Pixel Scroll 2/19/18 The White Zone Is For Scrolling And Filing Only. There Are No Ticky-Boxes In The White Zone

(1) MORE MEXICANX. John Picacio announced more picks to receive Worldcon 76 memberships from the Mexicanx Initiative.

(2) MANY DOLLARS WERE MADE. From NPR: “‘Black Panther’ Breaks Records And Barriers In Debut Weekend”

Black Panther pounced on the weekend box office, breaking cultural barriers and earning the highest debut ever for a February film, with an estimated three-day domestic gross of $192 million, said Disney, Marvel’s parent company.

The opening was the fifth highest-earning of any film, according to Disney. The only other movies that have brought in more are Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Jurassic World and The Avengers, according to The Associated Press.

(3) WAKANDA. Abigail Nussbaum weighs in on “A Political History of the Future: Black Panther” at the Lawyers, Guns & Money blog:

From architecture to interior design to costuming, every aspect of Wakanda was designed from the ground up to incorporate traditional African imagery while projecting it into a bold, positive future. Costume designer Ruth Carter’s bywords for the film were “Beautiful. Positive. Forward. Colorful.” Camille Friend, head of the movie’s hair department, has spoken about her determination to feature only natural black hair, in varying styles reflecting the different characters’ personalities. (In one amusing scene, no-nonsense Dora Milaje leader Okoye (Danai Gurira) complains about having to wear a Western-style wig while undercover. Later, during a fight, she throws the wig in her opponent’s face as a distraction.) Star Chadwick Boseman has explained his decision to give T’Challa, the new king of Wakanda, an African accent as an attempt to forestall the preconception that as a cosmopolitan member of the elite, he would naturally have been educated in Europe. In every respect, Black Panther is hard at work crafting an image of African life that is sophisticated, knowledge-based, and futuristic, while at the same time producing a society that is just, prosperous, and benevolent.

(4) CATALANO’S HAT TRICK. Frank Catalano has had three sf-related stories on GeekWire this week:

“I interviewed Peter S. Beagle about his memories of Pittsburgh, where he is getting his SFWA Grand Master Award this year, and also about Seattle, where he used to live. It was done as a study in contrasts between GeekWire’s home city of Seattle and Pittsburgh, a city it is highlighting for the month of February. I happened to think Beagle and the SFWA Nebula Conference were a natural tie.”

Beagle said he came to the University of Pittsburgh as a writing student in 1955, when he was 16 years old. “It was the Steel City of legend then: legendary for its griminess, its foul air, its wretched baseball team, the blazing mills along the river going night and day,” he recalled. “Seeing it from an airplane at night (which was my first sight of the city) was truly like being welcomed to hell.”

Yet the city grew on him. “I came to cherish Pittsburgh, as I still do, even though there literally isn’t a brick on a brick remaining of the mid-fifties town I knew,” he said.

“I also interviewed Ramez Naam, author of the Nexus trilogy of science-fiction thrillers, about his take on why the world is trending more toward the positive than the negative (plus the status of turning Nexus into something more than a novel), and had him re-visit some predictions he made in 2015, for my podcast on science fiction, pop culture and the arts. It led to two stories, the first on the state of the world and tech (and the state of Nexus), and the second on his predictions”:

If you were to ask globally known clean energy expert Ramez Naam what makes him optimistic about technology and the future, it may boil down to one word: scale.

Naam has a long history of thinking about the effects of scale, even before his current role as co-chair for energy and the environment at Singularity University. In his award-winning Nexus science fiction trilogy, Naam tackled the implications of widespread brain-to-brain communication. And in his past role as a computer scientist at Microsoft leading teams working on early versions of Outlook, Internet Explorer, and Bing, Naam came to appreciate what sheer magnitude can do.

“I learned that we can create tools that really improve people’s lives, and that technology can scale to help billions of people,” Naam said. “And that, I think, inspired me with the power of using our minds and our imaginations to make the world better.”

Many of these what-ifs recall a frequent theme of Naam’s writing and speaking: building resilience, both organizationally and individually, to technological change. “Technology moves faster than society, and society even has multiple strata,” he explained. Each is subsequently more sluggish, starting with how fast the next generation learns, to how fast we learn, to how fast organizations learn, and finally to how fast government learns.

So to deal with rapid change, Naam said, “We have to be more experimental as a society.” Governments may have to try different policies just to see which ones work. “That would be anathema to the way that politicians voice certainty of, ‘X will do Y.’ But that’s how science works. It’s how innovation in business works,” he said.

“Finally — and this is a personal favorite — a story that Tacoma will soon have a park named for Dune, honoring Frank Herbert. Why a personal favorite?  Back in 1986, I was asked by Frank Herbert’s family to help field news media calls about his literary legacy when he died (at the time, I was very active in the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America and had been an officer of the organization).  And the park’s setting is especially appropriate, as my story notes.”

There likely won’t be any sandworms, but that’s not needed to spice up this news: Tacoma, Wash., native Frank Herbert, best known for the hugely popular Dune science-fiction novels, is getting a namesake park in his home town.

The Metro Parks Tacoma Board of Commissioners has approved naming an 11-acre waterfront site “Dune Peninsula at Point Defiance Park,” and a winding pedestrian loop being built on the same site the “Frank Herbert Trail.” The public space is currently under construction on land that once housed the former ASARCO copper smelting operation, next to the Tacoma Yacht Club boat basin.

(5) JOE HILL ON VINYL. HarperAudio, the audio imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, will publish Dark Carousel, a “vinyl-first” audiobook by New York Times bestselling author Joe Hill on April 20, a release timed to coincide with Record Store Day on April 21. Entertainment Weekly revealed the cover of Dark Carousel along with an exclusive excerpt from the audiobook.

 Says author Joe Hill, “My hard rockin’ fantasies are pretty well documented at this point — the hero of my first novel was, after all, a world-famous heavy metal rocker. I’ve always wanted to have my own LP, and the idea that one of my stories is being released as an audiobook on vinyl blows my Beatles-quoting, Stones-fixated, Zeppelin-obsessed mind. Even better, I’m on the record with Matthew Ryan, a great American rocknrolla. His cover of “Wild Horses” is the best version of the song since the original. I’m so excited for readers and listeners to drop the needle on this story and Matt’s song.”

Written about a balmy summer night in 1994. Dark Carousel is the tale of four teenagers out for an evening of fun on the boardwalk who take a ride on the “Wild Wheel” – an antique carousel with a shadowy past – and learn too late that decisions made in an instant can have deadly consequences. What begins as a night of innocent end-of-summer revelry, young love, and (a few too many) beers among friends soon descends into chaos, as the ancient carousel’s parade of beasts comes chillingly to life to deliver the ultimate judgment for their misdeeds.

(6) HAVE YOU ORDERED YOURS YET? Hasbro wants 5,000 pre-orders to greenlight production: “Hasbro’s first HasLab toy is a replica of Jabba the Hutt’s barge”.

At this year’s Toy Fair in New York, Hasbro announced HasLab, a new program that aims to bring to life special creations like a massive, four-foot long recreation of Jabba the Hutt’s sail barge. The company is taking inspiration from platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, too: In order for the barge to become a real for-sale production item, Hasbro wants to gather 5,000 $499 pre-orders by midnight on April 3rd.

If the project reaches its funding goal, Jabba’s Sail Barge (or The Khetanna if you’re a Star Wars geek) will come with a 64-page booklet with behind-the-scenes details, set photos, interviews and blueprints of the actual set piece in the film as well as production information on the toy. The barge also comes with a 3.75-inch scale Jabba the Hutt and soft cloth sails for the top of the sand boat.

(7) JOHN BROSNAN. Kim Huett’s next Doctor Strangemind post is “John Brosnan & the Abomnibus”. In 1969 John joined a group of other young Australians who were planning to travel by double-decker bus to England. The attempt was somewhat less than successful…

Something that John wrote extensively about in the early days was his attempt to travel by bus from Australia to England. Up until the eighties there was something of a tradition among young Australians to visit ‘Mother England’ before settling down to lives of quiet desperation in the sun-baked suburbs of Australia. Most such adventurers travelled to the mother country via cruise liner, a few lucky ones flew there, but John, being inexplicably drawn to doing everything the hard way, decided that he would spend several months of 1969 travelling to ‘Ye Merry England’ with a group of other young Australians in a double-decker bus. My impression from what he wrote is that he enjoyed it more in retrospect than he did at the time…

Huett is keeping Brosnan’s non-book material alive. There’s a PDF collection that can still be downloaded for free from eFanzines. More recently Dave Langford asked Huett to put together a new, even larger version, which can be downloaded for free here.

(8) CANDLE TIME. Steven H Silver celebrates another author with “Birthday Reviews: Jonathan Lethem’s ‘Lostronaut’” at Black Gate.

…Lethem won the World Fantasy Award for his collection The Wall of the Sky, the Wall of the Eye. He has been nominated for the Nebula Award four times, the James Tiptree, Jr. Award three times, and the Shirley Jackson Award, Sidewise Award, and the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award one time, each. His novel Gun, with Occasional Music received the William L. Crawford Award and won the Locus Poll for best first novel….

(9) NEW TWIST ON PARK MAPS. Mental Floss reports “A Cartographer Is Mapping All of the UK’s National Parks, J.R.R. Tolkien-Style”:

Cartographer Dan Bell makes national parks into fantasy lands. Bell, who lives near Lake District National Park in England, is currently on a mission to draw every national park in the UK in the style of the maps in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, Kottke.org reports

Click here to see his impressive Yellowstone National Park map.

(10) HUGO RECS. Strange at Ecbatan’s Rich Horton wrapped up his Hugo recommendations with “Final 2018 Hugo Recommendation Post” – Semiprozine, Fancast,  Best Related Work, Professional Artist.

The others in the series are:

(11) FILLING IN SOME BLANKS. Mark Kaedrin also shares his picks for “Hugo Award Season 2018”, beginning with —

The nomination period for the 2018 Hugo Awards is open, so it’s time to get out the vote before the requisite whining and bitter recriminations start in earnest. I’ve read a bunch of eligible works, but of course not all will make the cut. Here’s where I’m at right now:

(12) CHOCOLATE CHAMPS. Congratulations to Filer Daniel P. Dern for scoring second in Boskone 55’s Chocolate for Trivia event.


Bob Devney  52
Dan Dern  44
Tim Liebe  27
Peter Turi  23

(13) QUICKER SIPPER. Charles Payseur is back with “Quick Sips – Shimmer #41 [February stuff]”.

The stories from Shimmer Magazine’s February offerings excel in coming from interesting viewpoints. From ghosts of boys who never were and never should have been to bags full of dreams and magic, the character work here involves narrators whose primary function is to accompany someone else. In that these are two excellently paired stories that highlight the ways in which these companions, these burdens, these people relate to those who carry them. And the stories offer two widely different takes on that theme, one of the narrators kind and helpful and loving and the other…well, not so much. The stories show just how much these presences can help the people carrying them, and just how much they can hurt as well. To the reviews!

(14) GUITAR CITY. A popular movie has paid off in more than one way: “A Town In Mexico Sees Guitar Sales Soar Thanks To The Movie ‘Coco'”.

Real-life sales of guitars like Miguel’s guitar have soared thanks to the movie. And not just in U.S. stores. A small town in Mexico’s western highlands, famous for its generation of guitar makers, is also enjoying a Coco boon.

Paracho, in the state of Michoacán, is the former home of the very guitar maker who helped design the instrument seen in the film.

(15) NOT EXACTLY THE AGE OF AQUARIUS. A marker for the beginning of the Anthropocene: “‘Loneliest tree’ records human epoch”.

It’s been dubbed “the loneliest tree on the planet” because of its remote location, but the Sitka spruce might represent something quite profound about the age in which we live.

The tree, sited on Campbell Island in the Southern Ocean, records in its wood a clear radioactive trace from the A-bomb tests of the 1950s and 60s.

As such, it could be the “golden spike” scientists are seeking to define the start of the Anthropocene Epoch – a new time segment in our geological history of Earth.

The suggestion is that whatever is taken as the golden spike, it should reflect the so-called “Great Acceleration” when human impacts on the planet suddenly intensified and became global in extent.

This occurs after WWII and is seen for example in the explosion in plastics production.

(16) THE GANG’S ALL HERE. It’s 1963 and producer Roger Corman turns to Poe for his forty-seventh movie. Galactic Journey tells whether it’s worth seeing: “[February 18, 1963] An Odd Beast (Roger Corman’s The Raven)”.

The Raven hit theaters last month not so much to terrify audiences, but to reel them in with a star studded cast and a light, Edgar Allan Poe-flavored, fantasy comedy story. Starring Vincent Price, Boris Karloff, Peter Lorre and Hazel Court, the film is very loosely based around the narrative Edgar Allan Poe poem by the same name. By this I mean that Hazel Court is, of course, the sassy and longed-for Lenore, and Vincent Price quotes segments of the poem. There the similarities end.

(17) A BETTER USE FOR THAT MONEY. K. Tempest Bradford argues her fundraiser is a bargain at half the price.


(18) SPEAKING UP. Sophie Aldred gives Uncanny Magazine readers a captivating account of “My Voice-Over Life”.

Sophie Aldred has been working as a professional actress, singer, and director for the last 35 years in theatre, TV, film and audio. She is perhaps best known as the 7th Doctor Who’s companion, Ace, who beat up a Dalek with a baseball bat….

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved to read stories to her brother. She liked to put on funny voices for all the different characters and found that she was rather good at mimicking accents and odd vocal characteristics. Sometimes her brother would beg her to stop reading as he had had enough; sometimes she listened.

The little girl also liked listening to the radio programmes that her Mummy had on in the kitchen while she was making supper for Daddy who came in hungry and tired from the office (it was the 1960’s after all). Although she didn’t understand any of the so-called jokes, she loved a man called Kenneth Williams, whose strangulated vocal gymnastics she tried to imitate, and another one called Derek Nimmo, who you could tell was rather vague and very posh just by the tone of his voice….

(19) I SEE FOUR JELLYBEANS! A psychiatrist in a mental hospital has a disturbing conversation with one of his patients, a brilliant mathematician, in the SF short film The Secret Number by Colin Levy.

[Thanks to JJ, Will R., John King Tarpinian, Mark Hepworth, John Picacio, Andrew Porter, Martin Morse Wooster, Chip Hitchcock, Cat Eldridge, and Carl Slaughter for some of these stories. Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Rev. Bob .]

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44 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 2/19/18 The White Zone Is For Scrolling And Filing Only. There Are No Ticky-Boxes In The White Zone

  1. First?
    How unlikely.
    17) The GoFundMe is a hoot.
    That’s what a lawyer demands for a hopeless case, since it is clear there’s no prospect of getting a cut of an award out of the thing.
    He can’t even enlist an ambulance chaser.
    9) oooooooo – the park map.
    Now I want someone to do U.S. parks like that.

  2. (10) HUGO RECS. Strange at Ecbatan’s Rich Horton wrapped up his Hugo recommendations with “Final 2018 Hugo Recommendation Post”… Professional Artist.

    I just want to point out that Horton has recommended Dave Senecal for Professional Artist based on his covers for Interzone, but Interzone is a Semiprozine, and thus according to WSFS rules, these covers are not qualifying publications for that category. However, they certainly do qualify him for the Fan Artist category.

  3. The Tolkien style maps reminds me of a local artist who redrew the map of Canberra in the style of Game of Thrones:


    I expect there are a great many starving artists out there who would be more than willing to redraw any city or park in any style you like if some money was wafted in their direction.


    Oh, I see he’s done the Yorkshire Dales and it even shows Coverdale, the best of all the Dales. I might have to buy a print so I can point out to people where my family’s farm is.

  5. It was the Dawn of the Third Age of Mankind; the year when the War of the Last Alliance came down upon Sauron.

  6. @JJ — thanks as well! I admit Interzone is in my mental “Prozine” category, and it does seem to me that Senecal’s work would be more appropriately considered pro work. But the rules are the rules, I guess.

    (12) Mr. Dern is fortunate I wasn’t able to be at Boskone this year — I have finished second in every single Trivia for Chocolate I’ve been at, including Boskone last year. 🙂

  7. He had almost yielded, but not quite. He had not consented. It is very hard for evil to take hold of the unconsenting soul.

  8. lauwolf:

    Now I want someone to do U.S. parks like that.

    The article says he has done Yellowstone, and hopes to do more US parks when he’s done with the UK ones. It also mentions that he does commissions

    (And as Kim Huett says it’s almost certainly possible to find other artists who can do similar commissions.)

    I’m sorely tempted to get the area around my family’s summer house. I. e. the landscape of my childhood’s summers.

    (I think the closest I’ve ever been to becoming a writer was a point in my teens where I tried using some simple drawing software to draw a map for a fantasy novel. (I never had a plot for a story but I had a vague idea that if I at least had a map then some small part of the job was done.))

  9. (6) But, do we want Janna the Hutt’s barge? I don’t, certainly. But 5,000 people willing to pre-order doesn’t sound like a huge goal, so maybe it will come to pass.

    (7) I’m trying to work out how one travels from one great, mucking, huge island to a smaller island on the other side of the planet, by bus. Double decker or not. It sounds like a plan doomed never to leave Australia.

    Am I a bit cranky, this morning?


    Dora is ill, and we don’t know what’s wrong yet.

  10. 9) Yeah, saw those. I’m not good enough of a cartographer to mimic that style, mainly because I’d have to hand draw or tablet draw and I do better with CAD icon dropping and drawing.

    Maybe I should practice, anyhow. :scratches chin:

  11. Lis Carey on February 20, 2018 at 5:59 am said:

    Good wishes to both you and Dora!

    ETA: up early today, as it’s my last date with chemo. The next few months are interesting, but they’ll do other things to me.

  12. @4: wonderful Beagle interview.

    @Lis: the text as I read it has them starting bus travel in Mumbai (“Bombay”) rather than Australia; how they got there, or whether the bus was shipped with them or picked up in India, isn’t discussed in the summary. (Apparently he wrote down everything, then shelved the manuscript, which is presumed lost.) Since the first anecdote starts in New Delhi, they weren’t exactly going in a straight line, but the sights or the roads may have been better. (Googlemaps is willing to plot a foot journey from Mumbai straight to Lahore but gives up on driving directions.)

  13. (8) Lethem’s Gun, With Occasional Music occupies a plateau of its own as the only fake Chandler I was ever able to enjoy reading (radio Marlowe tales are enjoyed on their own terms, as something utterly unrelated to Chandler). As with Sherlock Holmes, a writer can dress him up in the right hat, get him to say his catch phrases, and go through the paces of a story, but it’s never convincing. Lethem got right to the hopeless heart of the matter, even in a world with talking kangaroos. I enjoyed several other things of his too, before reaching a rough patch. Maybe it’s time to catch up.

    (14) “boom,” not “boon” — though one could likely argue that it is, indeed, a boon for the town, so who knows?

    Lis, hopes and best wishes for you and Dora.

  14. Rich Horten said:

    (12) Mr. Dern is fortunate I wasn’t able to be at Boskone this year — I have finished second in every single Trivia for Chocolate I’ve been at, including Boskone last year.

    I have no special attachment to second place. It feels like at least half the time (at Boskones, I don’t recall doing any non-B’s except perhaps one WorldCon?) I’m in the “named finalists” (top 4-6) and IIRC came in first at least once. (I’d have to ask Mark & Priscilla, or some Boskone archivist.)
    It’s slightly easier to win when, say, Tom Galloway isn’t there. Or if Bob Devney is somehow re-seated way in the back 🙂

  15. This is related to nothing on the scroll, but I was pondering it today after seeing the magisterial photo of Starsky in a sweater.

    When I was a wee lad of fandom in Dallas during the early 1980s, there were few females my age. Every comic store was a sausage fest. The Dallas Fantasy Fair was at least 90% dude.

    The one notable exception was women around 35-45 whose primary interest was fanfic of TV shows and movies. They bought tables to sell the latest and greatest, a lot of which seemed to be Starsky and Hutch fanfic in which their bromance had completely dropped the b.

    At the time I didn’t know about “slash” or “hurt/comfort,” but these women’s scene was so far from mine I don’t think I ever talked to any of them at a con.

    I think I missed out. A movement of unauthorized media tie-in fiction in which male protagonists engage in LGBT relationships, by and for an audience primarily of heterosexual females, seems so much more psychologically interesting to me today than what I was doing — collecting X-Men, writing to lettercols, spending mom’s money on CompuServe’s comics forum and debating my friends on whether Hulk could beat Superman.

  16. @Chip–

    @Lis: the text as I read it has them starting bus travel in Mumbai (“Bombay”) rather than Australia; how they got there, or whether the bus was shipped with them or picked up in India, isn’t discussed in the summary.

    Okay, yeah, that’s cheating, and requires more cheating at the other end, but it would, or at least potentially could, work.

    Dora swallowed the food I put in her mouth. Did that several times, now waiting to be sure it all stays down. Looking good on that front.

    Waiting for CBC blood panel results.

  17. @Daniel — it’s just strange that I’ve always finished second. (Three Worldcons, I think, one Boskone, and a couple of Chicago conventions where Steven Silver did it.) The first time I only got to be second because Tom Galloway missed the first half hour and couldn’t quite catch up. And likewise, only had to deal with Bob D a couple of those times …

  18. “make awesome steam punk novels”…..I always assumed it was words which were written down and polished and edited.. Perhaps some assembly is required. Still tab “A” into hole “B’. ..

    Never encountered that one.

  19. Hello.

    Your tickbox has been permanently suspended for repeated violations of the Pixel Scrolls, specifically our scrolls prohibiting second fifths.

  20. @chip @lis The bus probably drove to Mumbai from London on that leg of the hippy trail; it wasn’t rare for them to go that far.

  21. According to what is written in the John Brosnan collection the double-decker bus was taken to Singapore by ship where John Brosnan and the rest of the participants met it. From there the plan was to drive the bus to England, crossing the Bosphorous and English channels by ferry. Unfortunately the bus broke down for the last time in Italy and ended up being sold for scrap there.

  22. (7) I assumed they took the well-established route from Aberdeen, Australia through the CamFelap tunnel to Aberdeen, Scotland. It’s probably not that rough a trip from there.

  23. (1) MORE MEXICANX. Vincent Villafranca’s work is awesome.

    (9) NEW TWIST ON PARK MAPS. Hehehe, that’s cute.

    (17) A BETTER USE FOR THAT MONEY. Indeed, a much better use. There’d be something worthwhile at the end!

    – – – – –

    Meredith Moment: Josiah Bancroft’s Senlin Ascends (Books of Babel #1; book 2’s already out) is $4.99 from Orbit (uses DRM). Okay, that’s not dirt-cheap, but compared to $9.99 for book 2, that’s very good! This pair of books sounds very weird and interesting.

  24. @Simon Bisson: how would a blue-and-white double decker have come from London? I don’t know who does use that paint scheme, but Flanders and Swann refer to “scarlet-painted” buses in the 1950’s.

  25. Am now about halfway through Raven Stratagem, and between Yoon Ha Lee and Ann Leckie, amongst others, I rest comfortable in the knowledge that space opera is in very, very, very good hands.

  26. Well, if we’re going to talk about Trivia for Chocolate competitions, I’ll just brag on myself:

    I’ve been to five Worldcons this century: ConJosé, LACon IV, Denvention 3, Anticipation, LoneStarCon 3. All five had Trivia For Chocolate. I came in first five times. OGH did a little writeup of the Denvention one, which retains the distinction of being the only article on the site tagged with my name.

    My favorite memory – I don’t remember which con it happened at – was where the questions were limericks cluing various SFF characters. I got Miles Vorkosigan at the end of the first line, prompting Priscilla Olson to mutter, “Jesus!”. I chuckle just thinking about it.

    (Alas, I don’t remember how the line went.)

  27. Heather Rose Jones on February 20, 2018 at 9:57 pm said:
    @ Johan P
    The article says he has done Yellowstone
    Yellowstone already is a sff secondary world.

    What I actually want is Tilden, Wildcat Canyon, Chabot…
    They are all not quite real.

  28. Google and Wikipedia tell me that various liveries were in use in the early post-privatisation era. Bexleybus used blue and white.

  29. @Stewart: the Wikipedia lede on “bexleybus” says it started in 1988, which matches my recollection that privatization was a Thatcher move rather than earlier (the trip was in 1969).

  30. Kip W on February 20, 2018 at 6:58 am said:

    ( 8) Lethem’s Gun, With Occasional Music occupies a plateau of its own as the only fake Chandler I was ever able to enjoy reading…As with Sherlock Holmes, a writer can dress him up in the right hat, get him to say his catch phrases, and go through the paces of a story, but it’s never convincing.

    YPMV (Your Parsecage May Vary), let me suggest Raymond Chandler’s Philip Marlowe: A Centennial Celebration edited by Byron Preiss (a name hopefully familiar to many scrollers and filers). This is a collection of new Phillip Marlow stories written by sundry crime/detective/mystery authors including Sara Paretsky, Robert Crais, Loren D. Estleman, Robert Campbell, and Edward Hoch. (Note, if possible, look for the slightly later (1990) edition, which includes two more stories and Chandler’s own “The Pencil.”

    I enjoyed all the stories, and if they ain’t Chandler, they’re certainly channeling him with integrity.
    (Note, I’ve already promised to send my copy to a friend when I’m done reading it, which will be tonight — unless my SO wants pre-snail dibs.)

  31. @lauwolf – Oh! I’d love to see Claremont canyon and strawberry creek canyon combined with Tilden, Sibley, and the EBMUD land down to to Orinda BART and over to the Shakespeare festival grounds. From the steam trains to Orinda BART has always made me think of The Shire.

  32. Daniel P. Dern, I did read that. I’ve got “The Pencil,” but it wasn’t via that book, so I must have seen the earlier edition. I’ve read all Chandler’s fiction (except his bids for mainstream lit success) many times, and Lethem’s is the only faux Chandler I’ve re-read. I had some hopes for the anthology, but the only thing I remember now is my disappointment at all the clockwork Marlowes.

    I also bounced off of attempts to continue Nero Wolfe’s canon, and the numerous stabs that have been made at Holmes. The pool is finite, and trying to add to it, however good the intention, doesn’t work for me. John Byrne almost succeeded with Herbie Popnecker, but only as an affectionate tribute, not as something that would fool me, even briefly.

    I’ve said it here before, but when I bought a CD full of radio Nero Wolfe half hours, it was on the strength of the sample show at OTRCAT dot com (I didn’t know how much Archive had then, or maybe they didn’t have it yet) that came up to about 80% of the quality of a Rex Stout Wolfe story, and which could have just about passed for one. Turns out that although I liked the series well enough for what it was, that was the only story that rose to such a level. The writer was some guy named Bester. Wikipedia says he wrote the whole series (“The New Adventures of Nero Wolfe”), but I don’t recall hearing his name in any others. The name, by the way, came at the end of the show, so I wouldn’t have judged any of them on that basis. Maybe it was the first one I heard so I liked it best? Dunno, but it’s happened before.

  33. Yay title credit!

    Should I try for a hat trick by changing it to the red zone, then “Don’t tell ME which zone is for scrolling and which zone is for ticking” to complete the gag?

  34. (19) When George Carlin reported on a California professor’s discovery of bleen (which I recall hearing on the CD as “bleem”), it was between six and seven. So is the correct sequence “one, two, three, bleem, four, five, six, bleen, seven, eight” or did one of the guys get the math (and final letter) just a little bit wrong?

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