CSFDB Launches Xanadu to Promote Chinese Science Fiction Globally

Presented by The Chinese Science Fiction Database (CSFDB), Xanadu (https://xanadu.csfdb.cn/) is an innovative platform that aims to bring Chinese speculative works to a global audience.

CSFDB contains entries for over 50,000 works, and it is unrealistic to write synopsis for all of them, let alone ones in English. Xanadu, however, aims to make a difference by providing English synopses of a selection of works, with contact information for copyright/agency parties. Currently, the platform showcases works selected in the CSFDB Annual Recommendation List from the past two years.

The platform also features works that have already been translated into other languages with direct links for reading, purchasing, and reviewing, making it a convenient resource for interested readers worldwide. This feature allows Chinese speculative fiction to reach a broader audience and promotes cross-cultural exchange.

The challenges of translating Chinese works into other languages are numerous, including difficulty in finding copyright information, incomplete work information, etc. Xanadu aims to overcome these challenges by developing an integrated information platform that fosters collaboration and connections among various stakeholders.

Another goal of the platform is to dispel misconceptions about Chinese science fiction and provide a space for Chinese works to gain recognition and appreciation from a global audience. With only 1.4% of Chinese fictions translated into English, there is a significant need to showcase more works to the global market.

Future features, such as translator announcements, may be added after a trial period, and the CSFDB welcomes suggestions from all parties.

[Based on a press release.]