Pixel Scroll 9/5/17 For Sale: Baby Pixels. Never Scrolled

(1) GAME OF TINGLES. Zoe Quinn has posted a new trailer for Tingle, her dating simulator game based on the works of Chuck Tingle. Dual Shockers has the story — “Tingle Gets a New Pre-Alpha Trailer Featuring a Ton of Actors and Personalities”. May not be safe for work. Unless your boss is a unicorn.

The dating simulator looks incredibly strange. The trailer features a moving butt plaque, horse masks, terribly drawn male genitalia, puzzles, mini-games, and lots more. You can check it out down below. While the game could definitely be considered not safe for work, Quinn is including options that’ll make Tingle less raunchy.

(2) PRATCHETT ON DISPLAY. This is the event publicized by running over Pratchett’s hard drive with a steam roller… The “Terry Pratchett: HisWorld” exhibit at the Salisbury Museum (in Salisbury, England) runs from September 15 until January 13.

This is an exclusive major exhibition based on the extraordinary life of Sir Terry Pratchett, the creative genius behind the Discworld series. Follow his journey to becoming one of our best known and best loved writers. This unique exhibition will include artwork by the man himself and treasured items owned by Sir Terry which have never previously been on public display. Also featured will be over forty original illustrations by Paul Kidby, Sir Terry’s artist of choice.?

(3) HEAR SF IN PHILLY. When the new SFWA-sponsored Galactic Philadelphia reading series begins October 24 the readers will be –

Gardner Dozois was the editor of Asimov’s Science Fiction magazine for almost twenty years, and also edits the annual anthology series The Year’s Best Science Fiction, which has won the Locus Award for Best Anthology more than any other anthology series in history, and which is now up to its href=”http://amzn.to/2xLXXFN”>Thirty-Fourth Annual Collection. He’s won the Hugo Award fifteen times as the year’s Best Editor, won the Locus Award thirty-one times, including an unprecedented sixteen times in a row as Best Editor, and has won the Nebula Award twice, as well as a Sidewise Award, for his own short fiction, which has been most recently collected in When the Great Days Come. He is the author or editor of more than a hundred books, including a novel written in collaboration with George R.R. Martin and Daniel Abraham, Hunter’s Run, and, in addition to many solo anthologies, the anthologies, Songs of the Dying Earth, Warriors, Dangerous Women, and Rogues, all co-edited with George R.R. Martin, the last two of which were New York Times bestsellers. Coming up is a major solo fantasy anthology, The Book of Swords. He has been inducted into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame, and won the Skylark Award for Lifetime Achievement in Science Fiction. Born in Salem, Massachusettes, he now lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Lara Elena Donnelly is the author of the glam spy thriller Amberlough, and its upcoming sequels Armistice and Amnesty. Her short fiction and poetry has appeared in or is forthcoming from Strange Horizons, Escape Pod, Mythic Delirium, Nightmare, and Uncanny. She is a graduate of the Alpha and Clarion workshops, and a past winner of the Dell Magazine Award. In the summer, Lara is onsite staff at the Alpha SF/F/H Workshop for Young Writers. She lives in Harlem, but exists virtually on most social media platforms as @larazontally, and on her website at laradonnelly.com

The venue will be the Irish Pub, located at 2007 Walnut Street, Philadelphia 19103, a block west of Rittenhouse Square, and start at 7:30 p.m. [H/T to SF Site News.]

(4) THE END OF CINEMATIC HISTORY. In Washington, D.C., people are invited to watch “My Favorite Movie with Francis Fukuyama: Children of Men”.

Join Francis Fukuyama for a screening and discussion of Children of Men, the haunting 2006 adaptation of PD James’ dystopian novel (directed by Alfonso Cuarón) set in 2027, when all women have become infertile and humanity is facing extinction.

This is the latest installment of our “My Favorite Movie” series featuring thought leaders hosting their favorite movies, and short conversations about them. Professor Fukuyama is a senior fellow at Stanford’s Freeman Spogli Institute and the author of The Origins of Political Order and The End of History and the Last Man.

The screening of Children of Men will take place at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, September 19th at Washington, D.C.’s Landmark E Street Cinema at 555 11th Street NW.  If you would like to attend, please RSVP to [email protected] with your name, email address, and any affiliation you’d like to share. You may RSVP for yourself and up to one guest. Please include your guest’s name in your response. Seating is limited.

(5) FILER ON PODCASTLE. Congratulations to Heather Rose Jones, who has a brand new original short story out from Podcastle.org today, “Hyddwen.” Check it out.

Morvyth, the daughter of Rys, had no desire for a husband because of the passion and the love she had for Elin, the Lady of Madrunion. And after what we spoke of above–sending the gull as love-messenger to her, and the trick with the sack at the wedding feast, and sending the Irishman away empty-handed–Morvyth came to live at Llyswen. And there they spent three years in happiness and joy.

(6) ANN LECKIE, CHEESE EVANGELIST. There’s an uptick in interviews with Ann Leckie’s next book coming out this month: “Hugo Award–winner Ann Leckie talks new book, sci-fi politics, and Provel cheese” in St. Louis Magazine. Lots in here about the Imperial Radch series, and women winning all the Hugos this year – but no tea recommendations! Firm opinions about cheese, though….

St. Louis is home to a not-small number of award-winning creators—and BookFest St. Louis plans to gather them, along with writers from around the nation, in September.

Not least among those authors is space opera writer Ann Leckie, whose Ancillary Justice is the first novel to win the “triple crown” of the Hugo, Nebula, and Arthur C. Clarke science fiction awards. The book’s Imperial Radch trilogy went on to grab additional Locus awards and prestigious nominations. Leckie will speak at a science fiction panel with fellow writers Charlie Jane Anders, Annalee Newitz, and Mark Tiedemann.

The September 23 event precedes the following Tuesday’s release of her fourth novel, Provenance, a standalone that’s set several years after the Imperial Radch trilogy and will feature new characters and star systems….

Is there anything around here that you’re a big fan of?

…I find myself often, when I’m travelling and talking to other writers from other places, telling them that they absolutely have to try St. Louis–style pizza. I don’t know what’s wrong with the people who are like, “That’s not even pizza!” Well it is; it’s just not the pizza that you’re used to, right? So I’ve been trying to spread the word about St. Louis–style pizza.

Spread the Provel gospel.

Yes. It’s made in Wisconsin only for the St. Louis pizza market. That’s what Wikipedia said. It’s only—there’s no other use for Provel cheese except us. It’s made almost exclusively for the St. Louis pizza market.

Writer’s note: NPR confirms Wikipedia’s story.

Nowhere else?

Nobody else knows what Provel is. Isn’t that kind of amazing? Which is I think part of why when people encounter that, and it doesn’t act like the cheese that they’re used to—not only is it not the cheese they’re used to on pizza; it’s a completely foreign cheese. So it’s like… [She pulls a face.] But they’re just wrong. It’s wonderful.

I thought you’re one of few who have that opinion. But a decent enough number, apparently.

I mean, it’s our pizza. You have to take it on its own terms. You can’t say, “This isn’t New York style, this isn’t Chicago style,” because it’s not. It is what it is.

(7) ROBBY ON THE BLOCK. William Malone has announced he’s selling Robby the Robot.

ROBBY GOES OFF to COLLEGE. I’m sure this will come as a shock to some of you. I just wanted to let all my friends know that after much thought and consideration, I have decided to put the Original Robby the Robot and his Car up for auction. This is not a hasty decision by any means. It’s actually something I’ve been thinking about for some time. I’ve had Robby for over 37 years and have enjoyed seeing him everyday and having coffee with him every morning (though he always preferred an STP Daiquiri to espresso). While I’ve tried to make Robby available to be seen and enjoyed as much as possible, I’ve come to realize his proper place is in a museum. I’m hoping this is where he’ll wind up. Robby is an icon and a star and just a plain good guy (err robot). Over the years, I’ve always tried to look after his best interests and he certainly has been good to me. I feel like I’ve never really owned Robby, I’m just his caretaker. It’s time for the next part of his journey. He will outlive us all.

Robby will be on sale at the New York Bonhams/TCM auction in November.

(8) SMOKE YOU CAN SEE FOR LIGHTYEARS. TV Line warns “The Orville Review: Seth MacFarlane’s Somber Sci-Fi Dud Crashes and Burns”.

Consider this a red alert to TV fans everywhere: Are you expecting Seth MacFarlane’s new Fox series The Orville to be a fun Star Trek parody packed with wall-to-wall jokes? Two words of advice: Abandon ship.

Despite what Fox’s official site claims, The Orville — premiering this Sunday at 8/7c — is not a “hilarious comedy.” It’s not even a comedy. Yes, there are a few Family Guy-esque punchlines scattered throughout, but as bafflingly as this sounds, The Orville is mostly a straightforward drama… and not a very good one, at that. Riddled with sci-fi clichés and paralyzed by a grim self-importance, MacFarlane’s shiny new vessel ends up being a colossal dud that not only fails to take flight, it short-circuits before it even gets out of the docking bay.

(9) HISTORY FROM ANOTHER PLANET. Star Wars: Episode IX director Colin Trevorrow has been cut loose:

Lucasfilm and Colin Trevorrow have mutually chosen to part ways on Star Wars: Episode IX. Colin has been a wonderful collaborator throughout the development process but we have all come to the conclusion that our visions for the project differ. We wish Colin the best and will be sharing more information about the film soon.

The Hollywood Reporter heard this from unnamed sources:

Sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that script issues have continued to be a sore spot throughout Episode IX’s development, with Trevorrow having repeated stabs at multiple drafts. In August, Jack Thorne, the British scribe who wrote the upcoming Julia Roberts-Jacob Tremblay movie Wonder, was tapped to work on the script.

Sources say that the working relationship between Trevorrow and Lucasfilm head Kathleen Kennedy became unmanageable. Kennedy, who had already been through one director firing/replacement on the Han Solo spinoff movie, was not eager for a sequel and tried to avoid this decision.


  • There is a school of thought that if you need to use a bookmark, you don’t have a first-rate mind. Today’s Drabble shows the down side of that. Thanks to John King Tarpinian for the laugh.
  • He also recommends today’s installment of Brevity, a terrible pun which made me laugh (don’t they all?)

(11) WATCHING STINKERS. List Challenges says these are “100 of the Worst Movies Ever” and gives you a chance to add up how many you’ve seen. Apparently I’ve done a pretty good job of sparing my eyeballs, having seen only 15 out of 100. (Was Down Periscope really that awful? I wouldn’t tell you to hurry and see it, but I know I didn’t throw my popcorn box at the screen either.)

(12) HARASSMENT SURVEY. Jess Nevins has published the results of his “Sexual Harassment in the Science Fiction & Fantasy Communities Survey”.

The science fiction and fantasy community has a problem: sexual harassment and sexual predation by men.

I put up a survey recently on the subject. The results, while not surprising, were nonetheless sobering. Of 802 respondents:

  • 24% had been sexually harassed at a convention.
  • 35% had witnessed sexual harassment at a convention.
  • 40% had a family member, friend, or colleague who had been sexually harassed at a convention.

In addition to overall numbers, he collected anecdotal information.

… Some of the victims of harassment refuse to go to specific conventions any more, whether because of that convention’s weak anti-harassment policies, the weak response by the convention’s staff to complaints about harassment, or because a harasser is a regular participant of that convention. Some of the victims refuse to go to any conventions now, because of their negative experiences. Some of the victims are no longer comfortable at conventions unless they are in the presence of a male partner or friend or group of friends. Some of the victims have developed PTSD as a result of being harassed.

(13) MULTITUDES ATTEND DRAGON AWARDS. They may be blurry photos taken with a phone, but they are clear enough to show the number of fans present for the Dragon Awards.

View post on imgur.com

(14) CLOSEUP OF THE EUGIE AWARD. This is a much better picture than I was able to find the other day.

(15) WHO CROSSES THE POND. Hold it, that sounds like an episode plot, not geography. The news story is: ATB Publishing has started shipping copies of Red, White and Who: The Story of Doctor Who in America by Steven Warren Hill, Jennifer Adams Kelley, Nicholas Seidler, Robert Warnock,  Janine Fennick and John Lavalie.

In this book you’ll find the rich history of everything DOCTOR WHO in the USA—from American TV Guide listings of Canadian broadcasts in 1965, through the Dalek movies, the early struggles of the Public Broadcasting System, the BBC sales attempts, the official debut on American television in 1972, the explosion in popularity among US viewers in 1979, the twentieth anniversary celebration in 1983, the conventions, the books, the merchandise, the fan clubs, the video releases, the games, the USA Tour, and every imaginable fan activity including cosplay, fan films and audios, PBS pledge drive volunteering, websites, podcasts, and much more, to the new heights of success, popularity, and fandom participation in the 21st century. It’s an enlightening and entertaining journey for everyone who admires DOCTOR WHO…and not just for American fans, but devotees around the globe.

(16) THEY KEPT WATCHING THE SKIES. Now they know which star they were looking at: “Scientists recover nova first spotted 600 years ago by Korean astrologers”.

On a cold March night in Seoul almost 600 years ago, Korean astrologers spotted a bright new star in the tail of the constellation Scorpius. It was seen for just 14 days before fading from view. From these ancient records, modern astronomers determined that what the Royal Imperial Astrologers saw was a nova explosion, but they had been unable to find the binary star system that caused it—until now. A new study published today by the journal Nature pinpoints the location of the old nova, which now undergoes smaller-scale “dwarf nova” eruptions. The work supports that idea that novae go through a very long-term life cycle after erupting, fading to obscurity for thousands of years, and then building back up to become full-fledged novae once more.

“This is the first nova that’s ever been recovered with certainty based on the Chinese, Korean, and Japanese records of almost 2,500 years,” said the study’s lead author Michael Shara, a curator in the American Museum of Natural History’s Department of Astrophysics.

(17) FANTASTIC FICTION AT KGB. Ellen Datlow and Matthew Kressel will present Katherine Vaz and Chris Sharp at the next gathering of Fantastic Fiction at KGB on September 20.

Katherine Vaz

Katherine Vaz is best known for her fictional chronicling of the stories of the Portuguese in America, often with a magical-realism twist. Her novels include Saudade, a Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers selection, and Mariana, selected by the Library of Congress as one of the Top Thirty International Books of 1998. Her collections Fado & Other Stories and Our Lady of the Artichokes & Other Portuguese-American Stories have won, respectively, a Drue Heinz Literature Award and a Prairie Schooner Book Prize. She’s taught fiction as a Briggs-Copeland Fellow at Harvard and was a Fellow of the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. She’s a frequent contributor to the anthologies of Ellen Datlow (and Terri Windling)plus a story in the upcoming Mad Hatters and March Hares.

Chris Sharp

Chris Sharp is the author of Cold Counsel, a human-free, post-Ragnarok, dark fantasy romp and The Elementalists, a YA epic about dragons and climate change—with new installments coming soon to both series. His articles have appeared in Tor.com, and he also writes extensively for feature films and episodic television. Prior to moving to MA and committing full time to writing, he worked as an independent film/commercial producer in NYC. His photography has appeared in New York Times Magazine, his drawing in the Corcoran Gallery of Art, and some of the films he produced have won awards at festivals around the world.

The readings begin 7 p.m. on Wednesday, September 20th, 7pm at KGB Bar (85 East 4th Street (just off 2nd Ave, upstairs.) in New York.

(18) SEASONAL BREW. It’s the right time of year for New Belgium Brewing to send its Voodoo Ranger Atomic Pumpkin Ale to market.

Enough with the run-of-the-mill pumpkin beers. I’m not interested in an ale that takes cues from a frozen coffee drink, and neither are you. That’s why I made Atomic Pumpkin. Does it really feature Habanero peppers? Yep! What about Saigon Cinnamon? Ding! I round it all out with a hearty malt bill that makes for a spicy brew that puts the “Fun” back in Pumpkin. (Spelling was never my strength). — Voodoo Ranger

[Thanks to John King Tarpinian, JJ, DMS, Carl Slaughter, Mark-kitteh, Rebecca Hill, Craig Glassner, Michael J. Walsh, and Andrew Porter for some of these stories. Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Kip W.]</a<>

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141 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 9/5/17 For Sale: Baby Pixels. Never Scrolled

  1. There are times I don’t feel intelligent enough to run with this crowd, so I lurk. Now I have confirmation that I’m right:

    I’ve seen 51 movies from that list. (And enjoyed a handful of ’em.)

    Like some have mentioned, MST3K has been my major source of bad movie watching. I’ve seen every episode. More than once.

    Further evidence: I absolutely adored Becky Chambers’ THE LONG WAY TO A SMALL, ANGRY PLANET. (Haven’t read the sequel yet.)

    I’ll just see myself out …

  2. @ Jamoche: Whereas I can’t (precisely, at least on the first read) tell you how far in I am through a book, but can tell you with confidence what page I last stopped reading at, for at least a few days. Once I’ve read it, I know what the final page number is, which I tend to recall if I re-read it (up to a “while” after), and at that point I can extrapolate where “page N of M” is by division and converting down to a small denominator.

    @ multiple: Once upon a time, I sneered at people reading romance. Now, my considered position is “well, they’re reading books, that ain’t half bad.” And without romance, urban fantasy probably wouldn’t’ve been a thing, even if I seem to prefer mine with somewhat less steamy sex scenes than the general audience.

  3. I remember seeing 10 of those movies, I’m not really a bad movie aficianado.

    I would defend Zardoz, an interesting movie (not good, but not one of the worst) and The Smurfs, a harmless kids movie with Hank Azaria having a good time as Gargamel,.

  4. @Cheryl —

    The books she writes as Nora Roberts are perfect for those nights when I want something new but I do not want surprises.

    I will stipulate that I’ve never read any of the books she’s written under the Nora Roberts label. But I didn’t find anything that would make me want to read a second JD Robb.

    Huh. In fact, I just checked, and it looks like I never even recorded my read of Naked in Death on Goodreads — so I guess it didn’t even hold my attention long enough to type in the entry!

  5. Ok, ok, I went and checked out the bad movies list. I will confess to having seen (or to remembering having seen) 10 out of 100. The largest common factor in which of them I’ve seen is that my quality bar for movies that center female characters is set pretty low, simply to increase the available pool. The second largest factor can be summed up as “least worst movies available on cross-country flights.”

    But neither of the movies that receive my personal rating as “worst movie ever” are on that list. Those would be The Seeker: The Dark is Rising (2007), for which my review began, “My movie-buddy and I disagreed about this movie. I thought it was the moral equivalent of raping kittens. She felt it wasn’t quite the moral equivalent of raping kittens.”

    The second movie competing for my worst ever slot is Lost and Delirious (2001), for which my review begins, “Yeah, ok, lots of spoilers in this review because I WANT TO WARN EVERYONE NOT TO SEE THIS FUCKING MOVIE!!!!! This is the platonic ideal of the Tragic Lesbian Boarding School Story.” (I am astounded at the number of people who seem to have watched this movie and not noticed the suicide at the climax of the plot.)

  6. @Heather Rose Jones:
    Oh, good lord, The Seeker. I had loved the books, heard bad things about the movie, but decided to watch it when it was on the in-flight entertainment system on the airplane I was on once. And discovered exactly what happens when you give a story based heavily on pre-Christian Celtic myths to a production company that makes ‘Family’ (read: explicitly US Christian Protestant) entertainment.

    It also says something that the climax of the movie was not only something nowhere in the book, but something I had predicted less than half-way in when they were first talking about the ‘signs’.

    The only thing worth watching in that movie was counting the toothmarks that Christopher Eccleston left in the scenery.

  7. @Bruce Diamond: everybody has ?guilty? pleasures — and if you saw those movies through MST3K (whose purpose AFAIK is to enjoy snickering at dreadful movies) the fact that you’ve seen so many is unlikely to lead anyone here to doubt you.

    @Ingvar: And without romance, urban fantasy probably wouldn’t’ve been a thing, Do you think Charles de Lint or Emma Bull wouldn’t have existed without romance? You could argue the prior lack of fantasy with female leads before then (until McKillip catches up with you), but I don’t think that’s enough on its own — unless you think romance was pushing overall SFF, which took a while to move beyond the occasional remarkable female lead. (Yes, I’m speaking very generally here. If the thread is prolonged we can trade examples, even if I don’t have Hewitt’s extensive list from ~1982 to cite from.) Perhaps there would be less UF without romance — but I’m not sure that the part of UF driven by romance is the best part of the subgenre.

  8. What’s going on? Is there a massive Cheese Extinction Event in our near future?

    Cheese is a fantasy food. They serve it, along with stew and ale, at taverns in the snow.

    SF has synthcheese instead.

  9. Ok, against my better judgment, I went back to the click-bait-y list site to actually count how many of the movies I’ve actually seen, and the answer is 14. But that’s not particularly revealing, because it’s obvious the site is one of those which is deliberately poorly done, because that drives more traffic to the site as people argue and quibble on social media about its errors. I absolutely hate that sort of thing, but since the discussion here has been interesting….

    So, anyway, yeah. 14. Of which at least three don’t, IMO, belong on any such list.

    As for Twilight, haven’t seen it, but I skimmed a bit of my niece’s copy of the book, and while I certainly wouldn’t describe it as well-written, it did seem fairly adequate for its intended market: pre-teen girls. Yes, there are some unfortunate implications of the story, but that’s true of a lot of stories which don’t receive anywhere near as much negative criticism.

    I think one of the things that most clearly reveals the misogynistic nature of much of the criticism of Twilight is the unfortunately-widespread meme “still not as gay as Twilight“. The fact that people could look at something with hot boys in it, and decide it must be gay, just shows that they’re not even considering the possibility that women might be an audience.

  10. And without romance, urban fantasy probably wouldn’t’ve been a thing,

    Urban fantasy was a thing, before paranormal romance sidled in and virtually took over the genre, to the point that the pre-romance UFists renamed what they were doing “Mythic Fiction.”

    Not sure if the Asskickers of the Fantastic wing of UF would have thrived or not without the Fangbangers wing, but the Ordinary Modern Folk Encounter the Fantastic roots got kinda buried by both.

  11. Yeah, the “hnur hnur real vampires don’t sparkle” criticism Twilight-ward bugs me too. Vampires are fictional; stop being macho idiots. (It reminds me of the “anime guys look like girls” jokes a bunch of guys in college–usually guys whose eyes would cross if they ever got near a gym or a decent outfit–made. Like, if you’re the standard for “real men,” hon, I will gladly be either Sapphic or celibate.)

    My problem with Twilight is not that the vampires don’t match classic myths, which vampires in fiction have almost never done; it’s that none of the main characters match actual people who aren’t completely vile, useless, or both, and the messages don’t match anything that I can read without wanting to punch people. (Particularly the pro-life-even-if-it-kills-you bullshit in Book 4.)

  12. @Isabel —

    Yeah, the “hnur hnur real vampires don’t sparkle” criticism Twilight-ward bugs me too. Vampires are fictional; stop being macho idiots.

    Hey — I’m a woman, and I say VAMPIRES DON’T SPARKLE. That is just a bridge too far.

    So there.


    I pretty much agree with you on the rest, though. That stalkery stuff really creeps me out. I never got as far as book 4, so I can’t comment much there, though it isn’t surprising coming from a Mormon author!

  13. Re: Cheese Extinction Event

    Y’know, thinking about this and looking at a couple of modern trends, I could actually explain a lack of future cheese without trying extremely hard. Keep population growth up – such as by delaying any sort of planetary exodus while avoiding a mass die-off – and meat could become a premium food. (Also, is it me or does lactose intolerance seem to be on the rise?) Less beef cultivation, for whatever reason, means a smaller dairy market and therefore less milk and cheese. Continue that trend long enough, and cheese simply stops being commonplace.

    Alternately, if humanity has to leave the planet in a hurry, meat animals probably won’t be on the menu. If you’ve got room for cows, you’re better off using it for hydroponics. Sure, if you’re going somewhere, taking some embryos makes sense, but if your main concern is simply Getting Off The Planet, not so much.

    Or, if I wanted to take a big shortcut, I’d stipulate medical nanites and posit that dairy products interfere with them. I like cheese, but I’d give it up if that was the price for a shot that’d make me fit and healthy and keep me that way for another hundred years.

  14. Or there’s a cultural shift. I’ve read (long enough ago that it could easily be wrong) that Chinese cuisine considers cheese to be spoiled milk and so will have no truck with it. Or (riffing on the above) the advantages of using milk to raise more animals leaves none for cheese. (I wish Mike Ford were still around; he’d obviously thought about food animals (e.g., angora “lamb”) in Growing Up Weightless). Or it’s a separate course from tea (which seems a poor match). Or the culture has lost chocolate, next to which the loss of cheese is considered trivial. Or….

  15. I’d seen about a dozen of the bad movies listed. No particularly strong feelings about any of them, except that PLAN 9 kept pulling me back in the first couple of times. Except maybe ZARDOZ (which I think I haven’t seen), I wouldn’t quibble with anything being on the list. It was just there.

    I’ll nominate for the worst animated feature: WIZARDS. A cavalcade of crap, poorly written, using every convenient cliche and finding every possible way to extend (i.e., cheapen) the animation. (At one point, an object is pulled across the viewer’s field of vision in real time, possibly with a string, and they call it animation.) They present Public Domain footage from vintage war movies with horns sort-of rotoscoped in so we’ll think they’re the Hordes of Eldritch Evil. In the best moments, it’s about on a par with Saturday morning animation of the day. There were good people working on this movie, but they weren’t allowed to do anything decent. Maybe two times, they hit upon a joke that was funny for a second, and they pushed it for a solid minute, until I sincerely regretted the initial chuckle. I stop now.

  16. I find it noteable that I commented on the sexual harassment survey with a question about methodology and the comment seems never to have come out of moderation. Nor have any others. If Nevins wants to start a discussion re the SF community that’s a weak start?

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  18. Didn’t we once have a group Filer brainstorm about cheese-based genre fiction?

    I confess that I have a possibly deeply unfair suspicion of USA cheese. It doesn’t help that the main imports are “American cheese” (plastic burger cheese) and Monterey Jack (bland, although I understand less so in the USA), or that perfectly reasonable unpasteurised cheese is banned, but once I found out about the spray can cheese… *shudder* Perhaps, like Wisconsin’s Provel, the USA keeps all the decent USA cheese to itself.

    Speaking of Cheese Extinction Event, the UK is currently having a minor milk crisis (largely because of stupidity) that has lead to knock-on impact on all the various by-products, including cheese, and also I understand that animal-based rennet is becoming more difficult to get hold of because of the shrinking of the veal industry. So, you know, UK-based cheese fans: Panic stations.

    If we had to leave in a hurry I think sheep might still make it onto the manifest. They’re very multi-purpose and easier to raise after all. Sheep’s milk cheese is perfectly nice.

    The first two Twilight films are fine. They’re not great genius, and the relationships aren’t exactly role-model material (but how often do we see ones that are?), but the acting is decent and some of the visuals are genuinely good. Spice World is brilliant in the same way that Legends of Tomorrow is brilliant: They know perfectly well that they’re ridiculous bits of frothy entertainment and lean all the way in, and it works.

    I liked Lost and Delirious, but it certainly isn’t cheerful. One of the few films my sister introduced me to (she usually curates the LGBT films for me so I mostly end up watching the ones she really likes and also thinks I might like, since unlike for me, watching stuff isn’t hazardous to her health) that isn’t on the lighter end of the scale. Not sure how people managed to miss the ending. It wasn’t exactly subtle.

    Star Trek Into Darkness currently has an 86% Fresh rating which I think says it all about whether the majority opinion should be accepted as truth.

  19. @Meredity —

    If we had to leave in a hurry I think sheep might still make it onto the manifest. They’re very multi-purpose and easier to raise after all. Sheep’s milk cheese is perfectly nice.

    Nonono. Dairy goats all the way. Small, tough to kill, adaptable to a wide range of forage, and can produce tons of milk relative to body size. Nigerian dwarfs ftw!

  20. @Contrarius

    I thought about goats (because delicious, hardy, and adorable) but I’m not sure they’re quite as versatile – I figured sheep’s wool would be a pretty major incentive. I could be wrong!

  21. (Although, my sister and I were teenagers when we first watched Lost and Delirious. There’s a certain point of teenagerishness, at least for some teenagers, where I think teenage angst themed media is extremely attractive. Not sure what I’d think of it watching for the first time as an adult.)

  22. @Meredith —

    I thought about goats (because delicious, hardy, and adorable) but I’m not sure they’re quite as versatile – I figured sheep’s wool would be a pretty major incentive. I could be wrong!

    I am, of course, not at all biased just because I keep Nigerian dwarfs myself. 😉

    If you want fiber, you can keep hair goats. But in general, notice that the poorest human populations in the world tend to keep goats more often than sheep. There’s a reason for that. 🙂

  23. @Contrarius

    A lot of those places are also significantly warmer (and often more mountainous) than the UK, where sheep have outnumbered goats for quite some time, I expect because people in cold, damp, hilly places are highly motivated by wool. So… we should take both! 😀

  24. I have one word for you: cashmere.


    But to be more serious: yes, it would be great to have both. I think the bigger message is that either sheep or goats would make more sense on a long space trip than cattle. And they are much less messy, to boot — AND their poop makes better fertilizer. Winners all around!

  25. @Meredith – There is good cheese made in the US, but I don’t know how readily available it is across the Atlantic. There is a great… cheesery(?) called Cowgirl Creamery. They make brie-like cheeses, stinky cheeses… I think they’re mostly soft. There’s also a cheese called Humbolt Fog (another soft one, with an ash rind, iirc). My favorite cheeses are aged goudas and sharp cheddars. Most (all) of the aged goudas I know are European, though. Tillamook makes some decent cheddars, though they’re not particularly noteworthy. Monterey Jack, es the good stuff, is good for quesadillas and other melt-oriented dishes.

  26. kathodus on September 10, 2017 at 4:01 pm said:
    Point Reyes Blue. Amana Blue. Sonoma Jack, which is a drier cheese than Monterey Jack.
    I met one from Wisconsin called Mobay, which is similar to Morbier, from France – a layer of sheep’s-milk cheese and a layer of goat’s-milk cheese, separated by a very thin layer of ash.

  27. Oh! I forgot about Point Reyes blue, and Sonoma Jack! Don’t know the others but will trust your judgment.

  28. Part of the fun is the deli cheese section at the supermarket. I’ve met several interesting cheeses when they hit the sell-by date and are lower priced. (Like the Mobay.) They get imports, but not as much variety as they used to have.
    If you get a chance at white Stilton with blueberries or cranberries, take it. It’s fine dessert cheese.

  29. @Meredith – …that perfectly reasonable unpasteurised cheese is banned…

    Only imports. We have quite good raw milk cheeses made in the US, none of which have an even passing resemblance to spray cheese (I know it’s a thing, because I’ve seen it, but I don’t know anyone who has eaten it). They’re available at some grocers and pretty much all specialty cheese stores and my town is probably not the only one with a local cheesemaker that includes raw milk cheeses in their offerings.

    (Also, I had a dream last night that included Ann Leckie being very kind, but no cheese or pizza.)

  30. There’s a USA cheesemaker called Sartori that does an absolutely fabulous cheese they’ve named Bellavitano. It’s a bit cheddar-like, but more earthy. (They wash the rind in things like balsamic or espresso, but those are just fillips, ignorable.)

  31. +1 on Bellavitano cheese. It’s a cheese with character; I’d describe it as kind of similar to cheddar but with an aged-swiss tang to it rather than a sharp cheddar bite. I like the balsamic-vinegar one; the bits of rind have a nice faint sourness that goes well with the cheese.

    I despise boring flavorless cheese like colby or monterry jack. I want cheese with attitude. Sharp cheddar, smoked gouda, aged swiss, roquefort…. there was a sheeps-milk cheese I’ve had once and never found again; I don’t know the make but the logo was a sheep riding a motorcycle. It was delicious. Sound familiar to anyone? Probably out of Wisconsin, since that’s the major cheese producing area near me….

  32. I’m relieved that the USA has cheese worth eating! Perhaps most of them are just too similar to the much-easier-to-stock British and European types to be worth importing?

    The British cheese industry was crippled during World War II (rationing limited the types of cheese that could be made, and then cultures died out or were lost, plus problems with native breeds dying out) and has only really recovered in the last couple of decades. (Even now probably our most famous cheese, cheddar, has no protections at all and depressingly few people even in Britain know what it’s actually supposed to taste like. Supermarket cheddar isn’t very accurate. Or good. *cheese snob*)

  33. Wisconsin does make some excellent cheese (in my opinion). There are a few other dairy centers in the US that I’m told are also very good; New Hampshire/Vermont and parts of northern California, I believe.

    The “American Cheese” you may or may not get on your side of the Pond (individually wrapped tasteless slices of processed blandness, the only virtue of which is that it melts well) is NOT representative of actual American cheeses.

    I had a Wisconsin Stilton cheese a month or two ago that was excellent; smelled like old gym socks but tasted marvelous.

  34. never found again; I don’t know the make but the logo was a sheep riding a motorcycle. It was delicious. Sound familiar to anyone? Probably out of Wisconsin, since that’s the major cheese producing area near me….

    Cassie, the cheese you are looking for is Lamb Chopper by Cypress Grove. It’s a good cheese though not my favorite, and if they sold tee shirts with that logo I’d buy one in a heartbeat.

  35. @Nancy —

    Cassie, the cheese you are looking for is Lamb Chopper by Cypress Grove. It’s a good cheese though not my favorite, and if they sold tee shirts with that logo I’d buy one in a heartbeat.

    OMG, that company has a cheese that costs $75 for a THIRD of a pound! YIKES!

  36. Cassie, the cheese you are looking for is Lamb Chopper by Cypress Grove.

    And, peculiarly, given that this branched off a discussion of American-made cheeses, it’s produced in Holland and imported by Cypress Grove.

  37. Nancy Sauer, thanks! Knowing the name makes it MUCH more likely I’ll be able to find it again! Kurt Busiek, it’s Dutch? Cool! (And my apologies for the incorrect assumption; I have a bad tendency to assume cheeses are Wisconsin-made if I don’t absolutely know otherwise, because we get So Many Wisconsin Cheeses here…)

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