2020 FAAn Awards

The 2020 FAAn Award winners were announced at Corflu 37 in College Station, TX on March 15. (Via Janice Hillman on Facebook.)

Best Over-all Fanzine

  • Banana Wings, ed. Claire Brialey and Mark Plummer

Best Genzine


  • Banana Wings, ed. Claire Brialey and Mark Plummer
  • Chunga, ed. Andy Hooper, Randy Byers, and carl juarez

Best Personal Zine

  • This Here, ed. Nic Farey

Best Whatchamacallit Zine


  • Ansible, ed. David Langford
  • Lofgeornost, ed. Fred Lerner

Best Special Publication

  • Thy Life’s a Miracle, ed. Luke McGuff

Best Fan Writer

  • Mark Plummer

Best Letterhack

  • Stephen Jeffery

Best Online Achievement

  • Fanac.org

Best Fan Artist

  • Ulrika O’Brien

Best Fanzine Cover Art

  • Thy Life’s A Miracle cover, art by Ulrika O’Brien, calligraphy by Jae Leslie Adams, layout by carl juarez

fwa Lifetime Achievement Award

  • Robert Lichtman

fwa Past President, 2019 [fwa = fan writers of america]

  • Rob Jackson

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2 thoughts on “2020 FAAn Awards

  1. There was no Number One Fan Face award presented this year because so many fine people’s names kept getting recognized across categories, earning votes towards this award along the way. This resulted in the unique situation of having five people receiving the same number of votes apiece: Claire Brialey, Nic Farey, Bruce Gillespie, Ulrika O’Brien, and Mark Plummer. Apparently, the fannish efforts of these people are highly regarded by their colleagues in fanzine fandom.

  2. In a very late addendum, some dedicated psephology has revealed that, had the #1 Fan Face totals been compiled in more detail, Ulrika O’Brien would have received the honor…

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