Pixel Scroll 1/27/18 Vaster Than Pixels And More Scroll

(1) GOOD NEWS FOR A CLARION WEST STUDENT. George R.R. Martin is funding another scholarship at a writing workshop, as he explains in “Worldbuilding in Seattle”.

Every great story requires interesting characters, an engrossing plot, evocative prose, an important theme… but epic fantasy also requires a memorable setting. A “secondary universe,” as J.R.R. Tolkien termed it, a world both like and unlike our own, with its own rich history and geography and customs, its own beauties and terrors….

These days, the world is more need of wonder than ever before. To that end, I am pleased to announce that I am sponsoring a new annual scholarship at the Clarion West Writers Workshop in Seattle. https://www.clarionwest.org/ An intensive six-week course for aspiring authors of science fiction and fantasy, Clarion West is one of the longest-running and most successful workshops in the world. Its instructors and graduates make up an honor roll of the best and the brightest in science fiction and fantasy. This summer the instructors will be Daniel Abraham, Ken MacLeod, Karen Lord, Yoon Ha Lee, Karen Joy Fowler, and Ellen Datlow. The deadline for applying is March 1.

Our new WORLDBUILDER SCHOLARSHIP will cover tuition, fees, and lodging for one student each year. The award will not be limited by age, race, sex, religion, skin color, place of origin, or field of study. The winner will be selected each year in a blind judging to an applicant who demonstrates both financial need and a talent for worldbuilding and the creation of secondary universes. For further details, query Clarion West at [email protected]

(2) DWINDLING. Larque Press has compiled the “2017 Total Paid Distribution” statistics from the publisher’s statement of ownership for Asimov’s, Analog, and F&SF, among others. Print circulation diminished slightly over the past year, except for F&SF. See the numbers at the link.

Dell and F&SF sell far more issues via subscriptions than newsstands. For the most part, combining the two gives you the total paid circulation. However, it’s important to note these numbers don’t include digital sales, which are likely on the rise. Below is the “total paid distribution” from Jan/Feb 2017 and 2018 of the print editions…

…Except for F&SF, the year-over-year numbers show declines of ~500–1000. Is this due to thicker, less frequent issues, general magazine publishing trends, distribution challenges, or something else?

(3) EVERMORE. If you want to see a fantastic sculpture being created for Evermore Park in Utah, click this Facebook link:

Here’s Cory Clawson sculpting while our shop dog, Woody, supervises. Have a little sneak peek at some of the talent behind Evermore’s Creative Studio.

(4) ADD TWO. John Picacio says Christopher Brown has contributed two Worldcon memberships for Mexicanx creators/fans.

UPDATE!!! VERY GOOD NEWS: Our sponsorship team is GROWING. John and I are now officially joined by ace photographer Ctein (hooray for you, man!!) who is sponsoring two more Worldcon memberships for Mexicanx. We are also now joined by Ty Franck — one-half of the James S.A. Corey writing juggernaut. He’s sponsoring one Worldcon membership for a deserving Mexicanx. Right on, Ty!! And this just in — Christopher Brown, author of TROPIC OF KANSAS, is sponsoring two more Mexicanx for attending Worldcon memberships. Too good. And this crazy train is going to keep rolling because I’m confirming more sponsorships right now, to be announced soon. This has become A THING. ‘Keep you posted.

(5) EUROCON UPDATE. The committee for Eurocon Nemo 2018, to be held in Amiens, France, has had to arrange another meeting place in the city after finding its planned facilities aren’t ready. The committee has updated its website to show the new location, and posted an explanation on Facebook. The con takes place July 19-22.

Hello everyone
It was a real commotion for the Nemo 2018 team for the past ten days. So, we had to play radio silence. We must apologise.
Indeed, last week, the news suddenly fell that, finally, because of various delays on the building site, we could not have the visa of the committee of security to organize as planned the convention on the site of the Citadel.
It was therefore urgent to find a plan B. It is now done, thanks to the University of Amiens, and in particular to its cultural service and library. Thanks to Anne-Sophie, Justin and Jennifer.
The Convention will take place as planned, with an unchanged program, but it will be at the Pôle Universitaire Cathedral, in the center of Amiens, at the foot of the cathedral, in the middle of a lively district, filled with restaurants, cafes , with exhibition halls, meeting rooms, amphitheatres, a cafeteria, theaters and cinemas all around!
And as a bonus, we will still have the right to visit the site Citadel, to admire the architectural creation of the cabinet Renzo Piano.
Finally, here is a setback that results in even more facilities and animations …

(6) FROM MOLTEN GLASS. “One Meredith goblet coming up,” says Hampus.


(7) PETER S. BEAGLE ON LE GUIN. SFWA’s newest Grandmaster says farewell to another: “In memoriam, Ursula K. LeGuin” at Support Peter S. Beagle.

…I didn’t know her well. She lived in Portland, and I’ve been all over northern California in the last half-century, with six years out for the Seattle area. We hadn’t yet met when I followed her by a week into the Clarion West workshop (1972, was it?), to be greeted by a note saying, “Welcome, Unicorn! Make the little kobolds work their tails off!) Mostly we ran into each other at various conventions, grabbing coffee where we could. I do like to recall a serious conversation, initiated by me in increasing alarm at having become known more and more, in the intervening years, as the Unicorn Guy. Meanwhile, Ursula’s recently-published Earthsea novels had, as far as I was concerned, put paid to dragons as literary figures: I felt – and still feel – that dragons should be off-limits to all other writers, no matter how gifted or inventive they might be. But I was younger then, and had the chutzpah to offer to trade my unicorns even-up for her dragons. “Unicorns are really easy to housebreak. They always ask to go outside.” I remember that I was even willing to throw in a utility infielder, if she insisted.

Ursula’s response: “Do you know how impossible it is to keep dragons off the curtains? And they’re absolute hell on carpets!” We never did make the deal, but not for my lack of trying. As I say, I was younger then….


A few years later, I entered an MFA program populated by folks whose idea of engaging with speculative fiction was trying to comprehend Harry Potter. I was also newly married, and my husband had six or seven of Le Guin’s books. Discouraged, again, about writing science fiction and fantasy, I started reading The Left Hand of Darkness, which shattered what I thought a science fiction novel could be, how gender could be portrayed, how an invented world could shape my worldview. More importantly, it changed how I encountered gender on a daily basis—one of the most empathy-producing moments in my life to date. As I closed the covers and promptly fell into a book hangover, I couldn’t understand why none of my professors had taught Le Guin or pushed one of her books into my hands. Yes, folks had suggested her, but one book deep into her work, and I’d found a complex thinker, writer, reader, teacher all rolled into one.

The Golden Age of Science Fiction is usually reckoned to have been the Campbell Era at ASTOUNDING, and its Big Three were Heinlein, Asimov, and Van Vogt. Yet as important as that era was, for me the true Golden Age will always be the late 60s and early 70s, when the Big Three were Roger Zelazny, Samuel R. Delany, and Ursula K. Le Guin. We shall never see their like again.

(9) PLAUDITS. Book View Café proudly reports Le Guin’s  No Time to Spare Is Finalist for Essay Prize”.

Ursula K. Le Guin’s 2017 collection of essays, No Time to Spare: Thinking About What Matters, is one of the five finalists for the PEN/Diamonstein-Spielvogel Award for the Art of the Essay.

This prize, one of the PEN America Literary Awards, is “[f]or a book of essays published in 2017 that exemplifies the dignity and esteem that the essay form imparts to literature.”

Many of the essays in this collection began as blog posts, some of which were published here on the Book View Cafe blog.

Winners will be announced at a February 20 ceremony in New York.

(10) HONOR ROLL. Steven H Silver’s “2017 In Memoriam” list is posted at Amazing Stories.

(Editor’s Note: Every year, Steven H Silver compiles the obituaries of those we have lost.  This information is published in various locales and is incorporated into the honor roll displayed during the Hugo Awards presentations.

It’s an unenviable task, though a necessary one.  Our community and our genres are built upon a foundation of people and it is fitting that we remember them.)

(11) IHINGER OBIT. Minneapolis fan Rob Ihinger (1955-2018) died of leukemia on January 27 his wife, Peg Kerr, announced at CaringBridge (more medical details at the link).

We waited for his mother and other family members who flew in from around the country, and family and friends gathered in his ICU room, sharing laughter, telling stories, and giving Rob his last tastes of Coca Cola Classic and ice cream. Rob was able to recognize and greet with pleasure the visitors who came to say goodbye. Then around midnight, we withdrew the tubes and monitors and simply stopped the medication which was keeping his blood pressure stable. Shortly thereafter, Rob slipped into sleep.

My beloved husband Rob Ihinger passed away peacefully this morning at 9:15 a.m. in the presence of his family.

(12) WALKER OBIT. Cartoonist Mort Walker (1923-2018), creator of Beetle Bailey and other strips, died January 27.

The character that was to become Beetle Bailey made his debut as Spider in Walker’s cartoons published by the Saturday Evening Post in the late 1940s. Walker changed Spider’s name and launched “Beetle Bailey” as a college humor strip in 1950.

At first the strip failed to attract readers and King Features Syndicate considered dropping it after just six months, Walker said in a 2000 interview with The Associated Press. The syndicate suggested Beetle join the Army after the start of the Korean War, Walker said.

“I was kind of against it because after World War II, Bill Mauldin and Sad Sack were fading away,” he said. But his misgivings were overcome and Beetle “enlisted” in 1951.

Walker attributed the success of the strip to Beetle’s indolence and reluctance to follow authority.


  • John King Tarpinian found the Star Wars translation for a contemporary faux pas in Off the Mark.
  • Will R. enjoyed the Laugh out Loud Cats sending up the title of a popular movie.

(14) A PORG TWEETS. David Gerrold knows how he feels….

(15) STOKERCON 2018 NEWS. At the StokerCon 2018 Website you can find the complete program for The Second Annual Ann Radcliffe Academic Conference

The Ann Radcliffe Academic Conference is part of the Horror Writers Association’s Outreach Program. Membership to the Horror Writers Association is not required to submit or present, however registration to StokerCon 2018 is required to present.

And the full program for Librarians’ Day

Join Stoker Con for a special day-long program of panels and presentations for librarians! Becky Spratford, author of The Readers’ Advisory Guide to Horror, 2nd edition (ALA, Editions) and horror reviewer for Booklist and IndiePicks Magazine and Kristi Chadwick, Consultant, Massachusetts Library System and Library Journal’s Science Fiction Fantasy and Horror columnist are coordinating the event.

(16) GRAMMAR POSSE. The latest Horror Writers Association newsletter includes Anthony Ambrogio’s feature, “The Grumpy Grammarian: Ms. Speaking Speaks about Misspeaking (and Gives Me a Chance to Wax Pedantic)”.

Poet and HWA Proofer Supreme Marge Simon offered a couple of additions to those frequently misspoken phrases I talked about in my January column. I hope I do justice to her comments here.

“Hope your cold is better now.”

Marge writes, “Everyone says it that way, but, in truth, if your cold is better, then it is doing well—flourishing—and you are not! … So, to be correct, one should say, ‘I hope your cold has gone away/is over/has let up, etc., and you are feeling better now.’” However, she concedes, “That one is beyond reasonable criticism.” Doesn’t hurt to point it out, though.

(17) MONTH OF JOY. Where have I been? I just found out about the Skiify and Fanty “Month of Joy.” The latest installment is “Cooking and a Recipe by Cora Buhlert”. Learn how to make “Grandma Buhlert’s Herring Salad.”

During the trashfire of a year that was 2017, I’ve found that no matter how upset I am, sitting down in the kitchen to prepare a meal inevitably makes me feel better. To me, there is something incredibly soothing about assembling ingredients and spices, chopping vegetables, meat or fish and finally stirring the pot or pan, waiting for it all to come together.

So what sort of food do I make? For starters – and I know that may surprise some – very little traditional German food. German cuisine is too greasy and too meat and salt heavy for my tastes. And here in North Germany, traditional food quite often means “throw everything into a big pot and boil it, until it turns to mush”. There are some German dishes I like and make on occasion – herring salad, North Sea shrimp salad, pea soup, venison stew with red cabbage, sailor’s curry (which is a North German take on South/South East Asian food), apple puree, several cakes and cookies. And I suspect I could make most of the traditional dishes of my region, if necessary.

(18) THE LID IS OFF. Civilization-wide mind control is here!  Bloomberg video: “Tristan Harris Says Tech Companies Have Opened Pandora’s Box”. Tristan Harris, former Google design ethicist, discusses changing Silicon Valley’s culture and the fight against online extremism with Bloomberg’s Emily Chang on “Bloomberg Technology.” Says Harris:

[These social media companies] have unleashed this civilization-scale mind-control machine, and they don’t even know what thoughts it’s pushing into 2 billion people’s minds…. Two billion people use Facebook; that’s more than the number of followers of Christianity. One-point-five billion people use YouTube; that’s more than the number of followers of Islam. These products have that much daily influence over people’s thoughts.

(19) DOWN THE TUBES. The Mother Nature Network asks “Is this housing solution just a pipe dream?”

As Hong Kong continues to grapple with an affordable housing crisis of epic proportions, no potential solution, no matter how unconventional or quixotic, is overlooked. And this includes single-occupancy dwellings fashioned out of concrete water pipes.


(20) SHARP GUESSES. Author of the bestselling Outlander time-travel novels Diana Gabaldon says: “Note that this is NOT a confirmation–but it’s a pretty good bit of speculation.” — “Outlander Seasons 5 and 6 Are Almost Definitely Happening”.

”There are ten books, and we are having very productive conversations about the future of the show.

“We have joined the legions of fans of Outlander around the world. Our biggest concern is making sure that we don’t kill Caitriona [Balfe] and Sam [Heughan] along the way,” [Starz CEO Chris] Albrecht [said], noting how incredibly hard both stars work on the show.'”

(21) POTTERDIVERSE. Emeraldbirdcollector authored a delightful short fanfic on what would have happened “If Harry had gotten a less conventional, but more loving adoptive family”

Dear Minerva,

Thank you so much for your kind letter of the 17th. It is always a pleasure to hear from you. I do appreciate your waiving the rules about familiars to allow Wednesday to bring little Homer – she dotes on that spider, and I don’t think she could consider Hogwarts home without his company.

We were delighted but completely unsurprised by the children’s Sorting. Of course Wednesday is a Ravenclaw – she has always had a brilliant mind, and it is rather traditional for the women in our family….

(22) TIME PASSAGES. In 1963, Galactic Journey has received the very latest issue of New Worlds: “[February. 03, 1963] The Freeze Continues (New Worlds, February 1963)”

I Like It Here, by Mr. James White

This month’s guest editorial is from a New Worlds regular, who I know you will recognise in the US for his Sector General stories. With characteristic humour he adeptly summarises the contradiction in the current argument in s-f, between writers who don’t care what they write (as long as it sells) and writers who do not produce the sort of s-f that readers want. In typically droll manner, the many trials and tribulations of the modern writer is recognised in this editorial, determined to amuse. For a slightly less amusing consequence of this we also have Mr. John Carnell’s ‘View from the Hill’ at the end of this issue, of which more later….

(23) ARISTOTLE. Always three movements ahead!


Novice jughead?

(24) A POSITED FUTURE. Via the Welcome to you’re “DOOM!”  site.


(25) STAND BY TO FIRE HEADCANON. Scott Lynch fills in some missing pieces of Star Wars. Jump on the thread here —

[Thanks to Dave Doering, JJ, John King Tarpinian, Carl Slaughter, Cat Eldridge, Laura Resnick, Martin Morse Wooster, Will R., Lenore Jones, James Davis Nicoll, and Andrew Porter for some of these stories, Title credit goes to File 770 contributing editor of the day Jon Meltzer.]

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139 thoughts on “Pixel Scroll 1/27/18 Vaster Than Pixels And More Scroll

  1. If nothing else, this whole kerfuffle is good (and I mean good Trigger Snowflake fodder), the first scene of the next installment seems to now exist, I just need to find copious free time to write down the rest…

  2. @JJ: Most excellent! Glad to hear you’re enjoying Clark’s “The Silence” books. I haven’t moved on to book 2 yet. (blush) I’m reading my friend’s book, but novella samples distracted me from that, so now I have to get back, then . . . uh, yeah, I’m easily distracted, reading-wise.

    @BigelowT: ::snort:: That was great!

  3. @BigelowT You’re also leaving out Ursula Le Guin, who occasionally referred to herself as “Little Bear Woman.”

  4. I realized I left out Ursula LeGuin fairly quickly, but I wasn’t sure if including her in snarky stuff was too soon. But I am imagining in my head a big white board with all these various bears and Baers and Bayers and Ursulas and Medveds and Bjorns on it, with arrows pointing every which way from time immemorial to right here, right now. Because the conspiracy is just that big! Oooh. Speaking of Time Immemorial–Clan of the Cave Bear!

  5. Polaris is part of “the Little Bear”, so clearly the conspirators must have nuclear missile counterstrike capability–even if it is somewhat outdated. Also, Jack McDevitt may be involved somehow.

  6. @BigelowT: “Clan of the Cave Bear!”

    ::falls over laughing:: Truly, this conspiracy has no beginning.

  7. I’m starting to doubt my own existence now, as I’ve just begun reading The Bear and the Nightingale, which seems a bit too pat, as if something a lazy writer would come up with. Am I a discarded story idea in an Elizabethan Bear notebook?

  8. I read The Bear and the Nightingale, and I have a list of Obvious Flaws, and yet, I inexplicably love it anyway and plan to put the writer on my Campbell list. I decided against Best Novel on the basis of the list of Obvious Flaws. I’m assuming it must have hammered all of my narrative kink buttons at once.

    I also read Six Wakes (thanks to a generous Filer who bought me a copy – not sure if they mind being named) and can barely find anything wrong with it (there’s a copyediting problem in the first chapter, and I have a quibble with the ending) and yet I just really like it, not love it. I can’t put my finger on why. I’m planning to nominate it because it hit one of my primary criteria: I was still thinking about bits of it a week or two later.

  9. @BigelowT, regarding your theory, I am looking forward to more of it – the suspense is almost unbearable.

    (I’ll show myself out.)

  10. Just ignore the Chinese spy lurking in the corner.

    Panda translates to bear cat – could there be a more direct proof of the global conspiracy of SJWs?

  11. @Meredith —

    I also just liked Six Wakes. For one thing, I was irritated at it for orvat n fhccbfrq “zlfgrel” va juvpu gur zlfgrel vf abg fbyirq ol qrgrpgvir jbex, ohg zbfgyl whfg ol gryyvat hf gur onpx fgbevrf. Nyfb, gur ragver obbx eryvrf ba na vagrecergngvba bs pybavat naq crefbaubbq gung qevirf zr pbzcyrgryl ongfuvg penml, fb V jnf fgebatyl cerwhqvprq ntnvafg vg gb fgneg jvgu naq xrcg jnagvat gb fznpx gur nhgube guebhtubhg jurarire vg pnzr hc. Fb gurer’f gung.

  12. My capsule on Six Wakes said it reminded me of Asimov’s being told that SF mysteries were impossible because the author could just throw up a technical marvel for someone to solve the mystery with. He showed that this wasn’t universally true (not everything in Asimov’s Mysteries is really a mystery, but several of the things in the Black Widowers collections are); this shows it isn’t universally false either. I suppose it could be argued to be a character study — but it uses too many of the trappings of a mystery (and then mucks with them), and too many of the characters seemed to me neither believable nor interesting. (YMMV massively.)

  13. Chip Hitchcock on January 30, 2018 at 11:01 am said:

    …reminded me of Asimov’s being told that SF mysteries were impossible because the author could just throw up a technical marvel for someone to solve the mystery with.

    Fair mysteries. And the claim was about SF and Fantasy. And it was John Campbell who heard it, and chose two of his most prolific writers, Asimov and Randall Garrett, to respond, for SF and Fantasy respectively. (Garrett’s response was the Lord Darcy series.)

  14. I know I’m late come to the Chess filking, but I see no one’s taken the song that always makes me cry. (Though I feel a bit guilty for leaving so much of the original intact.)

    No fan, no madness
    Though their sad tactics may prevail
    Can possess, conquer, my fandom’s heart
    They rise to fail
    SF is eternal
    Long before factions’ lines were drawn
    When no blogs spewed, when no slates were drawn
    My con was born
    And you ask me why I love her
    Through feuds, kerfuffles and despair
    She is the constant
    We who don’t care
    And Sunday evening when I leave her — I vow
    I cross to the mudane but I’m still there now
    How can I leave her?
    Where would I start?
    Let pups’ petty envy tear their souls apart
    My con’s only borders lie around my heart

  15. OMGWTFBBQTFWSJWFTW!!!1!1!!111!1!!!eleventyone!

    I just remembered something! There is an extremely famous comic which . . .

    [ *** SPOILER ALERT *** ]

    . . . has an entire freakin’ ARMY of BEARS! Huge, sapient, bio-engineered for extra toughness and strength BEARS!

    And, get this, this ARMY of BEARS turns out to be commanded by . . .

    [ *** MOAR SPOILERS!! ***]

    . . . a CAT!

    [SPOILERS, SERIOUSLY, do not click or even hover unless you don’t care about spoilers]

    [and I note that now, 3 years after that page, we still don’t know what the cat is doing with this army. Um, yay slowly unfolding plots?]

  16. @steve davidson:

    Steam Hockey? That’s the game where they strap blocks of ice to their feet and skate on razor blades, right?

    Hah! If you have to ask, you’ll never know!

    More seriously (or less facetiously), and in accord with the other thread about philosophers being SF-fans, the phrase is one that’s stuck in my head from Douglas Hofstadter’s Gödel, Escher, Bach. There’s a dialog about a device that allows alternate reality replays to be viewed on a television. The “base” reality, in this case, is a football game. The device is first used for a simple alteration; seeing how the game would have played out if a catch had not been fumbled [or was it if it had been fumbled?], but other variables can be changed, and some are pretty weird. Going by my memory, those included: “if they were playing baseball instead of football”, “if π were equal to 3”, and “if the game were played in 4 spatial dimensions”. And the ending phrase is “five-dimensional Plutonian steam hockey”.

    So, anyway, your guess is as good as anyone’s.

  17. @Owlmirror: Now I need to check my copy of Gödel, Escher, Bach (with the sub-title Ett Evigt Gyllene Band, rather than the original An Eternal Golden Braid) and see what “five-dimensional Plutonian steam hockey” was translated to.

  18. @Ingvar: “Femdimensionell plutonisk vattenhockey”.

    My copy is of the first Swedish edition, which has at least a couple of unfortunate typos; but my one also has a signature from when Hofstadter visited Lund University in 1990.

    My brother had Gödel, Escher Bach: Ein Ewig Goldenes Band at the same time; it was fun at one time when we sat side by side, reading from the book, alternating; switching between German and Swedish in mid-sentence. Ahh, memories 🙂

  19. Argh – the proper German title is Gödel, Escher, Bach: ein Endloses Geflochtenes Band.

  20. @Christian: Ah. It has been said that the Swedish translation is the best version of GEB-EGB, if nothing else because it has a bonus dialogue (although the German version could, I believe, benefit from the same dialog, auf Deutsch), where Akilles and the Tortoise (ahem, the shield-toad) discusses why the Tortoise is referred to as “T” throughout the dialogues, when there’s no “T” in “sköldpadda” (that bit might not work in German, thinking about it) and concluding that it must be because English.

    Apparently written by the translator, and OK-ed by DRH. And possibly one of my most favourite translation trivias, ever.

  21. Surely the Black Widowers stories are not SF? It’s the Wendell Urth stories that are both SF and mysteries.

  22. Fair enough; I remember one that abuts on genre (mundane misunderstanding a text), but even that isn’t non-mimetic.

  23. @Heather Rose Jones: I only know the other song from “Chess” (never having seen the musical), but I listened to part of the song and then read your lyrics and that’s very good. The last two lines especially.

    @Owlmirror: OMFreakingG, LOL, that’s great – the conspiracy is deep into indie comics, apparently. Could it even touch (gasp) indie book publishing as well?!

  24. @Meredith and @(I forget) – I’m about 3/4 through The Bear and the Nightingale now. I’m curious what are some of the things that bugged you about it?

    I saw someone else post on another Pixel Scroll that they found the book very annoying. Infuriating? I can’t remember the exact wording. I’m curious about that, as well.

    I was not very impressed at first, but the book grew on me. I’ll be super conservative with the ROT-13, here. V pbhyq vzntvar fbzrbar jvgu qvssrerag srryvatf nobhg eryvtvba znl svaq n ybg gb qvfyvxr, naq V pbhyq nyfb frr fbzr crbcyr srryvat vg’f n ovg gbb zhpu, sbyx perngherf-jvfr. V’z vagrerfgrq va bgure crbcyr’f nffrffzragf.

  25. @Kendall

    I was introduced to Chess by a devoted fan when it was still only a concept album being used to raise interest/money for a stage production. I think I’ve only “seen” it as a video of a concert performance (rather than any of the fully staged performances). Looking at the Wikipedia entry, I think it must have been the 2008 performance at the Royal Albert Hall.

  26. Pingback: Top 10 Posts For January 2018 | File 770

  27. @HRJ: (Chess)

    I am reminded that the musical is genre-adjacent.

    At one point, Murray Head’s younger brother Anthony took over for him in the show. For those who haven’t already connected the dots, here’s an amateur recording of one of those performances; the photograph accompanying the audio should ring a few bells.

  28. I am not sure where I ran into Chess. But “One Night in Bangkok” is part of my workout mix.

  29. @Kathodus —

    I finished The Bear and the Nightingale yesterday. I quite liked it throughout. I suppose I’m a fan of adultified fairy tales when told well.

    I was not quite sure about the end, because V pbhyqa’g gryy jurgure Infln jnf npghnyyl fhccbfrq gb or qrnq jura fur jrag onpx gb gur Jvagre Xvat, naq jnf tbvat gb tb frr gur jbeyq nf uvf cnegare va qrngu, be vs fur jnf whfg tbvat onpx gb uvz gb cebivfvba sbe ure gevc.

    And I was confused by the book’s title. Sure, I can understand the Bear part, but why Nightingale? Boivbhfyl gur orne jnf gur Onq Thl — srne. Ohg gur Avtugvatnyr jnf gur UBEFR, abg rvgure Infln be gur Jvagre Xvat. Bs pbhefr, gur Avtugvatnyr npprcgrq qrngu jura nfxrq gb ol gur Jvagre Xvat, fb znlor gung’f gur zrffntr — gung qrngu vf abg gb or srnerq? Gung gur avtugvatnyr ercerfragf gur npprcgnapr bs zbegnyvgl srne?

  30. @Contrarius – I would love to have finished the book last night, but could not get home in time to do any reading. Tonight, sadly, may be the same. Tomorrow I’m taking off work for the day, so I can finish it then. I will read the ROT-13’d text and reply to your comment at that point.

  31. @Contrarius – V guvax fur zhfg fgvyy or nyvir, orpnhfr gur arkg obbx frrzf gb or nobhg ure geniryf va gur jbeyq, naq vg frrzf hayvxryl gung gur frevrf jbhyq or nobhg na rk-zbegny (gubhtu gurer’f Nagubal’f Vapneangvbaf bs Vzzbegnyvgl frevrf gb ershgr gung fgngrzrag).

    V qba’g haqrefgnaq gur avtugvatnyr guvat, rvgure. V nffhzr vg’f n ersrerapr gb fbzrguvat sebz Rnfgrea Rhebcrna sbyxyber.

  32. @Kathodus —

    In re the nightingale — Jryy, frr, gur ubefr jnf bevtvanyyl n avtugvatnyr, naq gur Jvagre Xvat ghearq uvz vagb n ubefr. Naq gur Jvagre Xvat nfxrq gur avtugvatnyr vs ur jnf jvyyvat gb qb guvf, xabjvat gung ur jbhyq or tvivat hc uvf vzzbegnyvgl va rkpunatr sbe gur arj rkcrevraprf ur’q or univat (V sbetrg vs ybir jnf fcrpvsvpnyyl zragvbarq). Fb va n jnl vg srryf yvxr n tbbq pbhagrecbvag gb gur srne bs gur orne — ohg V’z fgvyy yrsg pbashfrq, fvapr gur orne jnf gur Onq Thl ohg gur avtugvatnyr/ubefr vf abg gur Tbbq Thl. Ohg fvapr gur avtugvatnyr fbeg bs ercerfragf gur Tbbq **Cevapvcyr** (jr fubhyq npprcg qrngu, abg srne vg, naq nccerpvngr gur ybir jr trg gb cnegvpvcngr va), gung zvtug or pybfr rabhtu!

    Oh, and good point about there being a second book!

  33. @Contrarius:
    Gung’f jung pbashfrq zr nobhg gur avtugvatnyr – V gubhtug vg jnf whfg n oveq, naq vg jnf tvivat hc oveqlarff(?) gb orpbzr n ubefr. V nffhzrq vg jnf tbvat gb qvr ng gur fgbel’f pyvznk be gurernobhgf. Lbhe hygvzngr cbvag nobhg gur avtugvatnyr ercerfragvat gur Tbbq Cevapvcyr znxrf frafr gb zr.

  34. @Kathodus —

    Yeah, okay, we’ll go with that — and maybe we’ll get some clarification in book 2!

  35. both (written partly before catching up with your latest): V’z dhvgr fher Infln vf abg qrnq: (n) Zbebmxb’f ubefr fcrpvsvpnyyl fnlf Infln “nyzbfg” qvrq va gur sberfg orsber gurl sbhaq ure; (o) ure sngure’f srneyrff qrngu jnf jung qvfcryyrq gur Orne — ure qrngu jnf abg arrqrq; (p) arire haqrerfgvzngr na npxabjyrqtrq jvgpu (rfcrpvnyyl fvapr jr’er arire fubja nal cbjre va Puevfgvnavgl orlbaq bireoybja punevfzn, juvyr gur byq cbjref pna or fgebat). V qb abgr gung jura Zbebmxb svaqf Infln ybfg va gur sberfg ur fnlf fur pbhyq or “onpx bs gur abegu jvaq”, ohg tvira gur ubefr’f yngre pbzzrag V qba’g guvax guvf vf n cbvagre gb gur Trbetr ZnpQbanyq gvgyr va juvpu gung zrnaf rvgure qrnguyl vyy be qrnq.

    jeg gur Avtugvatnyr — V nyfb frr uvz nf Yvtug gb gur Orne’f Qnex; gurl ner obgu Cbjref, jurer Infvyvfn vf fgvyy zbegny. Fur’f npuvrirq; gurl jvyy cebonoyl zrrg ntnva naq ntnva. (Lrf, V guvax Z nfxf A gb onggyr bapr zber, engure guna sbe gur svefg gvzr — ohg V pna’g svaq gur erpehvgvat pbairefngvba naq unir frag gur nhgube n dhrfgvba ba guvf.) Zbebmxb/Sebfg/Qrngu vf arvgure Yvtug abe Qnex, ohg n pvephzfgnapr gung zhfg or raqherq, be znlor n xrrcre bs onynapr.

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