traditionally faced barriers to entry, the controversy over Roanhorse’s work reveals a fault line in the OwnVoices movement. Native identity is exceptionally complex. It consists of hundreds of cultures, each of which has its own customs. Further complicating all this is the fact that Roanhose grew up estranged from Native communities, an outsider through no choice of her own. This complexity is reflected in her writing — both her debut and her latest work concern protagonists who are at odds with their communities. “I’m always writing outsiders,” she says. “Their journey is usually about coming home, and sometimes they wished they’d stayed away.”

(3) MEET MR. SCIENCE. At Black Gate, Doug Ellis browses a pamphlet sent to drum up advertising for Analog in the early Sixties: “A Man of Science: A Study of the Readership of Analog Science Fact-Fiction. (Scans of the pamphlet can be read at the link.)

… The report discusses how Mr. Science’s income is about double that of Mr. Average’s, and that 38.4% of Mr. Science have had graduate study, compared to 2.3% of Mr. Average. It discusses various professional societies Mr. Science belongs to, and the credentials of some of its authors. It also spends two pages touting the background and editorship of John Campbell….

(4) A CLOSE SCRAPE. “NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Spacecraft Successfully Touches Asteroid” reports the space agency. Still awaiting word on sample quality as of this PR.

NASA’s Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) spacecraft unfurled its robotic arm Tuesday, and in a first for the agency, briefly touched an asteroid to collect dust and pebbles from the surface for delivery to Earth in 2023.

This well-preserved, ancient asteroid, known as Bennu, is currently more than 200 million miles (321 million kilometers) from Earth. Bennu offers scientists a window into the early solar system as it was first taking shape billions of years ago and flinging ingredients that could have helped seed life on Earth. If Tuesday’s sample collection event, known as “Touch-And-Go” (TAG), provided enough of a sample, mission teams will command the spacecraft to begin stowing the precious primordial cargo to begin its journey back to Earth in March 2021. Otherwise, they will prepare for another attempt in January.

… All spacecraft telemetry data indicates the TAG event executed as expected. However, it will take about a week for the OSIRIS-REx team to confirm how much sample the spacecraft collected.

(5) LEHRER GOES PUBLIC. [Item by Daniel Dern.] Tom Lehrer has put all his lyrics in the public domain: Songs and Lyrics by Tom Lehrer. The site includes lyrics and sheet music, but, alas, no recordings.

My rough quick count shows about 45 songs I’m familiar with (including several from The Electric Company, of which at least four are on a Lehrer multi-CD compilation and on Spotify), although some posted include revisions and/or private versions (and, according to a separate list poster, not all known revisions/updates). Also about 60 songs that I’ve never heard of.

By the way, the home page advises: “Note: This website will be shut down on December 31, 2024, so if you want to download anything, don’t wait too long.”

As noted, some of the Electric Company songs are on (free) Spotify. And elsewhere, like YouTube (search “Tom Lerher Electric Company”). (And see http://www.tomlehrer.org/covers/electric.html for related info.)

I also recommend the (PBS) Tom Lehrer Live In Copenhagen concert, from decades ago, it shows what a great (IMHO) performer he is – available here at the Internet Archive.

(6) THE VERDICT ON CATS. John Hodgman ruled on a thorny issue in the February 16 New York Times Magazine.

Question: My friend Abby insists that the movie CATS is good.  She has even persuaded our friends to perform a live version of it on her backyard on St. Valentine’s Day.  She says this is not a sarcastic bit.  Please order her to admit that this is some sort of joke.

HODGMAN:  I am truly impartial, as I have never seen either the film or the stage production of CATS.  However, I have processed enough of my friends’ trauma after they watched the recent movie to establish these principles:  1) There is no way Abby can actually replicate the C.G.I. strangeness of that movie unless her backyard is a literal uncanny valley; 2) Thus, Abby is simply putting on the stage version of CATS, which everyone seems to have liked, even without sarcasm; 3) People like what they like, and it’s not your job to police your friends’ Jellicle thoughts.  Happy Valentine’s Day.  Now and forever.

(7) HE’S DEAD, JAMES. ‘Tis the season – so James Davis Nicoll lists “Five SFF Books Built Around Dead People (Or Mostly Dead People)”. Was Miracle Max wrong when he said “If he were all dead, there’s only one thing you can do”?

Inherit the Stars by James P. Hogan (1977)

Charlie is an enigma: a human corpse found in a cave on the Moon. A missing man should be easy to identify, given how few humans have made it out into space. Inexplicably, all of them can be accounted for. So who is the dead man?…

(8) ANOTHER DAM BOOKSTORE. “A Surreal New Bookstore Has Just Opened in China”Architectural Digest takes a look inside.

…For a book lover, stepping into a bookstore is always exciting, but a new bookstore in China makes the experience absolutely spellbinding. Dujiangyan Zhongshuge, located in Chengdu, was designed by Shanghai-based architecture firm X+Living, which has created several locations for Zhongshuge. The two-story space appears cathedral-like, thanks to the mirrored ceilings and gleaming black tile floors which reflect the bookcases, creating a visual effect that feels akin to an M.C. Escher drawing. “The mirror ceiling in the space is the signature of Zhongshuge bookstore,” says Li Xiang, founder of X+Living. “It effectively extends the space by reflection.”

Upon entering, shoppers encounter C-shaped bookcases, which create a series of intimate spaces. In the center of the store, towering arches and columns take advantage of the full height of the space. These bookcases were inspired by the history and topography of the region. “We moved the local landscape into the indoor space,” says Li. “The project is located in Dujiangyan, which is a city with a long history of water conservancy development, so in the main area, you could see the construction of the dam integrated into the bookshelves.”

(9) FUTURE-CON. The success of their first event has encouraged Future-Con’s organizers to keep going. Thread starts here.


  • 1979 — Forty one years ago, Robert Heinlein’s The Number of The Beast first saw publication as a serial staring with the October issue of Omni magazine which was edited by Ben Bova and Frank Kendig. New English Library would offer the first edition of it, a United Kingdom paperback, the following January. Fawcett Gold Medal / Ballantine would print the first U.S. edition, again a paperback, that summer. There would be no hardcover until twenty-years after it first came out when SFBC did one. It did not make the final voting list for Best Novel Hugo at Noreascon Two. It won no other awards. 


[Compiled by Cat Eldridge and John Hertz.]

  • Born October 20, 1882 Bela Lugosi. He’s best remembered for portraying Count Dracula in the 1931 film franchise Drácula. He came to hate that he played that character feeling he’d been Typecast. Now tell me what’s your favorite film character that he played? (Died 1956.) (CE)
  • Born October 20, 1905 Frederic Dannay. One half with Manfred Bennington Lee of the writing team who created Ellery Queen.  ISFDB lists two Ellery Queen novels as being genre, And on the Eight Day and The Scrolls of Lysis, plus a single short story, “ A Study in Terror”. (Died 1982.) (CE) 
  • Born October 20, 1906 – Crockett Johnson.  Of this simple genius – that’s praise – I wrote here: Barnaby and Mr. O’Malley, Harold and the purple crayon, the geometricals.  A commenter mentioned Barkis.  Also there’s The Carrot Seed; more.  Fantagraphics’ fourth volume of Barnaby reprints is scheduled for 1 Dec 20.  (Died 1975) [JH]
  • Born October 20, 1923 – Erle M. Korshak, 97.  Sometimes known as “Mel”, hello Andrew Porter.  Here he is with other pioneers at Nycon I the 1st Worldcon.  Committee secretary, Chicon I the 2nd Worldcon.  His Shasta Publishers an early provider of hardback SF 1947-1957; after its end, EMK dormant awhile, then Shasta-Phoenix arose 2009 publishing classic SF art.  First Fandom Hall of Fame.  Barry Levin Lifetime Collector’s Award.  Announced as First Fandom Guest of Honor, Chicon 8 (80th Worldcon, 2022).  [JH]
  • Born October 20, 1934 Michael Dunn. He’s best remembered  for his recurring role on the Wild Wild West as Dr. Miguelito Loveless, attempting to defeat our heroes over and over, but he has had another appearances in genre television. He would be Alexander, a court jester, in the Trek “Plato’s Stepchildren” episode and a killer clown in the Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea “The Wax Men” episode. (Died 1973.) (CE)
  • Born October 20, 1937 – Betsy Haynes, 83.  Eighty novels of history, mystery, comedy, the supernatural.  In The Dog Ate My Homework a girl using a magic word can make things happen; to escape a test she says the school has been taken over by giant termites: suddenly she hears giant crunching steps.  Two dozen Bone Chillers by BH became a television series, some based on her books, some by other authors although BH appeared at the end of each saying Use your imagination.  [JH]
  • Born October 20, 1941 Anneke Wills, 79. She was Polly, a companion to the Second and Third Doctors. She was also in Doctor Who: Devious, a fan film in development since 1991 with live-action scenes mostly completed by 2005 but the film still not released I believe. You can see the first part here. (CE)
  • Born October 20, 1955 – Greg Hemsath, 65.  Active in Los Angeles fandom during the 1980s.  While rooming with local fan Talin, worked on The Faery Tale Adventure, a computer game for the Amiga; here is a map Greg and Bonnie Reid made.  Here is Talin in the “Dream Knight” vacuum-formed fantasy armor Greg helped with.  Remarks from Greg appear in Bill Rotsler fanzines.  Greg told Loscon XXVIII he was a past Guildmaster of the Crafters’ Guild of St. Gregory the Wonderworker.  Applying that title to Greg himself would be disrespectful, so I shan’t.  [JH]
  • Born October 20, 1958 Lynn Flewelling, 61. The lead characters of her Nightrunner series are both bisexual, and she has stated this is so was because of “the near-absence of LGBT characters in the genre and marginalization of existing ones.” (As quoted in Strange Horizon, September 2001) The Tamír Triad series is her companion series to this affair (CE) 
  • Born October 20, 1961 – Kate Mosse, O.B.E., 59.  Author of fiction, some historical; playwright, journalist e.g. The TimesThe GuardianBookseller; broadcaster e.g. Readers’ and Writers’ Roadshow on BBC Four.  For us, three Languedoc novels (she and husband lived there awhile), two more.  Co-founded the Women’s Prize for Fiction.  Officer of the Order of the British Empire.  First female executive director of Chichester Festival Theatre.  [JH]
  • Born October 20, 1966 – Diana Rowland, 54.  Marksmanship award in her Police Academy class.  Black Belt in Hapkido.  Math degree from Georgia Tech but has tried to forget.  Eight novels about Kara Gillian accidentally summoning a demon prince, and then what.  Six about white trash zombies.  A story in Wild Cards 26; half a dozen more.  [JH]
  • Born October 20, 1977 Sam Witwer, 43. He’s had many genre roles — Crashdown in Battlestar Galactica, Aidan Waite in Being Human, Davis Bloome in Smallville, Mr. Hyde in Once Upon a Time and Ben Lockwood in Supergirl. He has voiced Starkiller in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, The Son in Star Wars: The Clone Wars,  was the Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars Rebels. and also voiced Darth Maul in Star Wars: The Clone WarsStar Wars Rebels and Solo: A Star Wars Story. (CE)


  • Off The Mark shows why witches prefer cats.
  • Crankshaft knows who to call when you absolutely, positively have to have a facemask right away.

(13) SALADIN AHMED LEAVING MS. MARVEL. In January, writer Saladin Ahmed and artist Minkyu Jung will end their run on Magnificent Ms. Marvel with an oversized finale issue.

Since launching last year, Magnificent Ms. Marvel has been a revolutionary era for Kamala Khan, with surprising developments in both her personal life and burgeoning super hero career. Between saving the alien planet of Saffa to fighting against the mysterious and deadly entity known as Stormranger, Kamala Khan also teamed up with new allies to defend her home of Jersey City.

Ahmed and Jung will end this thrilling journey with an issue that sees Ms. Marvel facing down Stormranger with the help of new hero Amulet, all while confronting the ongoing drama surrounding her family and friends. The special giant-sized issue also happens to the be the 75th issue of Kamala Khan’s solo adventures and will be a worthy capstone to a run that has greatly enhanced the legacy of one of Marvel’s brightest stars.

Here’s what Saladin had to say about closing out his tenure on the title:

“Forget super heroes, Kamala Khan is just plain one of the most important fictional characters of her generation. I knew that was true even before I came to write comics. But meeting and hearing from fans since launching The Magnificent Ms. Marvel has made it clearer and clearer. Kamala means so much to so many! Muslim readers. South Asian readers. But also people of all ages and cultures from all over the world who want to root for a selfless, kindhearted (possibly slightly dorky) hero in this grim, stingy era.

“Minkyu Jung’s pencils and designs went effortlessly from the streets of Jersey City to the alien plains of Saffa to night sky battles, always maintaining the human emotion that drives this book. From homicidal battlesuits to awkward conversations, he constantly pushed our story in new visual directions. I can’t imagine a more perfect artist for this run, and I’m so happy we got to work together.

“Of course a hero’s myth becomes most fully realized when it is passed between storytellers, changing with each telling. We’ve brought Kamala face to face with new enemies and to new places in her personal life, sent her to space and to the edge of the law. Now others will tell her story their way. I can’t wait to see what that looks like.”

(14) LIVING IN THE PRESENT. In the Washington Post, David Betancourt interviews Star Trek: Discovery star Sonequa Martin-Green, who says she gave birth to her second child in July.  She promotes the series (where filming wrapped in March) as well as her appearance in the forthcoming Space Jam 2. “Sonequa Martin-Green stars in a future she hopes one day can be a reality”.

 .. The year 2020 and all that has come with it has been a monumental one for Martin-Green, who has become the face of the next generation of “Star Trek” storytelling while also strengthening her voice in support of the Black Lives Matter movement in a moment of American social awakening. She and her husband, “Walking Dead” actor Kenric Green, welcomed their second child, Saraiyah Chaunté Green, on July 19 (via a home birth that was planned pre-pandemic). Martin-Green describes 2020 as a “doozy” but says that, despite all its difficulties, it will always be highlighted by the birth of her daughter.

This year’s racial reckoning in America has weighed heavily on Martin-Green, an Alabama native, who says she is keenly aware of the “new” and in some cases “old” world that awaits her Black children.

“Being Black in America, but also being raised in the South — where racism is quite in your face, it’s not so subtle down there — I feel like this is a time of exposure and a time of enlightenment,” Martin-Green said.

(15) TAKE COVER. “Wear a Mask” parodies the “Be Our Guest” number from Beauty and the Beast.

(16) SPIRITS QUEST. Richard Foss will offer a free virtual talk for the Palos Verdes Library called “Imbibing LA: Boozing it Up in the City of Angels” on October 29 at 7 p.m. reports EasyReader News.

In the talk he explores the history of alcohol in Los Angeles, which the library describes as a “historical center of winemaking and brewing, a region where cocktails were celebrated by movie stars and hunted down by prohibitionists, and a place where finely balanced drinks and abysmal concoctions were crafted by bartenders and celebrities. This talk explores that lively history from the first Spaniards to the end of Prohibition.”

Foss says if you want to appreciate the skill and the artistry of a chef or a bartender or anyone else who is in the restaurant industry, “it helps to know the cultural background, and that’s one of the things that I try to do with this particular talk. It’s about the history of drinking in Los Angeles from the time of the Spanish on to the current era.”

…When not reviewing restaurants or giving talks about food history, Foss is busy curating an exhibition for the Autry Museum of the American West called “Cooking up a New West.”

It’s about the waves of immigration that came to California and how it changed the way America eats. “At the time I proposed this I didn’t think of it as remotely political but in the current environment anything that you do about the value immigrants have added to our culture has suddenly become more political than it used to be.”

The exhibit is expected to open in 2021.

Readers can register for “Imbibing LA: Boozing it Up in the City of Angels” here.

(17) SETTING THE BAR WHERE IT BELONGS. [Item by Dann.] I came across this via Grimdark Magazine: “Five Things Netflix Must Get Right For Conan”. I didn’t see any mention of this development until recently. FWIW, I think their points are pretty good. I would summarize them as:

  • Conan should be a character that demonstrates violence
  • Conan is more than a brooding hulk of muscles.  Get the character right by reflecting his humor and intelligence.
  • Get the casting right.  The lead actor has to be a physical specimen capable of presenting a broad array of emotions.
  • Respect and represent the source material.
  • This isn’t generic fantasy.  RE Howard created a complete alternative history and mythos.  Use that creation to tell better stories.

I’ve got a Kindle edition of the complete Conan stories by RE Howard.  I’ll read a story or two in between novels.  Too many times, it turns into a story or ten!

(18) HARRY POTTER AND THE LIBERATED TOME. MailOnline is hot on the trail: “Harry Potter and the £40k lost library book: Bosses at British reading centre want to reclaim book that went missing two decades ago… before selling for a fortune at US auction”.

… The book was one of three original editions of JK Rowling’s debut purchased by the city’s library in 1997. Only 500 hardbacks were ever printed.

In 2004, two were sold to raise extra money. It was then that staff discovered that the third was missing.

Its whereabouts remained a mystery until it appeared at Heritage Auctions in Dallas, Texas, being sold by a Californian owner. A Portsmouth City Library stamp inside the book appears to be from August 1997.

It went on to sell for $55,000 (£42,500), nearly three times its $20,000 estimate.

Portsmouth City Council library service says the book in question was not officially checked out.

Eric Bradley, Heritage Auctions’ public relations director, told the BBC: ‘If the Portsmouth library was interested in getting it back… I think it would set a precedent, because I think it would be the first time a library took a serious case to reclaim a Harry Potter book.’

(19) SECRET HISTORY. Is this how Europe got fractured?

(20) VIDEO OF THE DAY. In “The Hobbit:  The Desolation of Smaug Pitch Meeting” on ScreenRant, Ryan George explains the reason the hobbits can float down a raging river on barrels without the barrels filling up with water is that they’re on the river of questionable physics.”

[Thanks to Martin Morse Wooster, JJ, Jeffrey Smith, Dann, Cat Eldridge, Mike Kennedy, John Hertz, Michael Toman, John King Tarpinian, and Andrew Porter for some of these stories. Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Daniel “Confuse The Force, Luke” Dern.]

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37 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 10/20/20 Obi-Wan Said, Padawan, You’re Gonna Drive Me To Stalking If You Don’t Stop Flying That Millennial Falcon

  1. (5) “Scroll is here, Scroll is here. Life is Pixels and life is Bheer. I think the loveliest File of the year is the Scroll, I do, don’t you? ‘Course you do!”

  2. My infectious disease doctor, Sophie, couldn’t figure out how to do Zoom on the secured laptop the hospital had her using today, so we had a phone conversation instead.

    The good news is that my blood work looks good enough re the staphylococcus infection that I came off one of the two antibiotics I’ve been on since the first of the three surgeries way back in May. And medical protocols she said would’ve said the second one as well should end now, but neither she nor I felt comfortable given my history with doing that so I’m on the other through January.

    We also both think the surgeon is avoiding dealing with the need for a fourth surgery several months down the line as she said the knee doesn’t look stable to her given the after surgery notes. It certainly doesn’t feel stable.

  3. I’m listening to Elizabeth Bear’s Machine, the second of her White Space novels now. It’s quite excellent but don’t start reading it unless you’ve read or listened to the first, Ancestral Night, already as it very much assumes that you know that story already. It doesn’t (so far) use any of the Ancestral Night characters but the story itself requires knowing the universe set up in that novel.

  4. @ Cat Eldridge

    Glad to hear about getting off the first antibiotic and I hope the healing process continues apace.

  5. (7) I’ve seen it speculated that everything that occurs after the brain transplant in Heinlein’s I Will Fear No Evil is the brain activity of the dying and/or mostly dead Johann. It would explain a lot that otherwise is incomprehensible.

  6. Rob Thornton says Glad to hear about getting off the first antibiotic and I hope the healing process continues apace.

    Thanks much. I’ll admit that I’d definitely be more pissed at being confined to the apartment if the Pandemic hadn’t occurred as I used to get out and work in my fav coffeeshop every day before doing a long walk that involving shopping locally. Since none of that’s possible now really, I’m not as pissed as I would’ve been.

    And I’m attending the WFC virtually which should be very interesting. Virtual cons do make up fir some of the missing social interaction.

  7. 17) I had heard of the plans to make a Conan series and would be very happy indeed to watch a decent Conan series that gets the character and stories right. I would be even happier to finally get an adaptation of Fafhrd and Gray Mouser (why, of why has no one ever made one?) or Jirel of Joiry. A better Solomon Kane than the one they did a few years ago would be welcome as well.

  8. 17) I would also accept a series about Karl Edward Wagner’s Kane.

    I’d love a Solomon Kane film, but only if it was produced by Hammer Films circa 1965 and starred Christopher Lee in the title role.

  9. 11) Lugosi famously played the Sayer of the Law in the 1932 Island of Lost Souls, along with Charles Laughton as Dr. Moreau. I really need to hunt that down sometime and watch it.

    17) If he introduces himself as “I am Conan, a Cimmerian” we’ll know they got it right.

  10. (11) Polly was a companion of the First and Second Doctors, but not the Third (pre-Chibnall numbering).

  11. (10)–When I first read “The Number of the Beast,” when it first was issued as a paperback, I told all my fellow fen in Denver that the book ought to win a Hugo–for best fan writing. To me, the thing read as if it were written by a fan who was trying to imitate Heinlein. In nearly forty years, I haven’t changed my opinion–much. After reading “The Pursuit of the Pankera,” both versions now look to me like duds banged out by a pro under the influence of chronic ill health–which I understand came close to the true situation. I understand the same thing happened with “I Will Fear No Evil.”

  12. The media anniversary date is off by ten years: nineteen seventy-nine, not ’89. I well remember reading those first chapters in Omni when I was eleven and had read nearly all of Heinlein’s previous works. They were okay. And then the full book came out…and remains the most bitter disappointment of my life as a reader. I’ve never re-read it, and never will.

    Also I looked up Heinlein’s date of death: 1988. The book wasn’t published posthumously, and neither were any of the four novels he wrote after Beast.

  13. 1979 — Forty one years ago, Robert Heinlein’s The Number of The Beast first saw publication as a serial staring with the October issue of Omni magazine which was edited by Ben Bova and Frank Kendig. New English Library would offer the first edition of it, a United Kingdom paperback, the following January. Fawcett Gold Medal / Ballantine would print the first U.S. edition, again a paperback, that summer. There would be no hardcover until twenty-years after it first came out when SFBC did one.

    Twenty years? New English Library also published a UK hardback in 1980.

  14. 17) I’d be perfectly OK with a standard sword-and-sandles take on Conan – there are lots of takes on Conan already and a bit of cheese never hurt anyone – but I agree it would be nice to get a bit of the horror-edged grotesquerie of the original stories for a change. Though the original stories have a lot of pulp era racial stereotyping, to the point where straight adaptions wouldn’t be possible today.

    A surprising amount of Solomon Kane stories are set in Africa and have an even bigger racism problem than Conan, while the Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser books’ creepy attitude to young women might need work, but I’d be entirely up for a take on Jirel of Joiry.

    Or failing that, there’s a Leigh Brackett novella – I think the one she wrote in collaboration with Ray Bradbury – with a hero called Conan. How about Leigh Brackett’s Mars for a change?

  15. 5) You write that Tom Lehrer has “put all his lyrics in the public domain”. Not quite. The web site itself says “MOST of the music written by Tom Lehrer will be added gradually later…” (emphasis mine). Lehrer worked for the NSA from 1955-1957. According to a friend of mine who also worked for the NSA, Lehrer wrote songs for the staff Christmas parties which incorporated substantial classified information within the lyrics (which my friend had heard, but couldn’t tell me about). His impression was that those songs would remain classified for a very long time, and I believe they are still classified. There is nothing I could find on that site that would appear to belong to that era.

  16. @Darrah Chavey: I won’t comment on the possibility of classified lyrics, but the bit you quoted is just saying that while the lyrics (i.e., the words) are there now, the music (i.e,, the tunes) will be gradually added. I suppose it takes a bit more work to transcribe the tunes, especially if they want to include piano accompaniment.

  17. @8 &18
    A story of contrasts. On one hand, a splendid, ostentatiously opulent setting for books provided they pass muster with nervous bureaucrats and heavies, and don’t get censored or just plain banned and pulped. On the other hand, a book provided to the public for free, stolen and sold for considerable profit in a foreign land, all apparently without so much as a courtesy call to the injured party to confirm provenance.

    These make for grim reading. I must ponder human nature.

    For me, the archetypal Analog reader was “the administrator.”. You know, the harried middle-manager or technician who was the protag in like 95% of Analog stories. Science took backseat to control.

    Speaking of control, it continues to astonish me how successful a robotic mission at such distances can be. Amazeballs.

  18. [[11]] I’ve always admired the fact that Lugosi was such a prominent activist in his homeland Hungary’s actor’s union that he was forced to flee the country after the failed revolution of 1919.

  19. 5) “All of his [Lehrer’s] lyrics…” My semi-bad. Those words were in the message I was quoting from and elaborating on. I should have, in retrospect (which I use for inspecting retro Hugos, which I think makes me a retro Hugonaut?) said “a heap of lyrics, including most of the familiar and readily available ones, plus a lot of others.”

    17) Conan. How about instead, he does a late night talk show (a la Space Ghost From Coast To Coast)?

  20. @Darrah — Anything he wrote while in the employ of the NSA wouldn’t be covered by copyright anyway. The writings of government employees are (for the purposes of copyright, ignoring classification issues) by law public domain.

    And Executive Order 13526 (2009) declassifies anything that is 25 or more years old, unless it is determined that releasing it damages national security in some way. It’s certainly conceivable that 60 year old song lyrics might still meet one of the exceptions listed in the EO and would remain classified, but the presumption is that they should be released.

    Keep your scrolls close, but keep your pixels closer.

  21. @Sophie Jane

    Or failing that, there’s a Leigh Brackett novella – I think the one she wrote in collaboration with Ray Bradbury – with a hero called Conan. How about Leigh Brackett’s Mars for a change?

    The story you’re thinking about is “Lorelei of the Red Mist” by Leigh Brackett and Ray Bradbury, which is set on Venus rather than Mars. It will be eligible for the 1947 Retro Hugos, if there are any. And yes, the protagonist finds himself in the body of a Venusian traitor named Conan after his original body is fatally injured in a spaceship crash. Brackett named the character Conan in homage to Howard ten years after Howard’s death, not knowing that there would be a massive Howard and Conan revival twenty years later.

    And yes, I would be all for a Leigh Brackett based series. Eric John Stark would probably be the best character to use and please, make him a black man like in the books. For that matter, C.L. Moore’s Northwest Smith would be another possibility.

    And a lot of vintage sword and sorcery and vintage pulp fiction in general would have to be updated for modern sensibilities, whether it’s Conan or Solomon Kane or Kull. Fafhrd and Grey Mouser are comparatively free of issues, though some of the female characters would have to be aged up and some of the sex scenes in the later stories would be too explicit even for Netflix or HBO. And the handful of problematic stories could be omitted.

    Jirl of Joiry tends to tangle with men who have massive consent issues, but they don’t survive the story.

  22. My biggest concern with a Conan series would be casting — please try to steer clear of a lumpen slab of muscle like Arnold or Ralf Moeller. The 2011 movie was terrible but Jason Momoa was well-cast, at least — he captured the pantherness Howard constantly used in his descriptions.

    (EDIT: Not that I have anything against Schwarzenegger or Moeller in other contexts; but Conan is supposed to be graceful, which isn’t a word I’d necessarily use to describe either of them.)

  23. Joe H. on October 21, 2020 at 4:28 pm said:

    My biggest concern with a Conan series would be casting — please try to steer clear of a lumpen slab of muscle like Arnold or Ralf Moeller. The 2011 movie was terrible but Jason Momoa was well-cast, at least — he captured the pantherness Howard constantly used in his descriptions.

    So Jason Statham then?

  24. Actually, Statham wouldn’t have been an entirely terrible choice, at least in terms of physicality, but at this point he’s probably too old unless they want to do something from later in Conan’s career. (Ditto Jason Momoa, for that matter.)

    Oh, that’s another thing: No more origin stories, please.

  25. Nina say Glad to hear you were able to come off one of the antibiotics. And I like your new avatar.

    I would have come off both but Sophie, my infectious disease doctor, just doesn’t trust my immune system so I’m on Minocycline until January when I’ll get more blood work done. If the staphylococcus virus is not there, I’ll likely go off it.

    Glad you like the avatar. It combines cats and books, a winning combination. One of my cats, long gone, named Mabinogion, looked just like that cat.

  26. One of my favorite moments as SFWA president was writing to Tom Lehrer to ask if we could use “Silent E” to do a parody called “SIlent F” and getting a delightful handwritten letter back saying yes. I still hope that manifests some day, I know Matthew Johnson had written the lyrics.

  27. I enjoyed everything here in this issue.

    The great concern with modernizing to meet current sensibilities puts me in mind of of the similar movement back in the 1800s, when Bowdler had them removing ‘offensive’ references from everything, even going so far as to require a happy ending in productions of “Hamlet.” ( I don’t remember how they managed that.)

    In context, things that we now find offensive did make their point. By looking at what happens in stories (or plays, or whatever) we hopefully learn something, hopefully learn not to make the same mistakes the characters make in the story.

    The Ancient Greeks managed to write plays that apply the laws of dynamics to moral issues, which makes them especially devastating: quite often, you can’t win, you can’t break even, you can’t even get out of the game. But they had a long time to hone their craft, and all their critics are long dead: as is Bowdler.

    And yes, we now have a substantial number of excellent actors to fill some of those roles, so instead of ‘adapting to current sensibilities’ by making Black characters White (or Gay characters Straight) (the ‘current sensibilities’ of the recent past), how about letting Leigh Bracket or Steven Barnes determine the colors of their characters, or the sensibilities inherent in their stories?

  28. Jon DeCles: In context, things that we now find offensive did make their point. By looking at what happens in stories (or plays, or whatever) we hopefully learn something, hopefully learn not to make the same mistakes the characters make in the story.

    Those mistakes being primarily ignoring non-male genders and non-white human beings? Keeping it that way makes it clear that it’s a mistake to viewers… how, exactly?

    Jon DeCles: instead of ‘adapting to current sensibilities’ by making Black characters White (or Gay characters Straight) (the ‘current sensibilities’ of the recent past), how about letting Leigh Bracket or Steven Barnes determine the colors of their characters, or the sensibilities inherent in their stories?

    This logic also means leaving all of the predominantly white and male characters, white and male. How about not?

    You’ve spent 8 decades getting to read stories overwhelmingly populated with characters who look like you. If the old racist and sexist stories get redone, I and a whole lot of other people would like to see ourselves reflected in them.

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