Pixel Scroll 3/13/17 Do Androids Dream Of Crottled Greeps?

(1) UNENDING DANGER. Jared takes a look back at Ellison’s never-published “The Last Dangerous Visions” at Pornokitsch.

The Last Dangerous Visions might be the most famous science fiction book to never exist. ‘TLDV’ was the long-mooted and nearly-almost-published sequel to Dangerous Visions (1967) and Again, Dangerous Visions (1972) – two vastly important and influential publication in modern speculative fiction.

This ambitious anthology, seemingly intended to be the final word in contemporary SF, was delayed for numerous reasons, documented elsewhere by both Ellison and many others. The anticipation, the delays, and the numerous authors it affected made for, to put it mildly, a great deal of drama….

(2) THE BIRDMAN OF AL-LAWZ. John Ringo’s “The Raptor God Incident” has its rough spots but the last four lines are sweet. (This is an excerpt from the middle).

One day as I was preparing to come off night guard duty I noticed some big birds flying by. It was dawn (another pretty time) and there were three of them in a group just beginning to catch the thermals. They ended up going by right at eye level and no more than fifty meters away. I identified them as goshawks, large black and white raptors. They were involved in their annual migration from Africa up to Northern Europe.

I sat and watched as more and more of the groups came by. They were one of the first signs of beauty I’d seen in a long time. And it was clear the migration was just starting.

I thought about that for a while that day and I thought about how much I hated to be woken up at O Dark Thirty to go freeze my ass off in the shack.

So I made a deal with the other guys. I’d take ALL the day duty. Every day. Seven days a week. IF I didn’t have to take a night watch.

‘The Deal was made in Sinai, on a hot and cloudless day…’ (Hmmm… That even scans…)

(3) CARD TRICK. Cat Rambo advises pros about “Working Comic Conventions” at the SFWA Blog. First on the list —

Make sure you have a business card. This should have your contact information, your social media presence (you’ll see why in the at the convention tips) and at least one way to find your books. You will also use it for networking; make sure there is enough blank space on it for you to jot a note down on it before handing it to someone. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on cards but I would also suggest not cheaping out. The lowest rate cards are often flimsy and can look unprofessional….

(4) CAMPBELL AWARD ANTHOLOGY. Jonathan Edelstein, in a comment here, let everyone know that this year’s Campbell anthology, “heroically thrown together at the last minute” by Jake Kerr, is now available. It has stories from over six dozen writers, including Edelstein. Get the free download here.

The John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer is presented annually at WorldCon to an outstanding author whose first professional work of science fiction or fantasy was published within the previous two years. This anthology includes over 75 authors and nearly 400,000 words of fiction. A resource of amazing new writers for both Hugo Award voters and those interested in seeing the brightest new lights of fantasy and science fiction, Event Horizon is exclusively available via this page until July 15, 2017.

(5) CONS THAT WISH THEY WERE FOR-PROFIT. Trae Dorn at Nerd & Tie posted about two more cons with financial problems.

Effectively, organizer Ben Fritzsching told the event’s guests that there was no money to pay them at the event. Fritzsching then, at several guests’ request, gave them written IOU’s with the promise that the money would be paid by the end of 2016. Agent Nery Nolan Lemus posted a copy of one of the IOUs to the group Rate that Comic Con on Facebook…

As it’s now March of 2017, and we’re writing about this, you can imagine how well those IOUs held up.

No reasons were given for the event’s cancellation beyond “complications with the facility,” though we can speculate it’s likely for the normal reasons any con cancels — no one is buying. Frankly, we’ve heard reports of sub par experiences from their 2016 event, so there’s been a distinct lack of surprise. The event organizers did go on to say in the comments that they were unsure of their plans for the con in 2018 as well.

(6) RESISTANCE RADIO. Sometimes it’s hard to keep the resistors separated from the transistors. “Amazon launched a fake radio station to promote ‘The Man in the High Castle.’ Angry Trump supporters thought it was real.” The Washington Post has the story.

An ad campaign for a dystopian television show has some Trump supporters seeing red.

Amazon’s “The Man in the High Castle,” loosely based on a Philip K. Dick novel, is ramping up for its third season. The thriller, set in 1962, imagines a world in which the Axis powers won World War II and America is controlled by fascist leaders. The East Coast belongs to Nazi Germany; the West Coast is in the clutches of Imperial Japan.

At SXSW in Austin last week, as part of a marketing campaign for “The Man in the High Castle,” Amazon launched “Resistance Radio,” a fake Internet-based radio station broadcast by the fictional American “Resistance” from the show.

“Hijacking the airwaves, a secret network of DJs broadcast messages of hope to keep the memory of a former America alive,” the website said. Click through, and an interactive image of an antique, dual-knob radio appears while mod tunes drift through your computer’s speakers. In between songs, DJs on three different stations speak about how to fight the “Reich” in America.

Soon #ResistanceRadio, the campaign’s sponsored hashtag, spread like wildfire on Twitter. Some Trump supporters seemingly mistook it for an anti-Trump radio station and expressed their displeasure. (Amazon founder Jeffrey P. Bezos owns The Washington Post.)

….It’s important to note that well before Amazon launched this campaign, #ResistanceRadio had been used, however sparingly, on social media while promoting certain anti-Trump podcasts.


(7) FAREWELL. Gardner Dozois, in a public Facebook post, told about Saturday’s memorial service for his wife, Susan Casper.

We had people who came in from New York City, Maine, Maryland, New Mexico, Delaware, and England, and celebrities in attendance included Samuel Delany, Michael Swanwick, Pat Cadigan, Ellen Datlow, artists Bob Walters and Tess Kissinger, Scott Edelman, Sheila Williams, Ginjer Bucanan, John Douglas, Moshe Feder, Tom Purdom, and Greg Frost. After the speaking part of the function, everyone fell on a huge fish-and-coldcuts platter from Famous Deli, one of the last traditional Jewish Delis left in the city, and devoured nearly all of it.

This half-hour video slideshow of Casper played in the background. (YouTube has muted its soundtrack, which contains copyrighted music.)


  • March 13, 1942 The Ghost of Frankenstein was released, starring Lon Chaney Jr as the Monster and Bela Lugosi as Ygor.
  • March 13, 1969 The Love Bug, a Walt Disney movie about the adventures of a Volkswagen Beetle named Herbie, opens in theaters.


  • Born March 13, 1855 — Percival Lowell (astronomer)
  • Born March 13, 1911 – L. Ron Hubbard


  • March 13, 1930 — The discovery of Pluto, formerly known as the ninth planet, was officially announced on this date, which was Percival Lowell’s birthday. Lowell was founder of Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, where Clyde W. Tombaugh discovered Pluto on February 18, 1930.

(11) STUFF THEY DON’T KNOW YOU ALREADY KNOW. ScreenRant offers “Lord Of The Rings: 15 Things You Never Knew About Galadriel”. Titles like this are one of the recurring motifs of the internet, so don’t take offense when you find how many of these things you already know. I can say there were a couple I’d never thought about before.


It speaks to Galadriel’s significance that her husband hardly figures into the picture. Still, it’s important to acknowledge his existence, even if it doesn’t have a huge impact on the overall story of Lord of the Rings. Galadriel actually rules over the land of Lothlórien alongside Celeborn. While all elves are relatively old, Galadriel is older than Celeborn. Galadriel was born before the first age began, and Celeborn was born in Doriath before it fell, which suggests that he’s at least 500 years younger than his wife.

While this age difference probably isn’t all that significant in the extended lives that elves live, it’s still interesting to consider, especially alongside the fact that Galadriel is much more well-known than her husband. He may not be as wise as his wife, but Celeborn is still considered one of the wisest elves in Middle Earth, and stayed in Middle Earth for a time into the Fourth Age before joining his wife in the Undying Lands.

(12) 2017 PRIX BOB MORANE. Locus Online has reported the winners of the 2017 Prix Bob Morane, awarded by a jury of French-speaking writers, journalists, critics, and collections directors.

Romans francophones (French Novels)

Manhattan Marilyn, Philippe Laguerre (Éditions Critic)

Romans traduits (Translated Novels)

Les enfermés [Lock In], John Scalzi, translated by Mikael Cabon (L’Atalante)

Nouvelles (Short Stories)

Il sera une fois, Southeast Jones (Éditions Séma)

Coup de coeur (Favorites)

L’exégèse de Philip K. Dick (J’ai Lu)

Rae Armantrout

(13) WELL VERSED. The Arthur C. Clarke Center for the Human Imagination presents Entanglements: Rae Armantrout & the Poetry of Physics on April 13 at 6 p.m. in Atkinson Hall Auditorium on the UC San Diego campus. It is free to the public.

One of the favorite subjects of Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Rae Armantrout (Professor Emerita, UCSD) is physics–from the big ideas of cosmology to the infinitesimally small wonders of the quantum world. To celebrate the publication of Entanglements, a chapbook selection of her science-minded poems, Brian Keating (Astrophysics, UCSD) and the Clarke Center are hosting an evening with Rae Armantrout, who will read selections and discuss the creative process behind her work. Keating, along with Brandon Som (Creative Writing, UCSD) and Amelia Glaser (Literature, UCSD), will join her in a conversation about how these poems mix the personal with the scientific and speculative, the process of interdisciplinary creativity, and what her poetic engagement with physics can teach those working in the physical sciences.

(14) SOLVING FOR X. Melissa Leon’s really thoughtful and well-written review of Logan appears in The Daily Beast.

Logan, Hugh Jackman’s ninth and final outing as the Wolverine, is really a profoundly hopeful film. It loves and deeply understands its characters and the fraught, familial relationships between them. Its action scenes—brutal, bloody, and thrillingly inventive in a way comic book beat-em-ups rarely are—are as character-driven and impactful as its story. (Like, really impactful: You feel each punch, stab and dismemberment. Bless that R-rating.) This is a Western that happens to star superheroes; a road movie grounded in quiet, tender moments. It’s an elegy, wholly unconcerned with franchise-building or connecting distant universes. And with the introduction of Laura, a young mutant with powers similar to Wolverine’s, it becomes a portrait of makeshift families, empathy, and finding normalcy, too. That’s what the best X-Men stories are usually about. Turns out no one knows this better than her.

(15) TANGLED TECH. At SWSW, Disney showed plans to add AI to animatronics.

It’s rare that the company delves too far into how the “magic” – as they call it – works. Their logic is a magic trick doesn’t get better if you know how it’s done.

On Saturday, Disney – quite uncharacteristically – gave us a bit of an insight into how they plan to use technology to bring their much-loved brand of storytelling to new forms, by using robotics and artificial intelligence.

Jon Snoddy, the company’s senior Vice President for research and development, explained how soon you’ll be able to interact with story-telling robots at Disney parks.

“I think AI [artificial intelligence] and machine learning is going to be very important for what we do,” he told the BBC.

“Things like characters that can move around among our guests. They’re going to need to understand where they’re going, have goals, and they’re going to have to know how to navigate in a world with humans….

During a panel discussion, the company shared footage – which unfortunately we’re not able to republish here – of a robotic Pascal, the cute lizard from 2010 movie Tangled.

It’s a terrific recreation of the digital character, but the real challenge for Disney will be to avoid the so-called “uncanny valley” – the theory that if something is very lifelike, but not exactly right, it can be slightly creepy or disturbing.

“Obviously we’re not the business of scaring kids!” Mr Snoddy said….

(16) THE PEN FROM OUTER SPACE. The perfect placeholder while you’re waiting to win your Hugo — the Astrograph.

….As you first encounter it, the Astrograph is an elongated teardrop, with window-like depressions picked out in black lacquer at the narrow end. The wider end has three curved metal elements ending in sharp points, and there’s a miniature ladder going up one side of the barrel that ends in a tiny door.

The door is actually a hidden lever that, when pulled, deploys those curved elements, which are the landing gear – and suddenly the pen is a miniature spaceship.

The spaceship illusion is underscored by touches like a red “thruster” at the pen’s base. The landing gear has actual working shock-absorbing struts, and with the gear down, the bottom half of the pen acts as a pen-holder.  The pen itself is housed in the upper half of the Astrograph, which you release simply by unscrewing it (it’s available either as a fountain pen or rollerball pen, but both work the same way)….

The Astrograph, in keeping with its philosophy of taking a toy to its logical extreme, also comes with, naturally, a tiny astronaut figurine with a magnet in its chest that lets you pretend the little guy’s climbing up or down the ladder, the better to explore strange new worlds; it also comes with a landing pad base that doubles as the pen’s box. Did you really expect anything less? I didn’t think so.

[Thanks to Chip Hitchcock, Cat Eldridge, Jonathan Edelstein, Andrew Porter, and John King Tarpinian for some of these stories. Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Daniel Dern.]

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70 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 3/13/17 Do Androids Dream Of Crottled Greeps?

  1. @rea: thank you for pointing to that — it came out just before I started getting Tor posts, and was fascinating.

  2. @Chip Hitchcock
    You were speaking truth about those uncomfortable chairs! The ones in the jury selection room weren’t bad but the ones in court were made of extra-creaky wood and filled with fidgeting asses. Fortunately Arabella of Mars is good enough to distract me during the breaks. Loving this book. Gonna nom it.

  3. @JJ, et al.: To fill in the last “missing” info (on page 2 of the EPUB), Jake Kerr edited the volume in question.

    @Chip Hitchcock: Thanks for the info. The jury changes each year, so I’m not surprised nobody* has read all the winners and shortlists, really. IIRC, how they handle the shortlist can vary, and whether or not they provide a longer list of recs. (Maybe they’ve standardized it lately, but basically each year’s jury is independent.) That would make info on how each jury does it really interesting, darn.

    * I presume this was either “no one on the panel” or “no one in panel+audience.” Either way, that’s a small number of people to canvas to see if anyone’s read all the winners and shortlists throughout the award’s history. Or I totally misunderstood you. Or both. 😉

  4. @JJ

    FWIW, my policy is that I don’t bother reading BS’s work, not least because what I’ve previously read was rather overblown stuff. If ignoring a story makes an issue not worth buying then I don’t buy it. I don’t automatically avoid anything including her though, but I understand why others take that stance.

  5. I remember when Scott Card was a great guy. That guy is gone. I feel sorry for him, but I can’t read anything by him any more. And when I see the next pixel scroll title is “The Scratch And Sniff Card” I just don’t want to go there.

  6. @Mark:

    +1. I checked out some of BS’s work, I think out of some bizarre sense of fairness. Was I missing out on some incredible writing from an awful person?

    Now I know that her prose is turgid and ultraviolet, and her characters are unsympathetic to despicable. Whew. Bullet dodged.

  7. There are a lot of authors whose political views I abhor, both among so-called liberals and republicans, and to stop reading them all would be too difficult. OSC is bad, but I see no reason to single him out. Should I then refuse to read all comments from people here who supported the Iraq-war as an example (and I guess there are a few who did that)?

    RH though. She made it personal. Tried to destroy communities, set friends against friends. There is no forgiveness.

  8. @Kendall: correct, I was speaking only of the observed sample rather than the universe; it’s quite possible that there’s some fanatic somewhere who couldn’t get to that year’s Wiscon but has read all of the shortlists’ contents. (I doubt there was someone who missed the panel but was at the con and had read everything, as it was the only panel on the Tiptree per se that I can remember in 15 Wiscons.)

    @Hampus: the fact that Card has said despicable things about classes of people that include some of my friends is an issue of varying importance. (AFAICT, this has never gotten personal; I say “classes” deliberately because, e.g., Janis Ian has noted, in response to criticisms of her for associating with him, that he was never less than courteous in person.) However, his work itself has gotten steadily creepier — not just the obsession with boys that some critics have noted over time, but (latest example) the utterly appalling attitude towards women in the Gate duology. At this point I’d have to think carefully about a recommendation even from someone I trust to have similar squicks before I read another of his works.

  9. When it comes to the decision to read/not-read, I tend to use a sliding scale where the quality and entertainment value of the writing matters more than political considerations.

    With respect to OSC, the couple of his books that I’ve read didn’t work well for me. I’m not likely to push any of his work to the top of my list anytime soon primarily due to that reading experience. However, I have enjoyed a few issues of IGMS and do not let his position as publisher influence my decision to subscribe to that fine periodical.

    Other folks may go a different path.

    Given the size of my TBR pile, there are a couple of authors that are either further down the list or not on it because of politics and/or personal behavior. As a reverse example, I’m quite willing to read Eric Flint’s work despite our political difference precisely because he has been, in my experience, quite circumspect in criticizing/engaging with others. There are one or two that are on the bubble despite writing books that I find to be top shelf material because of a lack of nuance in other areas.

    I think the general idea of entertainers/public personalities exhibiting a bit of discretion is worthwhile.


  10. I just got an email from Quanta offering me a “special gift” for subscribing. Said gift? A free preview of Jake Kerr’s forthcoming novel. That definitely got an eyeroll from me. (Perhaps unfairly; I’m having trouble figuring out why I’m exasperated. Possibly just due to the discussion here.)

  11. Clip Hitchcock:

    Well, the only thing that OSC could write that I would actually want to read would be the finishing part of his Alvin the Maker series, so right now I do not have to make any choices.

    But I must admitt that I try to not read any of his writings that aren’t fictional and try to not read anything about him either.

  12. Dawn Incognito: Now I know that her prose is turgid and ultraviolet, and her characters are unsympathetic to despicable. Whew. Bullet dodged.

    Prior to the whole thing coming out, I could not understand why her writing was getting all the acclaim that it did. I find it pretty much unreadable.

    So it’s not depriving me of anything not to read her stories — but I try to not buy any magazines or collections in which her works appear and I try to make sure that they know why I’m not purchasing, because the Free Market is one of the ways I can impair her ability to cause further damage to the SFF community.

    And it’s not as if she needs whatever paltry income she gets from her writing anyway, given her financial status.

  13. @ Dawn: I had read a couple of stories by BS before the RH thing broke, and liked them a lot — enough to have mentally tagged BS as a writer to keep an eye on. Sadly, now I could never read anything of hers again without it being tainted. Sometimes I can separate the artist from the work; there’s one webcomic artist whose work I like even though he’s personally kind of a jerk. But there are also things which make that impossible, lines that once crossed can’t be un-crossed. Card is in the same category as BH — never again.

  14. I will continue to reread Ender’s Game and Speaker for the Dead for the rest of my life, because I love them and my copies are decades old. I don’t buy new work by OSC, because I’m not into self-hatred and there are other authors.

    I read one story by BS before the news broke that she was Requires Hate. I thought it was both chilly and extravagantly phrased and I didn’t like a single thing about it. Now, I avoid buying anything that has one of her pieces. I don’t bother telling anyone about it, because if the publisher or editor cared, they wouldn’t publish her work. But, yeah, what she did was personal and I’m not likely to get over that.

  15. My reactions to the 2014 Campbell finalists were as follows:

    Sofia Samatar – this is amazing!
    Max Gladstone – this does not excite me personally, but I recognise that it is an impressive achievement.
    Wesley Chu and Ramez Naam – if you like this sort of thing, this is the sort of thing that you will like.
    Benjanun Sriduangkaew – what?

    And this was before I knew anything else about her.

  16. @Hampus Eckerman: I felt like his writing went downhill over time, and you wrote exactly what I was going to write, in this bit:

    Well, the only thing that OSC could write that I would actually want to read would be the finishing part of his Alvin the Maker series, so right now I do not have to make any choices.

    That is the only thing of his I’d pick up, at this point, and I wouldn’t have high hopes for it. I have zero interest in his ever-retreading Enderverse at this point (things started going downhill with Xenocide; Children of the Mind was the last one I tried).

    @Cheryl S.: The above said, yeah, I can re-read “Ender” and “Speaker” till the cows come home. 😉 And then I can read it to the cows!

  17. @rea & Chip Hitchcock: you did notice the date on Jo Walton’s piece, didn’t you?

  18. @rea & Chip Hitchcock: on reflection, you probably did. Deadpan doesn’t come across well over the intertubes.

  19. @Terry Hunt: yes, I noticed it; I praised it (without hinting that it was factual) because it was exemplary.

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